Switch Mode

Chapter 594

Each job has a designated action command called ‘Assist Action’.

As long as you can consume vitality and utilize it appropriately, there’s no obstacle you can’t overcome.

For example, wizards need to maintain distance, so they’re granted the action of ‘short bursts of jumps backward’.

Since everyone has different brainwave sensitivities, it’s essential to use settings that suit you.

Otherwise, you might end up in somewhat ridiculous situations.



While crossing a narrow cliff, Monika suddenly jumped backward to her death.

Saetbyeol and I returned to the cliff’s starting point.

Puhihih! Why did you jump from there?”

“There was a lizard at my feet! My body just moved on its own…!”

“Looks like you have a lot on your mind.”

“Wow, how did you know? I’m naturally quite imaginative. Just earlier, I was thinking if I could climb that cliff with only the Assist Action—Waaak!


Monika experienced yet another jump and another death.

There’s no other player who records two deaths in five minutes after being transported to another world like a flounder.

And we hadn’t even encountered any enemies yet.

“It might be better to turn off the Assist Action. After all, Monika, your reflexes are pretty good.”

“Or how about just setting it to roll like me? Pure play is something only perverts like Na-me Unni do.”

“Why am I a pervert?”

Entrusting your body to an AI, isn’t that the real perversion?

We suspiciously slaughtered the mighty mobs while moving through Wilhelm Forest in the shortest route.

“Why Wilhelm Forest? We were in the Forest of Arseria.”

Saetbyeol’s question was soon answered.

When we reached the high plateau, the previously cramped field of view opened up.

The spot where the capital and Remnant Academy’s clock tower were supposed to be held nothing.

The same terrain, different worlds.

“Kairal Castle.”


“It means optical isomerism. Right now, Kaizen World and Wagal World have some sort of mirror relationship.”

“Oh, is that so? Then where do we find Hibris? It doesn’t seem like it would be around in this vast forest.”

Saetbyeol crawled towards the edge of the cliff, peeking her head out.

“There’s something down there, wanna go check?”

“Is this the right path?”

“As long as it isn’t blocked, everything’s a path.”


I checked the direction of a small lake, did a running start, and jumped far.

“I’ll go down first. Take your time.”

“Crazy! I’m going with you!”

“Did you run? Wait a second, are there no stairs or ladders here? At least a parachute?”


Expected to touch the water in 10 seconds.

Soon, the two girls jumped down with me.

‘It’s a game, but they’re braver than I expected?’

Several shadows shadowed behind them.

It turned out that wasps, demon beasts, were chasing us for no reason.

Maybe it was a mechanism to assure players wouldn’t get lost.


Swimming in the emerald lake, I emerged out.

I felt Saetbyeol’s gaze fixed on me from behind.

“Sis, are you not using the avatar you had in Wagal anymore?”

She licked her lips with her smacking sound.

[▶Custom 2 – ‘Asha’]

“This is my Resonance-exclusive avatar.”

She said, wringing out the water from her black hair.

Saetbyeol waved her hand dismissively and scanned the surroundings.


“That’s it, that was what I saw up on the cliff.”

A creature resembling a pterosaur lay near the lake, gasping for breath.

Monika, curious, bravely reached out her hand.



[Casting: Glacis Legio]

Vwoom vwoom vwoom—

From the magic circle, four icicles emerged and stabbed into the pterosaur’s neck.

[Crafting: Dirichlet Chain]

The spreading cold formed a collar, tightening around the pterosaur’s neck.

Monika pulled hard on the collar, flipping the pterosaur’s head backward.

“What did I just see? This newbie…?”

“Ehh, I only learned this for self-defense; it’s not a big deal.”

Kueeeek! Stop!

“What? It just spoke!”

Demon beasts don’t need communication between individuals.

Only the instinct to slaughter humans.

The black blood oozing from the pterosaur’s body, it twisted its beak with a dying voice.

“Save my master.”

Its wings were already riddled with dozens of spears, battered and bruised.

“Loving flowers and caring for the forests, our master.”

The pterosaur began to fade away like mist, starting from its tail.

At the imminent death of the demon beast, we were presented with a choice.

[What is your master’s name? / Die, you vicious beast.]

Nodding as a sign of agreement, we acknowledged.

[▶What is your master’s name?]

“Hibris. The understanding of all things.”

That was the pterosaur’s last words.


After exiting the forest, we encountered soldiers patrolling the rural roads of Rapavnk Fortress.

“There were demon beasts that could talk.”

“Haha, what a ridiculous lie. How could a demon beast talk?”

Most reactions were half-hearted.

“I’m telling you, it talked!”

“Value your life and don’t just blabber at the borders. Making a wrong move could get you labeled as a heretic.”

I also heard the Inquisition was stationed in Rapavnk.

“The Rapavnk area is sealed off. It’ll be hard to get in without an invitation from the lord.”

“Is our only option Wilhelm Village left?”

It was much easier to collect information when playing together with three people.

Except for the two times Monika caused trouble with the knights and died, everything went smoothly.

“Why do you act tough? We’re not at a level to fight yet.”

“Getting stronger means leveling up, huh? Got it.”

“Stop fighting!”

The typical behavior of newbies just starting a game.

Once they get a sword in hand, they start swinging it around.

And before you know it, they’ve gained tons of deaths and got arrested through Interpol for a red bounty.

“The Wagal world isn’t Pokémon; you don’t need to fight everyone you come across.”

“Oh, when do we fight then?”

“I feel like we’ve been fighting all this time?”

Monika, you’ve surpassed 30 kills.

[Wilhelm Village]

We arrived in a familiar village setting.

However, the serene atmosphere found in the indie game I made was nowhere to be seen.

The knights surrounded the village’s entrance, restricting access.

I handed a children’s story to a low-ranking soldier and asked the reason.

“These authors here have colluded with the demons. They’ve gone mad during the ongoing war. The Inquisition will issue a disposal order once they finish their investigation, so don’t worry, just go on your way.”

“Wait a minute! Stop right there!”

The soldier’s superior called us to a halt.

“Are you a noble from the capital?”

It seemed they misjudged us based on our Academy uniforms.

It was a misunderstanding since they don’t know much about the northern attire in the southern continent.

“Yeah, something like that.”

“Nice to meet you! Where do you hail from?”

“Haha, that’s…”

Just when everyone was feeling awkward, I pulled out a cheat as a developer.

“Have you country bumpkins ever heard of Duke Zakario from the north?”

“We know, we know! As soon as we saw you, it screamed northern lady! This way, please.”

“Oh, Na-me Unni is amazing.”

“I wonder if it’s okay to proceed with this story.”

If we get stuck midway, we can just blame the staff.

We were invited to a meat party hosted by the knights.

Continuing the story cutscene.

The knights looted the village’s food storage and threatened the residents to forcibly steal their valuables.

Another knight beat a complaining man to disability while grumbling.

They laughed as they tossed a burning cigarette towards a woman pleading for a doctor.

‘Yeah, that’s right… it was like this…’

In reality, it couldn’t have been more miserable, but it was something that happened many times in the past.

The line in history books saying the knights supplied food to the village usually implies it was done through force and violence.

Moreover, the villagers might be massacred depending on the Inquisition’s decision.

They took advantage of the peasants without a second thought.

With the starving folks before them, the soldiers threw a meat party with slaughtered pigs.

A little child who couldn’t stand the hunger rushed toward the encampment.

“Please, just one bite! I haven’t eaten in days, I’m so hungry!”

“Matthias, come back! You shouldn’t be there!”

“Have you lost your mind! Stay put inside the village!”

A sturdy soldier rolled up his sleeves and clenched his fists.

However, a young knight in silver armor restrained him.

He exuded noble charisma.

“Enough. Now is not the time to ruin the mood.”

“Sorry, Commander. We’ll handle it quietly…!”

“No need for that. Just bring the child here.”

“U-uh, yes.”

The boy waddled over with his short legs.

The commander reached out towards the thick, meaty bone.

Saetbyeol, who was uncomfortable with the knights’ brutality, soon showed joy.

She gazed intently at the commander, resting her chin on her hand.

“Wow, he’s super handsome. Looks like there’s a kind person among these trash.”

“It’s probably nobless oblige. But looks like he lacks the ability to manage his subordinates. All too disorganized, huh?”


The young commander’s hand moved toward the butcher knife.

“What are you doing, you punk!”

The running child froze in shock but was caught by the knight’s hand.

“We, the silver eagle knights, came on the emperor’s command to collect tributes. You’re breaking imperial orders by unlawfully intruding on our camp, and the penalty is death. No exceptions for children or adults.”

The commander gripped the struggling child and raised his sword high.

“Long live the emperor!”

Even the vile subordinates turned their heads or shut their eyes preemptively.

Before the green choice from Wagal appeared before me.

[Casting: Arabesque Knot – Gold]


A golden whip struck across the dining table, deflecting the commander’s gauntlet.

The young commander reflexively donned his helmet, shouting loudly.

“How dare someone interfere with the execution of an imperial order!”

At a dining table packed with over a hundred people.

Our gazes met from the far end.

The soldiers raised their weapons, beginning to threaten us.

“Oh shit. When it comes to sudden action, it’s definitely the older sister.”

“Is it finally a fight? Are we fighting?”

The commander leaped the distance in an instant, landing right in front of us.

“I don’t recognize your face. Who let you in?”

“They’re said to be the children of Duke Zakario from the north…”


With a punch from the commander, a soldier flew up into the air.

“You fools! How can you even think these are the clothes of nobility? Ignorance is a crime! Bind that one with military law.”

As expected, nobles have keen insight.

Now that I think about it, I could have probably come up with any excuse to get in easily.

I picked up the sword and shield dropped by the flying soldier as my weapons.

Adella pulled out a familiar dagger from her waist and tightened her thigh strap.

The reliable Monika loaded her wand with mana, prepared for the impending battle.

“Isn’t it the live trailer cast?”

The formidable central noble born boss appeared right from the beginning.

Enemies in full armor numbered around 200.

The image was simply too beautiful to resist.

“What if we fail this first attempt?”

“Na-me Unni, is it a trailer? What’s that?”

“Is it okay if I appear on Monika’s broadcast?”


[Resonance(???) – Wagal DLC Live Trailer #1]

[Broadcasting Time – 0:00:01]

In no time, I had finished setting up the broadcast like a master.

A drone camera hovering above me blinked a red light.

I grinned as I gripped my sword.

“What an insane world.”


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not work with dark mode