Switch Mode

Chapter 321

I pulled one of the papers on my desk towards me. The content? I couldn’t even focus on that.


As sparks flew in front of my eyes and my head spun, I bit my lips tightly.

Ugh, hwaek… hwa…

But making noise wouldn’t do me any good.

Just listening felt like I should start praying because the holy hymn mixed with the trembling nasal sounds and rough breaths, sounding off-key.

The sweet moans that disrupted the essence of the hymn added to the cacophony like a twisted harmony.

My hands moved down, resting on the subtle hill that rose between my legs, the sensation of the cloth in my hand feeling strangely foreign compared to hair.

“Th-this is… I won’t let you go, kahut…”

My empty mutterings faded away without filling the office.

The sound of the hymn buried the debauched and ugly acts taking place in this space, but that didn’t erase the guilt.

Noa knew me too well. To her, I was merely a target to be thoroughly conquered.

Considering she couldn’t even handle me when she teamed up with Haruna, it was her own effort to keep me satisfied.

Before Noa, one of the two lovers who knew my body better than I did, I was just a helpless girl.

“Hu, aah… Noa, please… t-that, just a little…”

I leaned my head on my arms on the desk. I whispered softly enough for Noa to hear, but judging by her not even pretending to listen, she must’ve had no intention of stopping.

I didn’t dare put strength into the hand resting atop her head. In a situation like this, I was worried I wouldn’t even be able to control my strength.

Szzzt. Sllurp. Smack…

As I lowered my head, I vaguely heard those sounds.

No, I didn’t truly think there were those sounds; my mind just played them out. The hymn was performing its role of completely drowning out these lewd noises.

Hkrrng, urgh…

Suddenly, I found myself gasping for breath, instinctively clenching my fist.

Not just my fist. The tension rippled through my whole body, even my toes stretched out before curling back together.

…No, am I really feeling that? I couldn’t tell. Everything was a tangled mess.

Next time, if Noa tries something so audacious again…

I’d shove my body beneath the desk until her eye makeup runs down completely… until I couldn’t muster any strength, and my pupils were unfocused, I’d stick close and torment her.

I dreamt of such a delusional fantasy.

Having such an impossible dream, escaping into delusions was one of the few choices I had.

I loosened my grip on my thighs and hands. It was clear she must’ve found the situation stifling, yet Noa’s overly enthusiastic service made me feel strangely annoyed.

Still, surely she’d ease off soon. She had to return to Millennium sometime; there was no way she could keep this up forever—

“No, Noa…! Please, I’m just too sensitive right now… Ahh!”

No ease in sight. It seemed like today was the day to go all out. If I could at least enjoy it, my heart might’ve been at peace, but the anxiety of when, how, and who might walk in drove me mad.

The thrill from this situation? It could definitely be dialed down. If I got caught like this, it’d be a social assassination courtesy of Noa.

Above all, what frustrated me was the fact that I was gradually getting wrapped up in the pleasure she offered.

I thought about just letting go and enjoying it. If I got caught, so what? Who would dare confront me over this?

The T-party host, of all people, receiving such service in her office…

Ahhh! If this got found out, I’d rather just die.

“Noa… if you grant me one wish, uh, please… huh…? Just like this—”

Knock knock knock.

[Mika-senpai, may I come in?]


I let out a bewildered sound in an instant. Noa too seemed to realize the situation, her movements stopping abruptly. Of all times for Hanako to show up…

Seriously, what a messed-up world. How could this happen to me…

“Ha, Hanako-chan! Just a moment, please wait!”


Please… it’s not too late, so quickly come out, Noa… Just tidy this mess somehow…!

With that desperate hope, I gently patted Noa’s hand resting on my thigh. Just as I was about to shift my legs to pull my chair back.



Crazy, she’s insane. Seriously, has she lost her mind?

Is it really Hanako below me, and Noa behind that door?

There’s no way such boldness is excusable otherwise.


“…Is this that funny?”

Noa giggled softly but didn’t answer my question. Instead, she playfully kissed my inner thighs.

[If you’re all set, I’ll come in, senpai~.]

Just as I was about to shout for her to wait a moment longer, I changed my mind. There was no way Noa would stop now.

It felt better to confront Hanako with everything I had and send her away as quickly as possible.

No, that’s not it. There had to be a way to send Hanako back without any fuss. So…

“Ha, Nako-chan…”



Just as I was about to speak, the door swung open. The moment I locked eyes with Hanako in her T-party uniform, I quickly shut my eyes tight and opened them again.

It was too late to do anything about it. If Noa played it cool, I might manage to hide it somehow, so I had to bear this.

I straightened my hunched body and glanced at the paper sitting before me.

[Trinity-Gehenna 1st Exchange Student Experience Budget Proposal]

…Ah, at least it’s a normal document, thank goodness.

“Senpai, are you alright? You have a bit of drool at the corner of your mouth…”

“Uh, oh?”

As Hanako walked in and pointed at my mouth, I felt like I was at the edge of a complete disaster…

While pulling a tissue from the corner of the desk to wipe my mouth, Hanako approached and set a pile of documents down. Then, as usual since taking on the role as my secretary, she held up a separate bundle of paperwork for reporting.

“Um… It’s the first time seeing you listening to a hymn. First, let me report today’s additional work. The paperwork laid out is a summary of damage caused by April Fool’s pranks…”


The moment Hanako began her explanation, as if waiting for just this moment, Noa kissed somewhere inappropriate. Then she began teasing with her tongue.

In an instant, my vision went blank.


“Ah, uhh… I-it’s nothing, don’t worry about it… it hurts a little… today…”

“…Ah, you must be suffering. Did you take painkillers? If you need, I can bring you a warm towel.”

“Ahahaha… I took some painkillers, but… it keeps hurting… maybe I should head home a little early today…”

…Ah. Did I just get caught? How is it that Hanako always sees through me? Seriously, life… feels like crying.

“Hmm… You don’t just seem to be having menstrual pain, do you? Are you catching a cold too? Your face looks so red. I can’t tell about your fever, though.”

The moment Hanako reached out and placed her hand on my forehead, I genuinely thought I might suffocate.

My little kouhai is such a gentle, kind, obedient girl, but… today’s just not my day at all.

“Ha, Hanako-chan… I’m fine, it’s just… uh, the report, could you… uh, please finish it up first…”

“Ah, yes… then I’ll finish quickly so you can go rest.”

Pity etched on her face, Hanako withdrew her hand from my forehead. Then, the report began, marking the start of my agony.

I occasionally trembled, unable to focus on the conversation, squeezing my eyes shut frequently…

Also letting out heated sighs or trailing off in my sentences, there was no way she wouldn’t notice the strangeness of the situation.

I was genuinely thankful I could blame it on menstrual pain.

At some point, Hanako started to look skeptical, but she wasn’t the kind of girl who would pry into someone claiming to be in pain…

“I’ll head out for now, but I’ll leave a note for Nagisa-senpai just in case. Since you two live in the same dorm, it’d be more convenient for you if Nagisa-senpai checks up on you.”

“Yeah, thanks…”

“Oh, and Mika-senpai…”


“I-I really like you, senpai. Honestly…”

“…Huh? Th-th-that’s…?!”

“What a funny expression… Ufuufu. Just so you know, it’s all just an ordinary April Fool’s joke. Take care of yourself… I’ll see you tomorrow, senpai.”

“Ah, ahaha… Uh, y-yeah. Great job today, Hanako-chan. See you tomorrow…”

I’m not quite sure if I should consider this fortunate, but at least I managed to get through the crisis somehow.

No matter how I think about it, Hanako’s confession felt more like a common ruse by young students hiding their true feelings under a mask of an April Fool’s joke, but there was something even more pressing at hand.

“Noa-chan, if you don’t come out now, I’ll really get angry.”

You wouldn’t be trying to drag me into more trouble now, would you?

As I turned off the still-playing hymn, Noa crawled out from under the desk. And quite brazenly, she just sat on my lap.

Watching her hair stick to her forehead with sweat, I suddenly realized once again that people really should be seen as pretty. Even just looking at her made my anger dissipate.

While I pulled out a tissue to wipe the sweat from her forehead, Noa smiled brightly and began chatting away.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it♪ It took about 39 seconds less than average to reach climax, which surprised me a little. I didn’t expect you to climax nine times in that brief moment; I guess the effort paid off…”


This was unbelievable. If she presents undeniable evidence like that, I couldn’t even deny that I enjoyed this situation anymore.

“Thanks to you, I got a bit heated too. Should I lock the door this time before we continue?”

Staring at Noa’s incredibly charming smile, I quietly placed my finger on her lips.

It’s not surprising I’d nod my head to what followed, right?


“Mika, I heard an interesting story from Hanako. It seems you’ve been suffering from menstrual pain… But that’s strange. If I recall, you should have at least another week before it starts, right?”

“Uh, huh…?”

“Just be honest. What kind of stuff have you and Noa done together?”

…Today’s lesson: that万能 excuse of menstrual pain doesn’t work when a housemate knows your cycle.


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not work with dark mode