Switch Mode

Chapter 169

“…Really… People don’t do that, you know.”

[Aha… I get it. I’m sorry, sorry.]

“Is saying sorry all there is to it?”

[I told you to have a good time, but uh… I didn’t expect it to be this good… I’m really sorry.]

“…It’s fine.”

I shrugged off the clingy Cartia and opened the outpost door.

“I don’t want to spar tonight…”


“Yes… I’m tired. I haven’t slept a wink since yesterday…”

Actually, it wasn’t that I was tired from lack of sleep. I was fine as usual, but after undergoing that trial, my body had become even more resilient.

But the reason I felt down like this… was because I was embarrassed.

My secret was exposed to Rubia… and it wasn’t even my fault, but due to Cartia’s prank!

Of course, Rubia took it positively and pampered me like crazy, but… the embarrassment didn’t go away.

Really… it feels so perverted.

Just holding hands… Huh? Just like that, it makes it hard to function…

Does this even make sense…?

It’s so unfair. It’s so unfair, I’m so, so unfair.

I’m not a pervert; I didn’t want this, and I’m not imagining anything dirty.

After the trial, my senses have become too sensitive, crossing beyond human limits.

And with Rubia, it’s become incredibly sensitive.

It’s just… when Rubia’s tickling touch gets to me, my body reacts on its own.

I’ve explained this to Rubia a hundred thousand times, but she just ignores it and… oh, my body…

“Ugh… Anyway, I’ll rest…”

As I took a deep sigh and was about to enter the outpost.

[Hmmm… what a shame. It seemed like you were adjusted, so I was going to tell you something good. But if you’re tired, there’s nothing I can do.]

Cartia sighed, genuinely disappointed.

“…G-good thing?”

[Uhm, well. I have a special move I’ve used only in crucial moments, but it’s a really tough technique, so I can only use it when I’m in good condition. But I loosened up this morning, so I felt good today. So, I wanted to share it with you-]

Cartia trailed off, abruptly turning her head away.

[-but never mind. If you’re tired, take a break.]

“W-what about the move…?”

[Super ultimate technique.]

“Su-super ultimate technique…!”

[That surpasses.]

“You, surpassing…!”

[No one else can do it, only you and I in this world.]


[Super absolute technique.]


Before I knew it, I was completely turned towards Cartia, entranced by the word ‘super absolute technique.’

But this time, Cartia faced the opposite direction.

[Tsk, but is there any point? The learner is tired and can’t do it. Let’s save it for when my condition is good. I don’t know when that will be though.]

Slowly, Cartia’s form began to change into a ghostly state and started to blend into the bracelet.

So cool… so, so cool.

I want one too… I’m pretty sure I don’t have a unique ability… but I want a super ultimate technique!

No, a super absolute technique!!

“W-wait a sec…!!”

Swish- With my body still facing the opposite way, Cartia gave a subtle turn of her head and blinked.


“We can… spar…”

[Huh? Why suddenly? You said you were tired, so just rest! What if you get hurt? Rest, rest.]

“I’m… I’m okay.”

[No, your voice lacks strength, and your expression doesn’t look good, so you might end up hurt. Just rest.]

“I’m really fine!”


Cartia’s fading form became slightly clearer.



Eventually, Cartia completely turned to face me, crossing her arms and tapping her chin lightly.

[Hmmm… then, shall we try a little?]

“Yes, yes…!”

[If your condition worsens, we’ll stop. Got it?]

Nod- Nod-

[Great. Let’s head over there.]



The embarrassment that filled my head faded away in the excitement of the super absolute technique.


Super absolute technique. Super absolute technique.

Only Cartia and I can use it.

Super absolute technique.

As I savored this truly grand and awesome phrase, I stepped forward with a lightened heart.


Stretching without injury, I stood in front of Cartia, filled with excitement.

[Before we start seriously, let me tell you some precautions.]

Cartia raised a finger with a serious tone.

[First, until it’s completely yours, use it only once a week.]

“Use it…!”

She raised a second finger.

[Second, only use it in situations where you can concentrate all your senses.]

“Use it…!!”

[And lastly, no matter what happens, at any moment, do NOT use 100% of your strength.]

As she explained the third rule, I could hear the deep concern in her voice.


[Remember. If you break even one of these three, you’ll die instantly.]

“Yes, yessir…”

Cartia, who had been staring at me with piercing eyes, quickly relaxed and ruffled my hair.

[This isn’t a command, it’s a request. I just hope you can really keep it.]

Then, she stepped back and summoned Frey.

[Well… that’s all for the precautions. First, we need to assess your exact level.]


[Since your soul’s tier has increased, your feels about the world have changed, right?]


It indeed had changed.

I can’t really describe how, but it had definitely changed.

It felt a bit like coming closer to the world? Like I was getting more accustomed to it?

Thanks to that change, my body movements changed, and the way I used the power within me also evolved.

My body’s movements now felt like this—



I could naturally block Cartia’s sword swing, which came out of nowhere, as if it were a given.

As for how I used my strength… um…

It felt like scooping up the overflowing ocean water with a cup, then suddenly installing a huge pipe?

For instance, now when I lightly swung my sword—


I was able to unleash a blade of energy that twisted the space itself, even if just for a brief moment.

[Wow. You’ve definitely changed from before.]


That was… quite a genuine attack just now, but Cartia casually blocked it.

…Talk about a hit to my pride.

[Yeah, it’s a great improvement. Now, close your eyes.]

“I was going to keep them closed anyway?”

[…Right. Good. Now focus on the sensations you’ve newly acquired.]


I concentrated on the sensations I couldn’t feel before, just like Cartia said.

At that moment.

In my mind.

An unknown presence appeared.

Even if I was looking, I couldn’t see it.

Even if I was feeling, it didn’t feel tangible.

But, if I reached out…

It felt like I could touch—



Suddenly slapped out of nowhere, my senses jolted back to reality.

“Uh…? Did you just slap me? A slap…?”

[I had no choice to wake you up.]

“That really hurt…”

I couldn’t believe how she slapped me— it really hurt!

Tears almost came out from the pain…

[Anyway, you must harness the power of ‘that’ you just felt.]

Cartia roughly patted my cheek and continued her explanation, unfazed.

[As for what ‘that’ is, I don’t know. But one thing is certain. Absolutely, under no circumstances, pursue ‘that’.]


[Don’t fall for the temptation like just now.]



I recalled the sensation that Cartia’s slap had sent away in an instant.

Temptation… The feeling was certainly there.

“What happens if I fall for it…?”

[You die.]


[Yep. Without leaving a trace, forgotten by all, dead. So, you must never give in.]

Cartia spoke in a firm voice, raising her finger and middle finger.

[Do you remember what the second precaution I mentioned was?]

“Uh… Only use in a situation where I can concentrate all my senses…!”

[Correct. When you can concentrate all your senses, that’s when you can resist ‘that’ temptation and draw upon its power. Now, what about the third?]

“Do not use 100% of my strength!”


Only then did Cartia nod as if satisfied, flashing a light smile as she grasped Frey from where it had been plunged into the ground.

[As long as you keep those precautions in mind, it’s simple.]

With that, she smoothly shifted her posture.

Gripping the Great Sword with both hands, bending her elbows naturally, standing upright, one foot forward, one foot back.

In a typical stance seen among sword users, Cartia spoke.

[Focus your mind, feeling the presence of ‘that’.]

The wind blows.

Not just any dry wind, but a sharp and eerie breeze.

[Push away all temptations, and bring ‘that’ power a little, just a little. It’s not borrowing, it’s taking. Like this.]

In that moment.

The world held its breath.

[Then, imbue your wishes into it.]

Magical power screams.

The writhing space tears apart.

The earth cringes.

The sky bows its head.

[What you imbue and release like this is called Reverse Heaven.]

Cartia’s arm rises.

From the middle stance, she transitions to the upper stance.

The sound is erased.

The magical power is erased.

The earth is erased.

The sky is erased.

Ultimately, everything has been erased.

In a blank world.

The soul of Cartia seemed to become one with Frey.

[Rather than releasing it, layering it onto the world.]

And it touched the sky.


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not work with dark mode