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Chapter 44

At some point, with virtually all major powers in Trinity backing me up, I found I had nothing to fear. It meant that my world had truly come. Well, being the host of the T-party, it was already half my world anyway.

The first thing I did was contact the Student Council. I informed them that Trinity and Gehenna would be jointly hosting a festival and asked them to oversee the budgeting to ensure that neither side was unfairly profiting from it. This was the only option since neither academy could fully trust the other.

In reality, the authority of the Student Council was so high now that this was possible, especially since the Student Council President wasn’t missing anymore. If this had been during the original storyline, even Makoto would have laughed at the idea of entrusting the budget oversight to the Student Council.

The Student Council was initially skeptical upon hearing my explanation, but after reviewing the contract, they accepted the audit position, albeit with a look of astonishment.

What if the Student Council had refused? They surely wouldn’t stir up trouble for the Student Council President, who was drafting the Eden Treaty and wanted my help in her grand vision.

I predicted that I might end up having a private meeting with the Student Council President…

“T-party host, what has changed in your mindset? The last time we met, I remember you being extremely hostile towards Gehenna. So, this joint event is quite unexpected.”

Well, to be honest, it was a bit surprising to find myself in this situation.

Looking at the woman in front of me—the Student Council President—I was caught in a strange feeling fueled by circulating speculations about her identity. This woman seems to hold something deeper than meets the eye. Since I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was, it only served to irritate me further.

But that wasn’t what mattered right now. The key point was that Mika had a history with the Student Council President.

How would Mika have interacted with her? I imagined that she would likely have spoken in the same tone as usual. No matter how I thought about it, the image of Mika politely conversing with the Student Council President was hard to conjure.

In fact, these days, even people who had known me for a long time didn’t find my tone strange at all. As long as I didn’t mess up, I felt I wouldn’t be exposed to the Student Council President. So, I decided to speak in a way that Mika would, and carry on our conversation with her words and actions in mind.

“Hmm… Did it feel that way? But Student Council President, between the you that saw my previous self and the me standing here now, neither is a lie! It’s just a matter of whether to openly reveal my inner thoughts or keep them hidden.”

“Quite a thought-provoking statement. Then, which side of the T-party host’s true intentions is more accurate?”


“When discussing personal feelings, it’s true that you might not dislike Gehenna, but due to various circumstances, you had to show that attitude. However, if that’s not the case… then it’s like harboring such deep hatred for Gehenna that you’re just waiting for the right moment to sharpen your blade and strike.”

“Ahaha, blade?! Student Council President, that sounds a bit too gruesome, don’t you think? I don’t really see that word fitting my style at all.”

The Student Council President looked at me with a mix of amusement and a deep, unsettling gaze. It gave me an inexplicable urge to keep my distance from her.

“…Indeed. That may have been a slightly rude expression. But my question still stands?”

Her piercing gaze made me wonder if the Student Council President was trying to determine whether I would be an obstacle to the success of the Eden Treaty or not. I might have been too sensitive, but…

“Well then, to cut to the chase, I’ll be honest. Student Council President, I do dislike Gehenna. However, I also believe that we can reconcile and even become friends. Yes, this festival is the starting point. The goal is to focus on competition between the two academies, to drive down the feeling of hatred into a rivalry where neither side wants to lose.”

“…Interesting. But it’s hard to imagine how you could pull this off, especially since the Student Council President of Gehenna had such a different mindset from yours. The only likely collaboration would be with the current Student Council President of Gehenna, would that be correct?”

Wow, I can practically hear the gears turning. Given the influence and authority the Student Council has over Kivotos, they shouldn’t be lacking in competence, but isn’t this a bit overly capable?

Well, that explains why they can meddle in the affairs of various academies and handle things without much backlash.

“Wow, that’s why you’re the Student Council President. Yes, you guessed it right. The Student Council of Gehenna and I have been exchanging numerous letters discussing the improvement of relations between our two academies, and we did indeed hold meetings.”

“Is that so? It’s likely that the Student Council President of Gehenna would be highly supportive of the T-party host’s plan.”

“Oh, but don’t expect me to believe that all the built-up frustrations over the years will be resolved overnight! That’s just an overly ambitious expectation. I just believe that by continuing this kind of event each year, eventually we will see the fruits of our efforts.”

“Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step… Yes, I understand. That’s the picture you’re painting, T-party host. I’m now more convinced.”

Hmm…? What’s that supposed to mean?

If that was said in this context, it likely had something to do with the Eden Treaty? I can’t think of anything else…

“There’s something I’m planning regarding Trinity and Gehenna. I can’t go into detail just yet, but it seems the event you’re planning will greatly support that, so I must thank you.”

So it really was about the Eden Treaty. But why is she suddenly wearing such a significant smile?

“Thank you, T-party host. I can’t say for sure what has triggered this change in you, but… the fact that you, who previously caused trouble and drama, have stepped out of your fairytale to choose to be of help makes me very glad. Yes, I’m now confident that many things will flow in a better direction, thanks to you, T-party host.”

“Wah—oh… Excuse me, but I have no idea what you’re talking about. That person? Fairytale? Isn’t that a little… all over the place?”

Honestly, I got what she was implying. So the Student Council President was hinting that she knew what the original Mika’s path would be. But that was not something I was supposed to understand.

“That may be so. You don’t have to think too deeply about it. You can just assume that it was the rambling of someone tired from work.”

No, if I hadn’t understood you, I would feel uneasy all day. What’s with saying, “Didn’t understand? Then just treat it like nonsense~”?

“The audit role assigned by both academies will be handled by me directly. Yes, this is a very important matter.”

“Ahaha! Hearing you say that makes me feel very reassured. Thank you! Please take good care of this matter☆”

“Yes, please leave it to me.”

After more banter, the Student Council President never brought up the Eden Treaty again.

It only felt like a calm before the storm. You clearly don’t want my answer… yet. Oh, come on!

Why use a phrase similar to that guy’s… I seriously felt like giving her a smack.

“I believe today’s meeting was beneficial for both of us. I hope your return journey goes smoothly.”

“Yes, thank you for your efforts too, Student Council President☆”

Oh right, did I mention that? The Student Council President was doing paperwork throughout our entire conversation. She’s definitely not human, just an AI that looks like one.


“There’s a saying that you should seize the opportunity while it lasts. I love that saying.

Work tends to pile up once postponed, and the more you procrastinate, the more it accumulates. It’s just easier to tackle things head-on when they arise.

With that in mind, right after wrapping up my meeting with the Student Council President, I held a press conference, inviting various media outlets as I had planned beforehand. On my way back to Trinity, the train operations were temporarily halted for an unknown reason, and I worried for a moment that I might be late, but thankfully, I had plenty of time.

After this appearance, it might be a little difficult to keep taking the train daily. Isn’t it time for the T-party attendants to really get to work?

Honestly, I can’t bear the thought of traveling like I’m on a private airship.

“I know that the Student Council President hosting a press conference and making a public appearance is a rare event that hasn’t happened in dozens of years! Is there some special background that led to this decision?”

If you’re talking about the largest media outlet in Kivotos, it would undoubtedly be Kronos School, but there are countless smaller outlets as well, including various broadcasting companies. It wasn’t surprising to see a packed press conference hall.

“There’s no special background as such. I can only answer that it’s time to abandon the mystique that T-party has held onto.”

“Are you aware that your announcement of the ‘Summer Festival jointly held by Gehenna and Trinity’ has already dominated search terms on various portals? Many people are shocked and amazed at the fact that these two traditionally rival academies are holding such a festival together. Could you share a few words on how this incredible event came to fruition?!”

“…Trinity and Gehenna.”


“Please be sensitive; Trinity must always come first here, no matter what. If that’s too much, feel free to refer to it as the ’20XX Summer Festival.’”

“Oh, okay…”

No, this is genuinely sensitive business. Historically, when two nations engage in agreements, the convention is to always list their own nation first, right?

Trinity folks are likely to feel positively towards me seeing how sensitive I am about this trivial matter. It’s politically… if you look at it that way.

“I’ve heard many people interpret this event as a reconciliation between the two academies or perhaps even a precursor to an alliance, but I must clarify that’s completely untrue from start to finish.”

Ah, talking differently than usual is a real struggle. Why does it feel so much harder lately? Maybe I should use polite speech a bit more often.

Clearing my throat lightly, I continued with words they wanted to hear.

“This ongoing Summer Festival, and future events, will focus on various competitions to determine superiority between the two academies. In other words, it’s just a battlefield disguised as a festival. This is a small war to gather and resolve the escalating friction between the two academies as the times change. The losers will have to suppress their frustrations, waiting with bated breath for the next festival, while the winners will mock them without restraint. Of course, since the status of both academies is at stake, we won’t neglect the essence of the festival, though.”

No, to be precise, I was shooting straight from the hip with what the faction of Trinity wanted to hear, and I was burned without hesitation. This is how I survive.

“Is there really a need to elaborate further? Trinity will trample Gehenna at this festival. Remember this: The victory belongs to Trinity.”

With a declaration like that, I bet the Pater folks will take care of the rest and win this festival. In fact, they must win.

…Guys, please win for my sake. If we lose, I’m dead meat!


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