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Chapter 442

[Breaking News) NoName Wizard, at age 9 years and 7 months, wins the Fields Medal, the youngest recipient in history]

Just two days before the World Mathematicians’ Conference at Harvard University in the United States, leaks about Na-me’s award surfaced.

Officials from the International Mathematical Union were furious and searched for the source of the leak.

However, upon realizing that the culprit was their own president, they shifted to a stance of “Well, it happens sometimes in life.”

Media outlets that received advance notice immediately lifted their embargoes and began pouring out articles like a flood.

Coincidentally, this coincided with Na-me’s citizenship issues surfacing.

[NoName revealed to have received U.S. citizenship on personal broadcast… complete immigration hint?]
– I suspected it when they went to the U.S., but it’s bittersweet…
– Wow, is NoName really getting taken away after all?
– Room leader-level scam;; if it looks good, they take it, these jerks.
– They’ve only been in the U.S. for a month, and it’s already happening?
– They probably had it all planned from the start.

Sadly, the replay video after clearing the game was not provided.

Those who received the big news from morning had to rely on the testimonies of viewers at that time.

[NoName Minor Gallery]

[Summary of yesterday’s broadcast and Q&A][147]
In a Resonance stream by ‘Arimura Yui,’ Na-me was matched under the nickname ‘Asha.’

Like a newbie, she was a bit clumsy at first but cleared Chapter 1 with amazing talent.

Then, her identity as Na-me was uncovered, and from then on, the two became unstoppable (for details, refer to V-tube).

After the broadcast, when asked if she was thinking of returning to Korea, she replied she received U.S. citizenship.

It seems she said she wouldn’t return until April because she would be busy?

However, she will likely stop by once due to the National Exchange Tournament before August.

Support from people continued until suddenly an international call came in ← this is the Fields Medal, wow.

Viewers went wild, and Na-me abruptly ended the broadcast.

Questions were accepted from here.

– Why is she suddenly doing Resonance? She used to only do Wagal.
└ (Author): Apparently, she got assigned a project to create a Resonance game at school.
└ That’s insaneㅋㅋㅋㅋ
└ Just a preliminary investigation, yet she’s performing at a rank-level?
└ Am I the only one looking forward to the game Na-me will make?

– Is she completely leaving Korea now?
└ (Author): I’m not sure. The broadcast atmosphere yesterday was quite warm.
└ I think she’ll just stay with dual citizenship in the U.S.
└ Even that is fortunate, to be honest.

– I rewatched, but there was no Na-me, just some blond sister?
└ This is really gaming discrimination…
└ What are you talking aboutㅋㅋㅋ
└ This is basically an avatar that’s the same as Na-me; not knowing this is a bit…

– Is Na-me going to run away again like last time? Please, let’s get this right this time…
└ It’s only a 30-minute drive from Andover, so it’d be awkward not to go.

– 9 years and 7 months is insane.
└ This is the most shocking thing, and no one is mentioning itㅋㅋㅋㅋ
└ Na-me is like a puppy… you have to multiply the years by 7 to get her human age…
└ So she’s 67? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
└ A life compressed by 7 times ㄷㄷ


[Massachusetts ICM 2053]

The opening ceremony of the World Mathematicians’ Conference (ICM) begins with the announcement of the Fields Medal winners.

With over 5,000 mathematicians from 130 countries gathered in one place, the college entrance was bustling with people.

“Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Memorial Hall?”
“Hey guys, come here! NoName is here!”

Having 5,000 mathematicians means that 5,000 people know me.

People rushed over as if honey was smeared on my body.

Honestly, even if the award had not been leaked, my very presence was a spoiler.

Otherwise, there would be no reason for me to be here.

“Oh my, you are so small and cute…!”
“Hey! No approaching! The child is scared.”
“Do you want some chocolate, kid?”
“No, thanks. I brushed my teeth at home.”

Ironically, the one who drew the crowd was the one protecting me.

‘Why isn’t dad coming when he said he’d park the car?’

I sat quietly on a nearby bench covered in snow.

Then, as if it was a promise, people started lining up.

Eventually, one by one, they came out and asked to take pictures with me.

“Is it the Fields Medal?”
A curly-haired woman sitting next to me casually asked.

When I nodded, she applauded.

“You’re an amazing kid. Truly wonderful.”
“Haha, thank you.”

If I stay here any longer, I feel like I might melt under the barrage of compliments.

Just as I was about to text my location, Professor Cheon appeared through the crowd.

He raised his hand and waved it, and I shook off the attention and hopped down from the bench.

“You found me well.”
“I just walked towards where the people were gathering.”
“Oh, that method works. Memorial Hall is straight down that way.”
“Then let’s hurry. We’ll be late for the awards ceremony.”
“What does it matter if we’re late?”

Since coming to America, one thing has changed—I have become more relaxed in my mindset.

As I walked through the campus, I noticed beautiful Gothic architecture.

As we approached the main gate along the red exterior, a security guard in a black suit stood in front of us, blocking the way.

“Events are still ongoing inside, so we would appreciate it if you visit later.”
“We’re in a bit of a predicament if we can’t go in now.”
“I’m sorry. Just a little bit later—”
“I’m here to receive an award.”

I took off my white beanie to show my face.

“Oh my goodness, it’s NoName! Please, go inside. Someone is eagerly looking for you in there.”
“I guess we’re a little late.”
“Make sure to apologize once you’re in, okay?”

We received name tags from the staff at the front desk and entered Memorial Hall.

“NoName, please come this way. We need to prepare for the ceremony, so there isn’t much time.”
Over there, the president of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Governor were giving congratulatory speeches.

I parted ways with Professor Cheon around the middle and hurriedly walked to the waiting room behind the curtain.

“Oh, how do you do?”
“The star of the day has finally arrived.”

In the waiting room, two men in suits and bow ties stood up to welcome me.

One was in black, the other in dark blue.

As I bowed my head, the men greeted me with bright smiles and handshakes.

“Your suit is very fashionable, young lady.”
“Oh, this? I hastily rented it. Does it suit me well?”

I took off my long padding and slowly turned around to show off my outfit.

It’s just a plain black suit with black slacks.

Inside, I wore a simple white shirt.

Suddenly, one of the men burst into laughter.

It didn’t seem like he was laughing at me, but why?

“NoName, you rented that from Simon & Sons Tailor Shop in downtown Boston, right?”
“Oh, how did you know?”
“I actually live in Boston. My elementary school daughter rented a suit there for her year-end recital last month, and it looks just like what you’re wearing.”
“Ah, is that so?”
“Haha, no worries. It fits you perfectly.”

I’m glad to hear there’s no issue.

Considering the staff had rushed me in, the wait time here was quite long.

It seems that long speeches are the same no matter where you are in the world.

“Excuse me, Na-me?”

When three Fields Medal winners gather, they say that the math jokes begin, and I wonder if this is the moment.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to agonize over what joke to throw.

“I’ve always been curious, who exactly is Maria Euphrasia Terarubi?”
I was momentarily at a loss for words.

In the past, I had listed her as the first author on 5 out of 7 math papers.

With the exception of the Collatz conjecture and the strong Goldbach conjecture, they were all merely my ideas derived from hers.

I couldn’t explain it as a minimum respect for a mentor…

How should I put this into words?

[This is a blatant lie. It’s deceiving the people.]

At this moment, Cheon Saetbyeol’s words would not leave my mind.

You can’t make it through this harsh world without lies.

[I’m so scared of the ripple effect when the lie is exposed… doesn’t that scare you, too?]

But my younger sibling’s earnest gaze kept lingering in my mind.

‘Okay, I won’t lie. Just this one time.’

I bowed my head and began to speak the truth, one by one.

“Maria is my mentor.”
“Oh, then she might be a university professor. Interesting. How did you meet her?”
“A long time ago, when I was left alone, she was the only one who talked to me.”
“A long time?”
“Yes. A long time.”
“Last year? The year before?”
“Um, no. Much further back.”
“Ah… capsule…”

The Indian mathematician in a blue suit covered his mouth with his hands.

He furrowed his brow and started listening to me intently.

“During the time when I had no one to talk to in the world, Maria was the only person who became my conversation partner. All the knowledge of physics and magic studies was passed down from her. I diligently learned math and did research with her… Looking back, it was quite fun.”

“I’m sorry to say this, but the person you refer to as Maria isn’t originally from this world, right?”
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“Oh my… how tough it must have been to be trapped in such a small place.”
The Indian man’s eyes shimmered with tears.

“I felt how great a blessing it was to have someone to communicate with back then. That’s why my family is very precious to me now.”
“Thank you for living so bravely. I’m very grateful, Na-me. I believe your mentor, Maria, would be cheering for you in her heart.”

From behind the wall, applause from the audience could be heard. The speeches had just ended.

At that moment, an ICM staff member opened the door and gestured for me to get ready.

“Congratulations on winning the Fields Medal, NoName. Please wait behind the curtain until you are called up.”

I immediately corrected him.

“It’s NoName. That’s my name.”


“The next recipient is No.Name. Wizard from Philips Academy Andover. Congratulations.”

The gray-haired president of the International Mathematical Union called out Na-me’s name.

The loudest applause ever erupted in Harvard Memorial Hall.

As Na-me, dressed in an adorable suit, stepped out from behind the curtain, President Lichtman introduced her achievements one by one.

Meanwhile, below the stage, Professor Arti from the Indian Institute of Technology secretly wiped away tears after hearing Na-me’s heartbreaking story.

At last, the existence of Maria, who had been a topic of much talk in academia, was revealed.

Some people even belittled all of Na-me’s abilities as lies because of that one figure.

“But that wasn’t true. Maria was an imaginary mentor that kid created. In the end, it was herself.”

A young child created an imaginary existence to withstand loneliness and anxiety.

Na-me’s hallucinations had been maximized due to being confined in the capsule.

While communicating with her imaginary mentor and being trapped in virtual reality, she absorbed all knowledge she saw on the Internet like a sponge.

Professor Arti thought that this was why Na-me exhibited an abnormal level of mathematical excellence.

Despite being covered in the filth of tragedy, she eventually bloomed a flower.

This is the fruit of today.

“Once again, congratulations on winning the Fields Medal, NoName.”

Professor Arti opened his arms wide and applauded her fervently, wishing for her smooth path ahead.

Considering all the misfortune Na-me has faced, it only makes sense that good luck follows from now on.


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