Switch Mode

Chapter 615


(selfie at the ski resort lift.jpg)

(Santa squirrel gliding.gif)

(skiing with cup ramen for lunch is the rule.jpg)


[NoName After the Super Cup season ended, we all came to the ski resort. Wishing everyone a happy Christmas Eve. #Asaneko_Adella #Monica_Rizzi #Lu_Luoan]

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– That Santa squirrel is so cute!!!

– Skiing? How unique!

– This is precious, seeing the GOATs ski ㄷㄷ

– Adella looks a little clumsy, lol!

– Monica, you worked hard for the Super Cup! I hope the bond we made at the National Exchange Tournament lasts long 😆😆

“Phew. Phew. Slurp.”

I slurped up the instant noodle strands into my mouth and exhaled hot air again.

My cheeks were full of noodles.

Suddenly feeling a gaze, I looked up.

“What’s up?”

“Just thinking you look cute. Like a squirrel!”

“This is definitely a squirrel costume.”

I flapped the wings of my ski suit to show off.

I couldn’t quite grasp the kids’ laughter.

“There are suddenly a lot of people coming in.”

The ski resort building quickly filled with people.

Looking out the window, a snowstorm was raging.

“Hey, it’s just a little snow. Aren’t you all going to ski?”

Saetbyeol slammed her cup down and stood up triumphantly.

“Wanna go out for just a minute?”

“It’ll probably stop soon anyway.”

And one minute later.

When Saetbyeol returned, her face was wonderfully decorated with icy whiskers.

“If we go out now, we’ll die. Definitely die.”

Immediately she lowered her head and gulped down lukewarm hot chocolate.

I pulled out a napkin and wiped Saetbyeol’s chocolate whiskers, then reviewed the photos we had taken.

“Ha. What is this? Why is Saetbyeol sticking her butt out like that?”

“Hey, I’m a beginner, you know?”

Monica laughed and teased the awkward board stance of Cheon Saetbyeol.

“Yangyang, didn’t you say you used to work part-time at a ski resort?”

“Yeah, for about three months. Not that long.”

“Aha, that’s why you can board so well!”

“Oh come on. Saetbyeol is pretty impressive for a first-timer.”

“Hey, Yangyang, if you need anything else, let me know. Should we order another BBQ platter?”

“No, that kid Ruohan worries too much about me.”

Meanwhile, Ruohan kept trying to take care of her sister.

However, it seemed like Long Yangyang was feeling pressured by her sister’s unconditional kindness.

“But I’m curious about one thing. Yangyang, how did you spot Ruohan’s talent right away? At 8 years old, it wouldn’t show at all.”

Long Yangyang wasn’t particularly knowledgeable in Magic Studies nor skilled in handling auras.

If we were to classify her in martial arts, she’d only be a third-rate warrior.

She reminisced about the past and chuckled, patting Ruohan’s head.


“Looking like a nerd, but you’ve got so much ferocity flowing through you.”

“I’m not a nerd, Yangyang.”

“Come on, you’re the first and last elementary school kid to raid a violent gang to teach those middle school brats a lesson, right? In a smoke-filled place at that.”

“Whoa, stories from the underground world of China are fascinating…!”

“Yangyang, are there still many people in China who can’t make a living?”

Saetbyeol and Monica spoke one after another.

“Well… it’s not a small number, right? At least 500 million people live on less than 1000 yuan a month.”

“1000 yuan is… about 200,000 won?”

“Looking back, it’s quite embarrassing. I had Ruohan do a few illegal things as a loyalty test while she was clueless. I was afraid news of that would spread, so I cut off contact for a while.”

If there was even a minor crack in Ruohan, those with no connections would surely latch onto it persistently.

“Now that you’re in a position to be the successor, you can talk about it. Ruohan, what did you say the term for the sect leader is? 4 years? 5 years?”

“4 years.”

“That’s really short. You went through so much training just to do that for 4 years…”

“Thanks to that, I got healthier.”

“Right. If you had fallen into the dark society, you would have had a short lifespan.”

A country that had once had a strong dictator tends to worry more.

Chinese sects had a unique system where they selected their leaders anywhere from 20 to 30 years in advance.

This system was created to prevent power from excessively concentrating on one side.

Although it’s criticized as extreme elitism, it’s a structure used by most sects that value legitimacy.

“So I have to start doing community service next year.”

Ruohan stated clearly.

“Community service?”

“Yeah. Our Mudang Sect doesn’t just train martial arts; we play an important role in maintaining balance and harmony in the world. It’s crucial for a sect leader candidate to dedicate themselves to the community, understand the world’s pain, and recognize their own position and responsibilities. Each year, we must engage in at least 500 hours of disaster recovery or support for impoverished areas.”

“Wow, Ruohan, you really are an admirable person! Bravo! Monica, don’t you do anything like this?”

Saetbyeol stood up and clapped, while also giving Monica intense side-eye.

Monica blushed and retorted.

“Humph! I also donate a lot!”

“Come on, donations don’t count. It’s not like you have that kind of devotion like Ruohan.”

“Then what about you? Have you done any community service?”

“Hmm. I usually participate in city cleanup operations with firefighters.”

“You’re just being forced to do it by the school to fill up volunteer hours—”

“Shhh…! You’re being careless, Na-me Unni!”

I got curious and asked Ruohan casually.

“Is there a limit on the area for community service, or on the people you work with?”

“No, there aren’t any known regulations on that.”

“Can I join you?”

A brief silence fell.

Ruohan seemed to belatedly grasp the meaning of my words.

“You mean… you want to join me for community service? Why?”

Everyone, including her, gave a puzzled expression once.

“Na-me Unni, are you going to China? When?”

Saetbyeol asked in shock.

“Let’s take a private jet and fly out tomorrow or the day after. I can take you all the way to Mudang Mountain.”

Ruohan seemed to be pondering to find a plausible reason for my proposal.

“Is it work related to Dream Stone or Janjeol? Maybe setting up a factory?”

“That’s not the reason for going.”

“Then what?”

“I want to find a meteor.”


“Are you crazy? Did a meteor hit your head?”

“I was hit by a meteor, so why is it Na-me! It’s weird; I don’t have a fever.”

Monica touched her forehead and mine alternately.

I rolled my eyes up and said.

“Why complain when I want to spend my vacation productively? Huh?”

At times like this, you have to be daring.

“Yeah, I like meteors. Just because I’m 10 doesn’t mean I can’t!”



“Hah, Na-me must have been so fascinated by the meteor falling.”

“Na-me-na-me, the meteor from Shanxi is going up for auction in a few days. How about we aim for that?”

“No, only the ones I find have meaning.”

“Whoa, Na-me Unni has flipped the switch. Nobody can stop her now.”

“Always welcome. I’m glad to be with Na-me, hehehe.”

Ruohan spread her arms wide to welcome me.

“Um, I think I need to get permission from my dad first. It’s kind of a dangerous area.”

“Yeah, it’s better to get permission in advance.”

Saetbyeol looks like she’s going to discuss it with Professor Cheon.

Just in case, I asked Monica, but she was rejected because she had a schedule with a fashion magazine.

“Wow, bourgeois… It seems that Countess Monica Ricci doesn’t want to interact with the impoverished…”

“No, it’s not like that! This is different, guys! I’ll be sure to go when I’m free later!”

Now that I noticed, Monica surprisingly has good comebacks.

It isn’t easy to have a lower ranking than Saetbyeol.

With the snowstorm showing no signs of stopping, skiing was postponed to tomorrow.

“Whew, it’s hot…”

Inside the building, everyone was packed tight, raising the temperature to a high heat.

I took off my scarf and even removed my beanie to fan myself with my hands.

“Na-me Unni…!”


“What if you take off your hat here?!”

“Oh right.”

This was not a rural area.

In other words, it meant that out of 100, at least 99 people only recognized me.

“Whoa, isn’t that NoName?”

“Wow, it’s NoName!!!”

“Quick, take a photo! The one next to her is right? The one made with magic… what was its name?”

“Isn’t that Adella! And there’s the Ricci athlete!”

“Whoa, I was just checking out NoName’s Instagram! NoName, it’s you, it’s you!”

This was a completely different dimension compared to meeting on the main road.

Since the ski resort is a vacation spot, the only thing that’s generally left is time.

In an instant, the crowd gathered.

With all sides blocked, escaping seemed nearly impossible.

“Ugh, I told you to be careful.”

“Sorry… I’m sweating.”

“Aren’t we going to get crushed like this?”

“It’s okay; there’s always a way out.”

[Cast: Reinforced Interference]

First, I amplified my voice so that it echoed throughout the building.

“Hello, everyone! Are you having a nice Christmas Eve?”


The roar that filled the air was far louder than the magically boosted voice.

What an impressive enthusiasm.

“Actually, we’re just here for fun. So we need to get to the resort, but the path is blocked right now.”

““WAAAAAH! NoName! NoName! NoName!””

A way to quell the crowd’s madness.

I just needed to win over a few of them.

“Anyone willing to clear the way, please raise your right hand with a fist!”

Even those who didn’t quite hear what I said jumped up and raised their right hands.

It felt like being a recreation leader.

[Cast: Lumen Armilla]

A gentle light flowed from the magic circle and wrapped around the wrists of the people.

I gave light bracelets to about 50 people surrounding us and instructed them to hold hands.

“From now on, we’ll move slowly towards the exit. No shoving people, okay? Let’s go, go, go!”

““Forward! Forward! Forward!””

Like the miracle of Moses, the crowd split in two.

Is this the power of belonging?

“Na-me Unni, aren’t you a genius?”

“I didn’t think it would turn out like this. Let’s hurry and get out.”

With the help of our 50-person escort, we safely arrived at the resort from the ski resort.

From here, the resort’s guards were present, allowing us to breathe a sigh of relief.

“Only those wearing bracelets, please step forward. Yes, line up here.”

I shouldn’t forget to give them their fee.

“Please extend your hand.”


[BEEP- Payments Completed.]

“100 euros. Thank you for your help. Merry Christmas!”


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not work with dark mode