Switch Mode

Chapter 35

Raphae Cheong-gwan.

In Claris Academy, there’s a dormitory for those wielding magic power.

On this floor of the dormitory, a luxurious lounge is prepared.

With chandeliers adorning the ceiling,

And a vintage interior that creates a formality out of nowhere.

Delicious desserts crafted by chefs hailed as artisans even in the empire.

This is also part of the academy’s system to foster a conducive learning atmosphere, a privilege granted only to S-grade students who serve as role models for others.

And the one who recognized her innate talent and became the top freshman, Hongyeom – Melissa de Prominence, was having tea time here with Aria.

“Ria, doesn’t it suit your taste?”

“No, it’s too much for me.”


Perhaps it was because half of her had changed, but Melissa had been finding it hard to meet Aria lately.

Even when Melissa approached her, there were many instances when Aria was absent, and she’d heard that Aria often appeared in the personal training room.

With a woman’s intuition, it seemed clear that a man was involved.

“You’re not secretly dating, are you?”


“Lately, the second-year seniors say a pretty girl has been coming and going in the personal training room, you know?”

“…It’s not me.”

“Don’t be humble, Ria. With your charm, you could easily pick and choose.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Hm… really?”

Despite Melissa’s persistent suspicion, Aria firmly denied it.

Picking and choosing…

Aria had never really contemplated the emotion of love, which wasn’t appropriate for her age.

In her mind, there was only Lev Denec.

Today was the day of the duel with Gaelon.

Of course, while the snacks she hadn’t tasted before were nice, her true concern was the outcome of the duel.

If Lev were to lose and had to leave the academy, she wouldn’t have the chance to confirm her doubts about the great demon Andras.

It still felt difficult to form any attachment to him, but… Aria was secretly hoping that Lev would win.

‘Recently, he hasn’t caused any big problems, and in the end, he hasn’t harmed anyone…’

There wasn’t any hypocrisy in his actions, and in fact, Aria was the one who had received help from him.

Lev Denec had suddenly become someone Aria couldn’t help but think about anytime, anywhere.





“I called you because I didn’t want to eat alone. I might feel a bit sad.”

“I’m sorry. I’m also enjoying it, so please eat up.”


The duel time was noon.

And right now, it was 11 a.m…

Sorry, Melissa, but Aria was hoping this time would end quickly.


In the Yegudi Green House, where students in utility positions, not knights or magicians, reside.

Connected to this dormitory is a next building with an arena where students of each grade can battle.

In the setting of the [Reincarnated Hero], it was said that the bravest of the past heroes, Kroon, originated from a gladiatorial background.

In a tribute to this, the arena was structured like a circular coliseum.

Indeed, the most entertaining things in the world are watching water, fire, and fights.

Even before the grade match began in this new semester, the early duel had already drawn quite a crowd regardless of grade.

Even before the duel started, the students were already betting on the outcome.

– If you want to make some money, it’s Gaelon.

– Which crazy fool would bet on the freshman?

– I heard the freshman started the fight. Quite confident, huh?

– Then why don’t you bet on the freshman?

On one side, it seemed there was also a fan club following Gaelon.

– What if that annoying guy hurts Gaelon?!

– Don’t you trust your master? That jerk will surrender soon!

– I wonder how amazing he’ll look…! Must capture it in my eyes…!

‘They’re really having fun.’

An idol fan club, indeed.

It’s only natural for someone with an elven appearance to be stunning.

I went down from the spectator seat and headed into the arena.

“Both contestants, to your positions!”

In the center of the arena stood the Vice Instructor Bella, who I had seen during the selection test.

“I am Bella, the vice instructor officiating the duel between the S-grade second-year Gaelon Sharptie and the B-grade first-year Lev Denec.”

She began explaining the rules skillfully as if she had done this many times.

“Please adhere to the detailed regulations regarding the duel and the follow-up policies as stipulated by Claris Academy.”

“If both sides agree, please raise your arms at a right angle to swear.”

Gaelon and I raised our arms in accordance with Bella’s instructions.


As Bella began reciting the rules of the duel in a loud voice, Gaelon made a predictable provocation.

“Looks like you didn’t run away. I thought you were a coward.”


I contemplated ignoring him, but to execute my planned strategy, I decided to respond.

“How’s your neck?”


“The back of your neck, it’s going to get stepped on again today, hope you’re good with that.”

“You bastard… If this weren’t a mock battle, I’d be dead at your hands… you know that?”

“Don’t know.”

As I acted juvenile, Gaelon began to snarl.

“Hey, you garbage human! What makes you think you can flirt with Selena?”

His voice grew even louder.

“Do you enjoy the fleeting attention gained from pity? Disgusting bastard.”

He seemed to know that Selena had been helping me train.

Thinking about it, thanks to her, I had been able to train efficiently.

I had actually gotten much stronger too.

I felt I ought to express my gratitude.

I smiled and replied.

“Your Selena is quite impressive.”


The audience watching this duel wasn’t just the students.

Instructor Sylvester and Professor McClone, who was soon to retire, were also present.

Typically, practical duels are where students sharpen their skills and professors pay close attention, but this time felt different.

After all, there was Lev Denec, who had secretly taken down the demon during the last selection test.

“Is that the student?”

Professor McClone’s gaze was fixed on a neat young man with gray hair and black eyes, without any discernible flaws.

“Yes. It seems so. Though his aura feels a bit different now.”

Sylvester was also conscious of him.

However, something had changed.

His impression and the aura radiating from him.

‘Is it really possible to achieve this level of growth in such a short time?’

In fact, the decision to place him in B-grade had much to do with McClone’s influence.

If things had gone as they should, he would have fit perfectly in C-grade, the lowest tier.

But they couldn’t ignore the sudden contributions in slaying demons.

Of course, he had high demerit points, and depending on his future actions, adjustments could be made easily.

But to cause such a stir to the extent of dueling with seniors…

“Sylvester, who do you think will win?”

“Candidly speaking, I believe it will be Gaelon…”

“Why do you think so?”

“The freshman has yet to properly attend combat practice… The first year at Claris isn’t something to take lightly either.”

“Indeed, I suppose that’s true.”

In response to Sylvester’s cold evaluation, McClone only reflected internally.

“Unless he’s an extraordinary individual.”


Gaelon seemed to have taken my provocation personally, beginning to convulse in rage.

“You bastard!”

His eyes looked like they were about to spin around,

– Wobble.


As he attempted to throw a punch at me, his balance faltered, and he found himself reluctantly pulled back by Bella’s restraint.

It was quite a hilarious sight, yet the audience seemed to feel differently.

– Woooooo!

– What’s happening! I think it’s starting!

– What did the freshman do to provoke him?!

Everyone cheered as if having a great time.

“Gaelon, remember you’re in front of your juniors. Set a good example.”

Bella continued to calmly explain like an old sage pacifying burning youth.

“In instructor duels, marksmen use arrows that normalize the weight of rubber. You’ll adapt quickly as the weight remains the same. The weapons for both will be the designated duel gear.”

With minimal protective gear and weapons that looked sturdy but seemed not very lethal.


[Claris Academy Duel Crossbow]

[Rarity: E]

[This crossbow was made for practice. It doesn’t seem likely to have much destructive power.]



Since interference from skills or magic is inevitable, even this light weapon would suffice to cause considerable damage if it hit.

“Finally, let’s point out one critical rule.”

“The match ends if one side surrenders, or at the discretion of the officiant when one side can no longer fight. That will determine the victor.”

“If ready, please take your positions.”

As Gaelon and I stood on circular tiles about 30 meters apart,

“Match begins, 30 seconds.”

Bella started counting down.

Gaelon Sharptie and me.

Looking at just the stats, I was at a disadvantage.

He was a senior, and being the top archer, his average stats were a whopping 3.1 while I was only around 2.1, despite training hard.

Additionally, his archery skill was 7 to my 6, a one-level difference.

His level in Wind Archery was 3 while mine was still at level 1.

The most critical factor was that he wasn’t demon-blooded and couldn’t utilize the hermit trait either.


With 20 seconds left until the duel,

– Mumble mumble…

He closed his eyes and began murmuring incantations.

Probably gathering the winds to use [Wind Archery] in advance.

Clearly, he intended to humiliate me by slowly piling on the pressure through a long, protracted battle.

‘Stay calm.’

But with that, I had a chance of winning.

Gaelon’s stance hadn’t changed from the beginning; he looked down on humanity and boasted his pride in archery, had consistently underplayed and belittled me.

Right now, he was precisely in that typical villainous role, falling for my provocation.

He wouldn’t even know whether I was capable of using Wind Archery until he was dead.

Thus, the initial attack would become my winning strategy.

If it dragged on, due to the difference in stats, victory would be anything but assured.

Currently, the only technique I could wield with Wind Archery at level 1 was:


▶ [First Technique: Wind Shot] (Active) (General Technique)

Rapid Fire – Shoots swiftly like the wind.

Continuous Fire – Shoots successively like the whispering wind.

Arc Shot – Shoots unexpectedly like the twisting wind.

[*Due to the contract with Ariel, the energy consumed is reduced, while damage increases drastically.]


[Current Wind Energy: 100/100]


‘Wind Shot.’

This is the basic form of Wind Archery, consisting of rapid fire, continuous fire, and arc shot…

Not much to choose from, really.

I registered all three.

– Ding!

– Ding!

– Ding!


▶ Currently registered skills

[Passive] – Hermit

[General Technique 1] – First Technique: Wind Shot – Rapid Fire

[General Technique 2] – First Technique: Wind Shot – Arc Shot

[General Technique 3] – First Technique: Wind Shot – Continuous Fire

[Ultimate Technique] – Demonization


Magic requires prior incantation.

This is a fundamental concept of fantasy and should, of course, be an absolute rule.

But it’s different in a game.

Whether I’m playing as a magician, knight, or archer…

Simply hitting the keys reflecting the skills in my skill set is a very clear and simple sensation.

Before I knew it, the starting count was down to 3 seconds.

– Three.

First, the winds began to stir around me.

Thanks to my contract with the Spirit King, gathering wind energy was no issue.

– Two.

And the spirit’s energy spiraled around my hands.

– Whoosh…

– One.

The crossbow, after all, was a weapon designed to shoot a single shot from a fixed frame with a trigger.

But here, only my hands seem capable of defying this absolute truth.

In other words, I could simply cancel the rapid fire and use it again with an additional compression.

– Start!

It was as simple as that.

– Pibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibi!!!

With the duel’s starting signal,

From the crossbow’s end, or perhaps from my hand,

Dozens of strands of wind burst forth all at once.


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not work with dark mode