Switch Mode

Chapter 130


Behind the roughly swung Great Sword, Valoran’s empty body emerged.


The moment I called her name, a sharp wind swept past my cheek.


A fist wrapped in blood-stained bandages lodged itself squarely in Valoran’s abdomen. Not stopping there, the fierce energy spewed from the fist dug into Valoran’s muscles, distorting and crushing them.

But Valoran, seemingly unfazed by the pain, unleashed magical energy and seized Hermila’s forearm, lifting the Great Sword.


As soon as Valoran’s Great Sword began to fall, Hermila shattered it, breaking the magical energy entwined around her arm and pulled herself back.

Gguhup… I didn’t expect you to break it… Ugh-!

“Just hang in there. You’ll heal soon.”

With a worried sigh, Rubia began pouring Divine Power into Hermila’s drooping arm.

“I-I had no choice! I’m sorry…”

I stood close by, observing Valoran’s condition, determined to protect them.

If it were up to me, I would charge in without rest to finish the Subjugation quickly, but that wasn’t an option.

There was no guarantee that Valoran’s spatial movement wouldn’t target me, plus I had to fend off the magical energies aimed at Rubia.

But Valoran’s condition seemed… strange.

Normally, a monster wouldn’t have the luxury of recovery; it should keep charging in relentlessly.

Valoran was tracing the previously injured areas while gazing at me quietly.

His expression was oddly joyful.

‘Lord Cartia, has it always been like this?’

[…No, it hasn’t been like that.]

Unlike ordinary monsters, there was an air of intelligence about him.

What’s more… while his magical movements had sharpened, his physical movements seemed to have become even more sluggish.

What the heck?

“Noah, let’s move again.”

Hermila, now rewrapping her bandages, walked past me.

Is Rubia and Hermila not sensing it?

Having never seen Phase One, do they think this behavior is normal?

[Forget that for now, focus on the Subjugation.]


[It doesn’t change the fact that he is the Monster of the End.]

Nodding, I tightened my grip on Frey.

Seeing me ready for combat, the corners of Valoran’s mouth curled slightly upwards.

Indeed, it’s strange.


As Valoran’s new form vanished, I raised my Great Sword.
To the right.


Ignoring everyone else, he focused solely on me.

With a relaxed expression.

As if suggesting I realize something.


I grit my teeth and swung up at Valoran’s Great Sword.

Behind that, Hermila’s punch and Rubia’s Divine Power aimed at the disoriented Valoran.

Jeojik- A blast of magical energy sliced through his armor, and Hermila’s fist smashed that magic to smithereens.

Immediately, I twisted my arms with Blood Aura, altering Frey’s trajectory, and drove it downward.

The thick leather would be sliced at my fingertips.

Without stopping, I rammed Blood Aura deep into the gaping leather. Kaduduk- The sound of beastly teeth grinding echoed as intense magical energy burst forth from Valoran’s body.

An area effect.

And it didn’t end there.
Five magic circles emerged from the ground, and a fierce storm encircled Valoran’s body, while thousands of orbs of magical energy floated in the air.

Releasing Frey from my hands, I grabbed Hermila around her waist and threw her toward Rubia.

Immediately resummoning Frey, I began to slice through the floating magical orbs, enveloping myself with Blood Aura to its limit.

“Rubia! Barrier! Make it as thick as you can!”

Just as I finished speaking, I threw my dagger to activate the magic circle.

Kwaaang-! At the same time, the five magic circles erupted, creating a massive wall of flames.

Valoran’s mouth lifted even more.

The gigantic Great Sword that floated in the air began to fall perpendicularly toward the ground.

Just before Valoran’s Great Sword pierced the ground, I threw my body at him.

And at that instant, an indescribable wave of magical energy surged.

Magic, pouring down from the sky and rising from the ground, twisted and surged like water, stirring up chaos.

The thick density of magic that was almost impossible to sense about to flip, tear, smash, and globally devastate the Cartia mainland.

In the midst of it all, the ground I stood upon remained calm.

Specifically, the earth I shared with Valoran.
Not knowing how far apart I was, I stuck as close as possible, ensuring there was still some distance.

About three Noahs lying side by side.

Having checked lightly with my senses, Rubia seemed okay too.

Taking a deep breath, I drew Frey once more.

At the same time, Valoran’s Great Sword was also withdrawn.

His expression looked pleased.

Don’t smile.

Shaking off my thoughts, I charged toward Valoran.

I lifted the extended Great Sword upwards to my right.

Valoran’s Great Sword, which had easily deflected my magical energy, swung back. Remembering that trajectory, I unsummoned the Frey caught in magic.

Immediately extending my arms sideways, I resummoned Frey and swung.

Jjeong-! Kak-! Kwaang-!

The Great Sword and Frey collided.

Magic and Blood Aura split apart, as my giant fist collided with his.

Shockwaves that erupted from multiple clashes swept away the waves of magical energies, pushing back the aura of Death.

With each exchange, the wounds began to enlarge. I had to disrupt the pattern.


Just then, a familiar sound echoed from behind.
Bending my waist, I welcomed Hermila’s fist.


Valoran deflected Hermila’s punch with the broad side of his sword and twisted his body.

With that motion, he snagged at Hermila’s ankle, pulling back and creating distance.

“I thought I’d get swept away by the wave!”

“I-I had no other place to dodge!”

With a relieved sigh, Hermila checked my body all over.

Rubia, who followed closely, also checked me anxiously.

“I’m glad you didn’t get hurt too badly… Ha, that was a scare.”

The Divine Power that trickled in healed the cracked bones, flowing into my heart.

At that moment.



I shoved Rubia away and violently twisted Frey up.


Forced from an unstable stance, the muscles all over my body creaked.

Just before my knees completely buckled, I released Blood Aura into the ground, barely stabilizing myself.

The movements were entirely different from before.

With twice the strength.
Without releasing magic, he swirled it directly around himself.

It felt similar to how I fought wrapped in Blood Aura.
He learned from watching me…?


Valoran’s Great Sword smirked even wider, growing heavier. Magical energy pushed against Blood Aura, and the Great Sword began to press down on Frey.


With my tightly clenched teeth cracking under the strain, my legs gradually straightened.

And then.

Shiiik- Kwaang-!

Hermila’s fist joined, suddenly hoisting me up.
I hastily pulled out a potion and chugged it before charging at Valoran.

Jjeong- Left.

Swinging the Great Sword vertically. Kaan-! Valoran’s diagonally swung Great Sword deflected off.

Immediately following was Hermila’s attack, piercing into Valoran’s vacant body.

In an instant, my sword stabbed through the gap created by the Divine Power that split the magic apart.

Seogak- It felt cleaner than before.



With a sound like an arrow shooting, Hermila’s body shot forward.

In an instant, Hermila’s punch reached Valoran’s front.

Hermila’s strike, driven by pure destruction.
The strike of Ruin burrowed through Valoran’s wounds.

Jeojjeok- Cracks began to form where her fist landed on Valoran’s body.

Yet, Valoran lifted the corners of his mouth as if he was relishing the situation and crazily swung the Great Sword.

Though lightly swung, the results were different.

Wind pressure created by the swing sliced through flesh, and the dried ground rippled with sword marks.

In response, I too released my strike to sever the wind pressure while blocking Valoran’s blade aimed at Rubia.

Recovering her fist, Hermila burrowed deep into Valoran’s body, cutting him short before his actions could continue.

Gradually, the Ruin’s strike spread through Valoran’s body.

Jeojik- The sound of cracking shells echoed as Valoran drove the Great Sword into the ground.

Phase Three.


Hearing my shout, Hermila retreated with Rubia, vanishing in an instant.

Confirming they’d fully exited the mainland, I unfastened the Emerald Bracelet.

All the dormant, sealed strikes awakened. The Blood Aura within me grew denser, and the chilling sensation in my throat deepened.

And then.

“The one who leads the vanished past.”

Valoran’s voice rang out.

“Will you be the best, or will you be the worst?”

Valoran’s Great Sword withdrew.

“Will you follow the sky, or will you resist the sky?”

Armors wrapped around his body broke apart.

“Will it be the end, or will it be a beginning?”

Wings unfurled.

“O Adversary.”

A black sun arose.

“What choice will you make?”

At the same moment, the corners of Valoran’s mouth twisted.

“Show me everything.”

A red moon rose behind him.


It overshadowed the sun.

“Surpass me.”

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not work with dark mode