Switch Mode

Chapter 64

The strategy to defeat Ballum Benavons is quite simple.

Just moving to the “Central Library” field in the Materials Warehouse where his prized collections and taxidermy specimens are located would suffice.

As long as you can somehow lure him into the library, Ballum will have no choice but to rely on the moonlight pouring in through the small window to meet his skill requirements.

Following Adella’s advice to change the location, NoName skillfully lured Ballum while evading the remnants of the materials warehouse.

However, the reason it was impossible to clear this game, even as a healer or a tank, let alone a dealer with the sub-option difficulty set to maximum, lay in Ballum’s peculiar patterns that followed.

“Do you think such petty tricks will work?!”

With that, Ballum makes a huge leap.

The area of the ceiling collapse is proportional to the magic and infamy values.

Moonlight pours down. Unforgivingly, all the clouds have cleared away.

And since NoName starts both magic and infamy difficulties at level 10,

“Ughhh! This means the inside of the building is completely useless!”

Every part of the library ceiling collapses into nothingness.

– Can you really call it logical that just hitting your head once would cause the whole ceiling to collapse? Logic, where art thou?

– Why are you looking for logic in a game? LOL

– So, is the 30 kills with the flying magical item logically acceptable?

– NoName’s magical item is a nightmare…

– Can’t we just use any appropriate magic to block the ceiling again?

– Svalum just breaks it again, good luck.

– Every time I do something weird to the ceiling, he comes right over and tears it down. LMAO

– Ceiling Obsession Man, LOL

– Ceiling Basher, LOL

– Not even a wasp uncle, but a ceiling uncle, LOL

– LOL, if he doesn’t get moonlight, we’re screwed, so obviously we need to pay attention.

– Acting like he’s going to use Time Stop and then saying he needs to get moonlight like some elf, ugh.

Even trying to fill it up with plaster magic through the laurel, the warehouse keeper uses all physical force to break the ceiling immediately.

Even using the strongest character, the Crossbowman, to go for extreme damage doesn’t yield enough DPS, as the boss can’t keep up with his health regeneration speed.

According to a DPS simulation created by a user, if the ultimate damage output is supported, the theoretically clearable difficulty is a maximum of 9/10/9.

Even that could be impossible to clear depending on the boss’s random patterns.

– Your physical is amazing, but how about trying a 7/7/7 reset with Shield Knight?

– Is that a girl? Isn’t she an ACK pro gamer?

– Can’t you do Mage? I sh*t my pants seeing the double casting earlier, I acknowledge it as a magic OP.

– The room leader said to close the chat window!!! Donations, please donate.

– Oh right, that’s true.

[‘LegalMage’ donated 5,000 won!]

– Please let the illegal mage have a showdown!

[‘TwoHandsGoat’ donated 10,000 won!]

– If it’s an assassin, 7/8/7 seems possible, let’s go!

Viewers assumed the game would be ending soon.

They had no interest in the game itself and were just waiting for NoName to pick the next job.

While Adella took the spotlight, Name cast a spell to try to block the ceiling.

However, it was expected that the boss would break it again.

Even when attacking, the health doesn’t decrease. Because of the elixir, there’s no hope of mana depletion.

With no cooldowns for skills, the ultimate ability is unleashed nonstop.

“Dare to lay a hand on me!”

Adella’s health drops below half in the blink of an eye.

Though unwilling, Name caught Adella’s flying body and helped her up.


– Nice shot, Svalum, LOL

– No? That’s a solid strike right on the body, though?

– Svalum beating her down feels way more satisfying than punishing the annoying catgirl.

– Getting hit once and losing half health, what kind of difficulty is this?

– What the hell! I’m really bummed out :< - What? - A foreigner? - What the heck, LOL - What - Who - Whatwhat Name’s head turned cold. The more urgent the situation, the colder one must become to survive. Even if Name were to take Adella outside, Ballum wouldn’t bother to follow. Many troops had been detected approaching due to the spirit detection she had deployed. If they went out like this, they wouldn't escape being cornered by Ballum, who knows their location. Rather than facing many, it is better to have a one-on-one with the strong one. It was the wisdom learned from years of exile. But how? Since it's not a closed space, light can't be accumulated. Physical methods can't be used to patch the ceiling either. Ballum's massive axe hurtles toward Name. Kwah-!

Meanwhile, he was incredibly relaxed.

He didn’t even need to jump in.

His belly jiggled as he dominated the space of the library.

“Now you can’t run away, hehehe.”

He lets out a grotesque laugh and charges fiercely at the two girls.

Having already allowed several attacks, this one was dangerous.


Adella, cradled in his arms, lunged at Ballum with a desperate mindset.

The worst possible move.

Ballum put all his physical mass into an uppercut to her abdomen.


The final scream.

Her body collided once against the ceiling and fell pitifully.

‘She hit the ceiling?’

Surely there was nothing there, yet there was a sound of collision blocked by an intangible wall.

Viewers took it as a matter of course.

If the players could ascend to the ceiling, it would simply require bringing an archer or a wizard to catch Ballum, who would be immobilized in the library.

A transparent wall to prevent the dog chasing the chicken from looking up at the roof.

But Name theorized the opposite.

‘If we can’t leave, you can’t either.’

Unlike the magical items, Ballum is bound to the world of Wagal.

[1st Circle Upper Spell: Polarization Array]

Though unable to cast spells over the walls, it would be possible from the very edge.

Adjusting the arrangement to reflect light onto the outermost circle of atoms in the allowed space for magic.

“This damn glass…! I’ll just break it!”


– What the heck, why isn’t it breaking?

– What are you doing to the ceiling?

– When Ballum headbutts the ceiling, he has a attack power coefficient of +99999, LOL

– It’s really heavily reinforced.

There’s likely nothing that can break it.

A thin sheet less than 0.1 micrometers thick.

However, electromagnetic force is not a weak one.

Comparing it to gravity, the relative strength difference between the two is 10 to the power of 36.

At the singularity where the world’s end exists, the electromagnetic force is practically invincible.

But Name’s situation didn’t get better. Even if it was a magic cast through dimension descend using a 1st circle spell, her mana was clearly depleting.

The one flustered was the warehouse keeper, but the tides had not turned.

Name attaches chains to the magical item.

“I have to finish this in 2 minutes.”

“This little brat dares!”

Ballum Benavons shifts his bulk.


“Don’t think of him as a person; this is a golem.”

She may use psychological warfare, but it doesn’t change according to the opponent.

Like a well-programmed golem, Ballum Benavons’s movements were simple.

Every time Ballum’s attack fails, shallow wounds are left on his skin.

“Never rush.”

If the distance increases, he strikes unilaterally due to range differences.

If the distance decreases, he swings the mace and brutally punishes.

He accumulates effective hits while making use of centripetal force to the extreme.

What Name aims for is solely Ballum’s flanks.

Starting as a thin cut,

Once, and then again.

The mace lodged into his side leaves clear wounds.

Ballum’s movements slowed.

The unforgiving moonlight did not enter the library.

“I’ll admit it. I’ve let the pen sit too long.”

Ballum gasps for breath.

From his pocket, he pulls out a half-broken monocle from the intense battle.

One must not give an enemy who is babbling nonsensically the chance to counterattack.

Name’s body lunges forward immediately.

However, Ballum reaches out to Name and chants a spell.

[Moonlit Embrace]

Name’s avatar is sent flying as if hit by a truck.

– ???????

– It’s not Pain, it’s a piglet casting such magic???

– This is on a different level than that old man at the observatory, Svalum Sensei, LOL

– Not a body slam, not an embrace but a magic spell?

– Is this… the nerd boy’s unexpected charm?

– Nerd boy is just being LOL

– Seems like he’s quite nerdy, his hobby is reading.

– Now I see why the quest name is ‘The Nobleman of the Library,’ LOL.

Viewers gawk in disbelief at the shocking truth.

But there were others more astonished.

– That’s not the important part right now!

– How do we break through to phase 3? Why isn’t he healing?

– No way did she fight without breaking casting just now?

The second phase pattern of Ballum Benavons, thought to be impossible to clear.

Right now, NoName had surpassed that limit.

Name stands up again. Remaining health is 141 out of 1592.

The boss’s remaining health is 1600.

– Is it ending here? So disappointing.

– How did you break phase 2!!!

– Of course, the healing skill is on cooldown, she’ll surely die next Moonlit Embrace.

– Isn’t this basically the first time seeing phase 3?

“Consider it glory. A mere beast dies, basking in the moonlight’s radiance.”

The line suggesting that being hit by a skill would mean certain death for the nobleman.

Hope seemed to be lost.

[Moonlit Embrace]

Name’s body floats up, drawn toward Ballum.

“It’s over.”

– It’s over.

– I, Ballum Benavons, will never judge based on appearance again. T-T

– Seriously, what a cheat character, how is this even designed by Wearsoft?

– Good health, no cooldowns, and now even magic is being used!

– Getting hit by Moonlit Embrace means simply dying.

– But even though it started well, why did it suddenly take a martial arts vibe?

– Probably because Wearsoft’s largest shareholder is a Chinese company.

– Can’t help the circumstances of adults.

– Can’t we heal, too?

– It’s on real cooldown…

Name releases the magic she was maintaining on the ceiling.

The innocent coating barrier gets showered with moonlight.

“Hahahaha! Have you given up?!”

Ballum’s skill cooldowns were reset, and now in five seconds, every second, he would regain 10% of his health from all the moonlight pouring in.

To be precise, he was supposed to regain it.

[Creation: Neodymium from the Rantanum Clan]

[Spell: Melting]

[Spell: Shaping]

[Spell: Sintering]

[Spell: Magnetization]

Even with dimension descent, 4th circle magic cannot be used.

So Name takes a detour.

A hexahedron.

Assuming a point added to a regular tetrahedron to postulate an arbitrary 4-dimensional shape.

Calculate the hyperplane angle obtained through trilinear integral and input the resultant values into each congruent magic circle.

The five vertices are surrounded by six surfaces each.

Thirty two-dimensional linear differential equations solve in just 2 seconds.

Finally, all the stored mana is used to synchronize with the laurel.

– Something… something is happening!!!

– Four magic circles?

– What is the room leader doing!!!

Neodymium, Boron, and Iron sintered and alloyed in a 2:1:14 ratio to create the most powerful permanent magnet existing on Earth.

The gravitational force of ‘Moonlit Embrace’ cast by Ballum adds to the gravitational pull of the neodymium magnet.


The location was quite perfect.

Wasn’t it poised right in front of the strongbox made of steel where Ballum stood?

Whether the hit validation for Moonlit Embrace came first or if the neodymium drill pierced Ballum’s body first,


It was a future that over 2,000 viewers could easily predict.

With a tremendous explosion, the familiar quest clear noise fills the air.

[Defeated ‘Nobleman of the Library’ / Warehouse Keeper, Ballum Benavons.]


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not work with dark mode