Switch Mode

Chapter 450

After removing the hindrance known as Keter, we continued our steps deeper into the ruins.

Of course, it was really just me moving.

“…This area doesn’t seem to have any water at all.”

Embarrassment was short-lived. Before long, Himari, who had cozied up to me, was leisurely critiquing the surrounding scenery.

“Yeah, that’s right. Just a moment ago, it was a sea of water all around…”

Though to call it critique would be more fitting as analysis. Seeing her so relaxed made me want to tease her just a bit…

In truth, I could somewhat understand Himari’s feelings. It had already been two hours since she clung to me, so with her not moving at all, it was likely more uncomfortable for her.

Honestly, even if I were carrying her, it was somewhat inconvenient for me to not have my hands free.

“Are we perhaps out of the Submerged Zone? No, that’s unlikely. Looking around, there are clear signs that the area had been submerged to a considerable height. The terrain not being submerged is puzzling.”

“Hmm… The signal from Decagramaton was definitely captured in this area, right?”

“Mika-chan, you don’t suspect me, do you? I’m guiding you without a single mistake. For now, this seems to be the outskirts of the Submerged Zone…”


“Though it isn’t submerged, the clear signs suggest that… someone conducted a massive earth-moving project to drain the water.”

“So then that someone is, once again, Decagramaton… or that previous, um, prophet?”

“I can’t be sure, but if such a large-scale earth-moving project was carried out, it would indeed require the prophet’s involvement…”

Before I knew it, I almost let slip the name Keter. Thankfully, I managed to catch it before it came out. I could just imagine how quickly the second most intelligent being in Millennium, Himari, would strip away my excuses if I threw around information from an unclear source.

“Watching it from the screen and actually being here feels completely different… It’s quite thrilling.”

“Next time, it sounds like you might be planning to make Amy-chan do all the hard work, huh? Am I feeling that right?”

“Oh my, it doesn’t have to be Amy who would suffer.”

“Even so, don’t you think it’s unfair to do that to each other twice?”

In response to my sharp words, there was no answer.

Well, there was a silent response as she tapped me lightly on the palm.

To be serious, as long as a nuisance like Keter is out of the picture, it’s not a major problem. But my schedule needs to match too.

Well, thinking about the uncertain future can wait.

While walking, I realized that the outskirts here consist of facilities like laboratories and experimental sites. Only then did I remember this place was originally called the Research Zone.

Lately, or perhaps for quite a long time now, my memories of the original work have been fuzzy. Until I confirm it with my own eyes, it’s common for memories to bubble up and then fade away.

I’d even started momentarily worrying that I might forget some important information, but at least regarding what I firmly know, there shouldn’t be anything of such importance.

“The coordinates we picked up point to… the building right in front of us.”

“Aha! Great, let’s hurry and check it out☆”

I was already getting a bit tired of this dreary ruin. I just wanted to check out the Decagramaton vending machine and go back for a good rest after all this.

“Whew, my curiosity is about to burst! Studying and analyzing gods, proving their existence, and reconstructing and recreating the structure of those proven beings to create new gods… has that seemingly ridiculous research actually borne fruit?”

“Ahaha, you can’t really ask me about that.”

Earlier, Himari had explained something to me, but the information I had brushed off earlier was now resurfacing.

According to what Himari gathered, somewhere in this ruin—most likely in the lab right before my eyes—there had been research aimed at proving the existence of an absolute being.

Of course, it’s not definitive that it was conducted in this very lab; it’s merely information that such a thing occurred somewhere in the ruins… but it’s quite reasonable to suspect this lab is the place.

Anyway, before entering the ruins, Himari told me that they had attempted to create an ultra-AI to prove an absolute being, but ultimately failed in completing the AI… and the part she mentioned just moments ago was the philosophy behind that AI’s creation.

“Well, those laborers are just inevitable.”

“…Excuse me? That’s not something I can let slide?”

“But it’s true, isn’t it? If Decagramaton is indeed the product of the research that took place here, then in the end, it implies that the laborers brought this catastrophe upon us. Millennium was the one directly affected, after all.”

“If the AI left alone in this ruin had been continuously analyzing to prove the existence of a god, and eventually started declaring itself as a god… of course, regrettably, I can’t firmly believe that Decagramaton actually originated from that research. It’s just a hypothesis. I’d really like to see for myself today whether that’s true or not.”

…In that regard, I’m totally out of the picture, you laborer girl.

Knowing that I would plunge into a dangerous ruin relying only on knowledge shows just how perilous these laborers can be. It’s a slightly different narrative from what I mentioned, but still relevant.

“Hmm, who knows. It might just be some genius with a screw loose running a scam on Millennium.”

“If you mean to say there’s someone out there hacking a hub in 0.0000031 seconds to implant a virus without Himari-chan knowing…”

“Well, that’s certainly true… but the world is vast, and occasionally true genius who are outside the norm do emerge. Like me!”


So, I didn’t bother to ask if Himari could hack a hub that easily; physically, that was impossible.

If the AI had poured everything into its creation by Himari, then the conversation changes. But recalling how it was described in the original work, Decagramaton is definitely something out of the ordinary. One would need to be at least like Arona, who sleeps inside the Box of Shiddim, to not be influenced like the other prophets.

After that, I had to endure a sermon from Himari about just how misplaced my comments about laborers were.

Being the one carrying Himari meant I couldn’t effectively shut her up, so I regretfully had to listen to her rant all the way through.

…If one of our husbands had been here, I would’ve sealed her mouth in a completely different way. Himari, just consider yourself lucky… or maybe unfortunate. Truly.

After enduring that painful time, we finally entered the building’s interior and slowly began to look around.

Rushing through while essentially exploring this vast building alone wouldn’t make much sense. It may have been different had we been able to split up, but since that wasn’t an option, we naturally had to take our time, and so it was better to go leisurely.

After making our way through the laboratories and supply rooms, we reached another lab. There, we discovered what seemed to be the remains of the “Absolute Existence Autonomous Analysis System.”

Seeing the evidence that the research that had been going on in this facility had been a failure caused Himari to show some signs of confusion… but since I had vaguely anticipated this situation, I didn’t panic and suggested we continue searching.

Regardless of the research’s failure, knowing that there exists a being claiming to be Decagramaton, Himari nodded and readily agreed. It was likely a thought that it was better to take back some small harvest rather than retreating empty-handed.

Thus, we resumed our search and moved through the reception room and the facility’s generator, arriving at the staff lounge.

And there, we found a vending machine.

The building’s generator had stopped working long ago, and there was nothing left in terms of fuel. No part of the ruins had access to water or electricity.

Yet this one vending machine completely disregarded that fact and was operating alone in this abandoned facility.

Having confirmed the state of the generator, Himari couldn’t ignore this anomaly.


“Yeah, Himari-chan.”

“This… is indeed strange, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it’s super strange. It’s the kind of thing you’d find in a horror game where you search for anomalies.”

“…W-Wait a moment. There’s really no need to say something like that, right?”


Had I not known the true nature of this vending machine, I might have exaggeratedly responded with something like, ‘That’s right, I shouldn’t have mentioned it…’

“Hey… Himari-chan, is there anything you want to drink?”

“…There’s no way I’d drink coffee from a vending machine that’s been around who knows how long, right? Mika-chan, more importantly, check how the power is being supplied, please.”

At Himari’s request, I pushed the vending machine aside and checked the severed power cable, thinking.

If I had wandered in here clueless, this situation would likely feel terrifyingly dreadful.

“How about we try getting something just once…?”

“…But earlier you said you’d get something for me.”

“I-I can’t always let Mika-chan have her way. Besides, I’m not pulling this with the intent to drink it.”

“Haah. I know that much. Alright, let’s see…”

I carefully looked at the buttons on the vending machine and slowly brought my finger down.


Normally, a paper cup should have come down first, but stupidly, the machine only poured hot water and coffee materials, making me chuckle softly and shake my head.

“Himari-chan, I guess we really came to the wrong place. There’s no way such a pathetic thing could claim to be a god, right?”

Just as I said that and tapped the vending machine lightly,



The warm water that had been trickling suddenly started gushing out wildly.

…It seems Decagramaton doesn’t enjoy physical contact.


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not work with dark mode