Switch Mode

Chapter 269

“…What is all this?”

“These are the ones who guarded this place while we were at the end of the world.”

Rubia, speaking in a somewhat heavy voice, let out a small sigh.

“I really wanted to show you.”


“I wanted you to know you’re not alone.”

With a smile, Rubia turned her head.

I followed her gaze, turning my own head.

The devastated ruins of Cartia.

In the center of this place, countless weapons were stuck in the ground.

There was no need to think about what these meant.

It was a graveyard.

Graves lying endlessly.

“…All of them…”

I couldn’t finish my sentence.

I couldn’t continue speaking.

Because amidst these graves, I found a familiar sword, positioned a bit higher than the others.

“R-Rubia… That sword…”

“Yes. It’s Luci’s sword. Yuria had been keeping it safe, but now… it has been left here.”

Rubia’s grip tightened.

My own hand did the same.

Taking several deep breaths to calm myself, I carefully stepped between the weapons.

A broken hammer.

A shattered spear.

A crumpled shield.

A torn sword.

A crumpled bow.

These were the weapons, gear, and armor that could not be used anymore.

Only such things remained. Only such things were left.

“I… used to hate people.”

Rubia said quietly as she carefully walked beside me.

“I thought I was the only one left in this world. So I hated everything. The world, people, flowers, animals. And… myself too. Everything felt ugly and filled with hatred.”

Tap. We stopped in front of Luci’s sword.

“But after meeting Noah, everything changed. I no longer felt alone. Seeing Noah made me realize not everyone is the same. I started to like this world and people.”

Her blue eyes looked at me.

Those blue eyes sparkled in the warm sunlight.

The transparent tears glistening in her eyes.

Perhaps even brighter than the light pouring down was that smile.

“Thanks to Noah. There must have been many aids I didn’t know about in that process, but still… it all started with Noah. At the center was Noah. Noah changed me. Changed this world, people, everything.”

Rubia’s gaze, which had been quietly observing me, now swept around.

Looking at this grave of heroes who sacrificed everything to protect this world.

“So now… you don’t have to carry it alone. Of course, it might not help. Everyone is weaker than Noah and may have fewer abilities, but still. Still…”

Finally, she looked at me.

“Now, you’re not alone. The whole world knows Noah. They will know. Noah’s name, what Noah has done, the path that has been walked until now. All of it.”

Rubia’s blue eyes twisted gently.

Her lips, drawing a soft curve, opened to call my name.


The sunlight sparkled, reflecting off silver-white hair.

It reflected in the blue eyes and the graves of heroes.

So dazzling that it was almost impossible to open my eyes.

So bright that it could draw out tears.

“You are everyone’s hero.”

And so, once again, I cried.

Amidst the graves of heroes.

Cuddled in Rubia’s arms.

Until the sunlight calmed down.

Until I could open my eyes.

I cried and cried.


“We’re leaving tomorrow.”

Clink. I put down my spoon, which had been busy moving, and looked at Hermila.

“We’re leaving…?”

“Yes. There’s a coronation alongside a festival in the territory. Originally, it was supposed to start tomorrow, but it has been postponed by two days. However, um… I think we might have to postpone it for a couple more days. There’s probably a lot to tell.”

Upon hearing that, Rubia also paused her meal to look at Hermila. However, the expression Rubia wore was completely different from mine.

A face full of questions contrasted with her look, which seemed to say it was natural and proud.

After glancing at Rubia once, then at Hermila once, I couldn’t help but let out a sound mixed with confusion.


I couldn’t understand the sudden remark that popped out during dinner. The nonchalant reaction was the same.

But Hermila continued as if my reaction didn’t matter.

“We’ll be taking a carriage to the territory. Heinzel and I will be in charge of the escort. You don’t have to worry about this place. For some reason, since Noah returned, the number of monsters has drastically decreased. The people remaining here should be able to handle it without a problem.”

While listening to Hermila, Rubia lifted her spoon and fed me soup.

“Isn’t there no road we can take the carriage on?”

“Don’t worry about that. Heinzel will take care of it.”

“Care of… Ah.”

This time, as she fed me a carefully sliced piece of steak, I nodded, seeming to understand what Hermila meant.

“Well then, I guess there are no problems.”

So… what is going on?

Why is there a story I don’t know?

I understood that since we returned, I had things to tell Charlotte, who would become the Emperor, but why the delay for the coronation date?

Listening to this puzzling conversation, a fork from Rubia was shoved in front of my mouth.

A fork with mushrooms on it.

“Here, ah.”

“…Ugh… I-I don’t like mushrooms.”

“Tsk. You shouldn’t be picky.”

“Mushrooms… taste bad…”

With Rubia’s insistence, I reluctantly opened my mouth. In came the mushroom without chewing. I swiftly gulped it down with water.

“Oh? You need to chew and swallow properly.”

“I-I don’t want to…”

Nevertheless, shivering at the lingering taste of the mushroom in my mouth, I cringed.

Once the flavor was fading away, I alternated between looking at Rubia and Hermila, then spoke up.

“B-But… why was the coronation date postponed?”

Hermila, who had been about to say something, closed her mouth with a bitter smile.

Then I turned to Rubia.

Rubia responded with an expression that indicated it was only natural.

“Because a festival without the main character is meaningless.”

“…M-Main character?”

“Yes. The main character.”

Without thinking, a fork from Rubia entered my mouth again.

Naturally, I thought it would be steak, so I munched down.

Chew, chew. The texture was squishy.

An unknown and intricate aroma.

It was mushrooms.

I wanted to spit it out at that very moment, but I held the impulse back, squeezed my eyes shut, and swallowed. The horrible texture and scent descending my throat sent shivers down my spine.


I looked at Rubia with eyes full of betrayal.

Rubia smiled brightly, patting my head as if enjoying herself.

…How cruel.

“W-Who is the main character? Hermila…? Uncle Heinzel? Rubia…?”

“It’s Noah.”

Tap. A cherry tomato landed on my lips.

Instinctively, I opened my mouth to catch it, startled.

Chew, gulp.




“Because Noah saved everyone.”

“Uh… Huh…?”

That… is true.

Saying that I saved everyone makes it sound big and grand, but… um… Still, it’s correct.

“Even so… there’s no need to postpone, is there…? I mean… shouldn’t we just go quietly and meet Charlotte…?”

There’s really no need to delay.

Even if I am the main character… it’s still going to be Charlotte’s coronation, isn’t she the most important one here?

Right. That makes the most sense. What would I even do if I had to make a speech?

I might actually faint in front of everyone…

With a pile of unresolved questions, I looked back and forth between Hermila and Rubia.

A moment later.

After a while of silence, Rubia set down her spoon and lifted me onto her lap.

…She can lift me with those thin arms, huh.

“That can’t happen.”

Hermila, who was watching this, spoke up.

“The coronation will start with Charlotte’s speech. In that speech, there will be many things discussed, the secrets of Erden, tales of those who fell in battle, and talks about Luci, Ser, Cartia, and Frey. Also, the forgotten heroes, including Sirin. And at the center, there will be a story about Noah.”



I looked at Rubia after Hermila’s answer.

Was this the story I had spoken about among the graves?

No, is it really going to be something ‘everyone’ knows…?

But… if that happens.

Will they not be incredibly confused?

Of course, Charlotte is smart, so she wouldn’t relay everything I said exactly as is.

Even so… wouldn’t it still cause chaos?

“Is it… really okay?”

“It might not be okay. But it’s something necessary.”

“Something necessary…”

Rubia tightened her arms around me. Her gentle breath reached my ear.

Moments later, that breath transformed into a voice.

“Heroes must be remembered by everyone.”

I couldn’t respond to that.

“So, you need to sleep early. We have to leave before the sun rises tomorrow. Right, Rubia?”

“Well, I don’t know.”

Lick. Rubia’s tongue brushed against my ear.


The sudden sensation was so shocking that I couldn’t even scream and shrank back.

“Well, if Noah refuses, we can sleep quietly.”

Rubia’s fingers coiled around my neck like a snake.

The other hand ran down my thigh, with her voice, which sent shivers down my spine, whispering.

“Can Noah refuse?”



The morning after a terribly sore back, or rather, early morning.

As Hermila stated, we set off to the territory before the sun had risen.

Even in the dark early morning, an incredible number of people came out to greet us.

During that process, when I waved my hand as Hermila had said, the cheers grew even louder.

I was genuinely surprised, and a tear spilled out.

And the carriage we were riding in… was made on the spot. Constructed from the roots summoned by Yuria and the steel reinforced by Alex.

It felt just like a pumpkin carriage that a princess with a curfew would ride in. Although it was not a pumpkin carriage, it looked much sturdier.

Thanks to it being covered in countless petals and stems, my behind didn’t even hurt.

In fact, even the engravings on the outside were extravagant.

Is Yuria gradually getting used to her powers?

Well… she probably didn’t achieve this simply out of familiarity. It’s likely that the ‘limitations’ have disappeared.

Even if she hasn’t felt it yet, she soon will.

Everyone living in this world.

When that time comes, an incredible chaos will ensue, right?

Charlotte, who is clever, will handle it.

But just in case, I should convey it.

Anyway, returning to the explanation of the carriage.

There were two horses pulling the carriage, and one of them was a horse I knew well.

Yes, that pesky horse from Alrba.

I’m not sure if I should think this way, but…

It… surprisingly managed to survive even under those incredibly difficult circumstances.


Finally, the path we were traveling.

They said it was completely ruined due to a long war before. But now it was clean. So clean it looked smooth.

No hills nor slopes, just flat.

The reason it could be like this was because…



Heinzel’s unique ability was organizing… no, creating the path.

I wondered if this was alright, but I had no choice but to nod at Hermila’s line that Charlotte would handle such trivial matters.

I thought so too.

Thus, with Heinzel’s help, we took the shortest route and arrived at the territory in just one day.

Then, before the massive gate of the territory.

Countless people, knights, adventurers, nobles, and commoners.

Charlotte was there.

Welcoming us.

I hadn’t anticipated this at all.

Isn’t it before they even get to hear my story, or rather, Charlotte’s speech?

But… but how could so many people gather?

Were they all here to welcome Heinzel?

To welcome Hermila?

To welcome Rubia?

That might be right, but.

Amid the welcoming shouts, a name mixed in.

No, hearing the name everyone was calling out…

…seemed as if they welcomed me too.

So, because of that… I felt embarrassed.

Even with the curtains blocking the window, they wouldn’t be able to see us, yet I felt so shy and my heart raced, I hid myself in Rubia’s arms.

But, I couldn’t hide the upward curl of my lips.

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