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Chapter 516

In ancient China, the development of inner strength and martial arts was the center of everything.

The skills of climbing trees, walking on water, and even the ability to block firearms.

In an atmosphere where both emperors and commoners revered martial prowess, the study of stone plates did not receive as much attention as the fire-type weapons.

However, at some point, alchemy began to rise in the new martial world, and those protected by barriers started defeating masters from various sects one by one.

Geniuses like René Descartes, Pierre Gassendi, and Robert Boyle announced the end of universal auraism by integrating particle philosophy into stone plate studies.

The martial world, which seemed eternal, ultimately vanished into the annals of history during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

However, due to World War I, the situation changed drastically once again.

Magic power plants became a crucial strategic resource that could alter the course of the war.

Thus, the necessity for combat personnel capable of protecting and attacking this power plant arose.

Martial sects that had barely clung to their names, forgotten by history, began to regain attention.

After two world wars, the masters of the martial world who had excelled in battle amassed astronomical wealth and began to be widely recognized for their capabilities in the international community.

Now, the Mudang Sect, second to none among all martial sects.

What they cherish most is not their base, Mudang Mountain, or the Jaso clan, but the Taeguk Sword, which enabled them to endure 300 years of hardship.

No one in the martial world is unaware of the Taeguk Sword.

It’s said that the one who has been there in your most wretched and pitiful times is the one you feel the most grateful towards.

The Taeguk Sword has thus established itself as that kind of existence for the Mudang Sect.

And among the Taeguk Swords, the highest level, the Taeguk Hye Sword, known only to the core figures of the Mudang Sect, was showcased by NoName right in front of the viewers.

“Oh dear… this is terrible…!”

Naturally, it was only expected that Li Jin-hui, the head of the Mudang Sect, would be filled with rage.

As NoName stepped into the training arena, an uproar of cheers followed.

The headmaster’s gaze from afar sank heavily.

He firmly grasped Ruohan’s shoulders and urged her.

“Ruohan, do not be deceived by falsehoods. The Taeguk Hye Sword of the Mudang Sect cannot be learned so easily.”

“Yes, Headmaster. I will keep that in mind.”

The girl with a black tiger tattoo across her back responded with confidence.

The headmaster was satisfied with his disciple’s answer, but he still could not shake off a sense of unease lurking in his heart.

After all, showcasing the Taeguk Hye Sword in a broadcast was a significant act that shook the very foundation of their sect.

People joined the sect, took on menial tasks, and underwent hellish training to ascend to the next level.

Dissatisfaction arising from this process was resolved by new martial arts provided to them.

When faith crumbles, philosophy collapses.

When philosophy collapses, martial arts fall apart.

Even if what NoName showcased is the real Taeguk Hye Sword, it doesn’t matter.

Ruohan had to consciously think of it as fake until the match ended.

“It must be burdensome for you too. But having suffered this humiliation, we must win. Absolutely.”

Ruohan’s genuine eyes accurately pierced through the headmaster’s intentions.

‘If we lose to NoName, it would shake the very significance of our sect’s existence.’

She nodded briefly, then, with her ponytail fluttering, headed toward the training arena.


[Round of 32 Match 98]

[NoName (Republic of Korea)] [100% | 100%]

[Ruohan (China)] [100% | 100%]

“Those eyes are frightening.”

I stared at the girl with the cold, sunken eyes.

As the protective barrier of the stadium activated, the crowd’s roar shifted to a low tone.

It felt like water was in my ears.

“NoName, what did you bet on this match?”

Suddenly, Ruohan asked me.

“What did I bet on? Are you seriously gambling? Sports Toto?”

Ruohan’s face stiffened in an instant.

“Come on, stop making a serious face over a joke. What do you think I bet? Just my pride, I guess…?”

“That’s shallow.”

“Then what did you bet on, tattoo girl?”

You look like a punk yourself, after all.

Well, everyone gathered here is probably a national-level punk anyway.

“The past tradition, current honor, and future survival of the sect—everything. Just so you know, I won’t be leaving this stadium with my own two feet.”

Now the analysis is complete.

This girl is a bit like Hiroyuki, isn’t she?

Those who fight with aurora often say such things to solidify their imaginary world before the match, but it is quite bothersome for the listener.

Katsuhata was at least manageable to listen to.

Ruohan was now fully immersed in battle.

Her red robe fluttered in the wind.

“But my pride is worth much more than the combined honor of the Mudang Sect.”

Even a casual display didn’t cause her to flinch.

The 30-second countdown began, and we both drew up our aura as much as possible.

The contrasting black and white auroras circulated around each other in opposite directions.

Ruohan’s specialty, the multi-aurora, which had led Emika to victory last year.

And the unique characteristic of those using multi-aurora is that their movements are utterly unpredictable, like a double pendulum.


Even though the match had begun, Ruohan didn’t move from her spot.

The tactic of overwhelming the opponent by receiving their sword was quite clever.

In terms of table tennis, she was the defender.

[Cast: Demon King’s Horn]

I drew out the Skiabona and stepped slowly into her limit radius.

Thud, thud—

Heavy aura surrounded my legs, while light aura twirled around my arm.

Whirr, whirr…

A total of four types of aura whirled about, all interlocking perfectly like cogwheels without disrupting each other’s course.

“Still holding on?”

Three steps.

“Even now?”

Two steps.

“This must be hard to endure, huh?”

Just one step.

Now our hair got tangled together.

Ruohan’s eyes trembling slightly was pretty funny.

Yet even amidst this, her body was accurately moving to the most optimal position to prepare for a counterattack.

At a distance where we could hear each other’s breaths.


I slowly raised the Cheonghwa Sword and brought it down at an excruciatingly slow pace.

“Others might think we’re just fooling around—heh.”

If I have the leisure to provoke like this.

As I was about to clash with the sharp metal, Ruohan’s arm moved first.


As Ruohan flicked her sword away, my body was momentarily sent flying into the air.

The series of strikes that followed were extremely sharp.

Two stabs aimed at my abdomen, three diagonal slashes, and after my feet met the ground, again both horizontal and vertical attacks came.

Clang clang clang clang clang clang-!

Sharpened senses brought every swift blade to a halt.

Damn, what extraordinary speed.

Biting down on my lip, I stretched my fist towards Ruohan’s face.

Ruohan’s sword, which had been pushed so far back, had now returned to her hand.

‘Why would I hit you with this tiny fist? Am I insane?’


[Cast: Ignis Respicio]

Crackle, crackle!

I unleashed a shocking burst of energy that pierced through the black and white aura.

Usually, normal kids would step back from here, but Ruohan was different.

It was as if her limbs were extended like a player activating an auto-counterattack.


Her palm extended straight, pushing me back along with the air.

The Taeguk aura followed like a tail, creating a backlash.

I regained my stance and spat out sand that had blown into my mouth.

“Weren’t you the one who said you’d counter? You attacked first?”

“Your will touched my skin.”

“Playing word games, huh? What’s your will, anyway?”

Unless it’s the dragon’s speech game.

Ruohan was mentioning nonsensical concepts that didn’t even exist in this world.

[Retrieve: Ignis Respicio]

An energy sphere returns like a boomerang from the edge of the arena.

In an instant, Ruohan twisted her body to cleave the flash in two.


I stepped on the ground to launch myself.

‘Why would you turn around knowing an attack is coming from behind? You’re still young.’

[Cast: Black Aurora]

[Imperial Palace Swordsmanship 2 – Sky Cut]


Plasma sliced through the space.

[Imperial Palace Swordsmanship 75 – Weeding]

I pulled the Skiabona towards myself and swept the entire ground.


The artificial turf of the stadium was perfectly sliced, leaving a quarter-section.

It’s been a while since that technique earned its name.

Damage hit Ruohan’s ankle precisely.

However, at the same time, the chaotic Taeguk aura descended from the sky.


Boom—! Boom—! Boom—!

The shadows entering from all directions created craters on the ground.


The final strike was unavoidable, so I blocked it.

In an instant, I was being overwhelmed by a massive force pressing down on me.

Ruohan progressively expanded the Taeguk’s range on the ground.

The black and white aura spun rapidly, as if devouring each other’s tails.

I had no choice but to squint my eyes.

My feet were gradually being sucked towards the center like an ant in the desert.

Maybe she assumed we were close enough now.

Ruohan changed her grip on the sword.

The Taeguk aura that had been decorating the ground converged into one point and absorbed into her sword.

‘Now I understand why Katsuhata struggled when I experienced it myself.’

[Thirty-Six Movements Taeguk Swordsmanship]

Once you step into the realm of Taeguk, you must give up on the idea of dodging.

In terms of aura depletion, dodging is essentially more damaging than blocking.

Biting my lip, I focused on the attacks coming my way.


One strike aimed at my side passed me faster than the eye could see.

Slice—! Clang—!

I let two go and blocked one.

Even though I was fast, Ruohan’s arm covered in aura left no trace of its trajectory.


She unleashed her aura, as if intending to settle this battle.

Among the five swords, I tried to differentiate four feints and block one real attack,

Yet the trajectory of that one split in two, stabbing my abdomen again.


Am I late if I simply react and block?

[NoName (Republic of Korea)] [76% | 89%]

The once sturdy barrier began to crumble in an instant.

However, she had expended so much aura that finishing this would be challenging in the final rounds.

Just like in my fight against Katsuhata, a significantly large amount of aura accumulated at the 36-second mark.



“I still have to avoid this.”

Separating yin and yang into the middle and escaping to lighter aura.

As I flawlessly dodged the last 36 seconds, Ruohan squinted one eye sharply.

[Cast: Cylindrical Coordinate Assignment]

I spun the aura extracted from my sword with the help of magic like a top.

Soon after, I swapped positions between my forefoot and hindfoot, extending my sword with vigor.

[Imperial Palace Swordsmanship 21 – Crescent Stab]

→ [Imperial Palace Swordsmanship Application – Taeguk Hye Sword]

This was a different application of the Taeguk Hye Sword I showcased yesterday on the broadcast.

‘This might sting a little when seen right in front of you!’

However, contrary to expectations, our swords clashed perfectly in the center.


A clear and lively sound echoed, tickling my back.

It was neither a cut nor a stab; what a coincidence!


“You little…!”


Ruohan was using the Imperial Palace Swordsmanship I was incredibly familiar with.

[Seventy-Two Movements Rounding Finger Soft Swordsmanship]

→ [Imperial Palace Swordsmanship 389 – Celestial Alignment]

“Our sword styles have swapped, haven’t they?”

They say the grass is always greener on the other side, and they’re right.

Indeed, there’s nothing wrong with the old sayings.

“See? I told you the Imperial Palace Swordsmanship is great!”


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