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Chapter 221

A special prison in the basement of the Student Council headquarters.

In there, for a whole week, was locked away a heinous terrorist. This was none other than the next leader of the Onsen Development Department, Kinugawa Kasumi.

After a stint of activities in Trinity, where they had been rotting ETO’s goals, the Onsen Development Department returned to the Gehenna Autonomous District just before Christmas, and as expected, couldn’t resist poking around the volcanic area and was promptly captured by the Student Council, resulting in her current predicament.

Although it’s called a prison, it was essentially like a dormitory where one could only leave if they wanted to. Meals were served regularly. Basically, it was a subpar version of the correctional division, so as long as it wasn’t Hina’s turn to manage the place, Kasumi treated it like her second home. However, recently, Hina hadn’t been responsible for the prison at all.

In other words, Kasumi had been treating this place like her own bedroom, prison or not.

“…Oh, who do we have here? Our proud warden, Iori-kun, isn’t it? What brings you to this dark place on such a fine day?”

“…If it were up to me, I’d want to keep you here forever, but it’s time for your release.”

“Wahahaha! What? Has it already been that long? I was just starting to get a little attached here. Every time I start to get comfy, release day sneaks up on me. How unfortunate!”

“If you’re that sad about it, I could assume that you cause trouble the moment you’re released and throw you back in right away.”

“Oooh, Iori-chan. You know that’s against the rules, right? What if I got in trouble with Hina-senpai for that? Huh? Huh? Mmm?”


“By the way, it seems Hina-senpai hasn’t been in charge of the prison lately, which makes prison life quite pleasant, doesn’t it? It’s the perfect study spot.”

In the Student Council’s special prison, academic study was enforced. This was quite rare in Gehenna, which was known for its freedom, but beyond this, there weren’t many ways to punish them since this wasn’t the correctional division.

When Iori glanced at the piles of papers strewn about the floor of Kasumi’s solitary confinement, it felt like her head was spinning. She had no idea what the content was, but it was probably all about onsen studies.

“We’re not asking you to study that, are we?!”

“Wahahaha! Oh dear, Iori-chan. Have you already forgotten who our class’s top student is?”

“…Ah, whatever. Just get going already. If you get caught again, I’ll definitely beg Hina-senpai to let me take over this place, even if I have to bang my head on the ground!”

“Hmmm… I thought we had a close bond, Iori-san. Was it one-sided?”

“Phew… Please just get the package and leave as quickly as you can…”

Feeling a bad vibe boiling up inside her, Iori sighed and opened the prison door, half-throwing a tiny package-sized box to Kasumi.

“Ugh… I mean, what if it’s something fragile? Why are you throwing that around?”

Kasumi casually caught the box with both hands and began tearing off the wrapping.

“Double-wrapped, huh? Hmm. Ooh? Whoa, what is this? A day will come when I receive gifts from Trinity, which I never even got from Iori!”


While focused on the gift, Kasumi didn’t notice Iori had disabled the safety mechanism on her gun pointed at the back of her head. Unaware of the gun’s presence, Kasumi continued to check out the package.

[The onsen you’ve made is being well used on our side. Thanks!]

[But if you keep causing trouble in Trinity, I’ll be sure to make one for you personally, so keep that in mind☆]

[Merry Christmas!]

Along with a note, one of the items was a pair of metal chopsticks, tied together at both ends.

Seeing the twisted chopsticks, Kasumi was taken aback and shifted her gaze to the second item, presumably the real gift.


Even though she didn’t need a new walkie-talkie right away, having a spare wasn’t a bad deal, so it was a pretty thoughtful gift.

At this point, taking a break from her activities in Trinity didn’t sound so bad.

Of course, that was only because she had just received a gift. Kasumi mentally reassured herself it was absolutely not because she was scared of that crazed angel from Trinity or the angel who had threatened to fold her in half if she kept messing around.

“Wahahaha! Iori, check this out. A day has finally come when I receive a Christmas present! Wow~ Life can be full of surprises!”

As Kasumi flaunted the white walkie-talkie in front of her, Iori, finally losing her cool, tensed her finger.


“Whoa, whoa, Iori-chan! Why so angry all of a sudden? You feeling okay?”

“…Am I okay? It’s that person who gave you a normal present yet gifted me a shampoo that could grow plants!!!”

… Iori thought about how the person responsible for that mishap was beyond her reach and continued to pull the trigger repeatedly.

Kasumi barely managed to escape the special prison in one piece. Although rumors about the shampoo incident didn’t spread, every time she crossed paths with Iori afterward, she couldn’t help but tease her about it, causing Iori’s blood pressure to spike each time.




Here we go again, Iroha thought, rubbing her eyelids. How did it all come to this?

It all began as a cover-up to fill the “one week gap in Makoto’s life,” provided entirely by Mika. From there, misunderstandings made Makoto develop an one-sided crush on Mika, leading to the delusion that Mika would wholeheartedly support her journey to the top.

And this delusion had grown, reaching a zenith today when Makoto received a gift from Mika.

“Look, Iroha! Gold has always been a symbol of nobility! A solid gold nameplate, it perfectly suits our noble Makoto-sama! Kikikikikik—!!!”

“Ah, yes…”

“Kikikikikik. How is the progress on that plan going?”

“What plan are you talking about?”

“Haah? The plan to overthrow the Student Council and have me ascend to the throne, of course!”

“Oh, the plan to deliver Makoto-senpai directly to the correctional division…”

“Wh-What…?! That can’t be right! Mika and Trinity declared they’d come under my rule! With this level of charisma, the Student Council will have no choice but to submit!”

As Iroha listened to Makoto’s absurd claims, she casually brushed her wristwatch with her fingers. Remembering the manual that came with it, she pressed a button, causing the screen to open up.

“Keheh. It won’t be long now. The day that a flag with the image of our noble Makoto-sama is raised throughout Kivotos shall arrive!”

“…So, you sent that flag to Mika?”

“Exactly. It is only natural for my most ardent supporter, Mika, to be honored with the first flag!”

The lights lit up around Makoto’s neck. For about 0.3 seconds, she pondered if this was appropriate, but Iroha ultimately couldn’t resist her appetite and pressed the button.


“Kikikiki… Tch… Zzz…”

Makoto, who had started snoring right there in her seated position, and Iroha, who kept glancing between her wristwatch and the sleeping girl, couldn’t help but chuckle. No matter how it looked, it distinctly resembled the knockout darts that she and Hina had previously used, but that made it all the more convenient to use.

Without a doubt, it was the best Christmas gift of her life.

As Iroha unconsciously hummed a little tune, she headed for her secret hideout.

Before long, the day peace arrives in Gehenna seemed closer than ever.


“Look! Look! It’s a deluxe chocolate burger model!”

“Heheh! What a fittingly tasteful gift for Izumi-san! But what’s that mark on top…?”

“That’s because I didn’t realize it was a model and took a bite out of it…”

Getting the deluxe chocolate burger she loves is great, but since it’s an unedible model, Izumi-san sounds adorable as she wonders whether she should be happy or not.

“Haah… Heheh. Hehehe…”

However, beside her, Akari is exhaling heated breaths with a strangely dangerous look in her eyes. After seeing Mika’s gift, I can’t help but wonder what’s got her so riled up, so I decide to ask.

“Hehehe. Senpai, it’s a bit of a problem. I think I’ve fallen a bit for the Vice President. What should I do~?”

“…What did you get as a gift that’s making you feel like this, Akari?”

Hearing Akari-san’s answer, I momentarily feel a surge of discomfort… but then again, I have no right to feel that way.

As I express my curiosity, Akari-san beams and reveals a notebook.

“I got a list of unlimited refill restaurants from D.U. and Millennium! Isn’t it the best…?”

“Well, that’s true… It’s certainly something we expect from Mika.”

Unconsciously, I find myself agreeing with Akari-san. If it’s Mika, it wouldn’t be strange for her to put considerable thought into each gift. I’ve always known this about her, though I didn’t fall for her because of it.

Nodding, I take out a box and place it on the table.

“This is the gift Mika sent to our Gourmet Research Club. And she says she made it herself.”

Inside the box were heaps of madeleines. Perhaps she got help from Nagisa-san, who I know enjoys baking, or learned from her?

I know Mika’s cooking skills are pretty decent, but she said she limited herself to just things suitable for cooking for one, so I’m inclined to think my guess is right.

Gingerly picking up a madeleine and taking a bite,


I find myself exclaiming involuntarily. The taste itself is nothing extraordinary, but the satisfaction level is top-notch.

Even though it may not match the joy of enjoying food with Mika, it gives me comparable satisfaction. Someday, if Mika cooked something just for me, I’d surely feel even happier. I wonder if she feels the same way? I hope she does.

Sometimes, she’s been learning to cook from Fuka-san… Perhaps one day I’ll see Mika’s face of joy when she eats a dish I made all by myself. Just imagining that makes my tail wag with happiness.

As I find myself lost in thought, I look back at the madeleine, now half-gone, and of course, there’s Akari-san happily inhaling the rest. Thank goodness we kept separate portions for Izumi-san and myself, I’ll have to remember to deliver them to her later.

“Senpai! Did you receive a gift from the Vice President?”

Amidst all this, Izumi-san’s question causes my tone to inadvertently rise a pitch.

“Of course, I did.”

“What is it? It better be something delicious! Is it a cream cake, perhaps?”

“Not quite, just an ordinary accessory.”

I replace my usual wing ornament with a pair of angel wings made of platinum.

It’s a bit… how to say it? I feel somewhat shy as if Mika is leaving her mark on me. On the other hand, it’s a little exhilarating too.

“Oh my. Does that mean she left a ‘spit mark’ or something?”

“…I thought the Vice President would have prepared something a bit more tasteful!”

…Typically, wouldn’t this be considered the more tasteful gift, Izumi-san?

Of course, the memory of eating food from a cherished person is an everlasting gift, and it doesn’t compare unfavorably with accessories. However, the value of accessories as tokens of a romantic relationship is quite special.

We might not officially be in a relationship yet, but Hina-san has been convinced already, and Nagisa-san is almost there, so it’s just a matter of time. This aspect may be a bit closer to her giving up monopolizing Mika.

Then again, if I’d pressed her a little harder that day, it could have been all mine… But, when it comes to gourmet food, there’s something special about sharing it, right?

And the thrill of stealthily snatching away someone else’s food doesn’t seem too bad either. Hehe.


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