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Chapter 459

[NoName Minor Gallery]

[Everyone Pay Attention!!! NoName’s 6 Days a Week Broadcast Announcement!!!]

Na-me said: “Until the National Exchange Tournament, I will turn on the broadcast at least 6 days a week.”

Monday: Break

Tuesday~Friday: From 6 PM~

Saturday~Sunday: From 3 PM~

Right now, I’m in the middle of content announcements.

I’ve decided to regularly play both League of Legends and Wagal, and apparently, I’m taking recommendations for Resonance games from the Fan Cafe.

Sometimes I’ll even show commentary or fight in overseas Magic Battle competitions.

+++) Frequently asked question: Is there no problem with an elementary school student broadcasting without going to school?

→ Currently, Na-me is a deferred graduate of Philips Academy. To put it simply, she’s a student on leave. She didn’t drop out; she’s just taking a break, so it’s okay.

(suckles Na-me.jpg)

At this point, wouldn’t it be time to praise?


-Wow, what a reborn Na-me!!!

-Reflecting on past mistakes, even Na-me broadcasts 6 times a week now.

-Just do it!

-Thank you, I will live a good life. I’m overwhelmingly grateful!

-I want to hear your voice soonㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Because of you, I ended up downloading all those chess apps.

-Seriously, Na-me’s chess skills are no joke.

-If she broadcasts for just a month, she’ll do more than she’s ever done so far.

[Incheon Airport Current Situation]

I’m working at Incheon Airport, and there are so many people and journalists gathered that the staff is hurriedly setting up barricades and blocking poles, causing chaos.

They’ve decorated the press conference podium all shiny, but I wonder if it’s okay for the general public to see this; honestly, I don’t know.

(crowd at the arrival gate.jpg)

There’s still an hour left, and this many people have gathered.


-I’m also going to the airport right now; which gate should I go to?

└ Exit B, 2nd Passenger Terminal

└ This is happening, LOL!

└ I’m so nervous; it feels like if I don’t go now, I’ll never see her again.

-I’m so jealous since I’m in the regionㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Make sure to cheer a lot!

-Wow, everyone is so diligent!

-Why didn’t I think of going? It’s Seoul; is it too late if I leave now?

-Seriously LOL, the media outlet is streaming live right now!


Broadcast has ended.

Once the viewers surpassed 500,000, the server crashed, causing the broadcast to end abruptly.

With not much time left until arrival, it was just about the right moment to end it.

[NoName’s Broadcasting Station]

[📢: We are almost at Incheon Airport. I’ll be back on the broadcast tomorrow. Bye~]

As I raised the window cover for landing, the moment of sunset unfolded before my eyes.

The sun hung over the horizon, the wave-shaped red cotton candy clouds gradually turned blue.

“Ugh, it’s dazzling.”

I squinted and fiddled with my warmed phone.

Even amidst this, messages from acquaintances kept coming in.

[Seol Yoonseul: I came to pick you up at the airport, but there are really so many people here!]

[Seol Yoonseul: Ugh, the security guards are blocking entryㅠㅠㅠㅠ Na-me, help me~~]

[NoName: Why did you come to pick me up? I’m just going home right after today.]

[NoName: Hold on a second.]

People are such a hassle.


Using the warm sunlight as lighting, I took a selfie.

Oops, I blinked again. Oh no, does my expression look weird? This looks too forced; let’s do it again.

Click! Click! Click!

“Na-me, did you fasten your seatbelt well?”

Suddenly, Professor Cheon popped his head above the partition.

I hurriedly shoved the phone between my legs and looked up at him.

“Uh. Ah. Yes, I’ve been wearing it since earlier.”

“Haha, you can take all the pictures you want. At this age, it’s natural to be interested in looks.”

“That’s not it… Yoonseul is stuck with a security guard… sigh.”

What’s the use of making excuses?

[NoName: (I sent a photo.)]

[Seol Yoonseul: Ahhhh, you’re too cute ❤️❤️❤️]

As the altitude decreased, my ears felt clogged.

Simultaneously, I felt Aura Heart actively circulating my aura again.

The resonance from the large airplane’s fuselage hitting the ground traveled up through my rear.

[Esteemed guests, we hope you’ve had a pleasant journey. Our flight has arrived at Incheon International Airport. Please remain seated until the seatbelt sign has been turned off.]

As the announcement came on, I rummaged through my personal belongings and stuffed them into my backpack.

The flight attendant kindly took my carrier out and lowered it to the floor.

“Hope you had a comfortable flight?”

“Thanks to you, yes.”

The flight attendant gave me a bright smile, sending a slightly burdensome gaze my way.

It seemed she had a lot to say but was holding back due to the professionalism.

I responded with a polite bow.

The weather in April was quite chilly.

So much so that goosebumps were starting to form on my arms.

I slipped on the thin cardigan tied around my waist and exited the long tunnel.

In an instant, the sun had set, and the sky turned dim.

I first finished the immigration process and collected the rest of my baggage.


“NoName, fighting!”

Other passengers from the flight screamed as they spotted me.

I’ve heard countless screams in my life, but the cheers of excitement like these are something I’ve never experienced before; it felt indescribably strange.

The departure gate was right in front of me.

Every time people passed by, the glass door opened and closed repeatedly.

Many cameras were already waiting.

Those ahead of me rushed out to avoid being in the frame, while the ones behind waited for me to pass.

I placed my hand on my chest and tried to calm my racing heart.


“Na-me, are you nervous?”

“If I said I wasn’t, it would be a lie. I’m human too.”

“You don’t have to try so hard to look good for them. Dad is always on your side.”

“Haha, yes. Let’s go quickly; people in the back are waiting.”

I quickened my pace slightly.


As the screen door separating me from the outside world opened, the flash of cameras exploded.

I had to do my best not to squint as bright flashes bombarded me.



“Ahhh, you’re so cute!”

“Na-me, look over here!”

“Thanks for your hard work coming here!”

“Na-me, I love you!”

A sea of people spreading wide like a fan, waving their phones around, called my name.

I bowed my head in appreciation of their support.

Now I understand why celebrities wear masks when they arrive.

It’s hard to manage my expressions, and I can’t tell if I’m smiling or crying right now.

Airport security guards kept a watchful eye to prevent the crowd from crossing the barricades.

Dressed in black suits, they stepped forward and indicated toward the press conference podium.

“Excuse me.”

I looked around, trying to find my acquaintances.

“Na-me! Over here!”

Seol Yoonseul, her face half-covered by a black bucket hat, jumped and called out to me.

“What a hassle this is.”

When I said that with a pout, she smiled and held my hand.

“Welcome to Korea! Wow, it’s been so long. Na-me, have you grown so much in the past six months?”

“Sis, do I really come across as someone upset about growing taller?”

“Shh! Being short is better!”

I haven’t grown even 2 cm in the past six months. I should go for a growth plate examination at the hospital.

While others shoot up 5 cm during their one-month break…

Just like that Red-Haired Girl rushing over there.

“Waaah, NoNameNaMeNaMe!”

Seo Yu-na, one of my academy friends, broke through the crowd to rush towards me.

I almost stumbled back as she ran towards me.

“I missed you, Na-me…”

“Did you come alone?”

“No, I’m with Mom, my older brother, and my younger brother.”

“Your whole family came.”

“Ugh, this smell is so nice.”

She hugged me tightly, sniffing the top of my head.

Yu-na’s black jacket smelled faintly of fabric softener, tickling my nose.

Wait, is the height difference strange right now?

I pulled my face back a little and looked up at her.

“Yu-na, why have you grown so tall?”

Have you been training in the Room of Time and Spirit alone?

Or did you accidentally press the 100 million-year button?

“Huh? No, I’m only average in our class. Si-hoo is even taller than me now.”

“That’s even harder to believe.”

“Did you shrink, Na-me?”

“That doesn’t make sense; I couldn’t have shrunk. How tall are you now?”

“Um, when I measured recently, I was around 142 to 143 cm. Hehe, Na-me, you’re cute, so it’s okay if you’re small. We’ll take care of you.”

I was overwhelmed and couldn’t find my way out of the shock.

To think I would be treated as a baby by 10-year-olds; is there any value in my existence?

“NoName! Although you must be busy and tired from the long journey, please spare a little time for a press conference!”

“Congratulations on winning the Fields Medal, NoName Wizard! Can we have a quick Q&A?”

“Are you perhaps an acquaintance of NoName? Can we have a short interview?”

“Uh, no, I’m…! Na-me, go do the press conference well! Contact me afterward; I’ll be waiting!”

Unable to withstand the barrage of cameras, Yoonseul got pushed back and fell behind.

Since I’m in a good mood today, I decided to step onto the podium they prepared for me.

Reporters kneeled in front of me, extending their arms with microphones in unison.

Amid the chaos, they seemed to think they needed to capture my voice without obscuring the view, creating a makeshift arrangement.

Is there really a need for everyone to kneel and pose like they’re in trouble?

It made me uncomfortable just watching.

“Can I have all the microphones for a moment?”


[Magic Cast: Demon King’s Horn]

I activated the Demon King’s Horn to maximize the external manifestation property of my aura.

I wrapped up about 30 microphones with my aura, forming a bouquet.

Then, I curled the aura wings extending from my back and tucked the microphones inside.

“I’ll hold them. This way, it’s easier for everyone.”

“Wow! Everyone, let’s give a round of applause!”


“The kindness is touching…! I’m really moved…”

Clap, clap, clap, clap!

With the reporters starting the applause, the fans followed suit, clapping their hands.

The applause echoed throughout the airport.

I wore an awkward expression as I waited for their questions.


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not work with dark mode