Switch Mode

Chapter 26

“Ugh, ugh… C-can you please go a little slower? My legs are weak…”

This is all Rubia’s fault…

“Hahaha… You look like a newborn calf! Why are your legs shaking like that?”

“Is that something Rubia should say…? Who made me like this?!”

“I really only poked you with my finger, you know?”

“I told you I’m ticklish like a hundred times! Yet you kept tickling me… You’re really mean!”

After we shared our jelly… we spent the rest of the time chatting about this and that.

Then we got onto the topic of tickling.

Since I wasn’t ticklish in my previous life, I was convinced I’d win and started poking Rubia.

But Rubia held in the tickles.

And then… retaliated against me…

I nearly… died.

I was holding in my bathroom needs.

It could have been a huge mess…

In my previous life, I wasn’t ticklish at all, so I thought it would be the same…

Turns out I’m super… super ticklish… it’s infuriating…

“Noah started it by tickling me first. If you’re swinging a sword, you have to be careful of getting cut by your own sword. That’s just common sense.”

Rubia said in a teasing tone.

So annoying…

So annoying!

“What does tickling have to do with swords…? W-well… a little teasing is fine, but you’ve been tickling me since noon!”

“I found Noah’s reactions so hilarious that time flew by! I didn’t think I’d get this carried away myself.”

“I-I almost died, you know!? Can’t you hear me gasping for air…? I even ended up sweating so much I had to shower again!”

“Uhm… I was kinda shocked by your gasping, to be honest. But after that, you stopped, right? I even helped wash you off as a form of apology.”

Rubia’s audacious voice was sending my blood pressure skyrocketing.

My neck is getting tense…

I’m seriously so angry…

“You say you stopped, but that was only after the sun went down…! I-I take showers alone, you know… ugh!”

“But didn’t you feel refreshed? You were dozing off while I washed your hair, drooling and all.”

“I-I didn’t drool! It was just water from my hair!”

Okay, maybe I drooled a little.

I felt it last time too, but is Rubia’s showering skill for real…?

“Is that so? Then I’ll take your word for it.”

“Forget it… Just because I don’t have my great sword doesn’t mean you can bully me… Seriously… that’s just not right. Let go of my… hand—”

I tried to release Rubia’s hand…

But we’re in the middle of the street right now.

If I let go, it could be a major disaster…

I can’t find the blacksmith by myself…

Holding back my anger, I subtly grabbed her hand again.

“Do you want to let go? Should I let go?”

“U-uh, no…”

“Right. We should be careful, as there could be a wizard around.”

Rubia said cheerfully and started swinging my hand back and forth.

Being smaller than Rubia, my body was being shaken left and right by her swinging.

My already trembling legs were shaking even more violently.

“R-Rubia… I-I seriously can’t hold my legs up…!”

“Then I’ll carry you.”

Her arms started swinging even more vigorously.

“Ugh, ugh…! It’ll hurt if I fall!”

“Can’t an adult handle that?”

“W-well… earlier you told me to be careful if I fell off the bed…”

“Hahaha… I’m just kidding. Oh no, this is a big problem… It’s way too much fun to tease Noah. What should I do?”

Rubia slowed down her steps, giggling softly.

At first, she seemed so fierce.

But she’s getting more playful as time goes on.

Does that mean we’re getting closer?

“Rubia… you’re totally different now compared to when we first met.”

“Same goes for you, Noah. You’re a lot different from during the monster hunt and your usual self.”

Am I… that different?

It feels like I am a bit…


“Then… which do you prefer between the two?”

“Between cool Noah and silly Noah?”

“Yup. And I’m not stupid or anything…”

I squeezed Rubia’s hand tightly.

I meant it playfully, but unexpectedly, Rubia gripped back just as hard.

And quietly…

She smiled softly and spoke up.

“I like both. Silly Noah and cool Noah… after all, they’re both Noah, right?”


I didn’t expect that kind of answer…

I clearly offered two choices.

I never would’ve thought there would be a third option…

Was I dumbfounded by that unexpected response?

Or was I shocked by her answer?

“U-uh… Ah. Really…?”

“Hehe… Yes. Now, Noah, which do you prefer: the rude Rubia from the past or the playful Rubia now?”

“W-well, she wasn’t rude or anything… Ummm… I like both…”

“No. You can’t just follow my answer, Noah. There’s no need to lie. I won’t get mad over that kind of thing.”


“Of course.”

“So, honestly…?”

“Yes, feel free to speak.”

Honestly… the Rubia I didn’t get along with before…

Was definitely rude…

Always sulking and getting mad…

“C-current Rubia is better.”

“Hmm? Why?”

Well, since she said I could be honest…

That’s okay, right?

“The Rubia I met first was… y-you were… too… rude—”


Rubia’s voice sank heavily.

If I say she was rude… it feels like it would be a big deal…!

But she said I could say it!

She insisted that I should be honest!

“Y-you were… fierce.”


I’m a kind person for holding back, thinking Rubia might get hurt!

“Were you really going to say I was rude?”

“Of course.”

“Well… Okay. I know I acted rude back then, so I understand. I apologized before, but I’ll apologize again. I’m sorry, Noah…”

The height of the hand I’m holding went down.

“It’s okay… I don’t mind. But, um… Rubia.”

Recalling when we first met… the coffee I made tasted horrible.

She wouldn’t have meant it, right?

It must have been drinkable, right?


“When I first made you coffee, it really tasted… bad, didn’t it?”

“Should I say this honestly too?”

I nodded eagerly.

I kept my mouth shut tight.

I needed to keep a straight face no matter the outcome.

Here we go!

“It tasted like dirt mixed in water.”


The mouth that had been shut wide open suddenly.

That serious expression shattered in an instant.

“W-was it really that bad…?”

“Yes… O-oh, I’m sorry… but it really was horrendous…”

“Oh… what about the coffee we had in the forest… when we got up in the morning?”

I practiced making that a lot!

I failed a ton, too…!

“That one… um… was definitely better than the first time.”

“Was the taste…?”

“It tasted like dirt mixed with coffee…?”


“It’s fine. I’ll teach you step by step. You can definitely do it.”

Rubia patted my shoulder.

My “handiness” stat is at zero…

No matter how she teaches me.

No matter how well she teaches me.

It’ll never change!

My coffee will always be mud water!

Bring it on, Rubia! Bring it on, world!

“Noah, why are you clenching your fist like that? Are you making a vow to practice hard or something?”

“Eugh… A-ah, no… it’s just my palm is itchy…”

“Itch, huh? Should I scratch it for you?”

“Uh, no thanks. If you scratch it, it’ll feel even itchier…”

It felt really strange.

When Rubia gently scratched my palm, it felt ticklish like when you scratch your foot.

When my palm itches, pressing with my fingernails works best.

“If you ever feel itchy, just tell me. I’ll scratch you.”

Rubia said in a mischievous voice, scratching my ear with her fingernail.


“Hahaha… Should we head back now? If we take too long, the door will close.”

“Yes, yes…”

I rubbed my suddenly hot ears and cautiously stepped towards the blacksmith.


“We’ve finally arrived. Are you okay from when you fell earlier?”

“Yeah… it’s not the pain that’s embarrassing…”

Somehow, we safely reached the front of the blacksmith.

I tripped over a person on my way here, but Rubia healed me, so I had no scars left.

“It’s okay. Nobody saw.”

“But… Rubia saw.”

“I’m fine. We’re washing together, anyway. What’s the big deal?”

“Eek! S-such things should only be said inside! If you say that outside…”

“Shall we go inside?”


Rubia cut me off and opened the blacksmith’s door.

She’s getting bolder by the minute…!

“Ah! Welcome! We’re just finishing up!!”

Hephaestus, who recognized us, greeted us in a loud voice.


“The timing’s perfect. Did it go well?”

“Of course! The smith did such a neat job that it was easy to fix!”


“Then if you sit over there, I’ll get it for you in a moment!”

I leaned back in the chair at Rubia’s gesture.

“I’m glad it was repaired well. By the way, it’s pretty surprising. The person I saw before, um… didn’t seem like that kind of person…”

Rubia seemed lost in thought as she reminisced about Arlba’s owner.

I told you!
Even if he seemed gruff, he was a really great person!

“Rubia, you can’t just judge people by their appearances…!”

I gave her hand a light tap!

“Oh, right. I was rude.”

“Um, hurry up and apologize…”

“Um… I’m sorry, Mr. Smith from Arlba.”

“Here it is! What should I hand over first?”

As soon as Rubia’s apology finished, Hephaestus came over making clattering noises.

“The g-great sword…! Please give me the great sword first!”

Clatter Clatter

“Here you go! Please check it! There might be some defects!”

I nodded furiously and received the great sword.

A tingling happiness surged through me, painting the surrounding information.

“Ah, ahhh… I’ve missed you so much…”

A silly laugh escaped my mouth without me noticing.

What’s it matter!

I hugged the great sword, rubbing my face against the blade.

The smooth texture, cold warmth, and heavy weight… I missed you!

“Uh, um… I’m just checking the condition…”

Aah, right…

Since I’m known as “The red beast that tears apart monsters.”

I need to maintain my dignity!

“Ahem… I’m… checking it now. I-I always do this, you see.”


“Y-up, got it…!”

Rubia chuckled, while Hephaestus looked… flustered.

I awkwardly averted my gaze and gave the great sword’s edge a touch.

Well, this seems… less than the boss of Arlba, but still sufficient.

Then the hilt…

I stood up and walked out to the open space.

“Can I swing it once… is that okay?”

“Of course!”

Hephaestus nodded agreeably.

“Thank you…!”

First, I need to check the balance…

I held the great sword in my right hand and swung it horizontally.

I aimed to look as cool as possible.

After all… I’m the “red beast that tears apart monsters”!


Hmm, it feels similar to before!

Next, vertical.


That passes too!

Now with both hands, diagonally!


Ughhh—! So smooth!

I squeezed the hilt, twisted it, and tested its shake.

Everything is solidly done well!

I didn’t have high expectations, but it’s above and beyond!

I gave Hephaestus a slight, very slight bow.

I damn well wanted to bow deeply, but… I needed to keep my dignity

Hmm… still, I should express my gratitude properly.

“It looks great. Thank you!”

I bowed my head deeply.

“Such high praise…! Th-thank you!!!”

Hephaestus followed suit, bowing his head deeply.

Though… it felt like he bowed a bit lower than I did, so I lowered my head further.

Hephaestus’ head dipped even lower.

Mine followed…

“Uhm, how about we both slowly lift our heads…?”

“You’re Noah, right? You go first, Noah!”

“N-no, you first, Hephaestus!”

“No way!!”


I had no choice but to lift my head uncomfortably.

Hephaestus, who had been glancing at me, lifted his head as well.

“So, how much should I pay?”

Rubia opened her pocket and said.

I stopped her.

“No, I’ll pay for it. It’s my equipment.”

I’ll handle my own stuff!

After saying that quite boldly and coolly, I opened my coin pouch at my waist…

“Uh, huh…?”

W-where did my money go…?

No matter how deep I reached in, or I turned the pouch upside down to shake out…

No money was to be found in any of my pockets, or even in my shoes.

I was so focused on walking that I didn’t notice my lightened pouch…

“Noah… did you lose your money?”

“Uh… uh-oh…”

Rubia’s hand patted my shoulder.

“It’s okay. That can happen. We’ll check back along the way; it should turn up somewhere.”

“W-well, it should, right…?”

“Of course. How much did you have?”

Feeling the cold sweat trickle down my spine, I opened my mouth with difficulty.

“I-I changed all the silver coins Rubia gave me into gold coins… when we got here…?”

“Y-you don’t mean…”

“Total… 27 gold… I lost it… ugh, originally… including what I had… m-my… ugh… my… assets…”

The tip of my nose tinged.

Tears began to stream down my closed eyes.

My hands started shaking.

I felt like I might faint any second now.

But I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut, holding it all back.

I’m an adult.


I’ll find it, no matter what.

Even if I had to stretch my senses until my head nearly bursts.

I will find it, come what may!

As I clenched my fist and made that vow, Rubia carefully spoke up.

“Noah, don’t freak out. But I think that person who bumped into you earlier might have stolen it…”


“I noticed something was off with their movements. I thought they were just drunk, but… they seemed like a thief, quite skilled at that…”

“R-Rubia… Hic— a-a thief… with my money… Hic… …uh… what should we do…?”

Rubia’s hand stroked my eyes.

“For now, it could just be a misinterpretation, but whatever the case.”

Then she took my hand and began to lead me.

“We need to look for it, for sure.”

Her silhouette, leading the way, reminded me of how she used to sell my items back in Arlba.


Now, Rubia is way cooler than before.

“Hic… so, so much cooler…!”

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