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Chapter 223

The sky was an endless blue, with not a cloud in sight. Only a ring of light shone majestically in the vastness above. It was a peaceful day, devoid of any unusual incidents, where everyone was relaxed and content.

It took Kaya about two months to realize how surprisingly comfortable the position of Defense Office Head was compared to her previous work down below.

What a twist! After cleaning up the mess left by her predecessor, most of the issues were handled by the lower tier and rarely made their way up to her desk. Surprisingly, the relationship between Trinity-Gehenna, which would typically be fraught with conflict, was quite stable thanks to the capable Yukino, the head of the ETO, and her subordinates. It turned out that Kivotos now enjoyed one of the safest environments around.

Restoring even a shred of trust in the beleaguered Defense Office made Kaya feel like she had landed the sweetest gig imaginable. She was well-fed, kept warm, and the money just rolled in while the hard work was left for the subordinates and competent external partners to handle.

Completely unaware of the unprecedented chaos about to strike the Defense Office, Kaya sat back in her chair, lazily sipping coffee with her nameplate proudly displayed. A tiny nod of understanding crossed her mind as she considered how the former head might have tried to deal with bribes. She tapped her laptop, preparing to open a portal site.

[Two months since the Kaiser Gate incident. Shiranui Kaya, the new head of the Defense Office, declared, “The Defense Office will do its utmost for the safety of all students, regardless of external evaluations.” How well has that been upheld?]

[When asked about the newly independent SRT Special Academy, Shiranui Kaya, head of the Defense Office, responded, “The SRT has never betrayed any trust so far. I hope Valkyrie can earn such trust too.”]

[As the end of the year approaches, signs of power shifts within the Student Council are detected! Is the Defense Office led by Shiranui Kaya the main player?]


The once negative sentiment towards her began to shift positively. If things kept going this way, her power would soon become solidified.

Kaya silently thanked the fool of a girl who had given her the opportunity to take charge of the Defense Office even before the new semester began. She tapped her fingers on the desk, the rhythmic sound echoing in the air, and smiled at the gift she received from someone she had started to look up to.

[If I could, I would’ve loved to gift her a more glamorous golden nameplate… But it wouldn’t suit the position of Defense Office Head, would it? Considering the reason why the former head was ousted, it would surely raise some eyebrows. So I opted for a clean and elegant design instead, hoping she likes it!☆]

[Oh, and since we’re just passing a nameplate between us, I also sent a couple of perfumes. I picked a white musk scent that seems just perfect for Kaya-chan and one with a woody aroma, so give them a spray!]

Mika’s overly familiar distance was undoubtedly burdening Kaya. Even though she had risen to the position of Defense Office Head, she still felt incomparable in terms of ability.

Thus, even though she appreciated Mika’s recognition, that subtle distance remained when Mika clung to her, forcing Kaya to respond with a soft refusal with a smile.

“I haven’t used perfume much, but this doesn’t seem bad at all…”

While not an absolute hit, it exceeded her expectations enough for Kaya to feel satisfied with Mika’s gift. Finding a literally perfect perfume without picking it out personally was nearly impossible.

“If only I could gain the Student Council President’s recognition as well, I’d want for nothing more.”

Kaya raised her glass, only to furrow her brow as she realized her coffee cup was empty.

She had no clue that the chance of her wish coming true was heading straight toward zero.


In the newly established ETO Headquarters, Yukino sighed at the unexpected visit from a guest while reviewing incident reports from the previous night. She was a scheduled visitor.

“So, the Student Council President confirmed that after reviewing your 500 hours of community service in the Odyssey, she deemed your intention to return to your studies sufficient to cancel your suspension, and she permitted you to transfer straight to the SRT Special Academy…?”

“Yes, that’s exactly it, little fox.”

“And after completing the new student training course, you’ll take the advancement exam to begin the new semester as a second-year student? If that happens, I’ll be your senior.”

“Yes. You already understand everything, don’t you, little fox senpai?”

“…Kosaka Wakamo, I do not trust you. Nor do I want to.”

“Of course, I completely understand that feeling.”

“No, you don’t. As one of those who helped resolve the aftermath of the calamity that your actions may have caused… I am not pleased with your association with this group that claims to uphold justice. I don’t think you will manage to blend in here either.”

“…Well, it’s been about four months, hasn’t it? Had it not been for that incident, I would have thought the same as well. But through reflecting on my misdeeds and seeking forgiveness from the victims, I, Kosaka Wakamo, have come to confidently say this: I have been reborn… no, I have been reborn as a new fox.”

Wakamo slightly pushed aside her usual mask and looked Yukino right in the eyes. Seeing the sincerity reflected in those eyes made Yukino’s gaze waver.

“I know that this does not erase the things I have done during that time. The impulsive and violent actions I took to satisfy my meager desires will follow me like a shadow. However, it is precisely because of this that I am able to stand here today. Only as an act of atonement.”

“…Is that all you have to say? Presently, I hold the authority to request the Student Council President to reverse her decision.”

“I won’t say I have engraved justice in my heart. But I will make it clear that my existence holds some value for the SRT. The way villains think is something that only other villains fully understand.”

“Kosaka Wakamo… I’ve heard your answer, but my feelings remain unchanged. I… do not trust you.”

Upon Yukino’s icy response, Wakamo could only nod along, understanding the situation. Her choices had boiled down to either the correction office or SRT.

However, she did not wish to choose the correction office, nor did she want to get trapped there and plan her escape—so she opted for the SRT as an alternative.

Just as she deemed it a rejection and began to think about negotiating under different terms with the Student Council President, Yukino spoke again.

“However, I do believe in your abilities. There’s a point to saying that villains know best how other villains think. As much as I really don’t want to say this… I look forward to working with you, junior.”


Watching Yukino silently, a small smile crept onto Wakamo’s face. Just as Yukino was about to voice her disgust at what she saw, Wakamo had already slipped from her vision.

“Whoohoo…! Of course, little fox senpai. I, too, though lacking, will do my best moving forward!”

“Let go of me… Ugh. Get away from me, junior…!”


Yukino struggled to shake off Wakamo, who suddenly appeared from behind her, but it was evident who was stronger in this situation. Wakamo was far too strong of a student for this to be simply labeled a senior-junior relationship.

“By the way, I see you’ve received a nice gift or something, huh?”

Just from the shining nameplate, it was clear to see. By bringing Yukino into the fold at the ETO, Mika had already considered her part of her group. Naturally, this led to Mika going above and beyond to take care of Yukino.

“…I was assigned a dedicated helicopter for the FOX Squad.”


“An actual dedicated helicopter that can also be used for personal matters without going through the SRT.”

It was technically assigned to ETO, but since it belonged to the ETO president, there was no reason she couldn’t use it for personal reasons.

This was a result of Mika and Hina mutually allocating some of their academy’s budget as thanks for easing their burdens.

“By the way, I also have a gift for you, junior. They said you’ll get it after completing the training course and advancement exam.”

“…Does that mean Mika knew my plan from the very beginning?!”

“That’s correct… Is there any problem with that?”

“This ruins my plan to surprise my benefactor with a magnificent appearance upon my heartfelt recovery! How could this happen?!”

Wakamo, who cleverly ignored Mika’s previous request not to call her benefactor, sulked.

Regardless of her antics, Yukino sighed, wondering when this annoying junior, who was a year older than her, would ever let go of her.


Lynn awkwardly brought the sleeve of her clothes to her face to catch a whiff of the scent. She never expected to receive the renowned Samuelra’s The Beyond as a gift. It was such an extravagant perfume that she worried if she deserved it after not sending a gift in return.

The fragrance was said to be based on a transparent scent of peonies and chamomile, emphasized with the freshness of mandarin, lemon, and grapefruit… At the very least, she really liked the citrus notes. The question remained how the scent would transform, but given that it was one of Kivotos’ best-selling perfumes, it wouldn’t disappoint her.

Feeling a twinge of guilt, she had barely started her work when a call came through from the Student Council President.

“President, this is Nanagami Lynn.”

“Come on in, Lynn-chan… Huh? What’s this? Lynn-chan, did you put on perfume?!”

“The T-party host… gifted me something, so I tried a little to see. But more importantly, we should discuss work…”

“Ah, that makes sense! Since Mika sent it, I can understand! It’s only natural for her to like fancy things, right? Like a princess!”

The Student Council President emphasized the word “princess” as she pulled out something resembling a tablet PC and set it on the desk. Then she fetched a pillow, placing it atop the tablet.

Lynn had yet to comprehend why the President always referred to Misono Mika as the T-party host while casually using her first name in private.

“By the way, this scent is really nice, Lynn-chan! Mika’s got a good eye for these things, right?”

“…It’s a fragrance from Samuelra’s The Beyond. It’s a verified popular fragrance, so I’m afraid it’s a bit of a stretch to critique the T-party host’s judgment.”

“Mm~ Is that so? I think I got a great gift! This pillow is honestly the most plush and comfortable one I’ve ever used!”

“…President, your sleep time rarely exceeds six hours, does it?”

“Exactly! The less I sleep, the more important sleep quality becomes for me, Lynn-chan! Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“May I now hear the reason for your summons?”

“Oh, come on, Lynn-chan. Isn’t it a little too much to blatantly ignore me like that?”

Lynn squeezed her eyes shut out of frustration at the President. Why did she act like this only towards her, while she behaved differently with others?

Thinking back, Mika had a similar trait. She didn’t treat just Lynn this way but maintained the same attitude with everyone.

Though initially, she pretended to differentiate between work and play, she eventually dropped that pretense altogether, which troubled Lynn the most.

“Anyway, I might have slightly upset Mika. Given how brilliantly she leads Trinity, she must have some inkling of my struggles, right? She likely knows just how little sleep I’ve been getting.”


“So, this gift might very well have been intended to tease me. Still, it’s a relief that it seems I’m not hated to that extent by Lynn-chan!”

“I don’t believe that the T-party host could harbor negative feelings towards me, so I don’t see it as a matter of concern…”

“Who knows? That’s debatable.”

With the pillow cradled in her arms, the President closed her eyes. After a brief moment, she called out to Lynn in a strangely airy, dreamlike tone.


“…Yes, President?”

“Among the seven riddles of Kivotos, the second one… ‘Can you understand through what you don’t understand?’ What do you think about that?”

“There exists a trap in that question that prevents a correct answer from being reached. Since it lacks an objective noun, the answer may change depending on what is inserted in its place.”

“See? That’s correct! But you see, this riddle isn’t a quiz. Since it’s not a quiz, it doesn’t truly matter if there isn’t a defined answer. So… we can just place whatever we desire in that blank.”

There was a glimmer of hope in the Student Council President’s gaze that was mixed with an edge of uncertainty, causing Lynn to perceive it as a goodbye—an interpretation she decided to dismiss.

“In that sense, I’ll ask you, Lynn-chan. What noun would you like to place in that empty space?”


Lynn’s contemplation continued. Regardless of the President’s intentions in posing such a question, she sensed that a serious answer was desired.

“Understanding what we don’t understand can help us to understand ourselves.”

Upon hearing Lynn’s response, the Student Council President beamed with a smile brighter than Lynn had ever seen before.


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