Switch Mode

Chapter 301

High Cathedral of the Union.


After the deal with the Black Suit, this place granted them the authority to research the underground doctrines.


Because of that, access to this cathedral was strictly restricted, and I had never come here before today.


“Welcome, Cheonsang-ui Mikael.”


“It’s been a while, Black Suit. I can’t even remember the last time we met face-to-face.”

Chuckles. “I’m quite pleased to see you again, but it seems you feel a bit differently.”

Humph. “I’ve never really wanted to get close to you all, and that’s never changed. Do we really need to bring that up again?”

“Not at all. It’s just unfortunate that the current situation contradicts your wishes. For me, it’s rather delightful news.”


Following the Black Suit, I moved deeper into the cathedral, heading underground. Suddenly, they turned toward a passage leading to the Catacombs.


“You don’t need to question it. It’s necessary to separate spaces where two research projects are ongoing.”

As I walked behind Black Suit, the space resembling a military factory of the Nameless Priests emerged instead of the Catacombs.


“It took some time to set up facilities inside the Catacombs and block access from outside, but it looks pretty convincing, doesn’t it? Hehe.”


The place was filled with machines I couldn’t begin to comprehend—a display of the Black Suit’s talents as a researcher and scientist.


At their gesture, some wall that looked like a barrier opened up. Beyond it was a space similar to where we were.


The difference? A large test tube, approximately 2.5 meters high, sitting at the center.

Step, step…

Approaching it as if in a trance, I hesitated before placing my hand on the test tube.


“You shouldn’t have any issues touching it, Cheonsang-ui Mikael. Provided you don’t intend to destroy it, of course.”


“Do you think I’m crazy?”


With a resolute decision, I placed my hand on the cold glass surface.

Inside the test tube lay the form of a girl with closed eyes.


Her hair, gradually transitioning from pink to sky blue, and her perfect features—the epitome of beauty—were mesmerizing, framed by the brilliant wings symbolizing purity.


It was my reflection… a being that could genuinely be called a second Misono Mika.


I stared at the girl sleeping in the tube for quite a while when the Black Suit opened their mouth, seemingly to convey information.

“She’s still just a shell. An empty doll without a soul. You probably already know why I invited you here today, but to reiterate, this relates to the separation of souls and transfer of Shinpi… or either side doesn’t really matter. I’m here to seek a bit of help before we commence serious research on the subject.”

Deep breath…

“And if you’ve tampered with that body…”

“Hehe, what would I gain from such a thing? Just maintaining a friendly position with you is enough of a reward for me. If the status quo is beneficial, then there’s less reason to change it. Of course, if you’re still anxious, I could propose you join Gematria once again.”

Thoughtful sigh…

“I have to admit, that offer is the most tempting thing you’ve suggested up to now.”

“Really? Another failure then. The ‘Teacher’ has also turned down the offer… Filling the vacancy in Gematria might take a while.”

Shocked gasp!

…I have no idea when I even met the ‘Teacher.’ If they found out I was dealing with a guy like this, they’d probably think, ‘Who the heck is this student?’

Scratching head…

“So, this doll is closer to a mechanical device…?”

“Ah, that’s quite rude of you. This is an artificial life form that nearly perfectly matches your own body. Your blood and fragments of Shinpi played a crucial role in its creation.”

Wait, what?

“Hold on. My Shinpi—fine, but where did you get my blood?”

“During the battle with Vina, the third prophet of Decagramaton, didn’t you shed some?”


“…Wow, are you a real stalker? You actually went and got it yourself? Honestly, that thing was probably covered in sand.”

“All I needed was the genetic information from your blood. It was manageable. Creating artificial life based on genetic information and Shinpi… Quite an interesting endeavor. Unfortunately, replicating Shinpi turned out to be impossible.”


“I figured as much.”

I had suspected that from the moment the Black Suit mentioned the transfer of Shinpi. Even if Mikha’s soul were to awaken in that being behind the glass, the halo, the symbol of sanctity, would likely not manifest.

“I must ask, are you truly going to go through with this? You will lose far more than you can imagine, Cheonsang-ui Mikael.”


“Then when that time comes, I guess I won’t even be able to call myself Cheonsang-ui Mikael? Hmm, I kind of like that.”

“Hehe, that’s true. Sanctity is, by nature, a unique concept. And I understand why you’d make such a choice. It signifies the essence of your existence.”


“Huh? What do you mean by that?”

“Oh, nothing. I just found it a little interesting. From now on, my research will delve into the realm of soul extraction. Extraction and transplantation. Implementing this perfectly is quite the task, so it’s going to take a considerable amount of time. Research related to the transfer of Shinpi will be secondary.”

Ugh, fine…

The princess, who vanished after firmly saying she never wanted to return this body. A girl who called herself a witch and has undoubtedly experienced more than she could imagine, with a tender heart.

Bringing her back into this body or giving her a completely new one would definitely provoke her, but… as long as the Black Suit didn’t meddle, simply considering the physical form didn’t seem to pose great problems.


If it turns into a situation where a rolling stone drives out a stuck stone…


Well, if she’s displeased with this arrangement, she can wake up right now and demand her body back.


If I willingly offered and she violently rejected it only to later complain about why I didn’t give it back… then I’d feel utterly bewildered.


“By the way, the hypothesis discussed with the girl who’s your secretary sounded fascinating.”


“Wow—oh. You really are a stalker! Seriously, chill out a bit!”

“I strictly uphold privacy, so it’s all good.”


“Don’t you think your standards for privacy are way too narrow? You ought to respect the privacy of our personal conversations, too.”

“Hehe. If you enlist in Gematria, I’ll respect that to the fullest.”


“What a black-hearted dude you are.”

“Let’s understand ‘the same on the outside and inside’ as a compliment. More so, the connection between Beatrice’s fate and the impending arrival of colors is certainly not without flaws, but it is a hypothesis with merit.”


While stroking their chin, the Black Suit wore a chilling grin. Honestly, their appearance was something I could never get used to.


“As long as we assume the research about colors conducted by the students holds validity.”

“We’ll remain prepared on our end. What about you?”


“Revisiting the color research at this point would be absurd, so we can just hope it holds up. However, regarding how colors will attack, it’s improbable to grasp its essence until the situation arises. It literally represents countless possibilities…”


“Regardless, the moment the hypothesis linking the descent of colors to reality is confirmed, Gematria goes into full emergency mode, right? So it’s best to prepare for anything.”

“Well… Assuming that happens, it might delay our research further.”

Heart pounding…

As the Black Suit cast their gaze back at the test tube, they suddenly stated something.


Upon hearing that, I couldn’t help but fall into deep contemplation.

Given how long it might take to refine soul transplants and the transfer of Shinpi perfectly, delaying things further wouldn’t help.

Argh! What am I even worried about?

“…Delays are fine. The priority is the response to colors. Obviously, that’s the same for you all; why are you asking?”

“Hehe… Very well. In Gematria, that will be our policy.”

Without Kivotos, Mikha’s return wouldn’t happen. That’s a given.


So there was really no need for me to be concerned at all.

Yet still feeling a tinge of guilt… was that just guilt about something else creeping in?


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not work with dark mode