Switch Mode

Chapter 422

“So, you have someone you’ve picked as your successor… But that junior seems to be lacking in thought, huh?”

“Yep, yep. That kid is really too much. I’ve sent so many love calls since last Christmas…”

“…If they don’t want to do it, it’s only natural, right? By the way, why not sit Hanako-chan here? I’ve heard she’s quite capable.”

“No, no. That kid… Well, she’s honestly competent to the point that there are few to compare, but she’ll never take the host position, no matter what. It’s obvious she’d do well, but there’s a reason we don’t ask her.”

I sighed, lamenting my junior who didn’t understand my struggles, while walking down the hallway. The handcuff bracelet dangling from Aco’s wrist caught my attention.

Hmm. Speaking of which, do Aco and I… kinda match in tastes?

“Why is that? It’s not a personality issue, you’re doing just fine as a host.”

“Wait, are you slyly dissing me? There’s nothing wrong with my personality! Right?”

“…I don’t know if you’re serious, but you left me so shocked that my fantasy about the T-party shattered into pieces just from seeing you.”


“I’m not joking.”

That’s a bit much. Just because I have a light personality doesn’t mean it calls for that kind of remark…

“Anyway, it’s not really a personality issue. Even if Hanako-chan behaved like this while doing her job, as long as she does it well, I guess no one would say anything… although it probably wouldn’t be the case. Still, that’s not the issue. This is a more fundamental… problem related to Hanako-chan’s love life.”

“If it’s personal matters… you don’t really have to explain.”

“Huh? It’s not that far. You just need to know that Hanako-chan doesn’t really like Trinity very much. For a similar reason as yours. So asking her to take the host position is honestly something I can’t do. Yeah.”

If I ask her to take it, I don’t know if she would accept, but considering how she began to follow me now, it’s probably best not to even bring it up.

I don’t want to be like someone with fox ears forcing her to do something she doesn’t want to.

Moreover, thinking about it again, it really is unfair. Who decided on the reappointment, anyway?

Anyway. You might think it’s the same as asking Atsuko to take the host position, but it’s clearly different. It’s a huge difference.

What I’m doing with Atsuko is ‘persuasion’. Please be the host of the T-party. It’ll fail without you. Please save the Trinity, future T-party host. Something like that.

The first to agree to the proposal to poke Beatrice was the rebellious Yoshimi, so that became a mountain of problems.

But bringing this up with Hanako would feel like pressure. A simple request doesn’t carry the same weight as a suggestion.

If it’s a request from a senior you really admire and love… I guess she might consider it like that. I don’t want to put that burden on Hanako.

“…Isn’t this discrimination?”


“It’s favoritism.”

“It’s not that!”

“It’s clearly favoritism towards Hanako-chan…”

What on earth are you talking about? Favoritism? I don’t do that.

…Actually, I do favor Nagisa-chan. So this is definitely not favoritism towards Hanako.

“Aco-chan just doesn’t understand. I’m worried about Atsuko-chan’s future. Yeah, having a solid career as a Trinity T-party host would pave a flower path for our Atsuko-chan, you know?”

“…But if that’s the case, wouldn’t she not need it if she plans to live with you?”

“Whoa—oh…? I can’t let Atsuko-chan live like a useless freeloader!”

Although I’m working hard to copy money called Tteokbokki to take responsibility and bring happiness to everyone! Regardless, I can’t accept someone being jobless and without work!

That said, I would certainly support her… but with Hiyori also turning into a respectable girl who can manage her own life, there’s no way someone would choose a path even worse than Hiyori’s. Right? There’s no way, right?

“Anyway, starting today, I’m going to persuade that kid no matter what. By any means necessary.”


“Hmm. But it seems like being around Hanako-chan has made her kinda… no, outright bold. This is tough—— huh?”

What is this? When I turned around, Aco was tugging my hand and shooting me a glare. Flashes of familiar emotions swirled, shimmering behind the window of my heart.

“How can you say that in front of someone you’ve charmed…?”

“No, no, Aco-chan. Let’s be straightforward. It’s just because you’re too easy, okay?”

“Huh? You’re the last one to say that! Just a few gestures and you’re all in!”


Well, I’ve got nothing to counter that. Right? If we’re talking about easiness, Aco and I are pretty much the same.

“Anyway, when it’s just the two of us, look only at me. That shouldn’t be a difficult request.”

“But we’re not even dating yet…”

“My first! You took it! Are you not going to take responsibility?!”

“Um, Aco-chan…? This is a hallway where people are passing by, isn’t it time to lower your voice a bit…?”

“Shut up! Hehe!

I almost wanted to say ‘who’s really being noisy here?’ but unfortunately, that became impossible.

Ugh, mmmm…

The reason is, my mouth found itself in an impossible situation to say anything.

By the way, Aco is really bold. She has no brakes whatsoever.

Even though we’re drawing the line that we’re not dating, I inherently had the intent to take responsibility. If I didn’t, I would have refused cleanly before even giving her a chance.

Separating those thoughts, slowly accepting Aco’s youthful and eager, yet cute kiss. The real kiss for her——

Euh, eh, w-wait, w-wha…?!



That voice sounds like someone who’s about to shout ‘this is inappropriate!’… No way?

Is that a maid outfit? It’s the same one Hanako is wearing…?!

Turning my head away from Aco, who looked increasingly displeased, I found Koharu blushing fiercely, trying to hide her eyes with her hands while peeking through the gaps.


Y-You’re filthy! I can’t believe it…! No indecency allowed! Mika-nim is a pervert!!!


Left only with that statement, I could only cock my head in confusion as Koharu darted away like an arrow. Come on, a kiss isn’t that inappropriate, right…?

Of course, if expressing affection in an open place is considered indecent, I’d have to agree.

“You see? Only someone like you could think of such a grotesque maid outfit.”

“…Was it because of the outfit? And Aco-chan, that’s definitely not something you should be saying.”

I really don’t want to hear comments like that from someone who usually works in a uniform showing off her chest.


Yum…! Whoa, it’s delicious!

Hey, wanna try this one too?

Munch, munch… wow, it’s amazing!

A girl who could receive the same compliment of cuteness from everyone—young or old, regardless of their academy background—Ibuki was currently frolicking in what could be called a paradise that’s not permitted for devils.

The reality, however, was merely that she was at a regular cafe in Trinity.

She is cute, but she’s cute.

Don’t grumble in front of kids!

I wasn’t trying to grumble. It’s just, why us?

Doesn’t she know there’s a social agreement that refers to something like that as ‘grumbling’? Well, I didn’t really expect anything.

“…What are you saying?”

Amidst the enjoyment of the mille-feuille, with whipped cream on her mouth, Ibuki sat between the two girls who were bickering, making it look like a quarrel.

For Kazusa and Yoshimi, the two mischief-makers of Bandibu, such conversations were just part of their everyday life, so the people around surprisingly showed no reaction at all. Initially, their focus rested elsewhere.

Yep! It’s complete.


It’s beautiful…

Ignoring the commotion right in front of her, Atsuko carefully picked up a flower arrangement she had made shaped like a morning glory. Kazusa and Yoshimi couldn’t help but exclaim in awe at the substantial level of success it represented.

That flower arrangement held in Atsuko’s hands had successfully rested atop Ibuki’s hair…


The idea was good, but it ended up failing.

Everyone knew the colors wouldn’t match from the start…

The result showcased a dark-hued horn sprouting from Ibuki’s head, creating an image that didn’t quite fit.

Well, isn’t this still somewhat okay? The harmony of contrasting elements has historically symbolized romance. Water and fire. Light and darkness. Chaotic chaos. Death and demise…

Um, the last two sound seriously weird…

The appearance of this girl like this symbolizes that she failed to achieve perfect harmony, representing the process to get there. That alone gives Atsuko’s arrangement the value of a monumental step forward.

Oh… you’re evading the issue, right?

Regardless, Ibuki showed no particular interest in the conversation that surrounded her. As she received a mini Mont Blanc handed to her by Ai, she indulged and wore a beaming smile filled with happiness.

Still, looking at her, she really is cute…

That’s just because Ibuki is cute, Ai.

Ah, how astonishing is this! That Atsuko could infuse the weight of human romance and the journey to reach it into a flower made of paper. Even if it’s a failure——

No, seriously. When is the person coming to pick her up?

How am I supposed to know? Just smile in front of the kid!

That person isn’t even looking this way!

——So, it’s not strange to express that this is a manifestation of human infinite possibilities, and while it may be a failure, it is a treasure more valuable than anything else.

Hmm, so what you’re saying is, in the end, it just means you made something pretty…

Natsu, something that is a failure yet more valuable than anything else is precisely the harmony of contrasting elements… in other words, romance, right?


The clamor from all around wasn’t enough to disturb Ibuki’s dessert time.

At this moment, no one could dare contradict the fact that the happiest girl in the world was indeed Ibuki.

…At this very moment, that was true.


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not work with dark mode