Switch Mode

Chapter 354

Suddenly, a girl appeared before me. Uniquely, one of the horns protruding from her head was broken, and her eyes had that typical squinty trait along with a passive cat-like smile.

“Nyahaha. As for me… um~ how should I put this? You could say I’ve been placed in a position that’s a bit below my capabilities~? Something like that. I’m Amachi Nya, in charge of the Onmyoubu.”

The head of Onmyoubu, Amachi Nya.

How should I put it? She seemed like a collection of all the difficult-to-handle human types I dread facing, so to simplify, she was like an embodiment of loneliness? That kind of character.

It was like this before, and it’s still the same now. Dealing with someone whose inner thoughts I can’t read is really tough for me.

So, the most difficult part of adapting to the host duties was dealing with upper-level students who were heads of other factions.

Through Nagisa and my own experiences, I’ve managed to devise my own approach, and as my standing in Trinity rose vertically, it got to the point where I could act somewhat freely without serious issues, which solved the problem to some extent.

However, taking on those who hid snakes in their hearts was genuinely tedious and tiring, so I was really reluctant to do so.

To be honest, I didn’t want to deal with them.

At least with Rion or Hanako, I had access to information thanks to their possession privileges, but with this one, I knew hardly anything.

She had almost no presence in the main story, and even in the event stories, her existence was quite faint. Plus, she wasn’t even a registered student, so I had no connection stories to look into… If I did know something, wouldn’t that be more unusual?

“To think I’d meet the famous T-party host and Reikubyō no Yū~ Nyaha, I’m a bit tense here too, you know? Hehe. For now, let me just say it’s nice to meet you.”

“AHAHAHA. Yeah, nice to meet you too. As for my name, you probably already know, but I’m Misono Mika, the poor soul stuck in a position I don’t even want. If that’s not satisfactory, you should consider transferring to Trinity. Yeah, then I’ll definitely pass this position to you as it is.”

“Oh my, that’s an unexpected reaction~? You’re more fun than I thought, T-party host. Or are you trying to act fun?”

“In response to that, I’m not particularly concerned about how others view me. So, in that sense… from now on, I’ll call you Nya-chan. By the way, is that cool?”

“Hehe, I’d say you lean more towards being an interesting person. That’s a response that draws me in~. Then, I don’t think it’d be rude to call you Mika either. Or maybe, how about we just speak a little more casually this time?”

“Heueng. It hasn’t even been 5 minutes since we met, but you’re already asking to be friends? That’s proactive, huh?”

“From the looks of your reaction, you don’t seem particularly unhappy. Nyahaha, then I’ll go ahead and take a little liberty~ Mika.”

Amidst the cheerful exchange of laughs, I could assure myself.

This girl, she was probably just bored and came to visit without any significant business in mind.


“Oh? What’s with that fierce expression, our Reikubyō no Yū?”

“Uh, you’re wearing a mask.”

“Of course, you can’t see it because of the mask~ But you can still perceive things without directly seeing, can’t you~?”


Nya, who opened her fan and covered her mouth, slightly opened her eyes. Just enough for her pupils to show.

Seeing that made me think of Kaya for some reason. It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen that kid open her eyes.

“I just want to ask, did Chise’s words happen to bother you… in any way?”

“Hehe, hehe. So it was you behind that, wasn’t it?”

“Nyahaha~ As if I would do that~. Did you think Chise would obediently follow because I told her to?”

“…Hmm. I can’t deny that, but it still seems like your influence was in the basic framework, no? How did my guess turn out to be correct?”

“Let’s just say that’s a no comment~ and move on.”

Wow, there’s absolutely no concession on either side, and it’s getting harder to breathe.

Moreover, Nya is indeed quite calculative and sly, making good use of the fact that unless she causes a big issue, most things are permitted.

As long as she doesn’t openly pick a fight with us, I can’t say much more than just words either.

Wakamo is bound to the SRT and can’t cause trouble.

And I’m the very face representing Trinity.

I’m not in a position to act recklessly.

Still, if I were to bring up what happened with Nyantema Ru here, I have the feeling they would have thought of some counter-argument.

“You seem to be overthinking too much. How about cooling your head down for a bit~? It’s just fun meeting an interesting opponent after a long time, so there’s no need to attach too much meaning to small talk~.”

“Huh? Wait, Nya-chan. Wasn’t what we’ve been doing up until now ice-breaking? That’s strange. I naturally thought that was the case.”

“Nyahaha, right, right. Our words don’t seem to sync well, do they, Mika?”

“AHAHAHA. Just because we each say what we want doesn’t exactly mean we understand each other!”



As we exchanged hollow laughs, we both stopped giggling without knowing who was first.

“So, what is your actual business?”

“Well, just to apologize for the unpleasant incident over at Hakgwiyaeng, and to establish an acquaintance with someone who has maintained their position as the supreme authority in Trinity for over a year~? So in that meaning, I apologize for today~.”

“Heueng. Sounds like you’re mocking me.”

“Oh my, if that’s how it came off, I apologize. But my apology is sincere~ and I’ve also achieved my purpose of getting acquainted~ so should we promise to meet again in the future~? Nyaha!”


Nya loudly folded her fan and turned around to leave but paused and glanced at Wakamo, adding playfully as a parting shot.

“That collar suits you well, Foxy♪”


“Come on, Wakamo-chan. Be a good girl, okay? Don’t get mad; worrying about those things only brings you misfortune.”

I gently patted Wakamo’s head, who was slightly taller than me, as I let out a deep sigh. As my hand brushed her ears, they perked up, giving me a warm feeling.

I’ve really missed this sensation. I hadn’t felt it since Seiya began to avoid me.

“…You don’t have to worry too much, Mika. For that matter… I’ve already surpassed my patience limit today. So let’s take this as a subtle win.”

Hearing Wakamo say that as if she had achieved enlightenment made Nya burst out laughing, “Nyahah!”

“Don’t dislike Chise too much, Foxy. She’s a good girl~.”

“I didn’t particularly say I disliked her. No, I merely deemed her a pain to deal with.”

Hmm. It seems something happened between them when I visited the Onmyoubu with the teacher, and I am honestly a bit curious about it.

“Hehe. Well then, let’s start promising our next meeting. Let’s hope the festival’s highlight is a lovely experience~. See you again, Mika! Nyahaha!”

“Yeah, let’s not meet again soon, Nya-chan.”

“Because of that line, we absolutely have to meet again~! We must see each other~.”

Wow, what a whirlwind, it feels like a fierce storm has just passed.

“What a creepy girl.”

“AHAHAHA, I kinda agree!”



“Alcohol… I believe it should be learned from adults.”

“Ah, well, that’s true. But?”

“I-if you don’t mind, Mika-nim… Maybe I could teach you? Yes, let’s do that…?”

Wow. This is really cute. Who’s teaching who about alcohol here?

But it’s an incredibly tempting offer. I don’t know what sparked this change in mood, but letting this chance slip would be foolish!

The problem is, the two people are probably waiting for me back at the lodging. And if I drink, even if I don’t get drunk, the smell will surely give it away.

…But it’s alcohol.

If only I had the chance just after the possession, I would have poured alcohol down my throat until I died. This long-awaited opportunity to finally taste it is right in front of me.

To be in a situation where I have to refuse this is madness.

And why do I feel like Wakamo won’t ask again if I pass this up?

Yeah, even if it’s a risk, I’ve got to take this one.

“So, just one drink?”

“Yeah, just one drink… let’s say that. After all, the big sisters are probably waiting too.”

…Why is she referring to the big sisters sincerely? If so, that means there are four younger students who should be calling Wakamo ‘big sister.’ Plus, Noa is two years younger.

I don’t know. Overthinking will just give me a headache.

But, hey…

Hua. To finally get a chance to bring that longed-for alcohol to my lips.

After Wakamo said to wait for just ten minutes and disappeared, I was left alone, looking up at the sky in anticipation of the sweet time to come.

Wow. The moon is so beautiful. This is love.

Yeah. If this isn’t love, then what is?


This all happened n hours before I swore never to touch alcohol again.


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