Switch Mode

Chapter 487

While the teacher leaned his head against the door and closed his eyes, the C&C members swiftly changed their clothes. Nana and Nagisa seemed to be unconcerned about it.

Now that I think about it, before changing, Akane definitely said something like, “Can you please turn around for a moment, or would you like to change with us…?”

Akane is definitely a suspicious character. She’s clearly dangerous.

And doing that in someone else’s room is extremely troublesome!

Rustle rustle.

“Hey, Akane! Is this really okay?”

“When have I ever lied to you, Head?”

“You did pretend it wasn’t a grenade once.”


“Ugh, I really don’t think this is right…”

Neru, who was complaining about various things, moved her arms around to check her state. The sight of the pure 100% Bunny Girl Neru without a sukajan wasn’t too bad… not bad at all…

Actually, surprisingly, it looked pretty good. To be honest, it did give off a vibe of a kid trying on an adult’s outfit…

Yet, I could still give her a passing grade since Neru looked fierce by nature; she definitely had her own charm.

However, without the sukajan, Neru seemed to be missing that last… well, maybe 10% of something. Seriously.

Neru without the sukajan fundamentally felt like a wrong existence.

After helping Neru, Akane began changing herself, and then I caught sight of Karin, who strangely had her hair tied up after finishing her outfit… um, the comparisons were unavoidable.

All three of them, including the absent Asuna, had large chests, and the last hidden member of C&C, Toki, was also far from being flat-chested.

So, it meant that Neru was the only one with a chest that could barely be distinguished from flat.

I could wrap that up as her own charm, but lined up like this, it was simply unavoidable to make comparisons.

“Mika, look away.”


Was I staring too obviously? It seemed our husband beside me was quite displeased.

But a jealous Nagisa was adorable. More like, I liked it…!

Confirming the three’s completion of their outfits, the teacher once again cleared his throat and looked away. But since his gaze ended up on me, it was honestly a bit funny yet also a tad pitiable that he simply gave up and started staring at the ceiling…

Hmm. Don’t let it get to you. The senpai should suffer a bit.

I assure you, the moment some students graduate, there will be a full-scale assault on the teacher. A completely different level of assault than this one.

Wishing a little more hardship for a perfect person who seemingly has everything isn’t such a big deal, right?

Right. I’ve already suffered quite a bit and am still going through it. So I should be allowed to think this way…

In any case, the C&C kids finally finished changing. Watching the Bunny Girl trio rise from our cozy haven to leave, I couldn’t hide my joy on my face.

Nagisa, who managed her expressions better than I, handled it pretty well to hide it. But there’s no way she could hide it from me, who knew her through and through.

“I hope your business goes well, Teacher. Take care.”

Though it seemed like a polite farewell, knowing her, I could tell it was mere irony.

No, to be precise, it felt like half-irony. It sounded more like she hoped his business did not go well and that he would suffer.

“Um, sorry about that.”

“I’m sorry for interrupting you two. Mika, Nagisa.”

“Sorry for being such a bother.”

Well, at least they had the decency to apologize.

“Well, as long as you know you’re sorry, that’s good. I hope you can take that noisy brat away☆”

Having wished the teacher’s group good luck, I fell into contemplation over what to do next. My shower got interrupted, and since Nagisa was drying my hair, heading back for a bath felt a bit odd.

Going straight to the bed felt off too because the room had been so noisy just a moment ago. In situations like this, I really needed some sort of dramatic situation to lighten the mood…

Honestly, the first thing that came to mind was alcohol.

First, I would sit across from Nagisa on the terrace table. Then, order room service for a cozy meal accompanied by wine.

As the tipsiness gradually rises, the atmosphere slowly heats up. Faces leaning toward each other…

But there were two massive problems.

The first was there was no way Nagisa would allow that.

Second, I’d declared myself a dog if I ever took alcohol again.

As I was internally brainstorming various scenarios, someone’s words abruptly interrupted my train of thought.

“I’ll count on you next time.”



With a bright smile, Akane pulling out the card key at the door disappeared behind it. Naturally, the moment the card key was in her hand, the lights went out in the room.

“…It seems like that means it wouldn’t be weird for them to drop by again.”


What a pain.

No, whoa—oh.

Staring blankly at the room door, I lowered my head. This absurd situation was making me lose my grip on sanity.

Whether it was possible to rush out and retrieve the card key was already irrelevant. A rising desire to catch those annoying bunnies who interrupted my vacation and spank them was creeping up.

“Mika, if you’re going out, please put on some clothes…”


Right. I was still only wearing a bathrobe.

If I moved a little roughly, I could only see a future where it would open wide. It wasn’t even our room, and if I showed such a sight elsewhere, I’d probably die of embarrassment.

This situation wouldn’t be too pleasant for our husbands either. The only exception might be Hanako, who would probably react with, “So, you’ve finally decided to do something, huh? Uhuhuh♡.”


Plus, there was one more issue. The teacher and his party had left the Bunny Girl Guard bound and gagged in our room.

Seeing the Bunny Girl Guard’s tear-filled eyes glaring from behind the half-peeled blindfold made me sigh heavily. The sunglasses dangling on her chin gave her a rather pitiable impression.

I knelt down in front of the Bunny Girl Guard and started to cut the ropes binding her arms and legs.

After cutting the ropes, I moved on to the tape covering her mouth.

Grabbing the end of the tape, I diverted my gaze from the upcoming tearful situation and said, “Umm, please try to hold on as best as you can…?”


“Uuugh, Kyaaaah!!!!”

Our poor friend, who was trying to hold back her screams, let out a piercing shriek.

…Of course, that would hurt. I’d just ripped off tape that had been stuck tightly to her skin.

Even I, who could take bullets and bombs without issue, would still feel pain if it hit my body.

But originally, it was far better to peel something like this off all at once than slowly. Truly. Anyone who has waxed would know.

Of course, my mood was not good enough to explain that, so I spoke to the Bunny Girl Guard with as much kindness as I could muster.

“Hey, I know this might sound a bit rude to someone who got kidnapped by intruders… but can you pretend like you didn’t see this situation?”


“You know who I am, right…?”

The room wasn’t so dark that she couldn’t recognize my face, so after staring intently, the Bunny Girl Guard nodded.

“Umm, VIP Customer…”

“Yup, glad you know. Anyway, I’d like you to look the other way about those annoyance guys. I’ll apologize for you… okay? Is that alright?”

“…Ah, yes.”

As I smiled while saying that, the Bunny Girl Guard nodded blankly in response. Something about the gaze from the back felt a bit prickly, but it was probably just my imagination.

“Oh, and if possible, could you get the other guards to move?”

“…If it’s an order from the VIP, it’s certainly possible.”

“Ahaha, that’s great.”

Sighing, I thought I should’ve done that sooner. Then, I could have wrapped up the day on a good note.

But I had my own things to say. I had no idea that C&C would actually target my room!

“So, if you could catch that Koyuki Kurosaki person for me, that’d be great. And then pass her on to those earlier guys. Oh, and Koyuki-chan is the one who dresses similarly to your guards and is really noisy…”

“Oh, right. I know who that is. She’s a Class A guest, right?”

“I guess? But hey, that’s not really important. I’m a VIP, after all… right?”

“Yes, yes. Then I’ll convey the VIP’s orders to the other guards. Should they come back here once everything’s settled?”

“Yep, I’ll count on you☆”

The Bunny Girl Guard, wobbling as she stood up, bowed to me and then left through the room door.

Why did I help resolve the situation now?

It was quite simple.

To sort things out before night fell and to take down every last one of those C&C guys.

Honestly, taking the card key was really crossing a line. They crossed it hard!

“Nana-chan, since that happened… should we go for a little night walk?”

“…No, I would much rather quietly play chess if that’s alright.”

“Well, that’s not so bad either… okay. Then let me just get dressed first.”

Up until that point, I believed everything would wrap up very neatly.

However, I had already realized that it was far too late to carelessly reveal my identity as a VIP.


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not work with dark mode