Switch Mode

Chapter 281

Blood-red sky and crimson heavens.

The land submerged in a divine form, and the eerie crimson blood sea that sends chills just by looking at it.

Those things are exactly half and half.

Divided into halves at the center of what looks like a destroyed world, based on ‘me’ and ‘me’, Rubia and ‘Rubia’.

The majority of the people, except for a few, were staring back and forth at me and ‘me’, Rubia and ‘Rubia’, with wide-eyed faces of surprise.

Those few were.

Sirin and Ser.

Sirin looked momentarily shocked but quickly understood, showing her signature knowing smile.

As for Ser, it seemed she expected ‘me’ and ‘Rubia’ to be here for some reason.

…How did she figure it out?

“…Uh, there are a lot of familiar faces…?”

Hehe. I scratched the back of my head and gulped a dry swallow while glancing around.

“Indeed… There are really many nostalgic faces here…”

Behind ‘me’, ‘Rubia’ was trembling with her azure eyes glistening, her lips quivering.

“W-What… is this…? Two Noas… No, two Rubias… what, what is going on…?”

Thud. The attitude of Cartia, glowing with a deep blue light, touched the ground.

Following that, Ser’s magic, Primavera’s spirits, Carpen’s blood aura, and Sirin’s ancient magic all vanished.

“Hahaha… This is a peculiar thing.”

Among them, Sirin, the only one I had a connection with, stepped forward.

“It’s been a long time, ‘Noah.’”

“…Yeah, it’s been a while, Sirin.”

Sirin, quietly watching as ‘I’ approached her, stroked her neck with a bittersweet smile.

“From what I see, I can guess how events unfolded.”

“Yeah. I get a rough idea… I understand how Sirin ended up staying here.”

Eventually, ‘me’ and Sirin’s gazes were fixed on me.

Sirin had a gentle gaze.

‘Me’ had a very sharp one.

…She’s still probably angry, huh…?

I shouldn’t have said that last part…

“…U-Um, what are you doing here…?”

“What do you mean what am I doing here?? What does that mean???? Wow, seriously, you’re so brazen.”

Thud-thud— The footsteps, slightly more filled with anger than before, were directed at me.


I immediately dashed over to Rubia and clung to her waist, hiding behind her.

“Oh my?”

“Stay away.”

“R-Rubia… she’s, she’s trying to bully me…”

“Hmm, hehehe… Long time no see, ‘Noah.’”

Rubia, glancing back and forth between me and ‘me’, had a confused yet happy expression.

“…Y-Yeah, it’s been a while… Rubia. And you. You better talk nicely with me.”


“Did I hear you say you don’t want to? Hurry up and come out. I’m counting to three.”

“Three… What can you really do, counting to three?”

“…What did you say?”

Creeeak— A grinding sound came from ‘my’ teeth. I could feel tremendous anger radiating from the clenched fist.

Then finally, with a deep sigh, I shook my head.

“That’s not it.”


Waving— A hand swayed in front of me.

Does it mean to catch? A handshake?

“Make up.”

Hmm… I did make up with a handshake when we parted last time.

So does that mean we’re going to shake hands to make up now?

There’s no way… she wouldn’t hit me, right?

Just as I was contemplating this.

Rubia’s gentle hand nudged me forward.


And then with a smile, she nodded as if it was okay.

Thus, I was forced to approach cautiously.


“I wanted to thank you. Thank you for saving ‘Rubia.’ And… for saving me too.”


With the hostility completely dissipating, I took another step forward and reached out my hand.

“Ah, I understand—”

At that moment.

“Forget about making up! You bad jerk!!!”



With fury, ‘me’ delivered a painful slap to my head.


“So, what you mean is… you’re both Noah, and ‘you’ are also ‘Noah’, right?”



After a brief pause due to status clarification, everyone entered the mansion together, where I roughly explained the things I had experienced and ‘my’ story.

Sirin and Primavera understood everything, while Ser chuckled as if she enjoyed the situation.

Cartia frantically took notes, attempting to wrap her head around it.

“And you are Rubia, and this… um, this side is also ‘Rubia’… right?”

What’s with that awkward tone, neither honorifics nor casual?


“That’s right.”

“Wow… this is a completely bewildering situation.”

Cartia chewed her fan pensively as she stared at both ‘me’ and ‘me’.

“Clearly, you both look identical, yet somehow different.”


“Of course. I’m taller. And you just look super dumb.”

“W-What? We really don’t look too different…”

“Seriously, that’s the case. Rubia. Take a look at us.”



Their responses, slightly out of sync, echoed oddly through the quiet mansion.

“Noah, two… Rubia, two… It’s nice, but strange, and I feel weird about it.”


Coveting each other in confusion, Carpen and Sonia trembled, repeatedly muttering how scary it was while drooping their ears.

Perhaps it’s because they are beast-people, feeling scents more sensitively?

Meanwhile, Sirin and Primavera were enjoying the situation from the couch, while Ser munched on delightfully sweet-smelling cookies, whispering amongst themselves.

Luisar retreated into a room, seemingly feeling out of place.

Brunhilde and Frey, now friendly enough, leaned against the second-floor railing, looking down at this scene while smoking.

“Just look. Isn’t it completely different?”

And ‘me’, smiling joyfully, continued to chatter away.

“Definitely different.”

“Definitely different.”

“Our Noah is cuter.”

“Our ‘Noah’ is more pristine.”

“Oh my?”

“Oh my?”

Rubia and ‘Rubia’ exchanged surprised glances.

“…It does seem like ‘Noah’ is a bit more pristine.”

“That… is true. Noah seems a bit cuter.”

Their voices were completely identical.

As they continued to converse in exactly matching tones, Cartia’s expression became increasingly grotesque.

“Wow, this is… man… in all my days, I’ve never seen anything like this. Thank goodness they’re not wearing the same clothes. Otherwise, I think I’d go completely bonkers.”

“Cartia. Just give up and enjoy it. Come, join us for a drink.”

Sirin laughed heartily at Cartia and extended a glass towards her.

But… is it really that hard to distinguish?

Isn’t it obvious?

I slyly glanced at ‘me’.

Nod nod.

‘Me’ seemed to share the same thoughts.

No, the speech patterns, intonations, expressions, and gestures are all distinct!

Even the scents that wafted over when she stepped forward earlier were entirely different.

How could anyone mix them up?

“Alright. Um, I think I need to step away. You all handle your talk. What’s it called? Besides, ‘Noah’, didn’t you come to talk to Noah?”

Finally, scratching his head roughly, Cartia stood up, glancing back and forth between ‘me’ and ‘me’.

“Uh, yeah. I guess that’s true.”

“That’s true?”

Fidget fidget. Glancing shyly.

Sitting with my head bowed down, ‘me’ flickered my lips.

“Just… say it.”

“Uh, um… yeah. That’s right…”

Flick. Cartia’s eyebrows raised sharply.

After a moment, Cartia burst into a laugh as the hidden meaning of ‘me’s words dawned on her.

“Dude, I knew it. You’re the pitiful Noah.”

Thud— Thud—

Cartia’s hands soared above our heads.

And then, she roughly tousled our hair.

“Now, all that’s left is time, right? You busy?”


“Then we’re good. Take your time chatting. We’ve got plenty of time ourselves.”

At last, Cartia took her organized notes and headed back to the group enjoying tea in the back.

‘Me’ smiled more lightly, almost gratefully.

…Am I the only one who doesn’t understand what’s happening?

What’s with these two laughing as if they understand everything?

“Phew… Alright, first let’s finish our story.”

“Our story?”

What more is there to discuss?

It would be about when I met ‘Rubia’, and I feel like ‘Rubia’ already told everything.

As I tilted my head in confusion, ‘me’ frowned deeply.

It wasn’t too frightening.

When I frown with my face, it’s just plain funny…

That’s shocking…



“Do you have anything to tell me?”

“…Say, anything?”


What is there to say?

I assume ‘Rubia’ must have shared everything.

I already apologized for it earlier…

Is there something else to say…?

I glanced stealthily at Rubia.

She was already whispering and giggling at something with ‘Rubia’, as if having a secret conversation.

But even though they were clearly laughing.

They are smiling, but… just smiling.

It wasn’t a genuinely joyful conversation.

Something… something seems quite off…

…Is it okay to let those two keep chatting?

I don’t think so.

Instinct is screaming that it isn’t.

If those two keep talking, there’s undoubtedly something immense heading my way, my gut is telling me so.

“Did you have nothing to say?”

Cold,’my’ voice snapped me back to reality.

Right. My only ally right now is.

‘Me’ only.

“Well, you see…”


I swayed my hand slightly so Rubia and ‘Rubia’ couldn’t see.

Come closer.

Confused, ‘me’ tilted his head and approached.

Whoosh-whoosh- I brushed aside the hair to reveal tiny ears.



I whispered, and ‘me’ answered in whispers too.

“I don’t think we can leave those two alone talking like that…”


Dropping his ears for a moment, ‘me’ turned slightly to observe Rubia and ‘Rubia’.

“…I don’t know why, but I feel uneasy. Maybe we should just join and talk together.”

What nonsense is that?
It expressed itself openly on ‘me’s face.

“There’s nothing special going on, is there?”

“Umm…? You don’t think it looks normal…?”

Nod nod.

At this, I looked at ‘me’ with a loaded expression of “What nonsense is that?”

Are their eyes really not seeing that it looks odd?

Did I misjudge?

Slightly and cautiously glancing at Ruby and Rubia.

They still held the same smile, chattering away.

Listening to each other’s stories, they seem surprised.

They twisted fingers this way and that, their faces turning red, and gulped.

Looking at me, ‘me’, us.

Like… a carnivorous beast eyeing its prey.

“Ugh, fine. Let’s just talk about what we need to discuss.”

I nodded in agreement to ‘me’s authoritative remark despite still feeling uneasy.



“You’re thinking of making Rubia your Avatar.”

…How did you know?

No, the very concept of an Avatar… was told to me only briefly by Lilith, whom I could meet for just a fleeting moment?

“There’s a way to know everything. Whatever the case, you’re going to make Rubia your Avatar.”

“…Well, that is true.”

“Just as I thought… But you didn’t plan to, so Rubia must have agreed to it, right?”



Almost instantly, ‘me’ let out an exasperated sigh, eyes sparkling as they spoke to me.

“Then, I’ll make ‘Rubia’ my Avatar too.”


Caught off guard with such a sudden statement, ‘me’ couldn’t comprehend what was happening.

Wait, are you saying you’re going to make ‘me’ who lives in another world your Avatar…?

Um… Is this not just speaking from my soul portrayed in here?

“I want ‘Rubia’ and me to be Avatars alongside you.”

“…Why, no… You… Do you even know what it means to become my Avatar―”

“I do.”

“Then… Why?”

A faint laugh escaped ‘me’.

“You have any idea how long I was alone as an Avatar?”

That faint smile contained a bittersweet memory from the past.

“Let’s just say, I’m experienced?”

And besides.

“I won’t be the only one handling it. ‘Rubia’ will be there, and so will you. Plus…”

‘Me’ turned my gaze towards Sirin, Cartia, Ser, and Primavera, who were enjoying the situation, sipping on their drinks in the corner.

The beast-people curling up on one side.

The slightly intimidating older sister…? on the second floor, smoking.

The unfortunate uncle still shut away in a room.

Looking around at everyone once, ‘me’ added with a small smile.

“With so many people around, it will actually be pretty exciting, right?”

With that statement, I was a bit.

No, rather extremely surprised.

“…Are, are the friends here also able to go ‘outside’?”

“Huh? Did you not know?”

“I was alone… No, until I returned here, I managed everything alone?”

“…You on your own?”

We slowly turned to look at Sirin’s group.

They were gazing at us with expressions akin to thieves caught red-handed.


Meanwhile, Rubia and ‘Rubia’ were sharing the knowledge they possessed.

Exchanging what they knew about Noah and ‘Noah’.

“Fainting? Don’t worry. Our Noah often faints too; we just have to gently stroke his back along the spine, and he wakes right up.”

Rubia had no knowledge of ‘Rubia’s experiences.

‘Rubia’ had no knowledge of Rubia’s.

From beginning to end, they didn’t know anything about each other’s stories.

Consequently, they had to remain attentive to every syllable, every word, even intonation as they continued their conversation.

Yet for Noah’s story and ‘Noah’s, there was no need to carefully choose words.

“…Oh my. Was there such a method? Wow… I haven’t had much experience with ‘Noah’, so… certainly, there’s much to learn.”

“That being said, I still have much to learn too. I never imagined that tickling the belly could help.”

And so, the two girls’ conversation flowed without hindrance.

It only made sense.

Despite having experienced different things and lived in different environments, deep down, they were still themselves.

They understood each other’s feelings better than anyone else in this world.

“Hehehe, oh, by the way, do you know about this? There might be something similar in your world; it’s a recovery potion by an alchemist named Yuria.”

“Yuria? The one with the light green hair… Are you talking about Challenger Yuria? I’m friends with her.”

Rubia’s hand flew up to cover her mouth in surprise.

‘Rubia’ mirrored her surprise with the same gesture.

Dressed identically, their resemblance was so striking it seemed like they were looking into a mirror.

Completely unaware of their own appearances, they continued their conversation nonchalantly.

“Well, that makes sense. Yeah, if I just think a little, it’s not that surprising.”

“Oh my… I wonder if those Challenger-types in your world…”

To Rubia’s cautious question, ‘Rubia’ smiled bitterly.

“Uh, yeah. It’s not exactly a pleasant topic. Let’s get back to the main point. Anyway, there’s a recovery potion made by that Yuria; if you mix that with the stamina recovery potion in certain proportions, you can go without resting for six or twelve hours! Just be cautious about dehydration; you sweat a lot and need to be careful…”

“…Wow. Could you tell me the proportions later? Oh, by the way, do you know? When having relations, there are times when Noah bursts into tears. If you keep going then, you can see something incredible.”

Whispers whisper.

“…Goodness. I’ve always hugged ‘Noah’ when he cries, but does that mean I can keep going more?”

Quietly whispering.

“Of course. He actually likes it more. Give it a try when you return later. You’ll see… something amazing.”

“Wow… Oh, if that’s the case―”

And for a little while longer.

The two girls shared serious discussions meant to protect each of their Noahs.

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