Switch Mode

Chapter 48

“Total resurrection, it’s the perfect Misono☆”

Well, I never thought the day would come when I’d say that line. Honestly, there’s a huge difference between a man in his 20s, definitely past the age, saying those words and a girl with looks and vibes that makes you laugh just from watching her say them, right?

In short, this is a line that won’t come again if I don’t say it now. I’ve got no desire to get so badly hurt that I wake up in the Rescue Knights, right? If I really put my mind to it, I could subdue Captain Mine, but still, the rescue is terrifying for me as well.

Anyway, after a day of proper rest, I feel completely restored. Honestly, it feels weird thinking about how I had a cold yesterday, given how healthy I am now.

But anyway, I have to go to the academy today for T-party duties. Hmm, is it time to move residences or not?

According to Nagisa, this place used to belong to Mika before she became the Student Council President. Ever since she became the head of the Pater Faction, she stayed at a mansion provided by the T-party for safety, but she ended up staying here again for some time after directing major renovations, claiming she wanted to change the interior back to how it was originally.

As for me, I value my privacy, so even after hearing the renovations were finished, I continued to stay here…

Ever since my identity was revealed to the world at the press conference, using public transport for commuting… I mean, going to and from school has become awkward. Before, I attracted attention for my looks, but now I keep hearing whispers like, “Isn’t that the host of the T-party?” which is super annoying.

Ah, speaking of which, shopping with Hifumi is going to be difficult now. I oddly feel a bit disappointed. Shopping was surprisingly fun. Should I wear a wig or something now?

The T-party folks insist they’re doing it for my safety, claiming they’ll be protecting me. If that’s the case, I wonder if I should just stay at the mansion they provide…

I should think about this part a bit more.

Above all, for my safety, I should best direct those personnel towards Nagisa or Seiya. This needs to be discussed. It’d just be a waste of manpower to assign protection to someone who doesn’t need it, right?

By the way, Nagisa didn’t just drop by for dinner; she sent a ton of Momotalks too… I remember asking her to please leave after the reminder that I shouldn’t stay here too long just in case I caught her cold after warming up the porridge I had for lunch.

Honestly, if I hadn’t stopped her, it seemed like she would’ve stayed all night taking care of me. It’s a bit excessive, and I’m mortified by it. It’s not like I’m critically ill; I just had a cold and my period hit at the same time.


Are you feeling better?

Yikes, Nagisa really can’t help herself. She sends me a Momotalk as if she was just waiting for me to get up.

Since I feel fine now without even a cough, I reply that we should meet at the academy. First, I should wash up and get ready to go.

Honestly, calling the T-party folks feels a bit awkward when I care about what others think, so I’m just going to take the train.


With my face covered in a steel plate and Bluetooth earbuds in, I concluded that I’m not scared of trains at all. Even if some older folks were around, they would probably come over to start a conversation, but at this time, almost all the passengers are students. It’s even pretty quiet since it’s Sunday.

First, I attended the morning mass. It’s a bit hard to do every day, but I usually find time on the weekends.

But then I noticed a member of the Sisterhood approaching me.

“Good day, Sister! Excuse me, but may I trouble you for a moment of your precious time on behalf of the Mother Superior?”

“Um… well, if it’s just for a moment, I don’t mind☆ Please, lead the way!”

“Yes, this way, please.”

Sakurako, what on earth are you doing so early in the morning? You’re not upset about me missing mass yesterday, are you? You know I usually just attend one day on weekends! Do you know that…? I hope you do…

I wonder if the Sisterhood doesn’t feel hot or stuffy under those veils? They look nice, but…

No, the interior of the cathedral is strangely cool compared to the gradually warming outside, so it probably isn’t that hot.

At the end of the direction the Sisterhood nun guided me, I discovered Sakurako and Hinata in the midst of prayer. Wow, nuns really do look best when they’re praying.

Unlike Sakurako, who hasn’t steeled herself yet, Hinata’s outfit is astonishingly inappropriate. It looks like an outfit a nun from a 19+ doujin or adult game wouldn’t wear, just wow.

“Mother Superior, as requested, I’ve brought the T-party host.”

“Thank you, sister. Hehe.”

“…Then, I think I’ll just take my leave!”

Wow, Sakurako, it’s true that the members are really scared of you… Poor things.

“Hehe. May peace and tranquility be with you today too. How have you been doing, Mika?”

“Hello, Sakurako! Yes, I believe I’ve been doing well on my own. There have been a few frustrating parts, but… yeah, I think it was worth it!”

“I’m truly glad to hear that. The reason I sought you out today is… your sincerity in recent chapel classes and your dedicated attendance at mass has brought me joy, so I thought we could have a cozy discussion about the doctrines. Hehe.”

Ah, no thanks, Sister. I’m actually non-religious. I’ve been visiting the church so often lately that I’m getting confused about whether I’m truly non-religious or a devoted believer… Sometimes I catch myself humming hymns without even realizing it…! But I’m still non-religious!

“Hahaha, well… I’ve been so busy lately that it’s a bit tough to find time, but… is it okay if I just join for a short while?”



“Y-you, attending mass only once a month… you even skip chapel classes sometimes! Is that really you, Mika?! A-ah, I’m so sorry, Mika! I said that without thinking!”

Hmm, did Hinata also have some familiarity with me?

No, it’s fine if she did; it’s natural since she’s responsible for managing the cathedral.

But really, Mika, skipping chapel classes? Just how much are you abusing your Student Council President authority?! Sometimes it really feels terrifying.

“Hahaha, no worries about the rudeness! After all, it’s not totally wrong, right, Hinata-chan! I previously told Sakurako this, but I’ve decided to be a little more diligent in the future☆”

“Is that so…? I actually worried when you didn’t join the Sisterhood before… yeah, I… I had my concerns.”

…What are you even saying, Hinata?

“Definitely! I figured you’d think that. I also believe Mika would be an invaluable asset to our choir. If you’re leaving the T-party, could you please join our Sisterhood? Hehe.”

Ah, the choir. I get that. From the Sisterhood’s perspective, it might feel like losing an SSS-ranked talent.

But really, Sakurako, where did that ridiculous laugh of yours come from? And why is Hinata just letting it happen?

Sigh, I don’t know. Let’s just not point it out. That way, maybe I can hear some “wacky~!” or “nyah~!” later on!

I will definitely make sure to hear that somehow. If necessary, I can encourage them directly like I did with Hanako…!

“Hahaha, I feel like Seiya and Nagisa wouldn’t let me off so easily if I leave the T-party. If that happens, will I get stuck living in the home economics club~? Or the review class club instead?☆”

“Hmm, a review club…? Hinata, does such a club even exist in Trinity?”

“I’ve never heard of it either, Sakurako…”

“Hmm, well, maybe it will appear someday? Or maybe not! But more importantly, I’ve been thinking since earlier, don’t you think Mika is a bit too stiff? I mean, Sister Mika… I feel like it’s a bit off since I’m not part of the Sisterhood.”

Being called Sister is a bit weird since I’m not a devout believer. If those sisters call me Sister Mika~ Sister Mika~ over and over, I might just fall into the path of religion without even realizing it!

“Then just call me Mika-chan… Or if that’s too tough, at least call me Mika-san☆”

“Ah… okay! Then, Mika-san…?”

“Hahaha, much better! Yes, please call me that going forward, Hinata-chan!”

Honestly, I ask everyone to call me Mika-chan, but hardly anyone does. At this point, just omitting it and calling me Mika-san would be sufficient!

“Mika-chan… uh…”

…Huh? Sakurako, what are you suddenly saying?

“Although it feels a bit embarrassing, I think I can manage it. Mika-chan… Yeah, calling you that feels a bit friendlier.”

No no, what on earth is happening here…?

“I’ll call you Mika-chan from now on. That’s okay, right?”

“Um, yeah, that’s fine…?”

“Hehe. Then let’s get back to the point and enjoy a deep conversation about biblical interpretation and doctrines together. I understand you’ve been busy lately, so I won’t take up too much of your time. Please don’t feel pressured to refuse.”

…Is that really okay? To be honest, I don’t think “Mika-chan” fits Sakurako’s way of speaking, but then again, considering all the strange things she says because of her personality, it might actually fit her somehow…

Hmm, I wonder. Maybe I’ll get used to it after hearing it more often?

“Alright, let’s just chat for a bit☆”

Anyway, the fact that I’m discussing theology topics with these girls at this age is quite a headache. Since I’m also keeping up with my theology studies, I can’t just skip this great opportunity. It’s practically like getting private theology lessons from the nuns known for being well-versed in theology in Trinity, so how could I give that up?

Ah, but why do these two seem so tall? Especially Hinata, her height is on a whole different level than mine. I envy it…


Do you know what “just a moment” means from a girl’s perspective? It’s basically until one gets tired.

Saying we’re just going to talk for a moment turns into one or two hours, and a quick chat at a cafe stretches for several hours. Believe it or not, it’s all true.

As evidence, I was finally released from the two nuns only after lunchtime had already passed. But thanks to that, I might have improved my theology grade by around 4 points on the next test, right?

If it doesn’t improve, I’d honestly feel a bit miffed about it.

“…Mika has arrived?”

“Hmm? Seiya-chan! What brings you here?”

“Of course, I was waiting for you to arrive, wasn’t I? Come sit here.”

I thought I’d find the T-party office empty as usual, but unexpectedly, Seiya was there welcoming me. It gives me this oddly uneasy feeling since I have no clue what she was up to.

She patted the spot next to the sofa she was sitting on, urging me to come sit beside her. I wondered what in the world she wanted to talk about as I complied and took a seat next to her, staring at Seiya.

“Mika… your ignorance is both a curse and a blessing.”

Huh? What kind of random statement is that?

When I asked her to explain, Seiya stood up without a word. Then,


Without a word, she sat on my lap and leaned back against me.

“Um, Seiya-chan?”

“I had a prophetic dream. It was a dreadful dream where this world lost all its forms and meanings and crumbled. But… today, for the first time, the content of the dream changed while I was dreaming. I can only say it was a truly bizarre incident.”

“…What was the changed dream about?”

“I’d rather not say.”

“Then why did you bring this up, Seiya-chan? You’re not trying to tease me, right?”

“Well… I didn’t want to share because the version of you in the dream told me dreams are just dreams and encouraged me to live in reality instead. The fact that you said such words in the prophetic dream must hold some significance.”

“Ugh, the dream version of me told you that? It’s hard to believe, you know.”

“I can agree with that, but denying what’s already happened is just foolish. In that context…”

I was curious to know what kind of nonsensical statement would come out of Seiya’s mouth.

Just then, she suddenly reached out and grabbed my wrist, placing my hand on her head.

“First, pet my head. We’ll talk about the rest afterward.”

…What Seiya said isn’t nonsensical at all; it’s just surprising. What on earth is she doing?


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