Switch Mode

Chapter 380

Early dawn. With a worried feeling, I carefully removed the arms that wrapped around my body and the legs draped over me.

Before sleeping, I’d gone to bed snuggled up to Nagisa, leaving some space away from Aco, but look what happened now.

Given this situation, our chief administrator definitely seemed to be a type who hugs something while sleeping.

…By the way, my body still hasn’t returned to normal. I’m pretty sure I drank it yesterday morning, so the chance of returning to normal earlier than usual is probably already half gone.

After successfully waking up without disturbing the two who were barely clinging to my body, I got out of bed. Then I foolishly glanced around and quickly covered my mouth.

The moment I caught sight of Wakamo snuggling her tail as she slept, illuminated by the soft light of the small lamp beside the bed, I couldn’t help but stifle a laugh.

Seriously, it’s unbearably cute. The face hidden beneath the mask is so innocent that it makes her even cuter…!

After watching Wakamo sleep for a while, I turned and made my way slowly to the kitchen.

Of course, I wasn’t planning on having a late-night snack; I just felt thirsty…

Taking a glass of water from the dispenser, I contemplated today’s schedule in my head.

Of course, attending morning mass is mandatory. If I don’t go, Mari will scold me. The memory of being held captive for two hours last time I skipped is enough to make me go.

…But before that, should I explain to the teacher if my body doesn’t return to normal?

After that, I have to meet the teacher. The Gehenna Students are arriving at Trinity tomorrow, but the teacher said she would come a day early.

And… I’ve also got somewhere to go this afternoon. Just a moment ago.

You might wonder what kind of place there is to go after just waking up, but surprisingly, our Kivotos is home to some uninvited guests who wander into other people’s dreams.

I have no idea why they wake perfectly decent people from their slumber like that… but it turns out I have a reason to meet one of them today—a certain Black Suit.

…Hmm. Schedules aside, I’m so sleepy it’s killing me. It might not just be the body issue; it feels like I’m just waking up from sleep.

I didn’t check the time when I left the room, but considering how dark it is outside… it feels like I could go back in and get some more sleep. Anyway, those sisters will wake me up eventually. Sure.

Yawning softly, before heading back to my room, I peeked my head inside to take a look. Surprisingly, I spotted the sisters sleeping quite peacefully side by side.

Naturally, I thought they must have had an intimate time together, but perhaps I was severely misunderstanding the situation. I thought Noa and Luna were sex-crazed monsters, but maybe they weren’t like that at all…

Well, both of their sleeping faces are quite beautiful. I’d like to leave a kiss on their cheeks, but then they might wake up, and that would make me feel bad… Honestly, I thought it was a bit lewd, so I decided against it.

So in the end, I quietly returned to my room and stood in front of the bed, taking a moment to doubt my own eyes.

…What the heck is this?

After rubbing my eyes once, then twice, I took another look at what was on the bed and saw Aco tightly hugging Nagisa as she slept.


The first emotion that hit me was confusion. The second was a mixed feeling of jealousy and possessiveness. The third was something close to self-loathing.

Having multiple lovers and then getting jealous over this while half-asleep seemed rather pathetic. After calming myself down, I took another look, and it was quite the amusing sight.

Before sleeping, I had gone to bed with plenty of space and in a proper position, but now…


“…Urawa Hanako?”

Startled by the sudden soft whisper, I paused for a moment, then turned to see Hanako patting the spot next to her.

“Please take care of this poor, lonely junior who’s struggling with loneliness…♡”


The bed is wide enough that it wouldn’t be a problem if I climbed in, but right now, it might be a bit more comfortable here.

“Ufu, you really are kind, Senpai.”

“Hey, please hug me tightly again quickly…”

“…Well, how can I refuse that? Of course, I have no intention of saying no.”

Laying my head on the pillow that Hanako offered, I faced her directly. Wakamo seemed to be stirring slightly next to us; I probably said too much.

“If I sleep like this and wake up, you’ll have returned to your normal self… Honestly, I feel happy and sad about that. The reason is… I’ll just show you with this.”

Suddenly, Hanako took my hand and gently placed it on her scandalous spot, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Is she perhaps feeling shy…?

The lamp’s light wasn’t bright enough to tell if her face was flushed, but I could feel something indescribable at my fingertips… Yeah.

…Indescribable? Not at all! I could feel every inch of the fabric of her pajamas quite distinctly. Plus, there was something that felt slightly out of place. If I move my hand, it would likely change everything drastically.

“Hehe… I suppose I’m not quite ready for this yet, Senpai.”

After saying that, Hanako pulled her hand away and held me closely as I requested. It was a warmth of a different level altogether.

“…Just take it slow. Yeah, there’s no rush. How much time do we have left?”

“I’m glad to hear that… Sleep well, Senpai.”

“Yeah… sleep well, Hanako.”


When I woke up, my body hadn’t returned to normal, or anything like that. Did Hanako set a flag by any chance?

It was already 24 hours past since the timing, so that was a bit surprising. Following the instructions, the effect should last no longer than another 6 hours, so I should return to normal before the afternoon.

…Hmm. I’m going to have to meet the teacher in this state. I can’t help but wonder what her reaction will be.

First, I should probably grab some of my usual clothes. Who knows when I’ll return to normal…


“…Aco, are you planning on waking everyone up first thing in the morning?”

Hah. Just as expected, Aco, having awakened from sleep and checking her condition, made a scream loud enough to wake everyone in the house.

“W-What, why am I with you?!”

“Why are you asking me? To be honest, I was more surprised by it than you.”

“Uuuh, about that. I went to get a drink, and when I came back, you two were hugging each other super tightly. I can’t tell you how jealous I was… Oh, by the way, Aco, before that, you were hugging me so tightly I couldn’t move! So I guess Hanako wasn’t lying. I’ll never forget that hand filled with ulterior motives.”


“…Good morning, Mika. Hope you’re comfortable in Hanako’s embrace.”

“Yeah, very☆”

As I sat on the bed, looking down at this scene, Nagisa let out a sigh and nodded.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit disappointed… But it’s not something I can control, is it?”


“Mika, why is it not me…?”


On the side, Wakamo, sitting with her legs crossed, had a face full of pity as she drooped her ears and tail.

“Oh my, Wakamo, this just happened to occur since I was miraculously awake.”

That much is true, but more importantly, Wakamo was hugging her tail while sleeping…

It was such a pitiful sight that I couldn’t just let it be. I jumped out from Hanako’s embrace and leaped toward Wakamo.


“Hehe. How about the two of us have lunch together?”

“…Is that really okay?”

“Why wouldn’t it be? After all, the basic principle is to set up dates first☆”

I’m not so power-hungry that I can’t choose my own appointment. If Nagisa were a total stranger, it might be different, but she’s not the kind to dictate our plans with someone who’s also my lover.

“If that’s the case… yes, please…!”

Upon hearing my proposal, Wakamo’s ears perked up immediately, and as her fluffy tail began to sway, I gently stroked it, causing her to lean her head against my cheek and nuzzle it.

“Uuuh… I know you’re happy, but…”

“…You’re too innocent, Mika.”

“Uhh? Nagisa, what do you mean…?”

“Hm? I didn’t say anything.”

…I can’t shake the feeling she called my name earlier. The problem is I didn’t catch the beginning part. Hmm.

Well, it’s probably not a big deal.

But then again, it feels a bit noisy outside since earlier…

“Oh, everyone’s up! Right now, Haruna and I are preparing breakfast, so please come out on time♪”

Oh my, Luna is making breakfast again after dinner. With her culinary skills improved thanks to hard work and Houka the chef’s assistance after almost being a disaster, I shall worship you, Luna…


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not work with dark mode