Switch Mode

Chapter 182

In the shadowy depths of the munitions factory, numerous figures flit about among the shadows. If we consider a small unit based in Kivotos, these individuals could indeed showcase incredible power that fits within a single finger.

Given that, once actual combat begins, the entire factory could be obliterated in an instant. However, their foremost goal is to access the network.

“Although their armed status is no joke, it’s not something we can’t handle. Once hostilities commence, it might be beneficial to blow up the explosives production line right away.”

[Oh my, you’re quite the fiery one. But… if you recklessly touch the production line, the entire Kivotos will suffer, you know? Kaiser Corporation holds an immense share in the market.]

“…I didn’t mean to imply that I would actually do it. That was merely a hypothetical discussion for unavoidable circumstances.”

[Well then, from now on I’ll give you precious advice that will become the bones and flesh of a super genius sickly girl, so listen closely. When comparing designs of Factory 1 and Factory 2, the most likely location for the security console is…]


With that, Saori closed the communication and conveyed her intentions to the squad members through signals. Just as they had become accustomed to communicating via sign language due to Atsuko, their speed of communication through signals was equally impressive.

As the squad began moving forward again, they waited for a patrol of two guarding automatons to pass by.

“…Where was that likely place we were just talking about?”

[I didn’t expect you to cut me off so mercilessly. A delicate sickly girl like me needs to be treated a bit more gently, you know?]


[Hehe… Upon further analysis, it appears that the design of Factory 1 is based on the premise of extensions underground, unlike Factory 2. In other words, we can only access the network after we’ve entered the underground facility. So, let’s consider a change in strategy from now on♪]

Hearing the mention of a strategy change, Saori frowned. This was something that could have easily been communicated before their entry.

“…Changing the strategy isn’t something that can be discussed so lightly. First, where is the closest point to the passage leading to the underground facility?”

[It should be marked with a G on the blueprints. Oh, and the underground facility is likely also serving as a research lab… so you should consider the important documents there as part of the operational objectives too, right?]

Why was something simple getting tangled in real-time? After thinking it over, Saori concluded that the culprit was that self-proclaimed super genius sickly girl hacker. Moments later, she shook her head. Regardless of the complications, the mission had to be carried out.

“Hehe… Guess things are getting harder than expected… I might be used to situations becoming tougher than planned, but why does the pain never seem to get any easier…?”

“Hiyori, you could see this as an opportunity. Depending on what information we can extract from the underground research facility, it could greatly benefit Mika. We shouldn’t view the situation too pessimistically.”

“Leader, Point G is to the right from here.”

…For now, the squad’s immediate priority was to get into the underground facility.



Yukino clicked her tongue as she subdued a guarding automaton from the second floor. Given that it was a factory they’d previously raided, she expected the guards to have been reinforced compared to before.

But who would’ve thought that even before they could enter the complex, being “elite among elites” would lead to them being detected? As a result, they had to fight their way through, slowing their progress.

“Damn. Autogi, put that away and take this instead!”

Kurumi tossed her assault rifle and magazine halfway to Autogi while shielding herself with her own shield, moving toward the downed automaton nearby. She picked up the submachine gun the automaton was using and checked its condition.

“For a guarding automaton, this is a pretty good gun. Squad Leader! Considering the number of reinforcements from the back, we need to speed up our progress a little… If this situation prevails, we might get completely isolated. If that happens, the difficulty of the mission will skyrocket.”

“…Got it. From now on, FOX 2 will lead the way toward the security console. I’ll take care of supporting you. FOX 3 and 4 will try to hold back the forces from the rear and follow.”

“Understood, Squad Leader. I’ll trust you with the support.”

Niko nodded, wielding her shotgun as she began pushing back the incoming guarding forces. Yukino judged that Niko’s breakthrough power was stronger than Kurumi’s, who usually took the point man position.

Thanks to that, the FOX squad reached the control room in no time, but that didn’t mean they could stick around. If they didn’t want to become sitting ducks, they had to complete their tasks quickly.

“Operator, please initiate the operation immediately.”

Yukino, connecting the pre-given USB-based hacking tool to the security console, set off Chi Hiro to begin the hacking process.

[What is this… The firewall is tougher than I expected! Plus, the security and base we’re providing are completely different. There’s no way I’ll get through in 3 minutes.]

“…What’s the revised time estimate?”

[10 minutes. There’s no way it can be done in less. If it wasn’t for “[Mirror]“, I wouldn’t even think about breaking through on my own. I didn’t expect Kaiser to set up this much security on their own…]

“Oh no… This is troublesome.”

They were planning to gain access to the network and extract key documents before promptly retreating. But 10 minutes would be enough time for isolation here and for PMC or headquarters reinforcements to mobilize.

“Squad Leader, if we think rationally, it’s best to abort the mission here. With the time it takes to extract the data included, it wouldn’t be strange for reinforcements to arrive, meaning securing the network doesn’t end the situation.”

“…I know.”

“Huh… I can’t say I’m surprised. If we withdraw from here, then there definitely won’t be another chance, and the operations leading to other subsidiaries will effectively come to a halt. It seems there’s no choice but to carry on.”

Niko lightly patted Kurumi’s shoulder, checked her remaining magazine, and scratched her cheek with a finger.

“Hmm… I guess I need to borrow a weapon from over there. If possible, I’ll request a shotgun, Kurumi-chan.”

The hellish cycle of reinforcements was resulting in more guarding automatons falling to the hands of the foxes.

Amidst this chaos, Chi Hiro was pouring all her soul into the screen, drenched in sweat while hearing intense gunfire from beyond the communication.


“Ahaha! How dull. You can only manage this much and yet you try to hit my back. I guess notoriety isn’t always reliable.”

Wherever Wakamo passed, piles of guarding automatons stacked like heaps. Normally, the students employed by the Kaiser side would have accompanied her; however, due to the late hour, the only guards present at the Kaiser Corporation headquarters were the automatons.

Sudden explosions echoed while chaos unfolded, yet this wouldn’t add any further notoriety to the title “Reikubyō no Yū”. When Kaiser’s underbelly finally exposed to the public, Wakamo’s actions would at least be justified to the students of Kivotos.

“Ugh, this is boring. So boring. Therefore, I hope you all die.”

During her passage, merciless gunfire rang, and as Wakamo advanced, relentless explosions followed. The only remnants of her path were eerie flames flickering in her wake.

Even while the sprinklers triggered, showering down, Wakamo’s rampage continued from floor to floor. It was as if she wasn’t just a terrorist feared in Kivotos; she was completely dominating the corporate headquarters without breaking a sweat.

Of course, if this had been a PMC, Wakamo wouldn’t have been able to accomplish such a thing. She was not someone to be stopped by measly guarding automatons that could be cleared with just a single bullet.

[How should I put it, it’s a sight that leaves you breathless. If the network gets burned down completely, it’s best not to blow it up recklessly, but even a light EMP could rapidly bring a company to its knees.]


“Uhuhu, think of this as my retirement stage as the Reikubyō no Yū. After this operation, I’ve promised that person I’d become someone new. So, it wouldn’t do for my retirement ceremony to lack the glamour befitting my notorious reputation, right?”

[…I don’t think it has to be that extravagant.]

Wakamo lightly brushed off Hare’s criticism, and her forward momentum never faltered. At some point, the reinforcements from below had ceased. As they ascended the building, the number of guarding troops continued to dwindle.

At one point, Hare briefly connected through a drone to access the network to leave behind malicious code and a backdoor that Himari could work with, but as it wasn’t meant to penetrate the security in earnest, it didn’t take long.

“Finally, the top floor. Hehe, as long as it’s not under the floor, I can toss the listening devices anywhere, right?”

[What did you hear in my explanation? It’s a delicate item, so you need to place it carefully. Under the corner of the CEO’s desk or behind the chair… Since you’re getting the view from the drone, you can just place it where I’ve instructed.]

Unlike the other two squads struggling elsewhere, Wakamo was smoothly progressing toward her goal. Upon checking the PC situated in the CEO’s office, she flashed a sweet smile behind her mask.

“Well, it seems things are going so smoothly that I probably won’t be interrupted for a while… and there’s a PC here as well. I, Wakamo, want to make a small request to you two. Yes. I hope to gain a glimpse of the talent belonging to the acclaimed genius hacker club whom that person praised to no end.”

[…I can’t just ignore such words, can I? Alright, it’s not bad to see what secrets are hidden here.]

While the FOX squad and Arius Squad competed in an unbalanced rivalry over their accomplishments, Wakamo was confidently stacking up her own additional achievements.


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not work with dark mode