Switch Mode

Chapter 655

“Now, can you all see it? Can you visualize the center of gravity of the aura shifting from the back to the front in your minds? Wooooosh.”

– 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

– Even our puppy at home seems to get it, Teacher.

– Someone stop Na-me, please! LOL

– Ah, I completely understand!

– It seems our professor is all about quantity over quality…

– Our Na-me is only nice when she’s not lecturing!

– Poor Na-me getting hit… 😭😭😭

The viewers’ perspective on the match is improving day by day.

Moreover, virtual reality gamers using PMAAS can now determine what constitutes high-quality martial arts.

‘I’m so proud.’

With this, I feel one step closer to the grand plan of popularizing magic battles.

‘But there’s still a long way to go.’

Checking the time, it’s 1:10 AM.

I should probably hit the hay soon for some good growth hormone secretion.

“Thank you to Ji-hyeon35, Oklahoma, sjfjwirnf, CatBat, and Maple for all your donations.”

I express my gratitude to the high-end sponsors I forgot to mention.

[‘Blasemeire’ donated 30,000 won!]

– Why are you already ending the stream, Na-me?

“Uh? I need to sleep too! I’m tired…”

I dove into my comfy bed.


And then, I opened my eyes a little.

– Hey!

– We’ve been waiting for 4 hours!!!

– NoName/Controversies and Incidents 5.20.1.

– You’re not actually quitting, right?

– 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💤💤💤

The chat window exploded, multiplying five-fold and filling my room.

“Ahaha, I’m just kidding! I mean, I did get this statement out today, but I can’t really comment on it right now… Right? Short selling? No way; the Korean Wizard Association is a non-profit organization, and Hosam ECC is an unlisted company, so how can there be short selling?”


– What is Hosam ECC?

– What’s Hosam?

– Isn’t the head of the Wizard Association the president of Hosam ECC?

– Slightly fabricated) NoName considered short selling at Hosam ECC.

– Serial killer Rolono Na-me is terrifying LOL

“Short selling isn’t just any random gamble. If I sell you a 1,000 won item for 500 won, you’d just copy money infinitely! I’d be the only one losing out. Hosam Energy committed accounting fraud, so that’s why they engaged in short selling; it wasn’t due to personal feelings, so don’t get it mixed up.”

The viewers still can’t believe it.

I slowly read the statement again.

The position of the Korean Wizard Association can be summarized as follows:

“1. Due to the refusal to participate in the National Exchange Tournament over the past two years, the subsidies received from the World Wizard Federation and Asian Wizard Federation have decreased.

2. The coach William Robinson suggested by Kim Love does not have the Eurasia Class A license as per Korean Wizard Association regulations.

3. Even when the association suffers significant losses due to a player’s serious negligence, there is a regulation that the association must bear 50% of the costs.”

In other words, even though the association is in a tight financial situation, they supported Love generously, hired a coach without a license, and ended up covering the penalty fee for Coach Yeom Jong-kwan themselves.

Furthermore, they’re trying to create friction between Love and me by making my prize money public.

On the surface, it seems like the association is magnanimous, while Love and I are the real villains.

Ding ding ding-

At that moment, Love’s call came in.

I could already guess what she wanted to say.


[Na-me, that’s all fabricated! How can people be that shameless…?]

“Unni, you’re too worked up. Just take a deep breath.”

[Oh, okay. First of all, Coach Robinson holds a USCF professional license from the USA, right? But the association demanded he had to obtain the Eurasia Class A license, so he decided to get that. Since the USCF professional is a higher-tier license than the Eurasia Class A, it was naturally possible. But in the meantime, the association hastily signed a contract with Coach Yeom Jong-kwan!]

“How long will it take to get the new license?”

[4 days? 5 days? About that time.]

“Are you sure?”

[Yes! I’m so certain I’d bet my entire life on it.]

“Well, that’s what they said.”

– Wow, this is insane LOL

– Getting a US coach just to get the Eurasia Class A is comical.

– Like swallowing a hundred million sweet potatoes.

– And they rush to sign a contract in just five days, crazy LOL

[And we didn’t even request to terminate Coach Yeom’s contract. By the time the association signed with Coach Yeom Jong-kwan, it was too late. So we asked them to appoint Coach Robinson as a sub-coach, but the association kicked him out on their own!]


[I don’t know! Maybe they were offended! I want to know why too…]

Love expresses her frustration with a passionate tone.

– The association is a mess LOL

– Wow, Love, how did you endure all that?

– ‘Just take care of everything on your own’ ← Is that really it?

– It seems like they’re trying to assert dominance over the players.

[Honestly, it was terrible at the camp too… huff, but I have to keep this confidential, so I can’t say more. Thank you, NoName viewers, for listening.]

“Love, you worked hard today. It must have been tiring to battle; go get some rest.”

[Yeah, Na-me…! Thank you so much for always caring about me, you cutie!]

Smack A kiss sound followed by the end of the call.

‘Confidentiality? I never signed anything like that.’

I sat on the bed, hugging my pillow, taking a moment to think.

“Maybe you might remember this, but when I came back to Korea and launched Kaizen World? I lamented whether I should end the broadcast or give up on the National Exchange Tournament. I attended the preliminary evaluation meeting that day.”

– Yeah, yeah.

– They told you to train at the Sejong City camp.

– The day I drummed up Love Kim for the 3 out of 2 wins LOL

– In hindsight, that was God’s choice.

“Of course, refusing the camp was for the broadcast, but I found many aspects hard to understand on my own. I’ll just say that much and end the broadcast for today.”


They say that a strong intuition is a warning sent by a lifetime of accumulated big data.

There was a moment I could wholeheartedly agree with that.

The five-star hotel in Gangnam where the preliminary evaluation meeting of the National Exchange Tournament was held.

To be honest, I didn’t understand right from the start.

At the very least, if there was going to be a preliminary evaluation meeting, wouldn’t it be better to call it at the Mirinae Academy where the camp was planned?

Why Gangnam?

Because of that, Love Kim couldn’t attend as it clashed with her midterms.

The grand banquet hall was filled with men and women in suits sitting at round tables.

Champagne glasses, fancy snacks, vases, program booklets.

For a moment, I thought I had come to the wrong place.

“Our National Exchange Tournament’s star has arrived! NoName, please come up and greet us!”

The presenter at the mic pointed at me, leading me to the stage.

“Wow! You’re much smaller and cuter than in the photos! I wonder if such a kid can be sent to a tough stadium, ho-ho.”

“It’s an honor to meet you like this; let’s shake hands! Wow, your grip strength is no joke! The aura prowess is indeed different!”

I felt no malice, and I assumed they were just being friendly, but the subtle displeasure that stemmed from their rudeness was hard to swallow.

“I’m NoName. Nice to meet you.”

I stepped forward, stiffly greeting them.

The presenter then guided me to the front table.

It was the table where Park Se-rip, the association chairman, was sitting.

I struggled to pull out a chair that was much larger and heavier than my body.

“So starting in early June, we’ll begin the stepping adaptation training based on the big data accumulated by the Wizard Association…”

“After analyzing DNA characteristics, we’ll tailor the fitness training programs for each player…”

But since the presentation was ongoing, I raised my hand to interrupt.

“I couldn’t hear the beginning part; could you explain that again from the start?”

“Don’t worry; I’ll summarize it again at the end. There really wasn’t much to it.”

“Oh, okay…”

I adjusted my sitting position, pushing my bottom forward.

I was already short, and now I was sitting even lower, obstructing my view with the vase.

“If you look at this training camp by the lake-”

Why is there only a CG overview? Is the construction still not complete?

“In the artificial lake, we can also conduct training against underwater barriers-”

Who would use underwater barriers that only waste mana in modern magic battles?

“If we only do indoor training and dueling, it gets too boring, so we have soccer fields, tennis courts, walking trails, and golf courses available!”

What’s the point of a golf course?

In the end, the presenter didn’t summarize the presentation and just ended it.

And as the lights turned on in the dim banquet hall, guests from the side table started to approach in groups.

“Oh wow, thank you so much for your hard work listening to the presentation. The academy principals highly recommend our NoName wizard, you know?”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes! That’s why our association deliberated hard on selecting you. You were taking a break, right?”


“Who goes through life making no mistakes? Plus, Chairman Park Se-rip here made a really big decision. Let’s all come together to use the overflowing strength of NoName for the right purpose.”

“When have I ever said anything like that? Hahaha. Anyway, welcome, NoName wizard.”

After that, a sort of fan meeting began.

There were even some outsiders who weren’t part of the Wizard Association present, especially executives from companies sponsoring the Academy Competition.

“Why aren’t you broadcasting?”

“You might misstep again while broadcasting. Training secrets could leak. Now that NoName is officially a representative of the Republic of Korea, our people might not look kindly if you’re just playing games.”

“If issues arise, I’ll take responsibility then.”

“Hey now, listen to what the adults say. Especially while training at the camp, you’ll learn various things from athlete Kim Love. If any leaks happen, it wouldn’t just be an issue for NoName, but for Kim Love as well.”

“Who says I’m learning from anyone?”

“Now, now!”

The background to why I decided to skip the camp and go for the 3 out of 2 matches with Love was roughly like this.

Just absolutely never enter the camp.

Every cell in my body was screaming alarms.

Hearing this, the viewers were left in shock.

– What a crazy elder group! LOL

– Wow, legendary! LOL

– Ugh… I feel like throwing up.

– Love Kim, what kind of battle are you fighting?

– This doesn’t even need a strong intuition, does it?

– It’s like watching incompetent executives from our company.

– Isn’t this just typical parachute hiring?

– Why are outsiders allowed in the preliminary evaluation meeting? How is this even possible during a session introducing the training roadmap?

– Oh wait, true?

– This doesn’t make any sense, LOL

“I’ll be heading off to sleep now. Bye…”

[The broadcast has ended.]

[Go watch NoName’s other videos.]


The next day.

Lee Bo-reum, the representative from NoName Entertainment, received a suspicious email.

“What country domain is this?”

[[email protected]]

[We want to appoint No Name High Wizard as our head coach.]


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not work with dark mode