Switch Mode

Chapter 172

“Have you given it enough thought? Oh, Celestial Mikael.”


“Hmm…? You don’t seem too pleased.”

What’s this? Hina told me to have good dreams, and I replied, ‘You too.’ I was pondering what dream could possibly be better than this situation before I fell asleep.

Ta-da! Unfortunately, your sweet dreams have been replaced by an encounter with the Black Suit. Damn it.

“Sigh, well. I did wonder when you’d show up. I’m sure you have something to say to me as well.”

“Hmm. That’s true. However, the matter you mentioned isn’t particularly urgent or important, so I’ll put it on the back burner. Right now, we’re both anxiously awaiting the subject that we’ve longed for to finally come to the table, aren’t we?”

I couldn’t help but nod at the Black Suit’s words. I didn’t feel the need to discuss anything related to Kaiser with him.

In the first place, no matter what the Black Suit would bring up, I was planning to deflect Kaiser’s influence as much as possible. Kaiser Ron, Construction, Industry, and PMC, which are at the core of Kaiser, were primary targets.

However, the problem arises if the Black Suit gives any subtle warnings to the Kaiser side. Just considering that reason was giving me a headache.

“So, the previous proposal is still valid, right? It’d be a problem if you say the contents have changed in the past few days.”

“Of course, there are no changes to the contents of the contract. Gematria will provide you with information related to the abnormalities and changes in your body, and you will allow Gematria to conduct its research in the basement of the High Cathedral of the Union. So, have you finished contemplating?”

“…Yeah. I’ll accept the deal.”

Chuckle. “Very well. With that, the contract is established, so let’s start with the information we have gathered.”

I gulped. I hadn’t forgotten that Mika told me not to trust Gematria. However, in reality, they were my only route to obtain information about Mika. Given that Mika herself wasn’t entirely cooperative with me, it was inevitable that I had to rely on them.

“First, let me borrow the explanation of Golkont. He said this about your current state.”

‘There was a discrepancy in the process whereby disjointed symbols and texts amalgamate into one. If it was previously interpretable as having one symbol and one text in the process of merging into one… now it is permissible to say that two texts coexist within one symbol. One text becomes the main, with the other text living as a parasite upon it.’

It took me a while to interpret the words of Golkont as quoted by the Black Suit. And the content wasn’t particularly positive.

“That means the relationship between the two texts has changed. It also means it could change in the future…”

“That depends on interpretation, but I won’t deny that possibility. Golkont anticipated that you would reach such a conclusion without difficulty.”

“So… you wouldn’t tell me that was all Golkont had to say, right? No way, it seems like there’s definitely more.”

Hehehe. “There isn’t.”

…This feels like a losing deal for me, right? Seriously, is that it?

“When you said that, I can’t help but be curious about your reaction.”

Right, what else could I expect? The Black Suit’s chatterbox nature wouldn’t allow him to just drop a few words and call it a day.

“Once separated for any reason, there’s no going back to being one. This means that your soul and that girl’s original soul… will continue to coexist going forward. If we had observed the moment of separation, we could have deduced more, but unfortunately, noticing this change has only come about recently. I’m sorry about that.”

So, Mika’s soul was originally in the process of merging with mine. Yet for some reason, that merging process was abruptly cut off, resulting in my body containing my predominating soul and Mika’s which became a parasite. That’s the interpretation, right?

Considering what Mika herself said definitely carries significant implications. There is still a long time until we can meet again.

When that time comes, how our relationship will change is anyone’s guess. I could suddenly develop a split personality, or the current dynamic could reverse and Mika could become the primary while I become the parasite.

This isn’t something anyone can be certain about.

“So, is there a possibility to completely separate the two souls and place one in a new body…?”

“I can’t promise anything. Few subjects are as complex as the soul in the world. However, I can assure you, it would be a rather intriguing study.”

“Could you stop treating this as just an intriguing study when I’m dealing with my own life here…? But before we discuss that, is that all the information?”

“For now, I would say so. However, considering that the influence of the girl’s soul is quite weak, I can assure you that you won’t need to worry about immediate issues.”


Isn’t this a bit lacking? It feels like I’m not getting a fair deal.

“If there are noticeable changes, I’d like to be informed about those as well, but that’s probably too much to ask?”

“…According to the terms of the contract—”

“Black Suit, can we keep this brief? I’m not a fool to not notice the loopholes in the contract you just presented. I’m not going to interfere with Gematria’s research in any way, so how about we amend the agreement to ensure you’re providing me with any new information you obtain? Technically, we should delve deeper into this, but… Don’t you think it’s cleaner if we both make suitable concessions and wrap this up?”

“Hmm. Leaving loopholes in contracts is traditional enough to be easily noticed, but it’s somewhat unexpected for you to come forward so directly. There’s no reason for us to refuse the proposal, so we accept.”

“Hahaha, great. Now, let’s go back to that earlier topic.”

Regardless of the circumstances, this body isn’t mine. If there is a way to return it to Mika, I can’t choose otherwise. That is my conclusion.

This is the right choice. There can’t be a choice more correct than this.

“Black Suit, can you research how to separate my soul from this body and transfer it to a new one?”

“…That won’t be an easy task for us either. For the time being, we can attempt it but I can’t guarantee the likelihood of success.”

“Failure is not an option. It must succeed at all costs.”

“Of course, since your soul is at stake, we shouldn’t entertain the idea of failure. First, we must ensure that the existing soul can smoothly relinquish control of the body, and prevent any damage to your soul during the separation process, along with creating a new body that can accept your soul—all of which could take months, if not years, to achieve.”

No matter how long it takes, success is all that matters. As I conveyed my intent, the Black Suit hummed thoughtfully. Appearing somewhat conflicted, I couldn’t help but prod him.

“Oh, Celestial Mikael. What do you think you could offer us for this task?”


With the Black Suit hitting the nail on the head, I realized I had forgotten the most crucial point.

Nothing in this world is free. It’s an unchanging truth.

“You didn’t think we could conduct such a lengthy study, easily stretching past six months, without any compensation, did you? You must have some form of offering in mind, otherwise, you wouldn’t have brought this up, would you? I know you’re ready to give up a lot for this to go through. However, the key question is how much you’re willing to sacrifice.”

“…Can I ask what you want as payment?”

Hehe. “Well, how about a more thorough study of your Shinpi? A complete halt on attacks against my collaborators? Or perhaps your membership in Gematria? None of these options are particularly satisfactory. Would it be accurate to say the scales don’t balance? Quite frankly, is it even necessary for you to make such sacrifices for the sake of that girl? From my perspective, your existence from the outside is of immeasurable value in comparison.”

Thoughts spiraled endlessly.

What can I offer? Where’s the tipping point? Even if I offer a sufficient price, what happens to my human relationships afterwards? Is accepting terms that bring me nothing and only loss for the sake of my ‘favorite character’ truly rational—

No, I shouldn’t be reasoning like that. I’m not child enough to turn a blind eye to what must be done.

“…Even if this wasn’t something I wanted, I have a responsibility to set everything right. So, please state your desired conditions. If it’s something I can manage, I’ll do my best to accommodate.”

“Oh, so you’ve finally resolved to make a solid commitment. Very well, then I have no qualms myself. First, please halt attacks against my collaborators related to my personal research. Of course, I won’t ask you to stop any attacks elsewhere, so rest assured. As long as it’s not Kaiser Ron or Kaiser PMC, I really couldn’t care less.”

“…If I were to deal a blow to the Kaiser Corporation, it might collapse under its own weight, regardless of whether I intentionally targeted it.”

“However, you don’t intend to inflict any such irreparable harm, do you? Hence, this condition should be sufficient.”

After the Black Suit laid out his terms, I awaited any additional conditions. Yet for some reason, he just stared at me in silence while tapping the round table lightly.

“…Nothing else? That can’t be all.”

“Oh, Celestial Mikael, I am quite precise when it comes to transactions. This means I am sensitive to debts as well. And between us, there is still one unclosed debt, isn’t there?”

“Wait, did we have such a thing?”

“There remains a debt that certainly could afford your requests, but it seems you’ve forgotten it. I’m referring to the matter regarding Madame Beatrice, oh Celestial Mikael.”


There was indeed such an incident, but I thought it had ended when I left the matter of Beatrice’s handling to Gematria. Apparently, they didn’t see it that way.

“Along with this opportunity to conduct such fascinating research, we can settle that debt as well, so there’s no need to ask anything beyond what I just proposed. With that, the debt is cleared.”

Hearing the Black Suit’s confirmation, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. It felt oddly disconcerting to experience this with a sensation akin to a dream.

‘Don’t trust Gematria.’

‘Remember, even as you doubt your choices for yourself, there’s no need to question those made for us.’

…Was it truly the right decision to extend my hand to the Black Suit?

Until the end of all this, I couldn’t boldly affirm anything.

Yet for the girl called Misono Mika, this choice must undeniably be the right one.


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not work with dark mode