Switch Mode

Chapter 491

Holy Power (3)

A secret laboratory built deep underground.

Chaotic electric wiring and flickering lights of monitors, fluctuating with all sorts of data.

This space, far from a tidy laboratory, was filled with large, unidentified mechanical devices.


Suddenly, a heavy mechanical sound echoed from the center.

A strange wave extending in all directions along with a bizarre magical energy.

Pachik— Pachizik—

Kwa-kwang! Ppeung—!

The affected machines began to emit black smoke, reacting abnormally all at once.

“Uh-hah-hah-ha! Finally completed! My masterpiece soaked with my blood and sweat!”

Yet the owner of the laboratory, the Doctor, was unfazed, even as chaos ensued around him.

He continued to laugh, gazing at his creation without batting an eye, regardless of the sparks or flames next to him.

To him, the expensive equipment in this lab was nothing more than consumables, slightly reducing the effort needed for experiments.

All the necessary data was already in his head, and he could shorten complex processes if needed.

“Magic engineering and, of course, machinery, life, chemistry… Anyway, it’s the ultimate masterpiece, a distillation of all those essences!”

With this exclamation, red flashes erupted from the eyes of a presence standing before him.

Something resembling a demon, with a massive body close to 4 meters, a mix of machine and living being.

“I name it… ‘Mecha Devil Executioner’—!”

Amidst the loud mechanical noises resonating from the metal devices embedded all over its body, the Doctor’s face reflected a crazed smile in the red lens that occupied one of Mecha Devil Executioner’s eyes.

An artificial lifeform created by processing relics taken from the executioner and mechanical devices, along with some of the accomplishments and techniques the Doctor had achieved.

The Doctor, observing this transcendent creature as if it were an extension of himself, tilted his head slightly.

“…Hmmm, but upon further thought, the pronunciation seems a bit off. Perhaps ‘Mecha Demon Destroyer’ would be better.”

And as if displeased with the name he had pondered over for three days and nights, he frowned and groaned.

“Or maybe ‘Gigantic… Machine… Astaroth… Mmm.”

For a researcher, the name given to their creations was an absolutely non-negotiable element.

A dignified name could sometimes elevate the very value of the existence itself.

He would be willing to invest several more days for a splendid name.

“…Every time I come here, your lab looks like a disaster, Doctor.”

At that moment, a voice intruded from outside the Doctor’s space.

The lazy voice of a woman floated in with a cool breeze.


The raging flames devouring the surroundings extinguished in an instant.

A colorful mist took the place of dense smoke, and sweet fruit scents began to swirl nearby.

Like a dream-like illusion draping over the cold reality.

“Maybe you should try cleaning up a bit? Working in a tidy environment would surely improve your efficiency.”

A brown-skinned woman draped in traditional Indian attire and holding a hookah emerged, surrounded by mist.


The Doctor frowned, staring blankly at her sudden appearance.

Their personalities were so drastically opposite that their relationship had not been good for some time.

It was clear they would end up fighting, so they avoided conversation unless absolutely necessary, and thus, she had no business intruding like this.

Pya-hahah! I find this way much more comfortable! I remember where everything is anyway!

But the Doctor quickly chuckled and nonchalantly acknowledged her.

He had just completed his long-anticipated masterpiece.

He was in a good mood, so he could afford to be generous and understanding today no matter what came up.

“Hmmm, if that’s the case, I have no further comments.”

“But what brings you all the way here, Oracle? You’re usually stuck in India.”

That reaction also indicated the unusual nature of Oracle’s visit.

Just as the Doctor mostly confined himself to the lab, she too was reluctant to step outside her constructed altar.

“The great adversary has made contact with the world line.”

And that prediction was spot on.

As she spoke dully while taking a puff from her hookah, the Doctor’s eyebrows twitched, his amusement fading.

“…Hmmm. Already? That’s quicker than I expected.”

He scratched his rough stubble and licked his lips.

Taking a deep drag, the Oracle exhaled thick smoke, shaking her head lazily.

“The minute hand has already begun to move. They say if you stare into the Abyss for too long, it will stare back. Based on this observation, the timing for external signals reaching Earth has surely been greatly accelerated.”

This was also the reason why the Head of the Buncheon Society shared this information with only a select few.

The more people who knew, the shorter the time to prepare would inevitably be.

However, the fact that an adversary of such significant power—one holding the world’s favor—was aware of this…

“This means there’s no time left to ponder over silly names for toys.”

“Eih~! Toys?! That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think? This is nothing less than the last heirloom left by our Executioner! Where has your respect for the deceased gone, I wonder?”

“…It’s not an heirloom; it’s lost property. No, we could call it stolen goods. Besides, as far as respect for the deceased goes, you’re the one who…”

“Hey! Quit nitpicking and just say what you have to say already! I need to oil up my adorable little one, so I’m busy!”

Her patient sigh as he acted like a child confirmed once again their immense lack of compatibility.

“…Sigh, then I shall take my leave. I hope you will ensure that there are no delays in your schedule. Otherwise, everything could be for naught.”

“Uh-hah-hah! Feel free to worry! How long have I waited for this last experiment? There’s no way I’m going to mess it up now!”

Ultimately, the Oracle had no choice but to depart, receiving reassurance once more.

On the surface, he might seem like an obsessive researcher, but this man was once an absolute being who could control the entire world.

Even if he appeared slipshod, he would undoubtedly prove his worth when the crucial moment arrived.

“Wait a second…! Simple is best. How about just calling it ‘Mecha Demon’…? Whoa! Isn’t that great?!”

…Honestly, I didn’t have much faith in it.

‘But he has indeed put in a lot of effort for this moment.’

This man, who was mad about his research, would never allow this plan to become futile.

The operation to bloom mysteries on Earth was merely the beginning, and for him, this was a once-in-a-lifetime mega-project that wouldn’t return if missed.

He would go to any lengths to ensure its success.

Just like he always had.

‘Complete freedom for humanity.’

Without the external systems or beings controlling them.

For a new world led solely by Earthlings, free of any outside interference.


Mysteries do not exist on Earth.

…To be more precise, they did not exist until around two decades ago, in the year 2000.

Before the appearance of systems and the start of interdimensional transmissions.

‘Dimensions like Earth aren’t that common.’

From my experience so far, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say it was almost unique.

The Akasha system selecting Earth must have been significantly influenced by this factor.

Having Awakened Ones escape the rules of various dimensions and maintain independent laws is most advantageous when in a state of complete emptiness.

The error occurring during Ramu’s awakening must be related to that.


I opened my eyes, releasing a deep sigh.

The cold sweat dripping down my body and the blood soaking my clothes left me feeling grimy, but I didn’t have enough strength to get up and wash immediately.

‘But the harvest isn’t bad.’

I slightly opened my eyes and concentrated inward.

Something was wriggling deep within me.

The well-hardened seed of Holy Power had begun to crack, and a small sprout was sprouting through that crack.

‘Lucky me. I had some expectations, but never thought I’d succeed in one shot.’

Having properly kicked off, I could expect it to grow vigorously and blossom splendidly whenever there are opportunities in the future.

The same went for the Holy Powers of the avatars influenced by the main body.

That much was certainly good news, but…

“This is getting suddenly grand in scale.”

Aside from that, I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.

The moment I gained “Weak Holy Power,” my consciousness reached a higher dimension, allowing me to glimpse the world’s secrets.

Most of the realizations I felt within the flow of that truth had already scattered like dust, but thanks to the “Records of Myths,” I was able to bring some vital information without it being lost.

‘That eye. It was definitely divine status. Not even a typical lower god but that of a creator god from a higher dimension.’

Just by encountering the remnants of records and briefly locking gazes, my thoughts came to a standstill.

For that moment, I felt no different than a god myself.

‘Something like that is going to descend upon Earth?’

Pressing my trembling eyelids tightly, I released another sigh.

A Holy God cannot directly reveal themselves in the lower realm.

Even if they could, they shouldn’t.

Just that would be enough to shatter the world.

Wasn’t that why gods have been standing idly by in many dimensions, like Auterica and Ganghwan Realm?

“This has turned messy.”

If the Head of the Buncheon Society’s objective was to protect Earth from that external deity, then all their actions made sense.

They surely couldn’t just sit back and relax as a confirmed doom approached.

‘But even so…’

From the standpoint of someone who has directly suffered harm, I couldn’t simply defend their actions.

Moreover, the solution presented by the Head of the Buncheon Society was something I could hardly accept from their position.

Sacrificing most of humanity on Earth to let mysteries take root was merely a stepping stone.

In a way, their plan wasn’t so different from the destruction of Earth itself.

“I have a lot to do. Besides stopping the Buncheon Society’s rampage, there’s also the need for measures against the external deity. How did it come to this?”

Surely the initial goal was just to take revenge on those who disrupted my ordinary life and to live quietly and abundantly.

At this rate, I might really have to take full responsibility for Earth.

‘…First, let’s wash. Rushing things won’t help, after all.’

With just a little returned strength, I managed to rise and head to the shower.

As warm water cascaded over my entire body, I drifted into a daze, feeling my complicated emotions slowly unraveling.

‘Well, here I am, standing on the brink of Earth’s destruction, and this is all I’m concerned about…’

The moment I stepped out of the shower, towel-drying my hair.


My smartphone, placed on the table, rang.

-Kang Tae-san

My one and only friend.

I had expected the call since there was no one else likely to contact me.

After all, he was the only remnant of my “normal daily life,” and we often met to drink together, maintaining a comforting friendship.

Recently, I was amused hearing that he was clearly getting along well with a female colleague from another department.

‘But what’s this about at this hour?’

It was around 10 a.m.

For an office worker, it was likely that not much time had passed since arriving at work, right in the middle of their duties.

This awkward timing wasn’t the usual post-work hours or even lunch break.

With a vague sense of foreboding, I squinted and answered the call.

-Yo, do you have time today?

Contrary to my worries, his voice felt oddly calm.

But after over a decade together, I could tell.

Something serious had happened to him.

“I have plenty of time. But what’s up? You’re not about to brag about getting a girlfriend again, are you?”

-Ah-ha-ha! Not this time!

He tried to respond with a bright tone, but his reaction felt quite flat.

‘Surely it’s not something related to his grandmother.’

Thanks to non-intrusive, periodic treatments with Holy Power, Kang Tae-san’s grandmother seemed to be doing well, as if she had never been sick before.

While Holy Power couldn’t alter the lifespan itself, she could likely spend her time without any minor ailments until her allotted time was fulfilled.

Ultimately, that afternoon, I set off earlier than usual to meet Kang Tae-san.


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