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Chapter 545

[Domestic Magic Gallery][Overseas Magic Gallery][Internet Broadcasting Gallery][Resonance Gallery][Celebrity Gallery]…[Capsule Main Body Gallery]

[(Declaration) All 33 large galleries declare.]

We declare that the users of the community and broadcasting gallery, who are busy pestering NoName for explanations while busily preparing for the match, are nothing but squeaky hams.

Furthermore, we declare our unconditional support for NoName, the greatest wizard in human history, who raised the dignity of our Republic of Korea to the heavens without contributing even a mouse’s tail.

[Recommended 2138] [Disapproved 389]


-Did that really happen?

-Seriously, I was thinking it was all strange rumors after seeing yesterday’s commu, LOL!

-We have zero interest in Wagal or Adella, so leave NoName alone.

-If NoName’s performance is affected even a little, mindless terraforming is coming!

-I thought we were secretly receiving orders from North Korea.

A controversy sprouted over Cheon Saetbyeol just before a tournament tied to the honor and glory of the nation.

To the general public, it was something that naturally drew frowns.

[Janjeol’s Legal Team draws the sword on family conspiracy theories: “We will respond firmly to personal information and false fact distribution.”]

Let alone, when NoName’s lawyer hinted at a lawsuit, the issue surrounding Cheon Saetbyeol briefly sank below the surface.

It’s been 12 years since the last finals, making NoName the second person in the Republic’s history to make it to the finals.

In particular, achieving the finals and semifinals was unmatched in the history of past tournaments.

The 3rd and 4th place match between Love Kim and Giselle Fischer, held on August 15, also received much attention.

Across the nation, a crowd of 3 million poured out for street support at 1 AM.

In the second half, Giselle Fischer clearly dominated against NoName.

Love Kim, having one less day of rest than her opponent, was…

But the result was overwhelming.

[Match 127 3rd & 4th Place]
[Time: 38:24]
[LOSE: Giselle Fischer (Argentina)] [65% / ☠ 7% (Total Annihilation)]
[WIN: Love Isabel Kim (Republic of Korea)] [30% / 77%]


A resounding victory for the Republic of Korea.

Giselle Fischer’s signature slow approach brought the match into overtime.

However, Love Kim, who displayed physical ease throughout the match, smiled in the end.

[The match is over! The 2053 France National Exchange Tournament 3rd and 4th place match sees the Republic of Korea’s arrow drop the sun of Argentina twice, clinching a precious 3rd place!]

[As expected from the 3rd and 4th place match, the first half saw back-and-forth exchanges, but in the second half, there was overwhelming momentum that felt like it might earn the ire of the Argentinean public.]

[HA HA HA! It seems Love Kim has plenty of energy left. She runs around the field, encouraging applause from the audience. It’s such a joy to see her brimming with energy.]

[Like any sport, in magic battles, victory and defeat are determined when the match ends. But how individuals accept that is up to the players. Love Kim, who didn’t dwell on the results of the previous semifinals and put on a brilliant performance. I think it’s a truly beautiful sight.]

[Exactly, all you have to do is enjoy this moment! Congratulations again to Love Isabel Kim for claiming 3rd place, and we’ll be back here tomorrow at 5 AM for the finals: NoName vs. Katsuhata Emika. Thank you!]

The drone camera panned over the stadium.

Giselle Fischer, rising late, appeared on screen.

No tears this time; she calmly clapped above her head.

Following the girl, the Argentine audience rose to their feet, clapping to celebrate the exchange tournament whirlwind myth.

[Breaking News) The victory streak of Love Kim… gif]
(The Spellcaster of Local Barriers Love Kim.jpg)
Congratulations to Love Isabel Kim on your final score of 3rd place in the National Exchange Tournament!!!


-I really cheered for Love Kim, you know?ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-She’s trying to hold back tears while smiling, LOL! Thought she was mature but she’s so cute.

-F*ckng thank you so muchㅠㅠㅠㅠ 3rd place was really a tough achievement.

-This was an unforgettable night; such an incredible presence was shown.

-Just barely lost to Katsuhata, right?

-I’m always curious what trap card will come out in the barriers, LOL!

-What a wonderfully happy dawn it was.

The lingering mood after the 3rd and 4th place match ended.

Now, it truly feels like we’ve reached the climax of the National Exchange Tournament.

There were many who expressed concern regarding the overwhelming results of Love Kim’s victory.

[Current Summary of the National Exchange Tournament]
It turns out that Japan, Switzerland, and Australia have been secretly strong.

Switzerland defeated Argentina in the group stage, and Australia knocked Germany out in the Round of 16.

Especially, Katsuhata Emika visibly seemed to gain strength day by day.

In contrast, Italy, Germany, and the United States seemed entirely overrated.

Germany lost to Japan and Australia; Italy and the U.S. were wiped out by Argentina.

Overall, tomorrow’s finals will indeed be a tough battle for Na-me.


-Strangely enough, the eastern bracket was tougher than the western one, for real.

-It’s just that there weren’t any dramatic matches; the level of play was high. Overtime happened frequently.

-LOL! Has there been a final without fierce competition?

-Katsuhata isn’t called the ‘greatest swordsman in a thousand years’ for nothing.

└ Came to every Japanese magic battle as the team leader since last year.

└ Already a top-tier professional at 16 years old, d*mn!

└ It’s hard to believe she’s just young; she has 11 years of experience.

-How could a two-year rookie defeat an 11-year veteran?

└ It’s hard to grasp, LOL.

└ Well, NoName can do it!

At Gwanghwamun Square, people were bustling even at midnight.

With 5 hours left until the match begins, and thinking of the opening ceremony, 6 hours.

People eager to fully enjoy the festival atmosphere came prepared to stay up all night.

The press was broadcasting live, and those who felt strained set alarms and went to bed early.

All channels at the broadcasting station were focused on the National Exchange Tournament.

To attract at least a 0.01% rating, the minor media company QBS even introduced an automatic system for detecting Imperial Palace Swordsmanship.

[Live) QBS chat technology, what’s this? LOL!]

Against Narita Hiroyuki

(14th Technique – Earth Splitting – 138th Technique – Waterfall Splitting – 270th Technique – Rooster Strike – 389th Technique – Astrological Alignment – 18th Technique – Crescent Moon Strike – 475th Technique – Root Cutting – 5th Technique – Dragon Heart Thrust)

All the technique names appeared as subtitles.

Now it really resembles a game, LOL!


-Wow, why didn’t they make this earlier?

-That’d allow for hours and hours of highlight reels, LOL!

-How many matches has NoName had?

└ 7 matches.

└ LOL! That should easily stretch to 3 hours of footage.

-The Imperial Palace Swordsmanship isn’t overly hyped like in China; it has a unique charm.

[Breaking News) Tournament officials confirmed NoName’s family booked VIP seats for the finals.]

He’s said to be sitting next to singer Freya Sky.

And right next to her, the President of France, Devray.

I wonder if the rumors about her sister will really come true?


-Why is Freya Sky sitting next to them again, LOL?!

-This is sure to get captured!

-No matter how much she hates showing her face, she’ll come to her sister’s finals.

-I’m really curious about what she looks like, LOL!

-Some say she looks plain, though.

-If you have a conscience, shouldn’t Adella show up as a hologram too? Starting to feel disappointed.


Creaking noise-

“Wow, this feels weird. How many years has it been since I went back to silver hair?”

As the hair designer skillfully snipped away, Cheon Saetbyeol’s hair fluttered like thin straw.

She trimmed her hair that had grown down to her shoulders, enhancing shine with magic.

Depending on the person, the hairstyle could look androgynous.

But adding a light makeup to her fair face, a goddess emerged as if she were living in solitude.

Even I, who usually don’t acknowledge appearances, had to concede this time.

“You’re really good at makeup.”

“Haha! It’s thanks to this lovely lady here.”

“Well then, just compliment me directly! I look pretty enough, don’t I?”

Complimenting siblings feels oddly thorny.

This too might be an instinct engraved in our human genes.

“Forgive me for asking, but have you ever undergone Aura Heart transplant surgery?”


“Your hair color is unusual.”

“Ha ha… yes, something like that.”

“It must have been tough. Well, all done. I wish you all the best.”

We exited a small hair boutique on the outskirts of Paris.

The narrow road was parked not with buses but with limousines.

“Wow, how unnecessary to flaunt just because it’s the finals. Can’t we just take a bus? Whose idea was this—”

“Na-me’s dad’s.”

Cheon Professor smiled as he rolled down the window.

“I didn’t know; that’s a great idea. A limousine beats a bus any day.”

I dove into the seat with a swoosh.

Meanwhile, Saetbyeol carefully ducked her head to avoid messing up her styled hair.

“Oh, Dad looks handsome. You look young.”


“Yes. You could play in the match instead of me.”

“Too far gone, sis.”

In this hot weather, Professor Cheon was suited out in a full set.

Since many dignitaries from various countries were attending the VIP seating for the finals, the dress code was quite important.

On the other hand, women were relatively freer, and Cheon Saetbyeol chose a flowing wide-leg pants with a black lace corset top.

“But what are those pants? Why is the zipper open in the front thigh?”


The zipper moved up and down, making its presence known on her quadriceps.

“Don’t you know that this is the style these days?”

“I can’t keep up with recent trends.”

The limousine was long, so I hadn’t noticed until now, but a documentary PD was slowly coming at us from the back seat with a camera.

“Oh, PD, you were here. Hello. Are we filming now?”

“Not yet. You can say the word anytime you like, Ma’am.”

“It seems everyone is extra considerate today.”

“It’s the most important day, after all, haha. Everyone is probably cautious.”

I accepted the filming.

“Uh-uhm. Hello, I am NoName. We are currently having dinner and heading to the Stade de France. The PD said he wouldn’t ask any questions today, fearing I might slip up, but I’m involuntarily left to steer this alone.”

What should I even say?

Since I couldn’t come up with anything instantly, I first turned to Professor Cheon sitting opposite me.

“What do you think about the finals, Dad?”

“Huh? What do you mean by that?”

“My daughter is about to get stabbed with swords. What’s it like watching your daughter being pushed into a life-and-death situation…”

“Uhh… Uh-oh? Eek?!”

In an instant, Professor Cheon broke down.

I burst out laughing and waved my hands.

“I was just kidding! In fact, my father opposed me entering the National Exchange Tournament the most. Apparently, I’m now in my teenage years… right? What age does adolescence start these days? Anyway, I don’t often listen to Dad.”

“Oh, a boast…! And adolescence is not a justification for not listening to your parents.”

Professor Cheon sighed as if he aged ten years in that moment.

I turned my gaze and rested my hand on Saetbyeol’s pants.

“And this is my sister. You can take pictures, PD.”

The PD hesitated a bit before rotating the camera about 15 degrees to the right.

Cheon Saetbyeol quickly fiddled with her clothing.

“Isn’t she pure and pretty? I hurried to visit the hair shop because I heard Freya Sky would be sitting next to us today.”

“Why bring that up…! PD, cut that! You know how I feel, right? Hehe.”

“In that sense, how about singing a verse? Do you know any Freya Sky songs?”

“I can’t sing.”

“If you don’t sing your sister’s song right now, I’ll lose in today’s finals… Emika’s Katsuhata-ryu Kassumino Tachii is sure to hurt a lot… sniff.”

I buried my face in her thigh, pretending to cry.

Saetbyeol hurriedly pushed me away.

The witty PD handed over a karaoke microphone from who knows where.

“This is it; just this once…!”

This is true political power.

Right now, I wouldn’t hesitate to ask the president to dance if they told me to!

I might get addicted, but I practiced patience.

“Just sing one verse.”

“Whew… Ha… Shall we dance under the stars? Can you hold me till we fade? Just say you’ll stay, don’t ever stop, you’re my, ay, ay, ay escape.”

At first, she was shy, flushing a bit, but she gradually gained confidence and showcased her clear and lovely tone.

I nodded my head in rhythm.

“Knowing this much but losing would mean death for me today.”

“You’re doing great!”

Deciding to wrap up family teasing, I brought up a few talking points about Katsuhata Emika.

“The finals with Katsuhata Emika holds the excitement of a thrilling match. My heart races, and I want to cross swords with her as soon as possible. The most concerning point has to be the many branches of Katsuhata-ryu sword technique, along with hybrid magic like Adeira or Seolmang-ui-geom. Oh, and it seems I recently learned Karas’s eye barrier magic. Truthfully, Emika sis is dangerous just by her very existence.”

The limousine reduced its speed as it approached the stadium’s underground.

The vehicle grew dark, and the interior lights came on.

“I might find it hard to win, but there’s a method. Overwhelm her with a superior level of swordsmanship. Block her movements with high-level magic.”

Only after the limousine fully stopped did I unbuckle my seatbelt.

“All of this is in my supreme area of expertise.”


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