Switch Mode

Chapter 438

The management of the Abydos dormitory was unexpectedly good. Of course, it was better than I had thought during my last visit, but not quite like today.

You could really see the hard work of our caretaker, Izayoi Nonomi. If Nonomi were a Trinity student, I might have ended up with a cherished junior that I would dote on.

No, thinking about Nonomi’s personality, I might have been the one being taken care of. Reflecting on that, my current situation seems a lot like getting help from Urawa Hanako.

If you ask why the conversation flowed this way, um… it’s because the blanket smells nice…?

Or perhaps this pleasant scent is not from the blanket but from the fox lady who’s tightly hugging me from behind. After all, I probably smell similar myself.

…I can already clearly imagine the kind of gaze Shiroko will send my way, but maybe that’s just my imagination?


Ah. It seems our fox lady is also trying to wake up.


…Or maybe not.

Kosaka Wakamo’s slender arms were wrapped around my belly. In this position, the feathers from the wings sticking out beneath my side should be tickling me; I really don’t know how everyone manages to endure this.

Well, given our posture, my belly and her wings are bound to touch… But then again, I realize that neither Nana nor Nagisa ever seemed conscious of this. If you truly like someone, can you simply overlook such trivial details?

I placed my hand on Wakamo’s hand laid atop my belly and wiggled my toes. If I had to pick the happiest moment of the day, it would be this brief moment spent with my significant other before starting the day.

Sometimes the partner might be different than usual or, conversely, it might not even be just one of them… But anyway, those circumstances do happen.

And when waking up, there’s sometimes a bit of an uncomfortable feeling, but… that can easily be washed away.

As the slightly uncomfortable feeling washed over me the moment I recalled our conversation from last night’s dream, I leaned against Wakamo and gradually let it fade away.

In three months, I’ll finally be able to meet the real Misono Mika, whom I adore so much. That’s something to look forward to. Healing all the wounds left by Mika’s hardships will take quite some time, but as long as I can see Mika…

“Mika nii…”

“…Ah, yeah. I’m awake?”


Though her body was awake, Wakamo’s hand still tickled my belly as if her mind was still wandering in dreamland. Unlike Wakamo, whose body felt soft and plump, I had no excess flesh to grab onto.

“Did you sleep well…?”

“Yeah, thanks to you.”

“Uh-huh… Hearing that, I’m just overjoyed, really… Uhuhu.”

The mature voice ringing in my ear was gentle. Honestly, with just that voice, she could easily be regarded as an ideal wife.

Wakamo’s hand, which wore a sweet smile, began to move over my skin. I didn’t stop that hand from heading to inappropriate places.

“Our Husband is just so lewd, isn’t he? Hmm, where did that innocent little fox go?”

“P-Please don’t say such things… I only have feelings of admiration for Mika…”

“Uh-huh, I know. Who knows you better than me? Now, kiss.”

I turned my head back to meet Wakamo’s gaze. With a face so innocent that it didn’t match the fierce nickname of “Reikubyō,” I naturally leaned in for a kiss.


With a keen sense of timing, Wakamo pressed her lips against mine. In that sequence of actions, the embers that had faded overnight reignited, spreading warmth throughout my body.

Before I knew it, my hand had traveled upward, holding firmly onto my own soft flesh. And within that, one of Wakamo’s hands was also resting.


My body naturally released a breath, but since my mouth was tightly closed, I could only let out a sweet, muffled sound.

Under the sensation of Wakamo’s touch, sticky sounds and a warm honey-like fluid flowed down. I pressed myself deeper into Wakamo’s embrace.

Separate from the traces of ecstasy blooming from my fingertips, our kiss didn’t linger long. I found myself pinned beneath Wakamo, no idea how our positions had changed.

Really. Our Husband sure is perceptive.

Though I wanted to be loved as a fox, having lived fiercely for so long, this kind of aggression was enticing enough to make my heart tremble. And with Wakamo’s cuteness adding to the mix, I couldn’t possibly resist loving her.

Even though we were brought together by the influence of alcohol, I was confident that we would have connected at some point, wine or not. So, I was filled with gratitude for that drink on that day which shortened the time we had to wait.

Wakamo gave my shoulder a light bite, chewing playfully. The intensity wasn’t painful; it felt like an adorable action.

I could easily imagine her tail swaying behind her. With the joy of having prey in front of her, it might be swishing even faster than usual.

“Heueng… Hoo, husband…”


A voice melting like honey slipped out. It was a naturally occurring cuteness, but I felt no shame. Simply showing this side of me brought immense joy to our kids, so it seemed oddly out of place for me to feel embarrassed.

In a sense, it was strange that a lovesick fox who should have called her husband in the distant future was now being addressed as such. Yet, for some reason, I found it quite delightful. Really, I adored it to the core…

“Ha, Ahaak…”

A thrilling sensation spread throughout my body, causing it to tremble with pleasure. I felt a pleasant languor, and my toes involuntarily curled.

“Uhuhu… You’re really adorable, Mika. I hope my feelings of admiration for you reach you completely… without any omissions…”

“Heueng… can you say that again…?”

“Eh? Which part do you mean… do you mean ‘you’?”


Now that I think about it, that was indeed a phrase unique to Wakamo. It sounded oddly pleasing to hear. It was the kind of addictive term that made you want to hear it again.


“Puhuhu… That sounds nice.”

“Is that so…?”


Perhaps it’s due to Wakamo’s unique atmosphere that it feels even better.

No one could hope to match the unspoken meaning and feelings behind the word “you” like Nagisa could, but in terms of sounding pleasant, Wakamo had her strengths as well.

“I wonder if Wakamo-chan knows…”


“In this dormitory, you see. Yes, the soundproofing is really good.”


“Hahaha. How about it? Did you enjoy the delightful sounds I sang just for you…?”


It was a playful tease, but it seemed Wakamo didn’t quite take it that way. The next thing I knew, our positions had flipped again, with Wakamo now underneath and me looking down at her.

“Daa.anng. Shi-in…♡”

While trying to show off her cutest face just for me, I wondered if there was some mischievousness underneath it all. With a grin that matched her mask, Wakamo stretched her arm and placed her hand on my shoulder.

Of course, despite wearing that grin, her soft and innocent eyes mellowed out the expression… instead of appearing like a seducing fox, she looked more like a fox yearning for love.

And, with that tail sticking out and those ears, nothing could be more adorable than them fidgeting around.

“I, too, would do anything for you… um.”

Seeing the direction of my gaze towards her tail, Wakamo let out a shy sound, amplifying her cuteness.

What could be going on? Even though my beloved partners each had their unique charms, somehow they all radiated the same overwhelming cuteness…

Well, is that necessarily a bad thing?

Thinking that, I shifted my knees between Wakamo’s legs. Thanks to the wonderful time we had last night, we were both bare, and the softness of our bodies touched without hesitation.

Gently wrapping my hands around Wakamo’s face, I smiled at her expectant expression.

Just as I clearly wanted a partner who would take charge, my loved ones also had their desires for what they wanted from me. This process of aligning with one another brought abundant joy all on its own.

With our noses nearly touching, I pressed my lips onto the bridge of Wakamo’s nose, naturally leaving a kiss on her forehead as well.

And with a motion of my hands, I gently grasped her fluffy ears.

“Ah, Mika nii…”

“Nope. It’s husband; that’s the wrong title, isn’t it?”

“Da, daangsin…”

“Uh-huh, that’s right…”

As I lightly brushed her fox ears with my fingertips, I savored the melting expression on Wakamo’s face without saying a word.

Glance, checking the time, there were about 30 minutes left…

But, on a day like today, couldn’t we afford to lounge around a bit?

With the intention of blatantly cuddling with Wakamo on the bed, I focused all my attention on her soft ears.

Of course, Wakamo might perceive this situation differently than I do. From her perspective, it must feel like an exceedingly suggestive moment with her partner teasing her erogenous zones.

But, this was still undoubtedly a pleasant situation. After getting all heated up this way, there would always follow acts that would satisfy both of us.


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