Switch Mode

Chapter 238

As the tilted scales reached a horizontal balance, the key that had been packed within my soul vanished.

I couldn’t figure out how the key sleeping inside my soul was taken away.

Was it the magic that restored Rubia to her original state?

Or is it a new kind of magic?

I don’t know. There’s no time to think.

For now, I have to stop Ser.

Just as I was wrapping my tangled thoughts to take a step forward…

“Stop. If you take one step closer, you will die painfully.”


Ser, placing a hand over her heart, smiled gently.

“Very well. Stay right there and listen to me.”

“…Ser, don’t joke around. Right now… I know what you’re trying to do—”

“I know very well what Noah was planning. Isn’t it to open the door to a true paradise, not a false one, and complete the world?”

“…If you know that, then why…?”

“Because I know that, I am doing this. Oh, please don’t come any closer. Do you wish to kill your friend?”

As soon as I stepped forward in frustration, magical power bloomed in Ser’s hand, tearing into her flesh and burrowing deep inside her chest.

“Do you think what I said is just empty threats? Go ahead, move. You will die in the most miserable way possible in your eyes.”


“If Noah stays still, this hand won’t peel off my skin. You too, Rubia, are not an exception. Do not move.”

Wiping the blood from her lips, Ser took a breath and continued.

“I didn’t want to resort to such cowardly methods. However, Noah has become too strong; I had no choice. You could have just been moderately strong, then I could have bound Noah with my power.”

Drip— Blood flowed, soaking the petals beneath.

Yet, Ser still smiled.

Right now, if I rush toward Ser, with all my might, could I stop her?

Could I cut through the magical power blooming in her hands and prevent her from dying?

Then what about the key in her soul? Could I pull it out?

Binding Ser’s body with the magic power in her hand would be a piece of cake.

But even if I did that, I’m not sure whether I could extract the key entwined in her soul.

Still, I have to try.

Without Ser noticing, as much as possible.

Rustle— Just as I prepared to run, the petals on the ground crunched.

At the same time, I heard Ser let out a small sigh.

“I should clarify, I have no intention of opening the door to paradise. I also do not intend to die.”

“…You don’t intend to open the door to paradise…?”

“I’ll put it briefly, since there isn’t much time left. I intend to offer this key as a price to lower the Nameless One’s divinity. All I desire is to change the predetermined future.”

Ser’s gaze turned to Rubia.

“I believe I mentioned this once before. I would try to change the future by finding my own way. Do you remember?”


“All the preparations for that are complete. Honestly, the odds were almost like a gamble, but somehow everything fell perfectly into place, almost as if a godlike being was assisting us.”

Ser shrugged her shoulders.

“Of course, just because the preparations are finished doesn’t guarantee success… but anyway, that’s how it is. So please, drop your suspicions.”

“But… without the key, this world…”

“If there is a key, will it change?”

“Then we could save the world. We could break free from the grip of the Nameless One. If that happens… we could save Rubia’s life and everyone living in this world—”

“By sacrificing Noah’s life?”

“Uh, that…”

Biting my lip at Ser’s unexpected observation, I tried to play dumb, but she was certain that I would have to sacrifice myself.

Sirin and Primavera had no idea about my plans. Even Primavera didn’t seem to have suspected anything.

So how did Ser figure it out?

About the key and my plans.

There was no way she could know unless she read my thoughts… how on earth…?

Amidst my long thoughts and various speculations, I lost my way.


A chilling sound echoed in the sky.

From where it came, at the edge of the endlessly stretching horizon.

I struggled to turn my stiff neck.

There, a vague shape was rising.


Jong-eon’s bright red eyes were gazing at me.

I too looked into those chilling eyes.

In an instant, Jong-eon’s eyes closed.

And at the same moment.


A sinister sound pierced my ears from my left.

I turned my head.

There sat Rubia, groaning, exuding dark divine power.


I dashed toward Rubia without a moment’s hesitation.

I embraced her cold body in an instant. With every touch, the darkness radiating from Rubia scorched my body. It tore my flesh. It tried to crush my bones and twist my veins.

Even so, I didn’t let go of Rubia. I held her even tighter and locked eyes with her.

Finally, a crack- A rough sound came from Rubia’s mouth. Her hand lifted. The darkness surged from the ground. I attempted to distort her hand that was reaching for the air. But Rubia’s hand didn’t stop.

Drawing unknown characters in blood, her white hand brightened, and the darkness that had been killing my body lightened. It became warm. It shone like brilliant light, healing my body.

Meanwhile, Rubia’s condition worsened.

Tears of blood streamed from her eyes. Blood seeped from her nose, mouth, and ears, her flesh split, and droplets of blood oozed between the cracks.

“No, no… Rub… Rubia. Why… why is this happening all of a sudden…”

“My magic is coming to an end. Because of that… it seems the Nameless One’s consciousness has returned. Rubia is… resisting it. I didn’t expect my magic to end this quickly. It’s my… fault. I’m sorry.”

Seeing that, Ser sighed, taking a step back.

“Noah. Now you really must listen to me carefully. Rubia is struggling terribly as well, but please listen to me.”

Creeeak— The scales began to tilt.

“I intend to offer this key to lower the Nameless One’s divinity. Along with that, I will attempt to use my magical power and all the magical power in the area as a price to block the opening of the false paradise. If so, the predetermined future will surely change. Of course, there’s a chance of failure, but I’ll do my best to stop it. After that, I will bind Jong-eon’s feet…”

Not to the left, but to the right.

Creeeak— Creeeak—

The scales continued to tilt unpleasantly to the right. Ser looked back at it, momentarily pausing her words, biting her lip.

A moment later, Ser’s heavy voice called my name.



“Do you trust me?”

“…What do you mean all of a sudden…?”

“Please answer. Noah, do you trust me?”

Ser, looking straight at me with unseen eyes, emanated a heavier atmosphere than usual.

“I trust you.”

I didn’t ask what I was trusting in, but I answered.

Even though I was angry at Ser for taking the key without permission, I trusted her.

Despite her countless secrets, I could believe in her.

Because it’s Ser. Because she’s my friend.

“Is that so…?”

Ser nodded slowly, lowering her gaze to Rubia. Rubia too, looked at Ser and nodded with difficulty.

Hearing our answers, Ser closed her eyes.

Creeeak— Creeeak— The scales continued to tilt.


Ser, still with her eyes closed, muttered quietly.

“Can I also trust Noah and Rubia?”

Her eyes, pouring out a radiant light, looked at us.

“Can the one who has many secrets and has lied to you… trust and rely on you?”

Her voice, unlike usual, sounded as if she were asking for permission.

That voice trembled unexpectedly.


I nodded.

“I trust Ser too, so please trust me as well.”

I nodded and answered with a steadfast heart.

Upon hearing my answer, Ser stared blankly at me for a moment.


She laughed.


Not the usual quiet smile.

Not a smile that suppresses laughter.

“Then, I will trust you. I will look forward to it.”

She smiled brightly.

Brighter and more brightly than ever before.

“…Originally, I intended to lower the Nameless One’s divinity, block the opening of the false paradise, and then bind Jong-eon’s feet. However, due to my lack of ability, I was unable to bind Jong-eon’s feet. Moreover, since the key has vanished due to the price, I will also be unable to open the door to the true paradise. But—”


The scales that had been endlessly tilting came to a halt.

“Noah, Rubia. If it’s you, you can do it.”


And once again, the scales began to tilt.

To the left.

“I am sure you can do it.”


The scales cracked open. Simultaneously, Ser’s body began to mirror the crack on the scales.

“You two are my friends.”

Despite everything, Ser continued to smile as she opened her arms wide.

“Now, both of you watch closely. Then, share this with the mages that will arise in the future.”

And with a loud laugh, light, carefree, and cheerful, she shouted.

“At the end of the magic you all pursue, there is no Mage Tower Lord, Archmage, Sage, or Spirit Mage—”

Finally, a clink—the scales found their balance. The crack split open, releasing life force, a light brighter and hotter than the sun, and a brilliant magic that resembled her smile.

“I, the mage Ser, have reached this point for the first and last time!”

A kaleidoscope shone in purple.

So vast that it was beyond the power of the eye to follow.

It reflected forgotten pasts.
It showed twisted presents.
It exhibited predetermined futures.

Countless variables brushed by throughout the past.
Many branching points divided through the present.
Now a result that could no longer be reached opened beyond the future.

A future that couldn’t possibly exist.
A future that couldn’t even be imagined.
A future thought to be impossible, but now filled with possibilities.

Toward that future, toward the cracked scales.
Ser smiled brightly and reached out her hand.


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not work with dark mode