Switch Mode

Chapter 40

When she forfeited in the Evolution Chamber, Sinatis’s expression was easy to read.

Of course, her baseline expression was emotionless, but her gaze was clearly asserting something.

Kroon, me, victory, praise, please.

That kind of vibe…

If Kroon had been alive, he would have roughly ruffled her hair.

In any case, as she said, I didn’t pass Trial 2.

‘But, I have a plan.’

The failure was only with Trial 2-A.

I still have a chance left with Trial 2-B.

And I have to clear Trial 2 to level up my Wind Archery.

I keep reminding myself that B Chamber is a trial designed for students who manipulate magic power.

The moment you enter B Chamber, magic mist sprays throughout the entire room,

In game terms, this mist can be seen as a curse debuff.

If this stacks consistently on a player’s body, they’ll be consumed by suffocating pain and declare a forfeit.

In short, it’s like a supercharged version of chemical warfare.

That’s why there are multiple strategies for clearing it.

The curse debuff level of Trial 2 is probably 4.

So, either raise your resistance to completely become immune,

Or endure by pouring mana through dispel magic.

Or maintain a physical magic barrier to prevent inhaling smoke.

Finally, one could also push their mental strength to the limit and endure through sheer will.

I can say for certain that all these methods are tough for me.

I haven’t even started farming for resistance, my mana supply is low, and so is my magic power.

Even so, it would be foolish to stubbornly try to endure with mental strength.

After all, it’s clearly stated in Hwanseangaka that no student has passed using the fourth method.

“There’s no other way…”

In the end, this is the only option.

‘I’ll exploit a flaw in the system.’

I immediately took the Circulation Train to the Magic Department Student Council Room, where Liris was.

The key early-stage villain, Liris Larochelle.

For this bug-like playthrough, I need her—no, I need her dark magic.

“Is there any personal emotion involved?”

Selena’s question carried no malicious intent.

Regardless of how Aria felt, regrettably, Lev Denec was interested in Selena, herself.

While Selena could confidently claim she had no special feelings for Lev,

‘Humans say they like to shake hands.’

He had certainly tried to get a handshake with her in some way.

And it didn’t take Aria long to understand Selena’s question.

The meaning of ‘personal emotion’ refers to a romantic relationship.

In other words, whether there’s a fondness involved.

“…That can’t be the case.”

Aria could easily respond.

Her relationship with Lev Denec was merely that of a watcher and the watched.

This was sufficient for explanation.

Although thinking of him stirred confusing emotions, it could definitely be defined by his suddenly changed personality, attitude, and suspicious context.

“If there are no feelings involved, then why do you keep trying to get involved with him?”

“And you, Selena?”

“Well… for now…”

“I feel the same way. It’s difficult for me to say at this moment.”

Aria couldn’t say that he might be related to the Great Demon Andras.

She didn’t like revealing uncertain information to others.

Selena seemed to have read Aria’s serious gaze, suddenly adopting a calmer tone as she warned her.

“Aria, I’m sincerely speaking out of concern for you. It would be better to be cautious around him.”

“Thank you for your concern.”

“…And Lev Denec, he…”


“No, never mind.”

Selena hesitated, about to say something, then exchanged a respectful nod before vanishing.

‘What could have happened between the two of them…?’

Another question arose for Aria.

Just a few days ago, they had done joint training without any issues.

But the change in Selena’s attitude meant something must have happened in between.

‘A duel, perhaps…?’

Maybe someone didn’t play fair and humiliated the opponent during the duel.

‘I’ve never heard of that…’

Although Aria had planned to return to the dormitory right after class for reviewing, she changed her mind.


Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t even asked about his party.

According to Selena, there was no personal feeling, yet she had bluntly turned down her request, and then impulsively acted on it—how embarrassing.

“First things first…!”

Aria, feeling a bit anxious, decided she needed to talk to Lev Denec.

Claris Academy Student Council Room.


Get your act together, you fool.

Liris Larochelle caressed her cheek that had been touched by him.

Even now, the memory of that day, which felt like being doused in cold water, lingered painfully.

But Lev Denec had pushed me away.

Was there anyone who had treated her so coldly when she had tried to give everything?

Liris was also a top student competing for the second-year magic department and wasn’t someone to be envied within the academy as student council president.

Yet one week has already passed since that incident.

I’m not the person you’re looking for. Let’s just ignore each other. If you need a kickback, let me know.

With those words, Liris had now been completely left alone…

But she hadn’t just been sitting quietly during that time!


She hadn’t given up yet.

At first, she considered expelling him due to the demerit points for violence within the academy,

But that would be impossible.

She was convinced Lev Denec was connected to the Demon Beasts.

Her reinforcement rag was taken down in one blow,

And her previous easy victory over upperclassmen in the duel was definitely not mere coincidence.

If anything, her obsession should be described as gradually becoming crazed, but she also had a definite plan.

First, she was in her second year and would join first-year students for dungeon exploration practice this time.

And, since Lev Denec was known to have a strange personality that treated even upperclassmen disrespectfully, there would be no one among the Elders who would try to take him along.

“This time, it’s my turn to be needed.”

At times like this, she could extend a hand instead.

Doesn’t that make sense?

The one who could gain his utmost trust was her.

Her plan didn’t end simply here.

Dungeon exploration practice was held outside the academy, unlike the grade-selecting exams, making it difficult for professors to keep a close eye.

Thus, there was no better environment for unfolding some conspiracy.

“Fufu… I’m looking forward to it.”

The book on her desk was none other than a dark magic tome.

One of the forbidden spells that even magicians had been sealed from training,

A book regarding ‘Mind Control.’

It was a specialized magic of demons who enjoyed luring humans by controlling their minds.

It seemed that being a second-year top student at Claris Academy wasn’t a lie after all, as she had managed to learn this difficult magic in a short time.

‘Ah, it’s not far now…’

Using this dark magic, Liris could achieve her wish.

What she desired was to become a Demon at Lev Denec’s side.

In other words, if she could control him mentally, it would mean she could become the Demon she had always dreamed of by joining his ranks or becoming his subordinate.

No more tiring demon worship, no more being a pawn of demons at this academy.

It meant she could cleanse her ugly, dirty past as a human.

“And, in order to help the junior… that annoying girl must be disposed of as well.”

After confirming through her subordinates, there was a girl student who followed Lev around.

Her name is…

“Aria Bluebell.”

What a presumptuous girl, daring to monitor Lev Denec and try to uncover the secrets of the Great Demon.

Liris wanted to squeeze tears from that cute girl who maintained her poker face.

That sense of submission when she came to her, losing her composure…

“Ha… Just imagining it…”

A single drop of catharsis sent shivers down her spine, electricity coursing through her entire body.

If this is how it feels just to imagine,

How exhilarating would it be when it actually happens?

“The problem is…”

But the big flaw of this magic is that, as a precondition, you need to implant a circuit in the target.

Simply put, you have to engrave the spell magic into him or have him wear an artifact ring of control.

It’s similar to the conditions for the Demon’s Whisper when trying to stamp a demon and combine them with a Demon Creature.

If he had been the weakling he once was, he would have accepted and worn it without hesitation…

‘How do I do this…’

Just as Liris fell into thought,

The door to the Student Council Room flung open.

In that moment, she couldn’t believe her own eyes.

‘A dream…?’

The one she had only welcomed in her imagination

Actually appeared before her.

“Long time no see.”

Huh… Junior??”

Lev Denec had come to find her first.

“Professor Sinatis! I heard Lev is withdrawing from Trial 2!”

After her class ended, the top professor Diana Ashkar rushed into the Evolution Chamber.

While she appeared calm and composed when teaching students, she felt her heart drop upon hearing that Lev had attempted the trial.

Yeah, that’s right.

“Professor, you’re serious. How can you treat him so rigorously without any leniency?”

Of course, it’s easy.

This was the best news for Diana.

‘To take on the bet right after making it… Really…’

Worrying that a reckless fool might actually bring out something, she felt like a fool for being so nervous.

In any case, even though it was a short time, her instincts, sharpened while purifying the sanctuary, were sharp.

With his abilities, he wouldn’t pass Trial 2, let alone Trial 1.

That was the objective evaluation of Lev Denec in her eyes.

The rules of the Chamber were absolute, and there was no possibility for a retry.

Basically, the bet was already over.

While Diana was silently celebrating in her heart,


Lev Denec appeared again.

“It’s nice to see you again, Professor.”

With his calm words, Diana smiled elegantly in response.

“Mr. Lev? It’s been seven days for a retry in the trial…”

“Yes, that’s one week, right?”

“Exactly, so it’s unfortunate. Your attempt was quite ambitious, but…”

“I’ll attempt it again.”

“What? But you can only challenge once a week, you know?”

He walked past Diana, stepping in front of Sinatis.

“I’ll challenge Trial 2-B.”


What kind of reckless act is this?

Accepting the result is one of the most crucial virtues emphasized at Claris Academy…

How could someone with the lowest magic ability challenge B Chamber?

“Mr. Lev? You wanted to be a Marksman, right?”

“I also wanted to be a Magician.”

While generally, you’re prohibited from entering Trial 2-B if you have no inherent magic power,

He satisfied the minimum requirements.

At least, that was the case.

“Can I enter?”

Lev Denec was smiling brightly at the two of them.


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not work with dark mode