Switch Mode

Chapter 465

Iroha’s hideout was surprisingly quiet. I can assure you that even Iroha herself would never have anticipated such a situation.

Of course, we had caused quite a ruckus for a while after intruding on her territory. Defeated by Ibuki’s sparkling eyes, Iroha surrendered her gaming device and even passed over the cushion she had been lounging on to the little girl.

Well, for Iroha, it was probably a natural choice. Like everyone in the Manma Battle, she was wrapped up in her love for Ibuki.

Iroha stuck close to Ibuki, who was enthusiastically gaming. She occasionally offered helpful advice but mostly left the adorable girl to navigate the challenges on her own.

Click! Click!

At the shutter sounds that seemed to echo just when it was almost forgotten, Iroha’s eyebrows twitched, and every time she heard the crumpling of the potato chips she had lost, a silent sigh escaped her.

Yet, she didn’t express her dissatisfaction directly. After all, Iroha wasn’t exactly broke, and her cozy hideout was stocked not just with potato chips but all kinds of snacks.


Instead, Iroha, with a bold demeanor, pointed a finger at my lips while watching the potato chips disappearing from my fingertips to Chiaki’s lips, demanding I share them with her too.

If she were my girlfriend, she might have teased me, asking if I wanted to kiss for them, but I quietly picked up a chip and held it out to her.

It wasn’t so easy to go against the demands of the owner… or more accurately, the one who had brought out the demands of this room.

In the first place, I didn’t feed the chips to Chiaki out of any particular feelings for her. Initially, I had merely intended to hand over the snacks, and Chiaki, not wanting to get grease on the camera, leaned down to nibble them away.

However, having set a precedent, I had no choice but to accommodate Iroha’s request. After all, I should be grateful that Iroha hadn’t chased us away just because we disturbed her rest.

Ah, this might be something to apologize to Makoto for, who must be wandering around the assembly hall looking for us by this hour. After the snack bag emptied, our eyes naturally began to droop one by one.

Warm sunlight filtering through the window and the atmosphere gradually calming down. In such a situation, anyone wishing to push away the drowsiness might be hard to find.

The first to doze off was Ibuki, who lost interest in the game. She casually put the device down, rolled to the floor, and snuggled right up to me.

When I quietly offered my arm, Ibuki soon fell into a deep slumber, breathing evenly.

Next was Iroha. With the cushion reclaimed after Ibuki’s departure, her gaze was glued to me, showing no signs of wanting to look away. To be honest, it was a little overwhelming.

Yet, without saying much, Iroha quietly closed her eyes. It seemed like she had something to say but was holding back for Ibuki’s sake.

Before long, the silence transformed into rhythmic breathing. It was as if Iroha had found peace in the languid atmosphere.


Another shutter sound burst forth from Chiaki’s hand as she leaned against the wall. I turned my head slightly in her direction as Ibuki stirred in her sleep.

Then Chiaki suddenly pretended to be oblivious, avoiding eye contact. I couldn’t help but wonder what difference it made to act like she didn’t hear anything when it was so obvious. Still, I kept my mouth shut.

After all, if I spoke, Ibuki might wake up. And frankly, that would be a transgression worth talking about.

…But, still, it’s a nice, peaceful atmosphere. I really like it.

Especially considering that the kids here are part of the Manma Battle, it gives a strangely satisfying feeling.

Of course, it wouldn’t mean much if I were the only one who got close to them… But I am already doing my best to improve the relationship between Trinity and Gehenna, so someday they might get to know each other better too.

What I can do is believe firmly and keep moving forward without giving up.




The moment the door creaked open, my eyes shot open.

I soon found my disheveled gaze matching with the tired Makoto.


My hand moved towards Makoto’s mouth before she even got a chance to speak. Given her personality, it was highly likely she would make loud noise immediately, so I had to shush her.

This wasn’t just for Ibuki, who was off in dreamland with an angelic face next to me. Iroha and Chiaki also looked comfortably asleep.

But Chiaki seemed a bit uncomfortable, trying to rest against the wall while clutching her camera.

Iroha, on the other hand, gave off a rather suggestive vibe due to her skirt sliding up her legs.

…Not that it was intended, but I couldn’t help but turn my eyes away.


Stealing a glance at Makoto, who looked at us with a complicated expression, I carefully pulled my arm out from beneath Ibuki. I then laid her next to Iroha on the cushion, resting her head.


Ibuki immediately snuggled closer to Iroha instead of me. I felt worried, fearing one of them might wake up, but luckily that didn’t happen.

Rising quietly from my seat, I walked past the still bewildered Makoto and grabbed her arm.


Fortunately, it seemed Makoto managed to restrain herself from speaking loudly.

It seemed that the one who loved Ibuki couldn’t help herself. There’s no preventing her from getting tangled up with Ibuki.

Once I led Makoto out into the assembly hall corridor, I finally let go of her arm. However, even after that, Makoto remained silent, deep in thought.

“What are you thinking?”

I finally broke the silence, unable to take it anymore.

“Weren’t you the one with something to say?”

“Huh? Well, yeah, but I was just curious about what you were thinking!”

“…It’s nothing much.”

Makoto looked unusually curt and standoffish. I tried to think of what might have bothered her, but there were too many possibilities.

Forcing her out like I did. Coming to find us unexpectedly, only to discover we were collectively napping.


“Why, are you perhaps jealous?”

“What? Huh?”

“Oh, so that’s what it was.”

Maybe it was about me hogging Ibuki’s attention.

From what I gathered from Makoto’s expression, this seemed likely. Of course, she would deny it.

“Well, maybe if you treat Ibuki-chan better, that problem might be resolved.”

“Hah? Who else treats Ibuki as well as I do?”


“…Hmph. You shameless punk. Once I become Student Council President, the first thing I’ll do is establish a ban for you on getting close to Ibuki!”

“What, that’s too much. By the way, are you still not giving up on that?”

“Give up? With that pathetic mindset, you should know better than anyone that achieving any great task is impossible.”

Whether such a rule could actually be established is one thing, and also whether Makoto could even become student council president is something to think about later. But wouldn’t a ban on approaching Ibuki be a bit extreme?

And even if Makoto somehow did become president against astronomical odds… graduation for our year is just over six months away.

At that rate, isn’t it time to start thinking of a successor?

After all, I just miserably failed at trying to pass off the burden of power onto Atsuko.

At least the Manma Battle elects its members by vote, so even if Makoto graduates, the council chair position would likely be filled quickly again. In that regard, Gehenna seems better than Trinity.

In fact, regardless of whether it’s Atsuko or not, someone will definitely take the T-party seat. Just the other day, Seiya and Nagisa were discussing a junior from the Filius faction as a potential successor, after all.

Those two factions are basically moderate, so there shouldn’t be any major problems.

But Pater is a different story. If the wrong person is placed in charge, the tower I’ve painstakingly built could come crumbling down.

Anyway, asking Makoto what the point is in coveting a position that ends in half a year brought back a strange look, as if she was staring at a fool. As I was about to bring my frustration down, Makoto launched a topic I couldn’t even begin to imagine.

“Hmm? Why do you think it ends in six months?”


“You simply won’t graduate. A true leader has the duty to sacrifice themselves to lead their subordinates to the right path. Yes, under my noble rule, Kivotos must move toward the rightful path. Kikik.”

What in the world is she talking about?

“The graduation I sacrificed for Gehenna, could a second one for Kivotos possibly be too much?”


So, you’re voluntarily repeating a year? And you had already done it once?

Wow, seriously. Wow.


“It seems my resolve has finally dawned on you from your expression. Kishishi——!!”

No way. Did Makoto actually turn out to be older than me…?

This is driving me insane, really.


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not work with dark mode