Switch Mode

Chapter 492

Secret (1)

The current time was around three in the afternoon.

It was still too early for a drink, so we had joined at a café to chat.

“Well, even if the timing were right, we shouldn’t be drinking now.”

Considering we were about to get thrown into the frontline of a survival ordeal, it would be foolish to be intoxicated instead of focused.

Unless you were a total downer, resigned to your fate.

“There’s still a good amount of time before the transfer. I awakened not long after I got up for work… Around six in the morning.”


The transfer to another world happens 24 hours after awakening.

This meant that Kang Tae-san now had until the next morning at six.

“I called you right after I lost consciousness post-awakening. After that… well, I just went to work.”

“In a situation like this? You actually went to work?”

“I had no choice! Believe it or not, I’m a public servant. An agent in the Crime Investigation Division of the Supernatural Management Bureau. I had to report to my superiors and inform my coworkers.”

Kang Tae-san frowned, letting out a small sigh about how the unnecessary reporting procedures wasted precious hours.

If it had been anyone else, they’d likely have dropped everything as soon as they realized they had awakened and not bothered about work.

But he seemed unable to do that because of his profession.

“Is that so? So you’ve roughly said your goodbyes to your acquaintances?”

“Yeah, I mean, it’s not like I’m super close with everyone, so I just left them a quick message.”

“What about your grandmother? Does she know you’ve awakened?”


At my question, he clamped his mouth shut.

The carefree demeanor he had maintained until now vanished, replaced by a suddenly dark expression.

From that reaction alone, I could tell what his answer would be.

He probably hadn’t told her yet, worrying about how she would take it.

“Hey, Tae-san. You know this, right? Prolonging it won’t do anyone any favors.”

“Ugh, I know. After I’m done talking with you, I’ll be spending the whole day with my grandmother. The Bureau supplied me with a full set of essentials for awakened ones before interdimensional transfer, so there’s nothing more to prepare.”

Kang Tae-san tapped the large suitcase beside him.

Inside was a much higher quality equipment loadout than anything available on the civilian market — armor, weapons, and combat rations, all packed neatly.

I guess that was one way for employee welfare.


And naturally, my expression while looking at Kang Tae-san was not great either.

It wasn’t just because I felt sorry for him trying to suppress the tension and maintain his composure.

‘…So what am I supposed to do now?’

In a moment of brief silence as we quenched our thirst with our ordered drinks, I stole a glance at Kang Tae-san while my lips twitched.

‘Should I just say something first? Where do I even start?’

Ignoring this situation would be easy.

I could just say that I would take good care of his grandmother and tell her not to worry and return safely.

‘But if I do that, I won’t be able to help him come back safely. To truly assist him, I need to lay some cards on the table.’

This other world was a dangerous place that should never be underestimated.

The average return rate of 20% was a stark reminder of that reality!

Of course, there were those who chose to settle down instead of returning, but the risk of losing one’s life in a heartbeat remained unchanged.

‘I’ve almost died myself several times…’

If it weren’t for the “Avatar,” I wouldn’t be alive now.

I couldn’t picture Kang Tae-san surviving in a similar crisis as the one I faced.

‘No matter how impressive his awakened unique skill sounds.’

I used the “Analysis” ability I borrowed from Hubert to peek at Kang Tae-san’s status.

[Kang Tae-san]

– Agent of the Crime Investigation Division of the Supernatural Management Bureau in the Republic of Korea. Exhibits strong hatred for supernatural crimes and has recently gained acknowledgment for his skills from superiors. Confused after suddenly awakening supernatural abilities. Worries about his grandmother, who will be left alone when he goes to another world. His recent date with a female coworker, which had been looking promising, has fallen through due to the impending transfer.

– Possessed Ability: “Unyielding”

– Key Traits: Unbreakable beliefs, tenacious will, dedicated familial love, excellent combat skills, extraordinary mental abilities, great physical abilities.

– Trust Level: 94%

Was it due to the real-time growth of the Holy benefits, or did his awakening come with changed conditions?

I started noticing things not visible before in my analysis.

That “possessed ability” mentioned was probably the unique skill that Kang Tae-san had awakened this time.

“The ‘Unyielding’… So it can’t be shaken or bent. Is it some sort of resistance ability? I’m not too sure how he can utilize it yet.”

Even if the awakened ability was incredibly powerful, it wouldn’t change the immediate circumstances much.

A rookie’s unique skill, even if extraordinary, would only amount to a specific level.

“Right, I hadn’t planned to hide this forever. I guess I need to reveal a bit.”

Despite being significantly different from an ordinary human due to the Holy benefits, Kang Tae-san was a uniquely special person to me.

He was a symbol of the last “normal life” I had left and the only friend who had stood by me during my toughest times.

“If you’re indebted to someone, it’s only natural to repay them.”

If it weren’t for him, I could have easily crumbled when I was left alone in this world.

In fact, I might have already made some extreme choices.

Compared to that debt, revealing this much was no big deal.

“Hey, Tae-san.”

“…Huh? What’s up? Why so serious all of a sudden?”

Once I made up my mind, my previously chaotic thoughts began to clear.

I might have been too wrapped up in hiding my identity to the extent of being overly obsessive about it.

“There’s still quite a bit of time left, right?”

With my mindset changed, the air around my body subtly shifted.

It was as if I had shifted from a reclusive hermit to a fierce dragon awakened from sleep, ready to soar into the world.

“…Well, there is. Why, what’s going on?”

The sudden shift in atmosphere made Kang Tae-san gulp nervously and cautiously ask back.

I watched him with a smirk, extending my hand.

“Since it’s come to this, let me tell you a secret.”

He’d probably be surprised.

But I believed he would understand.

“Follow me.”

You and I share the same pain, moving forward together as comrades.


Kang Tae-san gaped in disbelief.

“What the hell…”

His gaze darted around, bursting into incredulous laughter.

It was understandable.

Just moments ago, they had been in the heart of downtown Seoul, and now they were inside a mansion that was over ten kilometers away.

“I’d heard of this, but to really experience it in the blink of an eye…”

They hadn’t used modern transportation like cars.

Instead, this rapid movement utilized magic.

More specifically, the spatial movement spell that supposedly demanded an exceptionally high level from the caster.

That alone was impressive enough, but what shocked Kang Tae-san the most was the fundamental aspect.

His close friend, someone he believed to be an ordinary person, had used that magic.

And he did it without even breaking a sweat.

There was no way he could believe it.

“How is this possible? Is this really the Seong-hyun I know? Or is someone impersonating him…?”

The average return time after being sent to another world is about a year, taking at least a few months even at the quickest.

Yet, here was his friend, who had kept in contact, claiming to be a seasoned returner who had already been to another world.

Moreover, he had visited Kang Tae-san’s house at least once or twice a week!

“…What? Someone’s a facilitator?”

And hearing the response to that question, Kang Tae-san was left with a bewildered expression.

It felt absurd for his old friend to be uttering such nonsense.

“Masquerade? The Masquerade? The one that includes the Hahoe Mask and Phantom along with many unidentified strong individuals?”

The masquerade, Masquerade.

The name and dangers of that dark hero organization had spread to a multitude of global agencies.

It was also very familiar to him as an agent in the Supernatural Management Bureau’s Crime Investigation Division.

They had never directly engaged in actions like terrorism or attempts at state overthrow, but the government couldn’t help but be sensitive to every tiny movement they made.

The reason was simple.

Every single one of them was far more powerful than previously revealed.

Despite aiming for an elite few, the organization wielded influence rivaling that of many nations.

That was the Masquerade, the transnational elite group lurking in the shadows…

“…So you’re part of that?”

Kang Tae-san’s expression stiffened as he looked around.

The spacious two-story mansion with a garden, swimming pool, and training area, not extravagantly impressive, was fully equipped.

He had thought his friend won the lottery and used the winnings to buy this place.

But what if there had been some hidden deal instead…?

“To be precise, I’m more of a collaborator. We have the same goal.”

“The same goal?”

When Kang Tae-san asked with a serious expression, Seong-hyun Han nodded casually.

‘Sorry, but I can’t reveal everything.’

It wasn’t about whether he could trust me or not.

No, it was more about protecting him by withholding information he couldn’t bear.

After all, having knowledge beyond his capacity could lead him to be burnt in battles beyond his control.

“To annihilate the Buncheon Society.”

“The Buncheon Society…!”

Kang Tae-san’s eyes widened at the whispered name.

He was well aware of the Buncheon Society’s cunning nature and how they built a massive force since he had hunted them down in the country himself.

“Really. Did you encounter them while pursuing the same enemy?”

After nodding in understanding, he tilted his head curiously.

“So what’s the connection between that Masquerade and your early return to Earth?”

It was a fair question.

Having contacted the Masquerade was one thing, but how they could help send awakened individuals back quickly was another matter.

Of course, I had a solid explanation ready for that.

“All thanks to this.”

I pulled out a ticket from my pocket and tossed it to him.

The blue ticket shimmered through the air and seamlessly integrated into his body.


He patted himself in shock, but the blue glow that vanished into him didn’t reappear.

Then, pausing, he stared into the air and began to decipher something, bursting out in genuine admiration.

“A return ticket…? No way, I’ve never heard of something like this!”

『Return Ticket (2,000,000)』

A recent addition from the opening of the “Karma Shop Ver.3,” alongside the “Invitation (1,000,000),” under the “VIP Market.”

It was a rare item that permanently activated the ‘Return’ feature of the Karma Shop, which requires gathering one million points to become available.

It was also something no one had ever unveiled to the world.

‘Of course it hasn’t. I just wrote it down for the first time. It might be a bit pricey, but… with this, if life is in danger, we can always flee back to Earth.’

Even though it was double what I originally needed, it wasn’t that significant of a cost for me.

For a friend, I could afford to stretch things a little.

‘And this isn’t the end.’

But this was just an insurance plan for emergencies.

“Hey, Tae-san. Can’t you feel something odd about this place?”

“Uh… huh…? What’s strange?”

His confused expression and gaze were already indicating to him that he was the weird one.

“Not that. I mean in this space. Guess it’s still a bit much to ask?”

“…If you’re talking about that, the air feels a bit off. It seems oddly resistant.”

“Oh? Sharp instincts you’ve got there.”

Clapping my hands in delight at his surprisingly keen response, I nodded.

“The flow of time in this space is about ten times faster than outside. So ten hours here is about one hour on Earth.”

“Wait, even though it’s an indoor space, you’re saying they’ve adjusted the time rate? On this Earth?”

“Don’t act surprised. I’ve already mentioned who put their effort into this facility, right?”

The secret base of the transnational dark hero organization Masquerade.

Kang Tae-san recalled that and clenched his mouth shut.

“Now, the biggest issue of time shortage for interdimensional transfer has been resolved, right? So what should we do next?”


“Let’s start quickly, time is of the essence.”

Kang Tae-san, sensing something ominous, took a step back, but there was no escape from this perfectly sealed space.


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not work with dark mode