Switch Mode

Chapter 529

“Our Na-me really hates waking up to the beep beep of the alarm in the morning, spends over two hours every time she takes a bath, and will flip the table if there’s no meat on the dining table.”

“Am I some kind of psycho? When did I ever flip a table? …!”

I was just thinking that I should sew up Saetbyeol’s mouth, which was spilling lies and slanders without a break.

“But there was that thing you used in the Round of 16, the ‘Buddha-like Strength.’ I’m curious about it, unni.”

“Yeah, yeah. The reason I used the Western naming method ‘Deus Apicto’ is that during the past, the envoy sent by Louis XIV…”

“If Buddha and Jesus fought, who would win?”

“What? Is that even a question…? No, wait, this might be a better conversation.”

“Ooh, so?”

Saetbyeol winked with her cute little grin.

“I guess the one who throws the first punch would lose, right? Both Christianity and Buddhism emphasize peace and exclude violence.”

“Ugh… it’s so boring.”

– Haha, that was a great ‘wise saying’ moment ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

– But seriously, who would win? Ooooh!!!

– Why are all the questions so provocative? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

– For real, as soon as I heard that, my imagination just took off.

– I’m curious about the envoy thing.

– Na-me is totally drained right now, like a battery.

– I need to recharge her with ice cream ASAP.

After a series of twists and turns, we finally arrived at the Gelato Shop.

“5 euros for 50 cents, enjoy your treat, Shark Girl.”

I received a two-scoop gelato made of strawberry and pistachio from the merchant.

Before I dug in with my tiny spoon, I licked it with my tongue to gauge the sweetness.

You should eat the sweet things last for maximum utility.

Slurp slurp

“Wow, the strawberry is sooo sweet!”

“Seriously sweet!”

“I should eat the pistachio first!”

“I should start with the pistachio!”

Next to me, Cheon Saetbyeol kept echoing everything like a parrot.

“Unni, you’re silly.”

“Na-me, you’re silly!”


“Anthicongtin… huh, what are you even saying?”

With her tongue all twisted, Saetbyeol finally waved the white flag.


– If I keep listening, I feel like my IQ is dropping.

– Why are they so childish? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

– NoName should guarantee her sister’s appearance! Guarantee it!

– Just shake your hand again, unni! ㅠㅠㅠ

– People are being super clingy.

To avoid drawing too much attention to Saetbyeol, I made sure only my face appeared on the camera.

A few local young men hovering around threw compliments, but Saetbyeol handled it wisely.

Whooooosh! Hey, you’re cute! Wanna be my girlfriend?”

“This is my daughter. Got a lot of money at home?”


Saetbyeol pointed with our joined hands.

The innocent young men believed it without a second thought.

– Do they actually believe that? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

– What’s with the confidence? ㅋㅋ

– But if Na-me really was a daughter, I’d have to marry her without looking back.

– Estimated daughter assets: at least hundreds of millions.

– It’s hilarious that no one recognizes her with that shark hat on! ㅋㅋ

– But at least the kids have some integrity, they don’t approach married women.

– Is it not racial discrimination? Just a full-on confession assault…?

Of course, the reason for all this attention was not just Saetbyeol’s looks, but mainly because we were broadcasting with expensive equipment.

Attention-seeking Europeans approached regardless of gender or age for appearances, you see.

At the end of our market outing, a boy who looked about my age let out a rap he made up, drawing a huge reaction from the viewers.

“This time, let’s head to the beach with the sandy shore.”

“Do you know the way?”

“Umm, not really… But we’re just gonna check it out!”

“Sounds a bit suspicious.”

The place she led me to was a beach beautifully lined with palm trees.

Maybe it was artificially made like Hawaii, but walking barefoot was no problem.

“The view is nice. I should contact everyone and let them know to come here.”

I called my dad and friends to share our location.

We walked along the beach until we reached a place bustling with people.

Pull-up bars, kettlebells, dumbbells, and all kinds of gym machines.

‘Wow, they’ve set up an outdoor gym right on the sandy beach.’

Over there, I could also spot a boxing ring and an octagon.


Cheon Saetbyeol suddenly covered her eyes with both hands and screamed.

Following her gaze through the gaps in her fingers, muscular guys were working out.

“Was this your plan from the start?”

Saetbyeol was staring, mouth agape, lost in the view.

“Let’s go join them. If you like it that much, I’ll let you see it up close. Plus, we can work out too.”

“No, I want to watch workouts, not actually do them! No way!”

I grabbed her hand tightly and dragged her into the gym fence.


The door shut, and suddenly all eyes were on us.

To ease Saetbyeol’s rebellious spirit, I approached the most muscular guy.

“Excuse us, we’re streaming right now. Would it be okay if we filmed your workout?”

“Streaming? What kind of stream is it?”

“It’s a travel stream!”

“Sure, go ahead. Friends, watch me do weighted pull-ups.”

The man hung on the bar with dozens of kilograms strapped on him.

His back muscles, as broad as the sea, twitched like they were alive.

The viewers gasped in awe, and Saetbyeol watched in rapt attention.

– This gym is amazing, it’s like heaven!

– Dude, that guy works out in style!

– This is insane, insane, insane!

– The elasticity of the Black guys is unreal! ㅋㅋ

– Strength is on another level!

– Why don’t we have this kind of stuff back home?

– No, we have outdoor gyms in Korea too!

“But is there only bodyweight training here?”

“If you go over there, you’ll find 100-kilogram plates as well. Ugh, I wanted to avoid using my aura today, but wanna go together?”

“Yes, thanks! Unni, come here.”


She made a whining sound, but had no intention of backing down.

After having fun, it was time to face the consequences.

Cheon Saetbyeol, pouting, grasped the 200kg barbell.

“Get the form right, keep your back neutral, great, stop. Exercising with aura is a tad different, and since you’re about to lift the barbell, your arms are already tense. Can you lift it just a little?”

“Ugh! I-it’s heavy.”

“Remember the energy you’re using in this position. Now put it down. When the aura is at the movement’s focal point, you know it’s maximized, right?”


“You’re going to direct the aura into different parts of your body based on the action you’ll take in one second. Not just slamming things in like earlier. If you do this right, you’ll be able to split actions into smaller increments like 0.5 seconds, 0.3 seconds, or even 0.1 seconds. Just keep doing it, and I’ll correct you in between.”

[‘Kkasam’ donated 10,000 won!]

– A real aura expert giving a PT session, wow!

– You can’t get a PT from Na-me even if you paid a fortune!

– The combination of the rash guard and shark costume is like oil and water, man!

– Everyone’s looking at us strangely ㅋㅋ

– But unni seems to have some talent too!

– No matter how much aura you use, lifting 200 kg with that body isn’t easy.

– NoName’s just on another level, to be honest.

Ultimately, Saetbyeol succeeded in the 200kg deadlift, and the audience outside the gym erupted in applause.

“Wow, the Shark Girl is teaching unni how to exercise? I could tell from earlier that she knows her stuff!”

The young man who had shown us the weighted pull-ups showed interest again.

“Yeah, I know all the right stuff.”

“Haha, impressive! Wanna try lifting the barbell, future weightlifting champion?”

“It’s not really hard or anything.”

Saetbyeol struggled to lift the barbell even once, panting heavily as it rolled at her feet.

“Huh? That’s 200kg, kiddo.”

I gripped the center of the bar and lifted it effortlessly with one hand.

I flexed my elbows, shaking off dust from the plates into the air.

“This is too light for me.”

“Impossible, holy moly…”

The muscular guy’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out.

““Whoa, whooooa!””

“I almost jumped out of my skin!”

I flinched and turned around.

The noise came from the balcony of the restaurant in front of the beach.

Onlookers watching us took off their sunglasses and let out astonished gasps.

Some of them even stood up, pushing their chairs away.

“Who the heck are you? You can’t be an adult…”

“Is that friend… out there?”

“Huh? Do you know this kid?”

Saetbyeol realized the photos were being taken and scampered off to hide in the distance.

Even though it wasn’t a big deal, people started to gather one by one, and soon the atmosphere enveloped the outdoor gym.

I took off the shark hat and let my two hair ties flow free.

“Hello! I’m NoName, here for the Magic Battle that’s going to take place in Nice—”

“Whoa! Amazing! Whoa whoa whoa!!!”

A young man suddenly started jumping around like a frog.

Before I could finish my sentence, the click click of cameras went off endlessly from all directions.

“I knew something was off! It doesn’t make sense for a child like this to showcase such strength! There can’t be two of you in this world!”

Even those working out in the bodyweight training zone heard the rumors and made their way over.

“200kg isn’t heavy for you at all?”

“There are plenty of people who can do this just with their bodies, but if you can’t do it even while using your aura, you don’t deserve to compete!”

“Whoooa… That’s amazing. What a fascinating experience.”

– The wide-scale aggro is intense! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

– Oh no, everyone at the beach is flocking over!

– Honestly, it’s more strange that they didn’t recognize it until now ㅋㅋ

– If there had been no fence at the gym, it would’ve been a disaster!

– Where did unni disappear to?

– Na-me has incredible star power. ㅋ

“So you came here today to see the match in Nice?”

“Huh? There aren’t any matches happening in Nice during the Round of 16.”

The Round of 16 was still ongoing.

Yesterday, Brazil’s third seed, Cecilia, had defeated Sweden and advanced to the quarter-finals.

Including Love Unni’s match, there were still four left.

“No, no, I mean the streaming event match organized by IllusionX, that one!”

France’s Twish, the 20 million-follower streamer, IllusionX.

They might not be well-known in Korea, but I at least knew the name of this streamer who played games.

But how does that person relate to the UFC?

“Aren’t you here to see Matteo Miocic?”

“Is he coming here today?”

“Yeah! Isn’t that why everyone is gathered like this? Do you think all these guys came just to watch some sweaty guys working out?”


In a flash, I found myself thanking Saetbyeol 47 times in my head.

‘Thank you, from now on, I’ll just call you unni all day.’


[Real-time Best]
[NoName Meets Miocic Successful][156]
(The Octagon at Nice Beach.jpg)

This two-shot actually happened.
Finally achieving your wish, NoName.

– This looks like a hostage situation more than anything else! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

– Aren’t we talking about child abuse here?

– It’s just so awkward to see them both giving thumbs up! ㅋㅋ

– NoName is really short for sure.

– Fact: NoName was not coerced and took this photo purely out of fan love.


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