Switch Mode

Chapter 49

Closed Beta.

From the creator’s perspective, since it’s a testing phase, there will inevitably be a lot of involvement and changes from the management team.

But from a user’s perspective, there might be ways to make use of the bugs everywhere.

In other words, if the author pulls something sneaky like this, I can totally just retaliate as much as I want.

That’s the very fact I realized as I possessed this world.

The author, that guy doesn’t seem to have played the first installment of the Reincarnated Hero properly anyway.

And in my view, a rather sweet status window lit up.

[You can check the Demon Hunting Reward.]



First off, since the status window is popping up too much, let’s check the rewards later…

I pushed aside the reward window and focused on the ongoing system message.


[Achievement Clear!]

[Supporting Role Achievement: Hwayeomakgui]

[Reward: 200 Supporting Role Points]

[You have acquired Supporting Role Points.]


“Wow, they’re actually giving it.”

I didn’t exactly defeat Hwayeomakgui by ‘helping Edwin’ as per the original achievement conditions, but it seems they aren’t denying the fact that I eliminated it.


If I hadn’t canceled the berserk state, annihilation would have been tough.

Ultimately, that means to hunt stronger demons, the ‘Execution’ trait is essential.

And that also means it’s difficult for me to act like a supporting role as I am now.

In Reincarnated Hero, ‘Execution’ was a trait assigned only to the hero party.

Among them, those with unique traits like Edwin can use the superior skill called ‘Sword of Execution.’

It’s frustrating that this identity skill could be taken away by Caeran.

But let’s think about that later.

Now, it’s time to check Aria’s status.

As I turned around, there she was… the one with the cheong-geum-seong aura, always watching me.

I wonder if I’m not surprised by this situation anymore.

She had a slightly stiff expression.

As I tried to approach her,



Suddenly, impulsive emotions started surging from within me.

‘I want to savor her scent.’

‘I want to hug her tightly.’

‘I want her…’

Feelings I’ve never thought of usually… burst forth like a flood.

“Damn it, why is this happening…?”

In that dizzying state where my head felt clouded by whispers, Aria started to approach me instead.

I cautiously stepped back with my arms in front of me.

Because honestly, I didn’t know what I might do to her right now.

“Don’t come closer…”



Aria embraced me.

Or was it me who embraced her?

A refreshing scent tickled my nose like that of a flower blooming.

Like a bouquet made of delicate flowers, I felt as if holding her tightly would make her shatter and disappear.

Above all, the contours of her body against mine were pleasantly warm, starting to soothe my heart.


I mindlessly ran my fingers through her soft hair, and strange words began spilling from my mouth.

“Aria has such a pleasant scent… I’m sure you’re a nice person…”


Like someone undergoing a sleep endoscopy.

However, Aria responded firmly without flinching.

“Stay quiet, and just stay still.”



In an instant, Aria’s body began to emit a faint light.


[Consumption Level: 9/100]

[Consumption Level: 7/100]

[Consumption Level: 5/100]

[Consumption Level: 0/100]


[The black magic consumed is converted into random stats.]

[Response increases by 0.1!]

[Strength increases by 0.2!]

As the refreshing light wrapped around me, my whole body began to feel languid.

I wanted to stay in her arms just like this…




Eventually, the reason that had run away came back slowly.


There were no more puzzling impulses.

I was facing Aria, who still wore a blank expression, while I felt a bit embarrassed after enjoying some comfort for the first time in a while…

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

As I sorted my thoughts with a clear mind, it seemed that this happened because of the [Consumption] system.

It’s simple.

In Reincarnated Hero, characters without a medium can become a demon if their consumption level rises to 100 with black magic.

I suddenly recalled the system message I saw right after I defeated Andras on the day I was possessed.

[From now on, ‘Lev Denec’ can also become a Demon.]

‘Did I handle the Gray Ashen Bolt too recklessly…?’

I wrote it without even reading the explanation properly…

Anyway, looking at the results, I’ve leveled up thanks to Aria’s sacred power.

By the way, she purifies my consumption level…?

Then, the suspicion of me being a demon will only deepen…


As the awkward air lingered between us, I decided to break the silence.


“Don’t say anything.”


“…Just stay as you are.”

Staring into my eyes, Aria spoke quietly.

“Right now, you saved me, and I saved you. That’s all.”

With those words, Aria moved a step further away from me.

“You, you guys!! Wh-What’s going on?!”

Edwin’s voice echoed from afar.








The Hwayeomakgui part concluded like this.

As soon as our party arrived at the academy, we had to undergo various investigations.

After that, everything flowed similarly to the Reincarnated Academy story.

First, the hidden treasure left by the Hwayeomakgui was filled with magic stones enough to distribute at the guild level.

According to the academy’s principles, if there are spoils from practical training, they are to be exchanged for gems as per regulations.

However, this time was entirely different.

An unexpected raid from a hidden boss that even the academy didn’t anticipate.

Since the imperial royal family took an interest in such discoveries, they invited us to the Hwangdo to reward the subjugation.

And although we weren’t receiving gems, we decided to accept the full amount of that reward under the guise of a scholarship.

I heard it’s a few hundred gold, so… even after leaving the academy, I can live decently.

Of course, for me, leaving the academy means game over, so it doesn’t carry much significance.

Dragging my tired body, I laid down in my room in the Sellafi Black House.

‘Finally, do I have some time alone now?’

What welcomed me was…

The status window tucked away in a corner.

[You can check the Demon Hunting Reward.]

“Shall I slowly savor the rewards…?”

Upon clicking, unlike last time, the status window with silver borders popped up additionally.

▶[Confirmed Reward]

▶[Selected Reward]


The Hwayeomakgui is a boss, not a named monster.

From boss-level enemies, there’s always a separate reward given.

“Let’s start with the confirmed reward.”



▶[Fire Resistance] [Lv.3]

: Permanently increases fire resistance by Level 3. However, if your current level is 3 or higher, you cannot fully receive the effect.


As I received this message, a line started to appear in my status window.



Circle Magic (1)

Crossbow – Proficiency (7)

Curse Resistance (3)

Fire Resistance (3) (new)


“I was feeling empty, but this is good.”

Resistance is a stat where more is better.

There are quite a few fire attribute monsters among demons, so it will be quite helpful.


[Confirmed Reward 2]


I didn’t expect another one.





▶[Fireball (Expert)] [Lv.Max] (Active) (Basic Technique)

: Max version of 1st circle magic – Fireball.

High mana consumption, but allows for free manipulation of the fireball.

(It transforms into blue flames!)

Exp: (Max)

Acquisition Difficulty: Normal


Blue flames…? Hmph.

Since the Hwayeomakgui primarily used fireballs like ‘Rapid Fireball’, it’s not a skill that really attracts me.

Fireball is a 1st circle magic.

The advantage of mastering a 1st circle magic is significant.

Since it’s such a basic technique, it can be used as a shadow spell or in conjunction with other techniques.

But since it’s 1st circle, no matter how much I try, the limits of its power are naturally predetermined.

Moreover, the benefit gained when registered in the skill slot is also negligible for me.

So, I don’t know how often I’ll get to use it…

But having even one more card is nice.

Surely, I’ll use it someday.


The key is this. Selected Reward.

[Choose a Demon Hunting Reward.]


▶[Hwayeomakgui’s Blessing] [Lv.1] (Active) (Basic Technique)

: [Passive] – Permanently increases fire resistance by 3 levels.

However, if your current resistance is 5 levels or higher, the increase will be halved.

[Active] – One of the four elemental characteristics of demons. Consumes mana from the caster’s attack to deal additional fire damage proportional to magic power. Toggle skill.

Exp: (0/200)

Acquisition Difficulty: Hard


▶[Hierarchical Conflict] [Lv.None] (Passive)

: If you possess this skill and defeat a Great Demon ranked 72 or below, you can inherit the skills of the target.

(As long as this skill is active, it grants [Annihilation].) (Can be used once)

‘Great Demon… If I want to rise to that position… Charge forth with your power and blood festival.’

– Demon King, to the Hwayeomakgui at his feet.

Acquisition Difficulty: Very Hard


▶[B-Rank Boss Defeat Reward]

: 200 Supporting Role Points.

A random stat increases by 0.3.



Indeed, the boss levels are different.

The acquisition difficulty itself being labeled as hard is quite tempting.

Let’s see…

The first skill, [Hwayeomakgui’s Blessing], is a skill that feels like a warm bowl of rice to me, having passed on the blessing of Poseidros to the Spirit King.

But it doesn’t compare to the second skill, [Hierarchical Conflict].

‘If I defeat a Great Demon, I can inherit their abilities…’

Is this reflecting the fact that one evolves into a Great Demon when berserk?

It’s a fitting skill for a Hwayeomakgui, who relentlessly aimed for the position of a Great Demon without knowing her place.

The option upon achieving the condition is ultra-attractive.

During Andras, I could not fully inherit the powers due to the breakdown of the world line or whatever, but this time I can devour the power of a Great Demon even more than before.

Moreover, even though there are limitations until I receive the inheritance, the [Annihilation] attribute skill like [Execution] is really what I need right now.

“I choose Hierarchical Conflict.”

Without hesitation, I selected [Hierarchical Conflict].


[You have acquired a new skill!]

‘Just wait, Great Demon…’

Just as that pleasant notification rang in my ears,

Knock, knock.

My door was neatly knocked.

“Lev, can I come in for a moment?”


Always gentle and warm voice.

That’s Yeriel…

But right now, I feel a bit, no, quite…?

Cold chills creeping in…


As a supporting role, it’s time to pay for treating myself like a main heroine.




For a moment, I couldn’t believe my ears.

The ringing metallic sound.

Could it be… searching for the key to the door…?

“I’m surrendering.”

My mouth began to involuntarily utter words of surrender.


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not work with dark mode