Switch Mode

Chapter 177

The day in Gehenna was coming to an end.

During lunch, I was graced with a sumptuous eel rice bowl made with love by Haruna, delivered by the culinary god known as Fuka, even if it was a bit late. After that, I spent my time helping with the administrative work of the student council.

Surprisingly enough, I found that this kind of work suited me perfectly. The moment the delinquent students saw me hanging around with the student council, they shot me glare after glare.

Walking around and imparting the virtues of courtesy to the kids who came to me was a double whammy of stress relief and less headache for Hina. It was a literal win-win situation. With the stage set for a well-prepared slaughter of the commoners, I happily unleashed my surplus energy, causing the student council members to simply watch as if it were a show.

Afterward, I went shopping in town along with Hina and Aco, who finished their tasks with surprising speed. I was particularly busy picking up bags and clothes to ensure comfort during my stay in Gehenna, as well as replenishing ammunition and sanitary items. Naturally, my load grew heavier quickly.

After that, I strolled around with Hina, bought groceries for a few days, and upon returning to her place, I whipped up some Aglio e Olio for dinner.

Then, we cozyed up under a single blanket, enjoyed a film, and spent a lovey-dovey time together; I even managed to sleep without having any uncomfortable dreams. It was, quite frankly, the epitome of an ideal vacation…

And now, alas, it was time to return to work.

“The Student Council President is waiting inside, T-party host. Also, the senior administrator of the student council requested to speak with me separately. Please, this way.”

As scheduled, I visited the student council in the morning of the second day. Due to a foolish bet, I was supposed to spend the day with Aco, but it seemed she had her own matters to discuss with Rin. Honestly, I’d rather be at ease without having someone like Aco, an elite, tagging along for no reason.

It’s been a while since I visited the Student Council President’s office. I barely felt the time pass since our last video call a few days ago.

“It’s been a while since we’ve met in person. Let’s skip the unnecessary pleasantries, shall we? I understand you’ve been having a hard time lately.”

“Ahaha, that’s certainly true. And before we get to the point, there’s an apology I owe you.”

“…You’re apologizing to the T-party host?”

“Yeah. I sincerely apologize for my rudeness during our last conversation. I lacked proper awareness as a leader of an academy, and because of that, I forced you into difficult decisions while shouldering the heavy responsibilities of Kivotos administration. I know you made many concessions. Despite being in a position where rational thought must take precedence, letting my emotions lead was undoubtedly my mistake. I’m sorry, Student Council President.”

In truth, if it weren’t for Seiya, I might not have realized my own faults, so in that sense, I am certainly still inexperienced. To the Student Council President, I probably looked no different than a child.


But why is the Student Council President avoiding my gaze…? What’s with that uncomfortable expression?

“You don’t need to apologize that much, T-party host. Really. If we have to get technical about right and wrong, then you were clearly in the right. The fault lies with me for using this position as an excuse to turn my back on what’s right. So, rather than you apologizing, it’s me who should apologize for being lukewarm in taking action against Kaiser Corporation. I’m sorry.”

“…Ahaha, it seems the Student Council President is quite something.”

In the end, it turned out that despite knowing deep down that cutting ties with Kaiser was the right thing to do, she hesitated. I understand her feelings, there must be reasons beyond what I know.

And as long as both the Student Council President and I weren’t stripping away each other’s secrets, I figured that the reasons would never come to light.

“Being apologized to like this makes me feel a bit bad too… This seems like a never-ending issue. How about we agree to just drop it?”

Fufu… Of course. Now then, let’s get to the main point. First off, the Student Council doesn’t have no information at all on Kaiser Corporation. For instance, there are the official architectural blueprints of Kaiser… And, the Defense Office has been monitoring Kaiser’s armament status a bit, which I think would help you with your operation.”

“Oh, this feels different from before, it’s rather serious. I think I’m a bit surprised.”

“I don’t have a hobby of approaching set tasks half-heartedly. Once I start, I’ll keep my endurance up until I can’t breathe anymore.”

The architectural blueprints will surely be helpful. The information on armament is more of a nice bonus, one I don’t particularly need, but there’s no reason to refuse it.

“If the Student Council President is willing to go that far, I might as well clear the branches completely☆ I mean, due to circumstances, I don’t plan on touching Kaiser PMC or Kaiser Ron’s side, so the rest could be dug up like catching mice.”

“…No, that’s not acceptable. May I ask why you’re making exceptions for those two?”

“Umm, well, I have friends tied to those two due to personal reasons…”

Given my contract with the Black Suit, I was in no position to touch those two. However, I can’t explain that to others. After some thought, I decided to sell Hoshino out.

In fact, I had contacted Hoshino before coming here and received positive feedback, so I felt no guilt about it.

“…I see. Abydos. I understand. The Student Council had no justification to intervene due to a lack of grounds, but… hearing you’ve personally supported them does ease my mind somewhat.”

Grounds. It’s always a frustrating concept. I know that someone in the position of Student Council President bears more responsibility than others, making them particularly reliant on justifications. I understand, but it still sounds irritating.

“I will permit pressure on companies related to Kaiser Corporation, excluding Kaiser Ron and PMC. As for the Student Council President, this isn’t a decision you should make… but it’s better to leave a blemish than to turn your eyes from what’s right. After all, nothing is as important as the well-being of students.”

“Yep, that’s right.”

Fortunately, unlike the previous video call, we managed to finish the conversation in a somewhat friendly atmosphere.

“…T-party host, I sincerely hope I do not come to regret this decision. I’ve contacted the Defense Office to prepare the related information, so you can pick it up on your way back.”

I understand not complaining about why they sent me instead of calling someone from the Defense Office. I’m not foolish enough not to realize the Student Council President is already busy and squeezed this meeting in.

After parting ways with the Student Council President, I headed to the Defense Office, where a girl with pink hair and a comforting smile approached me and greeted me.

“I’m Shiranuichi Kaya from the Defense Office administrative committee of the Student Council. It’s an honor to meet the T-party host, who’s been the talk of the town lately…”

The girl was Kaya, the villain behind the coup plotting with FOX Squad in the main story. Is it a universal rule that if someone has a good impression, they must also be the villain?

“Oh, by the way, the information requested by the Student Council President will take a little time to sort out. I estimate around 15 to 20 minutes. I feel a bit uneasy since it lacks quality to serve to someone from the T-party… But while you wait, would you like to have a cup of tea?”

“Ahaha, no need! I’m not that picky, Kaya-chan. I’ll drink even instant coffee without a fuss!”

“Ah, I see… So, you’re not very picky? You seem quite different from the image I had of the T-party host…”

“Well, reality and expectations have always been different. Don’t expect too much from someone sitting in a chair that’s beyond their skills. By the way, if you’re part of the Defense Office, doesn’t that mean there’s someone else representing it? Is that person busy now?”

“Yes, the current head of the Defense Office is away on a business trip, so I regrettably had to step in. Would simple green tea be acceptable?”

“Green tea? Yep, that’s fine!”

But now, my memory of the main story is getting hazy. I can’t quite remember why she plotted the coup and what kind of character she was. It wasn’t until the very end that her villainous nature was revealed, so the only impression I have of her now is the good one standing before me.

Perhaps it’s time to dig a little deeper through our conversation. For the first time in a while, it felt like a proper ice-breaking session had arrived.

“Ahaha, by the way, Kaya-chan, your impression is way too good. I was a bit surprised. The moment I saw you, it instantly put me at ease.”

“I often hear that, but hearing it from the T-party host feels a bit special. But don’t you hear similar compliments often?”

“Well, I do… But since I hear it all the time, I usually let it slide. I won’t deny that hearing it from someone else does feel good☆.”

Starting off with compliments toward each other. However, I’m revealing a bit of my narcissism on purpose, letting Kaya have one piece of information about me. It’s not entirely false, but by planting this image of myself in the mind of someone whose true intentions are unclear, I can reap several benefits.

“Normally, hearing such complements would feel embarrassing… but with the T-party host in front of me, it doesn’t feel that way at all.”

“Oh, you get it? I feel like I can have a good conversation with Kaya-chan!”

“Oh, as it happens, I was thinking similarly about the T-party host!”

…However, considering the natural synergy between the leader of a rebellion and a terrorist, it could be that villains connect with each other more naturally.


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not work with dark mode