Switch Mode

Chapter 383

…I wonder if everyone prefers their original forms rather than the childish versions? Returning to my original self brought forth a complex and nuanced feeling as they all welcomed it so eagerly.

Although Nagisa seemed somewhat cautious of the teacher due to things said when she was younger, I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. After all, Nagisa isn’t the type to do anything that would greatly offend the teacher.

In any case, Nagisa, who is generally more careful than anyone else, can be trusted not to make any foolish mistakes.

After having fried tofu udon for lunch with Wakamo, I set out on my own. Naturally, my destination was the High Cathedral of the Union.

Originally, this place should have been managed by the Sisterhood in their own way, but it has been quite a while since anyone has come here. It makes sense because I’ve blocked access from my end.

The complete shutdown of the parish entrance was entirely to prevent any disruptions to the research being conducted by the Black Suit. Given that Kivotos is the kind of insane place where grenades are sold in vending machines, nobody knows when or how issues might arise at the cathedral.

There was a matter of needing to persuade Sakurako, but it went surprisingly smoothly, likely because I had built enough rapport with her.

In truth, the hardest part of the persuasion was coming up with a plausible reason. My initial thought was to make up an excuse about problems with the cathedral’s foundation related to the passage leading to the catacombs, and that we were seeking solutions in collaboration with Millennium, but…

Deceiving Sakurako like that felt too immoral for me. Plus, I really dislike lying, so I opted for a more honest half-measure instead.

Since this is something truly important to me, I asked for Sakurako and the Sisterhood’s cooperation by saying, “Could you agree to the access restriction to the High Cathedral of the Union without asking questions?” It sounds ridiculous, but it was a genuine approach.

It may have been a bizarre approach within the social scene of Trinity, but perhaps that’s why my sincerity reached Sakurako, and she readily agreed.

Upon arriving outside the cathedral, I stepped past the surrounding barricades and entered the parish where, just like my previous visit, the Black Suit welcomed me.

As always, the bizarre-looking man grinned and bowed slightly upon seeing me. It wasn’t exactly a polite greeting but more of a genteel gesture.

“I must first thank you for accommodating my somewhat sudden request, Cheonsang-ui Mikael.”

“Ah, no, well, this is something that needs cooperation, regardless of anything else. Besides, I didn’t have any urgent plans at the moment.”

“I see. Ah, I just realized, you’ve regained your original form.”

“Uh, please, some privacy… No, wait. I shouldn’t even say that.”

“Heh heh. It would have been troublesome if you had come in that form. Although the essence of the spirit isn’t influenced by the body, you never know…”

“I don’t really know, but if that’s how it is, I guess.”

“We both have a lot to do, so let’s get started right away. Please, this way.”

Saying that, the Black Suit began to walk ahead, and I tried to follow.


Um, I was trying to follow. But at that moment, a sudden, unexplainable resonance froze me in place.

“This is a product derived from the ancient doctrines the Maestro is researching. Nothing particularly grand, so don’t worry about it.”

“…I don’t know exactly what that is, but you’re not going to tell me what you’re trying to do with that, are you?”

“It’s Parousia.”


“Of course, to finish the preparations thoroughly, we still need more time. But our purpose at Gematria remains the same as always: a deeper understanding of the sacred. The Second Coming is merely a means to deepen such research, so as I said, it’s nothing to concern yourself with… just a trivial matter.”

…I feel like I understand it, but I don’t really get it. I have a vague idea of what it is. It must be one of the Communio Sanctorum.

I know what the Second Coming is. I couldn’t not know it, not anymore.

But how that connects to Gematria’s research on the sacred is still a mystery.

However, hearing that they’re just using the artificially created angel series as a means for research does feel a bit unsettling. Just how serious are they about it?

Anyway, when we arrived at the Black Suit’s lab, where I had visited before, he immediately led me to a test tube.

While I was still gazing at Mika’s clone floating in the liquid, I accepted something the Black Suit handed me.

“This is?”

“The theory of soul extraction and transplantation has reached its concluding stage. Now, there are two remaining issues… the transfer of Shinpi, and safely separating the two souls that have become mixed. For that, we need your assistance.”

“What does that have to do with this cross…?”

“To explain that, I would need to talk about the essence of the soul—”

“No, no. That’s alright. I think it would be better if you just tell me what I need to do.”

Either way, I won’t understand if you explain it in detail, Black Suit.

“Heh heh… I’ll explain briefly for your understanding, so don’t worry. That cross is a kind of artificial relic designed to resonate with the sacred essence encapsulated in the Shinpi of Cheonsang-ui Mikael’s body. This process will help demarcate the boundary with the alien soul.”

“…Oh? Hearing it that way, I’m starting to understand a bit.”

“However, reversing the mixed part is nearly impossible, so it’s best not to expect that. Even if we successfully extract the two souls and separate them, the mixed portion won’t revert, and it will inevitably affect both sides.”

“Well, that can’t be helped, so I have to understand. I think I’m already adapted to it. The real issue might not be on my side but the other side.”

Since I’ve already experienced some changes in my personality due to Mika, she must have been affected by me as well, so keep that in mind. That’s roughly the gist of it, right?

The issue is that this Mika isn’t the original Mika; she’s probably someone who has experienced a darker and gloomier past, returning to the present.

But seeing how I’ve transformed into someone with a considerably lighter personality thanks to Mika, maybe there’s no need to worry about it…

Either way, it looks like it’ll be difficult to have any certainty until we open the lid.

“Cheonsang-ui Mikael, you won’t need to do anything. Just hold that and stand still.”

Saying this, the Black Suit moved toward a nearby device and began to operate the panel.

While I was preparing myself for no apparent change, when I started to wonder if something had gone wrong, the Black Suit declared.

“Now, let’s activate the device.”

“Oh, okay.”

…Ah, so we hadn’t even started yet. No wonder!

I felt a bit embarrassed for panicking alone, but thankfully it didn’t show on the outside.

“Cheonsang-ui Mikael, you shouldn’t have any problems.”

The moment the Black Suit said that, the cross in my hand became hot. I thought it was just my imagination, but it soon escalated to a temperature that felt like I might get burned, and an overwhelming anxiety swept over me.

“So you don’t need to get nervous—”

“…No, it’s not nervousness! Is there something wrong with this? It’s burning——”



The Black Suit, who had been speaking nonchalantly, suddenly jumped back in shock as I could see him vaguely operating the machine, and the piercing ringing in my ears made me screw my eyes shut.

What I thought was just the cross being hot actually seemed to originate from my own body, as if my entire being was engulfed in flames.

The crescendo of the ringing disoriented my head. I felt my consciousness slowly fading away. The heat, like pouring lava over me, was fanning the flames, assisting in blowing away my awareness.

Just before my consciousness sank completely, one final thought filled my mind.

Just land one hit, Black Suit.


Looking at the halo that had lost its light with a faint pik, the Black Suit chuckled as he adjusted his cuffs.

There was nothing wrong with the device, and I had already ensured that it performed its role without issue.

“Indeed, you are…”

The artificial relic and the sacred contained within the soul unmistakably resonated.

Executing the soul extraction would also be straightforward as soon as preparations were finished, as they had successfully defined the boundaries between the two souls.

The problematic aspect wasn’t with the incoming rock but rather that the alien soul had also resonated with the relic.

“I suspect the upcoming story will be fairly interesting… hehehe…”

With eyes filled with delight, the Black Suit observed the results appearing on the screen, chuckling uncontrollably.

Glancing briefly at Mika’s body collapsed next to the test tube, he thought he should handle this situation first, yet he couldn’t repress the laughter spilling from him.

“I look forward to it, Cheonsang-ui Mikael… or rather, our teacher from another world.”


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not work with dark mode