Switch Mode

Chapter 361

The third match with Aco unfolded a bit differently than before.

First, the colors were decided by a coin toss.

The time limit was changed from 30 seconds per move to a total of 30 minutes without additional time.

Originally, the 30 seconds per move rule was part of Nagisa’s training method to help me quickly master chess, while the latter time limit was something Aco was much more accustomed to.

“I’ll call heads.”

“Sure, whatever’s comfortable for you.”

With Aco calling heads and me tails, Hanako conducted the coin toss.

“I’m sorry, Misono Mika…”

“Fufu, this time I’ll play as white. Is that okay?”

“You’re scared to play black and are saying you’ll go white instead, as if I would care? I understand, Aco-chan. Yeah, a three-time loss isn’t exactly great, huh?”

“…I hope you remember what’s at stake in this game. No matter if we later discuss maid outfits or anything like that, I won’t agree to any of it!”

Even so… It’s not like Makoto is my opponent; Aco seems the kind of person who would laugh it off even after losing.

Even if there’s a chance I’d actually lose… What kind of weird thing would Aco make me do?

It’s essential to remember that Hina’s existence is essentially Aco’s restraint. There are still unresolved issues between them, which is a variable, but I believe it won’t be a big problem.

By the way, even as Hanako apologized to me, she didn’t seem particularly remorseful… It looks like she wants to see me struggle. She somewhat knows I often face off against Nagisa and tend to play white.

Starting from the newly set-up chessboard, Aco’s first move was thoroughly standard: advancing the pawn in front of the queen to d4.

Since I no longer had to rush due to the 30 seconds, I took a moment to think. I organized the counterplays Nagisa had shown me when I made that move and listed the particularly tricky ones I faced during our game.

Among them, the option closely aligned with my tendency was an extremely aggressive choice. Ultimately, I decided on the move Nf6.

This would give the white side control of the center, allowing black to develop their pieces rapidly, leading to castling. Through this, I could naturally secure the king’s safety while preparing a counterattack in the center.

Even if Aco reads my intentions, there aren’t many choices for white that wouldn’t take control of the center. This means I could limit my opponent’s moves to areas I’m familiar with as much as possible.


Following our quick moves until the fourth, Aco made the move f4, snickering.

Looking at the chessboard where every pawn from columns C to F had moved to the center, I clearly understood Aco’s mindset.

No matter how I looked at it, she definitely was more of a fighter than I was.


We silently began sketching out the games on the chessboard, doing our best to foil each other’s plans.

Aco, starting the game under the relatively familiar rules, was stronger than I anticipated, but definitely inferior to Nagisa. Thus, having stored up ‘Nagisa’s moves in such situations’ like answers, I managed to maintain a somewhat advantageous position until the middle game.

However, during this phase, Aco successfully pressured me, and I made some painful mistakes, inevitably leading to an unfavorable endgame.

To make matters worse, our timers dropped below two minutes. I couldn’t tell if I had made a brilliant move or if Aco had simply committed a ridiculous blunder, or if it was both…

In a game that was favorable for Aco, she failed to protect her king.

And what followed was an infinite check.

According to chess rules, a situation that leads to a draw unfolded on the board.

“I… I was winning…! Let’s do it again! I can’t go back like this!”

“Uh… Aco-chan, that’s starting to feel sad. Yeah.”

“A draw means the bet is void! How can I be satisfied with such an ambiguous result… we need a definite conclusion!”

Aco desperately denied reality.

Well, she had the victory within her grasp but blew it herself, so it must be frustrating.

“To begin with, that move made no sense. From my perspective, there’s no way… Is this heaven abandoning me?!”

“Hahaha. It’s amusing watching someone who makes a mistake wear such an unfair expression… Yeah.”


“Senior Officer, would you mind playing about 100 more games like that? With that, I would get an additional four days off… four days, that’s a time frame where selling one’s soul wouldn’t be surprising. So, I’ll be counting on you for this?”

“…Why don’t you take care of that on your own? Also, could you not speak to me? Your laziness seems to be contagious.”

“Are you saying someone who’s risking their life for a match because they feel unfairly treated shouldn’t say that? That’s intriguing…”

“I didn’t stake anything. And I didn’t suggest a bet for such a trivial purpose.”

Aco slightly shivered and spoke distastefully. At that moment, Hanako suddenly blurted out something unexpected.

“If the result is a draw, wouldn’t both sides just have to agree on the bet being accepted?”

“…Huh? What nonsense are you talking about? It’s obvious that a draw means it’s void!”

“While you’re at Trinity serving Mika-senpai, wouldn’t it make sense if it’s the opposite at Gehenna? Ufufu.”

…Hanako, whose side are you on? What are you trying to achieve with this nonsense?

When I shot her a subtly accusatory glare, she slipped away saying, “Just kidding~.”

“Anyway, let’s play one more round! If you don’t let me, I’ll just stay here till you do, so don’t try to escape.”

“Whoa… You’re one persistent little one.”

I was finally able to escape Aco’s endless obsession for victory after playing two additional games.

One game ended in a draw again due to Rook endgame.

After that… well, let’s just say Aco instinctively overturned the board right before the game ended as she anticipated her loss.

Her attempt to summon the colossus of checkmate could be nullified by merely revealing the price of that chess set. It’s not that she couldn’t afford it, but she rather wouldn’t want to pay that.

Ah. Just to clarify… overturning the board doesn’t nullify the game, Aco-chan.


Having lost the bet, Aco had to give up a lot. Poor girl who lost so many things in just a single day… Yet she was probably satisfied as she didn’t end up on a leash and lying down.

That aside, there was something I needed to discuss with Aco.

The issue was that it was a somewhat delicate topic, and it was particularly challenging since Iroha happened to join us.

While looking over documents with Aco, at some point, Iroha actually fell asleep.

Hanako conveniently stepped out at the right moment.

By “at the right moment,” I mean she managed to perceive my silent cue and smoothly handled her work before leaving.

Since Hanako is my personal assistant, she technically doesn’t have any work to handle, but Aco wouldn’t know that. She would just assume that’s how things are.

After slipping a cushion under Iroha’s head, I quietly stood up and moved next to Aco.

“W-What’s going on, suddenly?”

“Huh? Why are you so surprised? Didn’t I promise to show you something?”

“…Right now?”

“Yeah. Honestly, the stuff you’re reading right now isn’t that important, is it? We already finalized all the specifics in advance, so we just need to sign and it’s done.”

“That’s true, but…”

Seeing Aco hesitate for a moment, she finally nodded and pulled out her phone. The phone case adorned with the Gehenna mark made it clear that both she and Iroha truly loved Gehenna, although the reasons why remain somewhat unclear to me.

I expected something like, “This is where the head of our department is,” or something similar to bounce back.

“Wait a minute… You didn’t happen to see it, did you?”


“No, of course not! I asked for permission for most of them, so please don’t misunderstand?!”

…How do you get permission for pictures of someone asleep?

The gallery visible beyond the screen was filled with pictures of Hina. I’m not joking.

While there were ordinary photos like desserts and selfies, they were practically 80:20 in favor of Hina.

Looking at it this way, it was clear that she was in serious trouble.

“…This was taken during the head’s time in the intelligence unit.”


It was astonishing how she looked exactly the same as now, both in appearance and height.

The only noticeable difference was the more modest design of the uniform giving her a mob student vibe, and the fact she was wearing a hat.

The following photos Aco started to unveil… could indeed be called a collection of secrets. Hina’s school swimsuit attire was something I’d never seen in real life, and unless I asked, I probably wouldn’t see it.

One photo that particularly stood out was Hina asleep at her desk in her office. The blanket covering her was clearly recognizable as someone else’s work, which left me feeling a bit troubled, but if you just look at the photo, it genuinely leaves you in awe…

Hmm, a piece of work? To exaggerate a bit, it was at that level.

“Aco-chan, you take amazing photos…”

“It’s all in an effort to capture the head’s appearance as accurately as possible.”

“Yeah, I get that this is a bit creepy, right?”

“Ha. It’s sad that you don’t recognize the head’s charm… Hah.”

Starting with a scoff and ending with a sigh… it’s a bit pitiful. Why is she self-destructing like that?

“Aco-chan, I’m not sure it’s right for me to say this to you, but…”

“…This isn’t about right or wrong; it’s a necessary conversation to have, so just go ahead. It might even be better than hearing it directly from the head.”

“Okay… if that’s how you feel, I guess it can’t be helped.”

I looked into Aco’s eyes.

Her voice was steady, but her eyes betrayed a palpable tremor.

Since this was a situation caused by my minor verbal slip-up, I had to take responsibility.

Taking a slow breath, I gathered the strength to begin.


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not work with dark mode