Switch Mode

Chapter 21

A face similar to a reptile and a muscular body.

The lower half is composed of a snake’s tail instead of legs.

Just hearing the sound of scales makes deep-sea fish shiver in fear—the lawless in the sea.

The clan that possessed both ferocity and intelligence was the Naga.

The resurrection ritual of the Water Dragon was a long-desired destiny of the Naga clan.

With a brutal personality and a closed-off stance that only treated their kind, they were neither welcomed by humans nor demons,

leading to their gradual decline.

As this sacred place was purified and humans began to visit, the Naga clan had no choice but to rely on demon power,

and thus they set a grand goal of manifesting the Water Dragon with dark power to recreate their own world.

– There’s not much time left…

Since it was a lagoon that connected the lake to the sea, the Naga clan had frequently visited this ritual site to inject magic power.

It was indeed a time that could be called a truly arduous march, one that was hard to bear without tears.

The priest Naga trembled with his hands.

Those ugly and disgusting human scum.

They often spent calm days, fishing in the lake and enjoying the water.

Laughing and chattering, they sought only a peaceful life among themselves.

Little did they know that this resurrection ceremony was being prepared right beneath them!

– With this, all preparations are complete!

His voice echoed in the cave.

– …

However, it felt like the cave had suddenly gone silent.

– They’ve all fallen… fallen!

In any case, it would all end today or tomorrow.

I had managed to endure through this harsh time, so could I not wait for a day or two more?

The priest looked at the black mist-filled jewel of the Water Dragon, smiling with satisfaction.

– Ooh. Truly delightful. Oh, Water Dragon…


“Why does that jerk keep laughing?”

The priest still hadn’t noticed me, cackling while gazing at the jewel.


▶[Demon Transformation] [Lv.1] (Active) (Ultimate Skill)

: Control the power of the demon and become engulfed in darkness for a limited time.

▶(Current Stats +0.5)x1.05 Status Bonus

Currently maintainable time with mana: 2.6311 seconds

Exp: (0/300)

Acquisition Difficulty: Extreme


Maybe my mana slightly increased, as the duration was extended.

They said I could inflict additional damage proportional to agility.

What if I fired the crossbow while in a transformed state?

It means I could inflict an even stronger additional damage.

“Alright, let’s give it a shot.”

I didn’t know when the mobs would respawn again, and this was not an opportunity to pass up.

There was no reason to delay any longer.

I braced the crossbow against my shoulder and aimed for his head.


For humanoid monsters, the head is usually a weak point, and my crossbow proficiency had reached level 5, so I wouldn’t miss.

In other words, aiming here was the right choice.

It seemed the priest was in a good mood, smiling away.

As he stood still, I felt thankful.

And just like when I faced Edwin, I was able to activate Demon Transformation by pressing a key on the keyboard.


[Demon Transformation Activated: Estimated Duration 2.63 seconds]


A black aura enveloped my whole body, accelerating my blood flow.

The ominous energy radiating from me began to plunge the cave deeper into darkness.

Soon, noticing the black aura, he started to express doubt.

– Ooh, emissary of the Water Dragon… have you arrived? I am…

I felt a tingling sensation throughout my body, concentrating all my nerves in my fingers before firing a shot.


– Magnificent…


[Critical Hit!]

[Weak Point Hit!]

[Additional Damage Proportional to Agility]


[Aggro: +45]

[Aggro: 99]


Just like before with Andras, he could say no more.

Because he turned to look at me while laughing, the bolt penetrated into his skull like a piece of cake.

[Status Ailment: Poison]

[Aggro + 11]

[The enemy now recognizes you]

– Y-you… human… Grrrrrr!

[Aggro + 12]

Then came the sound of boiling blood, and with reddened eyes, he glared at me before collapsing.

[Achievement Cleared!]

[Named: Defeated the Water Dragon Priest]

[Remaining Named: 142 Entities]

[You can obtain Demon Hunting Rewards!]

So that’s how Chapter 2 ended without even starting.

I kicked his corpse aside and focused on the popup reward status window.

[Select Your Demon Hunting Reward]


▶[Faith] [Lv.2]

: Permanently increases mental strength by 0.4.

However, if your current mental strength is over 3.0, the increase will be halved.

Acquisition Difficulty: Normal


▶[Mental Focus] [Lv.1] (Active) (Basic Skill)

: With high concentration, casting spells for 1 minute will not fail. However, the casting time becomes longer.

Cooldown: 12 hours

Exp: (0/100)

Acquisition Difficulty: Slightly Low


▶[D-Class Demon Defeat Reward]

: Gain 50 Supporting Role Points.

A randomly assigned stat increases by 0.2.


As expected.

Since a rare monster became named, the rewards weren’t great.

It’s unfortunate that the luck effect didn’t kick in, but at least it’s better than a rag.

‘Third one.’

I chose the third option again, the monster defeat reward.


[You have gained 50 Supporting Role Points]

[Your mana has increased by 0.2]

[Current Mana 1.1 -> 1.3]

Not bad.

After all, the highlight is this.

[Darkness-Engulfed Jewel of the Water Dragon]

[Rarity: S]

[An essence of the legendary water dragon Poseidros, regarded as an intangible dragon. Mixed with alien magic power]

[Current Erosion Level: 99/100]

[Can be transformed into Aqua’s Essence upon Erosion Release]


As I picked up the jewel,


The status window appeared.


[Item Achievement Cleared!]

[You can perform a quest]

▶[Combining – Essence of the Ancient Dragon]

[Aqua’s Essence 0/1]

[Ignis’s Essence 0/1]

[Ventus’s Essence 0/1]

[Tera’s Essence 0/1]

▶[Reward: Ancient Dragon’s Essence] (Not Implemented)


[Reincarnated Hero] Three mythic items needed for the True Ending.

Breath of the Giant,

Essence of the Ancient Dragon,

Feather of the Colorfully Flavored.

Among them, one of the materials to create the Essence of the Ancient Dragon is Aqua’s Essence.

If I simply absorb this, gameplay would become easier, but

to see the true ending, I would need to endure until I gather them all without using any of the essences until the combination.

However, it looks like I have a closed beta judgment, so the true ending isn’t implemented, and the reward itself is marked as not implemented.

No need to think about it.

I’ll just use it.

After all, I’m not even going to catch the Demon King; as long as I block the Caeran ending, my goal is complete.

[Darkness-Engulfed Jewel of the Water Dragon]

[It has alien magic power and can be dangerous. Are you sure you want to use it?]

“Forget that, let’s just dive in~”

Normally, an item consumed by demon magic power would be cursed and unusable, and using it would have adverse effects in reality but,


[Character Information]

[Lev Denec]

[Man (魔人): Received the will of Andras]

[Current Status: Stage 1 Surveillance Magic (Caster: Aria Bluebell)]


Looking at my current status,

I was able to use it because I inherited from that Andras guy or whoever…

No? Rather, it became an experience chunk that I could gain additionally due to the erosion…


But wait a minute…

There was something eye-catching in the status window.

[Current Status: Stage 1 Surveillance Magic (Caster: Aria Bluebell)]

Huh? Wasn’t the surveillance magic completely lifted?


In the Restoration Chamber of Claris Academy, Melissa was discussing the test with Aria.

“Who do you think you are to be throwing us out of the dormitory? Where do you get off acting like this?”

“But if it wasn’t for that person, all of us would have been in danger.”

“That’s true! But still…”

Among them, Lev Denec was a subject that couldn’t be left unmentioned.

Besides, we had managed to avoid being in a perilous situation thanks to that guy’s ability.

“I really can’t understand him…”

Just at that moment, Melissa muttered to herself.


A surge of powerful magic was caught in Aria’s surveillance magic.

Certainly, it was the magic wave I had felt back then.

– !!

Aria maintained a calm expression and quickly prepared to leave, wearing the beret issued by the Auxiliary Magic Department.

“Melissa, I have to go right away!”

“Huh? What’s up?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

“…Okay? I’m fine, so you go ahead.”

With that, she exited the Restoration Chamber, her silver hair fluttering as she hurried along.

‘As fast as possible…’

Unfortunately, it wasn’t Stage 2 surveillance magic, so it was hard to pinpoint the exact location.

But he had certainly been last seen in the Black House.

I needed to head that way.

There might be someone in danger there.


“Hah, haah.”

The Black House was farther than she had thought.

Especially from the Restoration Chamber.

So, she ran and ran, prepared to get covered in dust.

I clearly felt it.

That filthy and ominous magic—it was that of the demon.

The mere thought that I could confirm that existence made Aria’s heart race again.

With trembling hands, she knocked on the front door of the Black House.

Knock knock knock.

Aria planned to infiltrate if there was no answer.

And use a magical item to alert the academy professors of the danger…

– Who is it?

Contrary to her brain simulation,

it didn’t take long for a woman’s voice to reply.


And the door opened.

With white, soft hair and sky-blue eyes,

there stood a girl of similar age who might resemble her.


Aria sighed in relief.

It seemed there was no need to worry after all.

Perhaps Lev Denec wasn’t using demon powers here but somewhere else?

“Do you have business here?”


At that overly peaceful inquiry, as if a bird were chirping,

for a moment, Aria hesitated about what to say.

Should I ask if everything was okay?

Or should I ask if Lev Denec was here?

Words wouldn’t easily come out.

And rightfully so, as it seemed that Lev Denec and Aria had no apparent relationship…

As she pondered, Yeriel smiled sweetly.

“Oh! Are you here to check on the dormitory?”


“I was just about to have a meal! Please, come in for now.”

“…I’m fine, but…”

In an instant, Aria was pulled into the room by Yeriel’s hand.

“Make yourself comfortable here.”


As Yeriel pulled out a chair for her, Aria inadvertently sat down at the dining table,

and right across from her was a man busily doing something.

It was the very Lev Denec she had been searching for.

A demon?

A demon race?

Or perhaps a greater villain beyond that.

Given how he suddenly dispatched that monster in one blow, he could be hiding considerable power, making him

a rather dangerous… person.

But he…

Clang clang.

“Hmm, clattering quite nicely.”

For some reason… he was doing the dishes.


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not work with dark mode