Switch Mode

Chapter 686

“Yeondam Seung has briefly gone to China for the room leader election meeting.”


The last bite was huge.

I mixed the remaining rice thoroughly with the hamburger steak sauce and ate it.

“Um? Did I get something on my face?”


I ran my tongue around my lips.

Realizing there was quite a lot stuck, I took a napkin to wipe my mouth.

“In those situations, you silently go and clean it up. It’s not about telling someone.”



“But if we do it with our faces, it’d be a crime!*


The Relationship Studies by Sang-name!

Is it illegal to love Name?

Yep, it’s illegal!

While I was blankly brushing my teeth while sitting on the chair…

[‘Wugyeol Madness’ donated 10,000 won!]

– Name, Name! What’s your ideal type? Older? Younger? Same age?

“Well, I’m not really interested in that kind of stuff. And even if they were younger…”

It’s a 9-year-old kid!

“If you could answer questions like, ‘I’ve heard that perfectoids have established themselves as an innovative concept in p-dimensional interpretive geometry, are you interested in the local properties of perfectoids with n less than or equal to 3?’, that’d be great.”

What are you talking about? Hahaha!

Even if they were older, I can’t do that! Hahaha!

‘I won’t talk to you’

Suddenly, déjà vu!

The blind date girl keeps throwing difficult questions at me

This is really awkward, LOL!

[‘Soyung’ donated 10,000 won!]

– I bet Na-me was popular back at the academy. She’s so pretty and cute even to another girl.

“Honestly, even if they are the same age, the height difference is just too much now. Shall we look it up? The average height for elementary school girls in percentiles.”

I’m 10 years and 11 months old.

At this time, the average height for girls is 147cm.

“What did Seo Yu-na say her height was? Let me text her.”

[Seoyuna: Just a sec, I’ll measure!]

[Seoyuna: I’m exactly 156.3 cm!]

I thought that was quite tall for her age, but it’s actually in the top 10%!

“Well, I’m not on the chart… Why not?”

My height is probably 128.1cm.

The lower 1% is also 3cm taller than me!

As I kept looking up the median height, I found out my height corresponds exactly to a 8-year 1-month old.


Save Name!

2nd grader, whoaaa!

It’s a crime even if they date each other at that age!

It’s okay! If I keep growing at this rate, I’ll be 170cm by the time I’m a senior!

– You’re the worst! Hahaha!

Height isn’t everything; you have plenty of charm, so don’t worry!

[‘Mana made Na-me’ donated 10,000 won!]

– Do you have any older friends…? (Nudge, Na-me)

“Ah! We have a lot of older ones at my company. Younger folks tend to have triple age gaps, and the executives are almost all quadruple age gaps.”

I’ve never heard those words in my life! Hahaha!

That’s not even called age gaps anymore, Na-me!

Oh snap, my dad is quadruple age with Na-me!

Not even a daughter level, but a granddaughter level! Hahaha!

“Let’s stop with the small talk and get on with the content. Did you enjoy the preliminary rounds of the Heavenly Demon Tournament? The audition videos are only 1 minute long, but there are 100 of them, so it might be hard to find the time to watch them all. They will be uploaded on V-tube tomorrow or the day after.”

I organized the materials handed to me by the producer.

The finals will be edited into a video later.

It seemed they struggled to attract as many public viewers as possible without spoiling the later enjoyment for those who want to watch the Heavenly Demon Tournament.

“And as for how the rounds will proceed… I’m not really sure either. It’s up to the production team to follow the guidelines I’ve suggested. They’ve probably been busy with the first mission by now, and it seems like it’s okay to reveal a bit of the content.”

Wow, the first stage has already started?

The pace is so fast, will they even have time to build the set?

They must be scrambling to build it right now! Hahaha!

There’s nothing you can’t do if you have a lot of money!

“I’m going to announce the first mission. Drumroll…”

[Hula Hoop.jpg]



What’s that?

I picked up the hula hoop prepared in one corner of the room and placed it on the floor.

“This hoop is quite big, right? It’s not just an ordinary hula hoop. If you press this button right here…”


A faint green curtain appeared, looking somewhat ghostly.

“You’ll have to perform the same movement as in the audition video without stepping out of this circle. The time limit is one week.”

Wow, Hahaha!

This mission is legendary!

Isn’t it doable?

How in the world am I supposed to do this? Hahaha!

“This may look wide, but honestly, it’s quite narrow. Watch, if I stretch my legs out like this, I’m right against the curtain. Whoa? Why can’t I reach? If you stretch out far enough…”





I trembled and stretched my toes out as far as possible.


“Phew! A warning sound goes off if your body touches the hula hoop.”

[‘Ascending’ donated 5,000 won!]

– The hula hoop seems too big!

“Yeah, it does seem too big! I was thinking it could be smaller.”

Oh no, Hahaha!

If it gets smaller, then no one will be able to pass! Hahaha!

What about moves requiring a lot of space?

Doesn’t this mean that depending on the movement chosen there will be advantages and disadvantages?

“Where do medieval knights train? Let’s think. Where would they train?”

Training ground?

In vast territories, right?

Open flat spaces?

“That’s correct. Be it Eastern or Western, most training happens in open spaces. Therefore, all the techniques learned are quite powerful and impactful.”

If we look into history, we can see that aura-based martial arts developed focusing on rushing in.

Most battles hinged on breaking through enemy lines or defending castles.

Naturally, a martial art maximizing strength and speed for close combat emerged.

“But what if a situation arose where you had to fight in an extremely narrow space? Would you just accept defeat? Saying ‘I don’t know because I didn’t learn it’ won’t work when a knife is at your throat.”

The ability to adapt and apply learned techniques to the situation.

That’s the virtue a participant must possess to create the ultimate movement.

I picked up the recorder from the table.

“The Imperial Palace Swordsmanship’s 496 Techniques are the most space-consuming linear movements alongside five techniques of the Heart-Stabbing Drill.”

The emperor’s audience chamber was a staggering 70 meters long.

A technique designed to pierce the heart by crossing that distance in an instant.

Even without enough space, the principles don’t change!

I closed my eyes.

Feeling the slight tremor in the hand holding the recorder, I assumed the posture for the first stab.

As I swung from above to the left, the aura traced a golden trajectory.

The curtain flickered momentarily but didn’t trigger a warning sound.

From now on, I need to draw more intricately and sharply!

Continuing with the second stab.

If the first stab obscured the view and maximized the weight of the aura, the second stab is about quickly moving through empty spaces.


My feet remained firmly on the ground, but the aura unfurled perfectly following my trained body.

The spiraling light cut through the air like an arrow released from a bow, stretching forward.

The light bursting forth from the end radiated intensely throughout the entire room.

Finally, the third stab.

In an instant, I held the recorder backward and squeezed out my final strength.

With a downward strike, I defy the heavens.

A golden pillar burst forth within the hula hoop.


I fiddled with the hot recorder.

As I felt the lingering heat on my fingertips, a sudden cold and damp sensation washed over me…


“What, what is this?!”

The Room Mana Sprinkler had activated.

Wow, it’s bursting! Hahaha!

Whoa! Hahaha!

I’ve never seen someone blow it up with pure aura before!

Na-me has messed up, Na-me has messed up!

Damn, Na-me!

“It’s fine! I mean, the room’s not gonna get ruined, just let it pass for a bit… Wait, this is real water!”

In an instant, my clothes and hair were soaked.

‘Why is water coming out with the room mana sprinkler?!’

I quickly grabbed a blanket and covered my computer and other electronics.

The increasingly spread out water began soaking the carpet.

I burst open the door and called for Professor Cheon.

“Dad! Quickly bring a big bucket or anything! Hurry up!”

“A bucket? I have one right here.”

Hah… that’s a picnic basket… It has holes in it!

Cheon Saetbyeol tossed the picnic basket she had bought onto the bed.

“Whoa, what kind of mess is this?! Wait, there should be a basin in the bathroom!”

“Is there a basin? I haven’t seen one.”

“Did we throw it out when we moved?”

“Ahhh, my room… This is shoddy construction, right? It’s shoddy construction, right?!”

“Were you playing with fire during the broadcast?”

“Am I an elementary school student?!”

You are an elementary student!

“Yeah, age-wise, the claim holds, but I don’t usually play that kiddishly!”

‘Mongmong Ping’ donated 100,000 won!

– What are the producers doing? Why isn’t this on air? Hahaha!

The god of variety has descended! Hahaha!

“You are an elementary student” was the best! Hahaha!

Definitely enjoyed the Imperial Palace Swordsmanship but didn’t get a moment to appreciate it!

Na-me’s expression when she got the picnic basket! Hahaha!

Even so, the judgment to cover the computer with a blanket was incredible! Hahaha!

Are you once again the greatest of all time in carbon-based life forms?

[‘Nemmusa’ donated 10,000 won!]

– Why not gather the water through magic?

“Um, the sprinkler is working because it says not to handle mana inside the building… Uh, ahhh!”

[‘Nemmusa’ donated 5,000 won!]

– Ah-ha!


This doesn’t seem like a scratch comment, Hahaha!

I thought so too! Hahaha! Why not just use magic to stop it?

Na-me’s deep frustration! Hahaha!

Now the water is pouring like a waterfall! Hahaha!

If this keeps up, the damage to the house will be huge.

One room would be manageable, but if the water spreads to the hallway and into the living room, we really might have to move again.

“Dad, can you carry me on your back for a sec?”

“On my back? Right now?”


Professor Cheon picked me up with a swift motion.

“That way!”

We barely made it toward the sprinkler…

With a clenched fist,


I struck the outlet where the water was spewing out with all my might.


The deluge began to subside.

“Ah, it’s fixed. Machines just need a good smack.”

Looks like you definitely broke it! Hahaha!

All you can do is punch it! Hahaha!

In such a short timeframe, what solution did you find!?

Yet, still a good judgment!

Na-me is drenched!

The way you’re squeezing water out of your hair is too cute! Hahaha!

Meanwhile, the viewers watch the spectacle across the river.

I collapsed onto the floor in resignation.

“Should I just call the management office?”


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not work with dark mode