Switch Mode

Chapter 287

I loaded the luggage that I had been tidying up onto the carriage.

It would be a long trip, but there wasn’t much baggage.

As promised to Rubia, we decided to stop wherever our feet took us to buy what we needed.

“When will you be back once you leave now?”

Hermila, who was helping us load the luggage, asked in a weak voice as she was about to hop onto the carriage.

Dabbing the sweat dripping down her chin, Rubia lifted me onto the carriage first and followed up with her answer.

“Well, I’m not quite sure.”

“…You’re not saying you won’t come back, right?”

“Of course. Both I and Noah would want to see everyone again.”

“Really? I thought you’d both be too busy having fun to even think of us.”

With a furrowed brow, Hermila glanced between me and Rubia.

Ha ha ha ha ha! What does it matter if you two don’t come back because you’re busy? If you really want to see someone, it’s up to the person who misses them to go looking for them!”

Seated on the driver’s seat, Heinzel laughed heartily, grasping the reins.

“Well, that’s true. But where you’ll be is uncertain.”

Is she feeling sad? Disappointed?

Hermila let out a sigh with a mixed expression of various emotions.

“T-Then… Whenever you see the Adventurer’s Guild, I’ll… send letters…”

“Exactly. Like Noah said, we can send letters to each city we reach. We’re planning to stay at least half a month in a big city.”

Sending a single letter through the guild is a bit pricey, but Rubia and I have money to spare!

Though we don’t have that much on us now, if we drop by the territory and ask Charlotte for some, we could get even more money than most nobles!!

Perhaps we might even be richer than Charlotte herself?

“That’s a good idea… Surely, requesting the Adventurer’s Guild will be much faster than regular mail.”

Did Hermila know this? Because she didn’t bring up money.

“Well then, will you do that for me? Once my territory stabilizes… I’ll come visit you at least once.”

“Of course.”

Nodding eagerly, Rubia and I replied.

“Thank you. Well then, next time—”

Just then, right before the carriage was about to depart, Hermila’s last words of farewell came.

“Wait a second…!”

I jumped up from my seat and leaped out of the carriage.




Hermila was surprised, while Rubia raised a brow at me, and Heinzel stared at me.

“I… I need to use the restroom…”

“Didn’t you go before putting on your clothes?”

“Well, um… maybe I drank too much strawberry milk… Hehe… I’ll be back in a moment!”

Embarrassed, I chuckled awkwardly and dashed toward the Adventurer’s Guild building with a hurried trot trot.

Five minutes later.

I ran back, my spirits lighter, and hopped back onto the carriage.

“Are we ready now?”

Confirming I was on board, Heinzel gripped the reins that he had momentarily let go.

“Yes, it’s done. Noah, Rubia. Be careful and don’t get hurt, okay?”

“Yes. Hermila, take care while we’re apart. We will definitely come back.”

With a smile that seemed a bit cool yet quite lonely, Hermila nodded.

“Um… Hermila.”

Moving to the back of the carriage, I gestured to Hermila.

She tilted her head and cautiously leaned closer to hear.

I whispered in her ear.

“I hope you can get along well. If it’s you, Hermila, who took care of me when I knew nothing… surely you can make it happen. Just like I’ve changed, ‘that person’ will change too.”

Her body shuddered, and she dropped her ears, staring at me with wide eyes.

With that, I waved my hand cheerfully, smiling.

“Goodbye, Hermila. I hope you find happiness.”

“…Huh? Noah, what did you just say—?”

It was incredibly cringe-worthy, yet a touching farewell, but Heinzel wasn’t even thinking of departing.

…Feeling awkward, I quickly moved to the window on Hermila’s side and shouted.

“Hey, Uncle Heinzel! Let’s go now…!!”


With that, the carriage jolted and started to move.

I peeked back in, waving my hand enthusiastically at Hermila, who still looked dazed.

As Hermila disappeared from view, Rubia at last spoke, having held back her curiosity.

“Noah. What did you just say to make Hermila look so surprised?”

“Uh… Um…”

Where should I even begin?

I pondered that for a moment before finally speaking.


Patter– Patter–

As Hermila entered the Adventurer’s Guild, constantly replaying Noah’s words in her mind, she suddenly crushed the soft food in her mouth with clenched teeth.

“…Have you been alive this whole time?”

The words left her lips like a bitter chew.

With that single utterance, a man sitting at the reception desk approached Hermila.


His once sharp appearance was nowhere to be seen; his left sleeve hung limply.

Dark circles were evidently prominent under his eyes, and his usually sharp gaze now appeared lost.

“Did you come here to die by my hand, seeking your former disciple?”

Once a Divine Fighter, a God of Battle, he was none other than her master, Aaron.

With fury swelling within her, Hermila stepped toward Aaron.

“Well. That wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”

Aaron didn’t avoid Hermila’s advance. He didn’t shy away from her gaze either.

And he didn’t flinch from the murderous intent behind her firmly grasping hand.

“The princess, no—the emperor said I didn’t deserve to die.”


“Following that, other challengers also came and said I didn’t deserve to die.”

With her grip tightening on his collar, Hermila’s iron arm trembled. Glancing at her mechanical arm, Aaron continued with a wry smile.

“Then there was that girl, who sought Noah. She just had a little chat with me.”

With that revelation, one question in Hermila’s mind was resolved.

Noah suddenly rushed out to use the restroom.

Right after coming back, he whispered something to her.

A smile that held an unknown secret.

“But she also claimed she didn’t deserve to kill me. She even said that saving me was an act of that girl’s.”


“She didn’t tell me the reason. Even if I wanted to know, I couldn’t find out. Living life worshipping distorted gods and longing for a corrupted world, I had no idea how I should live. Isn’t it funny, an old man like me seeking answers from a girl like that?”

His voice sounded fully resigned. Hermila’s expression twisted further in anguish.

“So, Hermila. Let me ask you, who despises me the most.”

Aaron raised his head.

His dim eyes held the deep gray gaze that captured Hermila.

“Do you think you have the right to kill me?”

“…You, you god…”

“I wonder if I deserve to die by your hand?”

His gray eyes, gazing with disdain at the past glories, power, and everything he had lost, bore into Hermila’s.

She raised her arm.

“You deserve to die.”

At the end of that arm was a fist, tightly clenched.

Not her mechanical arm, but a real, human fist.

“And I believe I have the right to kill you.”

That fist shot out towards Aaron’s face.

Crack— a harsh sound echoed, and Aaron’s body crashed against the ground.

“But not yet, not yet…”

Noah— the girl who saved me, the girl who wants me to be happy.

“If Noah were to be disappointed…”

Hermila spat out every ounce of pent-up rage with her words and walked away from the fallen Aaron toward the kitchen.

Patter— Patter—

The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she distanced herself from him.

Hearing the sound of her retreat, Aaron forced his broken nose back into place, wrenching it painfully and using his magic to staunch the stream of blood.

“You have nothing to offer me. Just settle for water.”

A voice soon followed, accompanied by a wry chuckle escaped Aaron as he stood up.

“Looks like your fists have grown tougher.”


This is my story.

After hearing about the complicated relationship between Hermila and her master, Rubia wore a thoughtful frown.

But Rubia chose to believe in me.

And she chose to believe in Hermila.

“I don’t know if this is a good thing, but you’re right. The more I think about it, the more I feel it’s for the best.”


“Still, Noah. Isn’t it too dangerous to go meet someone like that all alone?”


“Of course, I’m certain you would win without fail, but it’s still dangerous, isn’t it? Something unpredictable could happen.”

“W-Well, that’s true…”

“Noah needs to be on guard. Now, come here. I’ll tell you just how terrifying this world can be.”

Pat pat— Rubia patted her thighs, wearing a serious expression.

Despite this, her voice was gentle.

So, with a light heart, I jumped into Rubia’s embrace.

As Rubia shared her various tales, we arrived at the territory.

Thinking of all the troublesome things ahead, we both hid our faces.

Then, leading the way, we ignored the long waiting line and entered the territory.

Once we donned our perception-hiding robes and stepped into the territory, we faced Heinzel.

“Are you leaving now?”

“…Yes. Are you going back to Cartia?”

“Hm, I think so.”

Having delivered all our luggage, Heinzel handed the reins of the largest, seemingly sturdiest horse to me.

“Safe travels.”

“…Y-Yes, Uncle Heinzel… take care as well.”

“Of course, I must. After you return from your journey, you and I are going arm-wrestling.”

Heinzel didn’t laugh heartily like before.

I couldn’t tell if he was being considerate for us, hiding our faces, or if he was genuinely sad.

He simply smiled subtly and nodded.

“Go on.”


“Let’s, see each other again later, Uncle Heinzel…”


Waving us off with casual gestures, Heinzel remained standing still, watching us until we turned our backs and started walking.

Mingling with the crowd, we finally disappeared from view.

After a while, burdened by heavy hearts, we reached the Imperial Palace.

“Has it been a month?”

We met Charlotte.

I was certain… we would meet inside the palace.

Why… is she out here on the streets?

“…Charlotte. Is it alright for the Emperor to just come out like this?”

“I’m wearing a perception-hiding robe, aren’t I?”

“Still, it’s too dangerous…!”

“Hey. The way you guys go through so much to get into the Imperial Palace is way more dangerous. Then the citizens will be in chaos, and people would swarm just to see Noah’s face! What would we do? We don’t have any preparations to deal with that! There’s bound to be more trouble! I’d rather this way. It’s not like I’d get killed by a stranger.”

“Well, that is true… but we aren’t really causing that much commotion.”

Snicker— Charlotte chuckled in apparent disbelief.

“Those are the words of the masterminds behind ruining the coronation.”

“Ah, ahahaha… that was just an accident!”

“Tch, whatever. Are you leaving now?”

Charlotte’s sun-like eyes shifted between Rubia and me.

“Which direction are you going on your journey?”

…She’s asking me, but I don’t remember…

Redirecting my gaze to Rubia.

“We’ll pass through Hablon. I heard it has been designed to closely resemble the old Hablon, and we want to see it with our own eyes.”

“We aren’t staying in Hablon; we’re just passing through?”

“Yes. I think it’ll be better for us to visit Hablon when we return.”

“Well, that’s not a bad idea. After heading east, where else will you go after that?”

“Hmm. I was thinking we’d just decide the direction with a game of rock-paper-scissors—heh heh.”

That’s right.

Our plan was just to take in the sight of Hablon. After that, we had no concrete plan.

Onward, to wherever our hearts led us with a healthy horse.

For the moment, we decided to camp until completely foreign cities appeared!

Just like the first time with Rubia, camping in the forest!

If it’s alone, it’s just homelessness, but together with Rubia, it’s camping!! Totally romantic camping…!

“Well… I suppose it’s not a bad idea.”

As if her foolish plan resonated well, Charlotte pulled out a small pouch from her bosom and handed it to us.

“This is for your travel expenses.”

Rubia and I accepted it without hesitation.

In truth… this money was the second reason for coming here.

“It’s an enchanting space pouch. Yuria, Hephaestus, and Delia worked hard to make them. Though it looks small, it holds enough so you won’t run out of money. Of course, it’s your money. Just in case, I’ve also put the royal emblem on it. So don’t worry, eat what you want, stay in nice places, and travel comfortably.”

Though her words were lightly tossed with a nonchalant air, Charlotte’s voice was tinged with emotion.

“And if you happen to run low on funds… come back and I’ll refill it for you.”

“…I will spend it quickly and come back for more refill. Hehe…”

Rubia’s voice also turned slightly emotional in response.

“But don’t spend it all too quickly.”

Then with a smile, Charlotte turned away.

“…I suppose you’re tired of hearing thank you, so I’ll skip that.”

And gathering her voice, which was gradually getting quieter, she said,

“By the time you come back, I’ll have made same-sex marriage legal, so you girls better be thinking of wearing wedding dresses.”


“W-Wedding dress?!”

“Well, honestly, if you two get married, the whole world will bless you, but it’d still be better to officiate it formally, right?”

Giggle giggle— Charlotte chuckled softly as she took her leave.

“Now go on, and enjoy yourselves without fighting.”

Click— Click—

“Be happier and more joyful than anyone else. That’s an imperial decree.”

At last, as the sound of her steps faded, Charlotte turned back to glance at us one last time.

“See you next time.”


Crackle— Crackle—

Under the dark night sky, beside a blazing campfire.

Rubia, having nestled closely in my sleeping bag, murmured sleepily.

“What were the two gifts that Lilith mentioned in the end?”


I thought at least one of them would be somewhat decipherable.

But I had no clue about either of them.

Well… the adventures we’ve had until now! Surely that’s not it.

If that were the gift… then… um… I wouldn’t be disappointed, but it would be just… kinda absurd… maybe?

“No matter what that gift is, I’m okay. Just meeting Noah, spending time with Noah, and expecting a happy tomorrow like this is an incredible gift in itself.”

Her arms gripping me tightened.

I also gathered my strength and burrowed deeper into Rubia’s embrace.

The subtle scent wafting.

The soft thumping of her heart echoed between us.

Breath brushing lightly across my crown.

The warmth of her little palm wrapped around mine.

As I absorbed everything about Rubia, I tilted my head up and pressed my lips against the ones before me.

“I love you, Rubia.”

“…I love you too.”

The azure eyes and the crimson eyes.

The white hair and the black hair.

The two intertwined.

Tongues intertwined, mixing our saliva together.

Our rapid breaths momentarily halted, our lips parted.

And at that moment, we spoke in unison, as if we had rehearsed it.



That day.

Rubia and I, though at different perspectives, shared the same dream.



The sound of shoes echoed along the steps of an old villa.

The owner of the sound hummed a cheerful tune as she ascended the stairs.


“Noah! I was going to take my mom’s neighbor’s grandmother some side dishes, could you help me carry them? They’re too heavy!”


“Oh, I’m in the middle of a game, can I go later?”


“Fine. Whatever. I’ll just go by myself then.”



Hearing sounds that carried no significance, the white-haired woman continued her lighthearted tune until she halted her steps.

The place where the sound stopped was the door mottled with numerous flyers.

Where a heavy smell of cigarettes wafted out.

The woman rang the doorbell.

Ding-dong- Ding-dong-

It didn’t stop at one.

Until the door opened, she pressed continuously.

Suddenly, the frustrated voice of the landlord erupted as the door swung open.

Simultaneously, puffing clouds of smoke poured out.

“Geez, what’s… who the hell are you?”

Slightly scrunching her nose at the smell, the woman quickly replaced it with a warm smile.

“Oh, I just moved in next door, came to introduce myself while giving rice cakes.”

Despite looking nothing like someone with even a hint of eastern heritage, the fluent Korean startled the man.

No, more than that, the woman’s ethereal beauty left the man dazed, nodding absentmindedly as he accepted the rice cakes.

“And your cigarette smell is quite strong, so could you please smoke on the first floor from now on?”

A tiny smile.

Yet the voice contained an eerily sharp edge.

“…Y-Yes, I-I will.”

“Also, please put out the one you’re currently smoking.”

“…I’ll extinguish it immediately.”

With a bright response, the woman turned away without a hint of remorse, her steps echoing as she walked away, devoid of any concern.

Heading toward the stairs.

Toward the house she had just moved into.


From a slightly open window, words of concern for a senile elderly man floated down from above.


From the next house, the clattering of a keyboard being banged on was heard.

Standing before the door of that house, the woman pressed the doorbell.


After 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds.

And after 10 seconds,

A gentle-faced man finally opened the door.

His round eyes widened in surprise as he gazed at the foreign woman before him.

“…Who are you?”

“Oh, I’m your neighbor who just moved in, came to introduce myself while offering some rice cakes.”

“Moving, rice… Ah, I see.”

A vague and mindless response.

Upon hearing that, the woman’s cheeks flushed lightly as she cautiously inquired.

“May I know your name?”

“Me? Me?”


“U-Um… I’m Noah, Shin Noah…”

“Noah. Noah.”

She repeated his name several times as she leaned forward, gazing up closely at the man.

“Are you not curious about my name?”

The man, flustered and stuttering, could only blink in confusion.

Noah, cautiously with furrowed brows, opened his mouth.

“…What’s your… name?”

A clear name flashed in his mind.

However, there could be no way it would belong to her.

That name belonged to his favorite character in the game.


From her lips came forth.


“That… huh?”

Noah found himself agape, alternating glances between the monitor inside the room and the woman who spoke the name Rubia.

The woman who uttered Rubia’s name, without a care for Noah’s confused emotions, whispered softly.

“Let’s get along well from now on, Noah.”

And with a click-clack, she disappeared inside her house.

Left behind, Noah was filled with the haunting lingering scent of cigarettes until it faded away.

Waiting for his mother to come out in a ‘normal’ state.

For his father to return home from work, smiling.

He could not forget the enchanting smile left behind by Rubia.

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