Switch Mode

Chapter 134

I lightly knocked on the door three times with the back of my hand, scratching my head as I waited for a response.

“Who’s there?”

Thank goodness, someone’s inside.

“It’s me.”

“Hmm? Uncle, is that you? What’s up?”

“…I came to check if the research is going smoothly. Just stopped by for a moment.”

I couldn’t bring myself to say that I ended up here after hitting the emergency escape button and just following my feet. Even if I lacked social skills, I knew what was okay to say and what wasn’t.

“Hmm, not much progress.”

“How’s the prosthetic arm?”

“Way better than last time.”

Viola said that while showing off the prosthetic. It looked like an ordinary arm on the outside, but it was just a regular prosthetic. It was the product of her dedication to prosthetic research during the vacation.

Separate development for everyday use prosthetics and specialized prosthetics.

The materials prioritized lightness, so it was a bit lacking in durability, but it was an item that could give a sensation similar to a real arm. It was somewhat weak in grip strength and such, but that could be improved over time.

“That’s a relief. The joints were breaking too easily last time.”

“I told you making the joints like a doll was a good choice. Simplifying the joints makes repairs easier and reduces breakdowns…”

“Though the joint strength is still a bit lacking.”

“That can be inconvenient. If I try to lift something a bit heavy, the joints can’t support it. Just earlier I almost dropped a box holding an empty medicine bottle!”

Surprisingly weak against weight. I had been developing the everyday-use prosthetic while going back and forth to the dungeon, so it was a problem I couldn’t avoid. I had to go all the way to the city, a week’s journey away, because of the dungeon.

Even then, it was a problem not seeing even a hint of the relics.

I knew that relics found in dungeons were originally rare, but if they gave out missions, couldn’t they at least throw one my way? At this point, it felt like the system was maliciously preventing Karina’s recovery.

…Just a thought, but is the system really trying to lead me to the ‘true ending’?


“Oh. Sorry. What were we talking about?”

“About the joints, have you considered trying different materials for them? For example…”

Viola kept explaining the materials she had thought of, her mouth never stopping. Usually, she wasn’t very talkative, but when it came to this, she was more chatty than anyone else. I just nodded along, passing the time.

After all, I just needed to return by dinner—

“Uh, um… Johann?”

While I was chatting with Viola, a familiar voice came from behind. I turned my head to see a girl with purple hair peeking through the door.

What are you doing out here?


“…So, you’re saying you’re friends.”



Why is she suddenly making that eerie laugh?

I turned to Viola, sending a silent message asking why she was acting like this.

What’s wrong with her?

I don’t know.

While we were exchanging silent messages, Elisa had a strange face that looked like she was both laughing and crying, repeatedly saying the word “friend” like a stuck record.

Anyway, it’s surprising that Elisa had a friend.

Or should I be more surprised that I’ve never seen Elisa and Viola meet?

“So, what’s up?”

“Uh, well, since the semester is starting soon, I was curious about what classes you’ll be taking…”

“Me? Well… aside from the Alchemy major course, I haven’t thought about anything yet…”

Major courses. It reminds me of college. Back in college, I definitely…

What was I doing?

I think I was going, but I can’t remember. I’m sure I went to lectures and had fun… did I have a girlfriend? I can recall some bits, but I definitely don’t think I had one.

So I’ve potentially been a virgin for at least 30 years.

“The Dungeon Exploration course is a required elective for freshmen, so you have to take that, and basic math, semiotics, monster ecology, etiquette, and languages…”

“We’re taking all of those?”

“I heard from the seniors that it’s easier to cram them all in during the first year. If you try to split them up, you’ll go through hell for three years…”

It seemed like there was some degree of interaction among seniors and juniors. I hadn’t felt that in the game. Isn’t this the difference between the game and reality? I was fascinated, listening to the voices of the two who were continuing the conversation while exploring the research facility.

Sparkling unidentifiable concoctions, numerous glass bottles stacked in the corner, and countless drawers labeled with various materials. Her assigned research facility was cleaner than what I’d typically imagine for a lab. She must be quite good at cooking given how well she brews tea, but that’s just an unfounded assumption.

“…If that’s the case, I’ll have to rearrange my schedule as well.”

“If you schedule it like that, you’ll really regret it later, so rearrange it. I’ll help you.”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you for what? You’re my lifesaver—”


“Uh, you know about Johann, right? The 3rd Platoon Captain…”

“Oh, is that what you meant?”

Was that student who almost got kidnapped back then Viola? I hadn’t remembered since I was only thinking about Elisa and the 3rd Platoon Captain at the time. I never thought they’d be connected like this.

“Huh? Uncle, were you that person back then?”

“If you’re talking about the one who subdued the 3rd Platoon Captain, then yeah, that was me.”

“So it was you who saved me back then.”

“Back then?”

“Nothing much.”

Is she talking about the prosthetic arm? Since Viola wasn’t sharing, I could only guess. Elisa, upon hearing us chat, looked surprised, alternating her gaze between the two of us. What’s up with that?

“Elisa, do you have something you want to say?”

“Uh, well… I didn’t know the uncle Viola was talking about was you, Johann.”

“I didn’t think you two knew each other.”

“Ah, I think I understand what you’re saying. It’s definitely like Elisa…”

Viola seemed hesitant to say more and trailed off, avoiding eye contact. Elisa tilting her head suggested she didn’t catch on.



“Do you perhaps not have any friends in the Magic Department?”


Viola’s head drooped like a ripe grain.

“Uncle, that’s a bit much, isn’t it? Why are you suddenly hitting below the belt?”

“…I’m sorry.”

So don’t kneel down and mutter something I can’t understand.

“Ah, no… it’s my fault for not having friends…”

“Elisa, lift your head. Not having friends isn’t something to be ashamed of. I went over twenty years without any friends.”

I might have had some before I possessed this body, but forget that since I can’t remember.

“Is that true…?”

“Yeah. If you think about it, I could say I’m of the same type as you.”

The stares were burning into me. I desperately tried to ignore Viola, who looked like she wanted to say, “What the heck is this guy talking about?” and continued.

“Starting from now, you can gradually increase the number of friends. Right, you should start with Millia. You’ll be familiar with her too—”

“Uh, what about you, Johann?”

“Isn’t it kind of weird to call me a friend?”

There’s an age gap, and aside from being gloomy, I look like a mob boss compared to beautiful Viola when dressed up.

“Yeah, it does paint a dangerous picture.”

With Viola’s comment, I glanced at Elisa, closing my eyes and imagining my appearance.

A picture of us standing together.

“…I can’t deny that.”

“Um… I think Johann is a really cool person! Well, your face is scary but you’re kind-hearted and… you have abilities… and…”

“There’s really no need to stretch for compliments.”

Maybe it’s about time to head back?

It feels like I’ve passed enough time—

I rose from the chair and stretched. Sitting there too long had made me antsy. I still felt uneasy just sitting still. This is why habits can be scary. Sometimes, just resting makes me anxious.

Could it be that all of this is a dream or illusion?

What if I wake up back in my deserted island house?

The prison I had lived in for ten years still thrummed within me. My life on the deserted island transformed me completely, so it might take a long time to forget that experience.

…But I might just die before that happens.

“I think I’ll head back now.”

“Hmm? Since you’ve come all this way, why not have lunch together? I know a nice cafeteria—”

Viola’s offer wasn’t bad, but I shook my head. I had hurriedly left and still had unfinished business, and there were things I needed to work on in the workshop.

“Thank you, but I’ll pass. I have someone waiting—”

“I want to go too!”


What are you doing popping out of there?

I stared at Millia with the door flung open wide.

“Millia, how did you—”

“Oh, I occasionally come to my research lab. You seem really interested in alchemy—”

Can someone explain this tangled web of relationships to me?


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not work with dark mode