Switch Mode

Chapter 140

Noa’s desire to get closer to Haruna was strong, but unfortunately, I had important matters to attend to. That’s why I had to part ways with the three of them a bit earlier.

If you ask why there were three of them, it was because, for some reason, Noa took the lead and dragged Nagisa away, and they disappeared somewhere…

“Haha! Mika-senpai, what is that around your neck?”

“…Don’t ask, Ichika-chan. A lot has happened, you know? Yes, way too much has happened…”

I didn’t want to be the kind of senpai who whines to my kouhai, so I skipped my story and just got the situation updated.

“I understand that Kinugawa Kasumi has made plans to return to the Gehenna Autonomous District via the sea route using a boat she prepared in advance. Currently, Tsurugi-senpai and Shiroimi, from the student council, are out chasing her on their respective boats… Additionally, the Gehenna Autonomous District has sent a helicopter to ensure they don’t lose sight of her.”

“Heueng… Hina-chan is taking this quite seriously. Well, dealing with delinquent clubs from Gehenna is just a part of daily life, so I guess you’re used to responding to that.”

“More importantly, since Hasumi-senpai has returned, shouldn’t I pass command over to her and head to the scene?”

“It’s okay, Ichika. I believe you’re the talent that will lead the Justice Realization Department after Tsurugi and I graduate. Gaining experience little by little from now on will definitely be a big help later.”

“Hasumi-chan says so. So let’s just focus on today’s operation until it’s over, Ichika-chan.”


Leaving the two of them to start communication with Tsurugi, I stepped aside for a moment to call Hina. Unexpectedly, it seemed like Hina was either waiting for my call or had her cellphone right next to her while working. She answered in less than a few seconds.

“Hello, Hina-chan~?”

[…I was thinking that the tournament schedule should be wrapping up, so I was waiting for your call. So, how is it on your end?]

“Umm~ I don’t think there’s anything drastically different from what you know, Hina-chan. I heard you sent a helicopter, so I guess that means there’s nothing new to share about that☆”

[I see. But the reason you called me is probably something separate from that, right?]

“Well, yeah. I wanted to ask about that kid, Kinugawa Kasumi, who’s part of the Onsen Development Department. I was hoping you could tell me something about her!”

[…Kinugawa Kasumi, huh? Previously, about 30% of the roads in the Gehenna Autonomous District needed repairs due to the influence of the Onsen Development Department. But since she joined, that number has jumped to around 50%.]

“Uh… Hina-chan, how on earth is Gehenna managing to maintain that?”

[It’s a bit harsh to ask me of all people, isn’t it, Mika?]

“Ah, umm. Aha! Sorry, Hina-chan. But if the problem is that serious, I was wondering if Gehenna’s budget could handle it. It can’t just be about simple road repairs, right?”

[Well, it is true that rebuilding buildings costs a lot, but… Regardless of all that, Gehenna’s finances are solid. Even though Chairperson Makoto wastes the budget recklessly, there’s a reason that no one is raising any objections.]

Well, she’s got a point there. The fact that Makoto gets to squander money without facing impeachment is proof enough of how wealthy Gehenna is.

[So, getting back to what we were discussing earlier… Kinugawa Kasumi, by her very existence, raises the risk factor of the Onsen Development Department by at least two levels. She stands out more for her intelligence than her physical strength.]

“If you rate her that high, she’s not just a typical danger, is she?”

[Basically, she quickly took control of the Onsen Development Department, which had been relatively straightforward until her arrival, and started moving things around under her influence. I doubt that her risk level will drop anytime soon. The most dangerous part is that she uses her intelligence in cunning and devious ways.]

After explaining further, Hina added that Kasumi’s main goal is simply to develop hot springs and the demolitions occurring in the process, and everything else is secondary.

Once I heard that if the entire Onsen Development Department moved like Kasumi’s chess pieces, the damage would likely become significantly worse, I started to grasp just how dangerous she was.

“Then, what aspect could that kid possibly have to cooperate with Reikubyō no Yū?”

[…I see. So what you wanted to know was the connection between Kinugawa Kasumi and Reikubyō no Yū. The problem is, we don’t know the purpose behind Reikubyō no Yū’s destructive actions, so it’s hard to be sure… Ultimately, any connection they would have would likely relate to issues around hot springs.]

“Well, that makes sense. So simply put, Reikubyō no Yū could create a terrorist incident at the festival, and meanwhile, the Onsen Development Department could exploit the chaos to develop the hot springs…? No, wait. That sounds awkward and uncoordinated.”

From what I knew, Kosaka Wakamo was extremely strategic. She wouldn’t cooperate with something so haphazard.

“Not to mention, for someone you say is that dangerous, Hina-chan, you had no hesitation in bringing her to the tournament?”

[Wait a minute. Mika, there are still circumstances that I can’t discuss. I understand it may be hard to comprehend now, but please know I had my reasons, too.]

“…I’m only saying I trust you because it’s you, Hina-chan. Got that?”

[…Yes. I promise not to betray that trust.]

“Okay, that’s all I need to hear. I don’t think we’ll come up with anything solid just by talking here… So let’s capture Kasumi first and then talk again☆”

[Got it. If I get any notable reports through Iori, I’ll contact you first.]

After ending the call with Hina, I sat back in my chair and closed my eyes for a moment. Really, today felt like such a long day.


The communication informing me that they had succeeded in chasing down Kasumi came after evening had well passed. It wasn’t until an hour later that I was able to speak directly with her.

Surprisingly, considering she had been caught by Tsurugi, she seemed to be in fair condition. Perhaps she realized that if she played around, she could end up getting seriously hurt and has immediately surrendered. Honestly, if I were in her position, I would have begged for mercy the moment I got caught by Tsurugi.

Normally, I wouldn’t have minded, but when it comes to Tsurugi after a chase, she would have had that crazed look on her face and been screaming. If anyone were to defy her, they would truly be out of their mind.

“Oh dear~ It looks like the Justice Realization Department is treating me worse than the student council. Is it because it’s my first time being caught by Trinity? I was hoping for a bit more… I don’t know how to put it, kindness toward someone surrendering.”

“…I thought we were being quite polite.”

“Aaah, yes~! Haha! In every way, your argument is valid, Justice Realization Department! So could you please remove that hand from my shoulder…!”

Well, that’s Tsurugi for you. Truly, the most reliable.

I really feel sorry for Iori, but I’m genuinely thankful that I have talented individuals like Tsurugi and Hasumi on my side.

Of course, while they do have a capable secretary like Aco, I prefer ones who handle things efficiently on the scene.

Without a secretary, I’ve gotten rather used to my work by now. It’s nice to have one, but I could make do without.

But having capable field personnel is a whole different matter.

“So, was it the higher-ups here who wanted to see me?”

“Yes, that’s right. Nice to meet you, Kasumi-chan.”

“Oh? I didn’t expect you to be this gentle, and I feel like we’d get along well. Alright, Miss Trinity! You don’t have to stand on ceremony, right?”

“Haha, I don’t mind those trivialities. Yes, in general, I prefer conversations to be casual rather than stiff☆”

Hidden within the loose gown, Kasumi clapped her hands in delight at my response and let out a hearty laugh.

“Wa-hahaha!!! We might make a pretty good pair! I never expected to find such a chill person among the ladies of Trinity. By the way, do you enjoy hot springs?”

“If I had to say, I don’t dislike soaking in hot springs.”

“Hmm~ I see. Then we can say you’ve passed half the test. I don’t expect the dignitaries to fully appreciate the beauty of hot spring development. Can’t blame everyone, right?”

Well, as long as they don’t explode everywhere they go, I suppose I can understand that. However, these guys seem truly irredeemable.

Unlike Haruna, who managed to turn out half rehabilitated by coincidence, I think I’ll choose to steer clear of them entirely.

“So, the reason you caught me… Was it regarding the hot spring development we were attempting? Or was it because our student council president was mischief-making? I can only think that it’s more Iori’s fault than mine!”


“Haha, Iori-chan, if you have something you want to talk about, let’s save that for later. We’ve done enough ice-breaking by now, so I think it’s time to get into the meat of things. Yes, I would like to go home and rest now.”

Honestly, after such a long day, don’t I deserve a bit of a break? I’m not physically tired, but mentally drained. The saddest part is, it seems like this life will continue.

Well, there’s a part that I did bring upon myself, so it’s hard for me to say that out loud.

“So, what were you really scheming with Reikubyō no Yū?”



“There seems to be a misunderstanding regarding Reikubyō no Yū. We are not cooperating with them.”

Huh? What’s going on…? Then whose testimony suggested there was cooperation, Yukino!!!

“Are you serious? You’re not joking?”

“Well, we did receive an offer to collaborate, but we turned it down.”

Wait, what?

“Of course, I wouldn’t want to collaborate on a plan to completely turn the festival ground into a sea of flames, now would I? There’s no reason for us to get involved with that. It’s more of an outright bombardment rather than merely demolition work.”

No way, this is a bit outside my expectations. Bombardment? How on earth is Wakamo planning on…

“Wa-hahaha! To think of taking over the Academy Fleet of Odyssey and turning the festival into a flaming battlefield, Reikubyō no Yū really is notorious in Kivotos!”

Oh man. Teacher, I truly implore you.
Could you please let us register in Kivotos just half a year earlier?


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not work with dark mode