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Chapter 420

The concept of a division didn’t emerge until the 18th century when military forces began to grow significantly, but in Na-me’s past life, it was already an established structure.

Two powerful forces: the Human Alliance and the Demon Alliance.

A war structure centered around superhumans with a tactical value of 1 to 100.

Even the Kaizen Empire, with a population of 80 million, organized over 40 divisions, while the Salbamoniun Demon Alliance boasted more than 100.

During times of total war, even young nobles in their 20s were appointed as division leaders.

So in the memories of the Emperor’s youngest daughter and the only granddaughter of the Demon King, division leaders would have been just people who poured a glass of water, regardless of race.

“I never really had a conversation with them anyway.”

Having left Shin Yeon-ho, who was trembling in fear, Na-me was about to exit the visiting room.

She noticed the table was empty and whispered a word.



Na-me showed a hint of discomfort towards the puzzled Two-Star Uncle.

“Now that I think about it, drinking only cola might make me thirsty. Is there no water in the visiting room?”

“Uh, there should be a water purifier on the first floor. I think I saw it on the way up.”

“Yes, it’s on the first floor.”

“Yeah, they said it’s on the first floor. If you don’t have a paper cup, ask Colonel Park here to get some from the storage.”

“Did you hear that? Oppa, I’m going now. Have fun. So-wol unnie, please call me when your visit is over.”

Waving her hand, Na-me scampered down the stairs.

To the stars following her, Shin Yeon-ho shouted his loyalty with all his might.

The gaze of the battalion chief looking at Shin Yeon-ho was unsettling.

That day, the private became a legend in the unit.

He achieved the ridiculous feat of ‘asking generals to leave the visiting room,’ ‘requesting water from a division leader,’ and ‘asking the battalion commander to bring him a paper cup.’

“I didn’t say that!”

To quell the malicious rumors spread by the playful chief, Shin Yeon-ho had to spend a total of 200,000 won at the convenience store.


Even on a sweet weekend, the officers didn’t avoid work.

To send them back to their families, we had to venture outside the unit.

To digest the chicken eaten earlier, I took a stroll along the path with Uncle Murphy.

“How’s your father doing?”

“He’s doing well. He might be taking a nap right now.”

“He must be very happy to have a cute daughter.”

“I’m not sure if he’s happy, but he has a lot of troubles because I have so many things going on. Is your eye okay?”

“Haha, this eye? It feels great, like I’ve been reborn. Living without seeing the flow of nature is such a pain.”

“That’s a relief.”

After experiencing war, one develops a compulsive habit of reading the flow of mana.

If this becomes severe, it results in PTSD.

“Does your father ever talk about the war?”

“The war? He’s never mentioned it.”

“Perhaps that’s for the best. One should not forget the war, but forget all the emotions tied to it.”

“That’s wise living.”

Suddenly, Murphy clapped his hands loudly.

The migratory birds resting were startled and flew away.

“The mood is too gloomy. I brought up some heavy topics! So you don’t attend school these days?”

“I dropped out.”

“That must be quite disappointing.”

“It is disappointing. But I don’t think I’ll regret it.”

“That’s quite a difficult dilemma. Disappointed but unregretful.”

“I just don’t think the academy is where I belong. As you can see, I’m not exactly normal compared to others.”

“Our friend, school is a space to learn and understand differences. Missing your friends? Then go to school. Don’t want to see friends? Then don’t go. But if you want to see them again, then go back.”

“Sounds easy.”

“I think school simplifies a complicated world. If you don’t experience trial and error when you’re young, you’ll definitely cause problems when you become an adult. If you dislike attending a Korean academy, how about coming to the U.S.?”

“Excuse me?”

“There’s Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. It’s a high school but offers university-level lectures and a massive campus of 600,000 pyeong where various practical lessons take place. If you like learning, you could have the best experience you can’t get in Korea.”

I searched for the academy on my phone.

As Murphy said, the academy occupied an astonishing area all to itself.

Just as I was amazed by the scale of the superpower,

Seeing my interest, Yulisis Murphy continued.

“If you prepare well, you could enroll directly into the 12th grade. For certain subjects, if you score a 7 on the level test, it will be recognized as credits from the get-go.”

“So, it’s a school where you can graduate just by passing a test theoretically?”

“Well, according to school rules, you do receive a diploma. But legally, to be recognized in the U.S., you have to earn at least 36 credits in a year. It’s a good school, so many friends graduate and still continue attending.”

“Seems like you graduated from Phillips Academy too.”

“Haha, did it show too much?”

“I’ll think about it. But I don’t like the idea of being abroad for too long.”

Above all, Dad and Cheon Saetbyeol are in Korea.

I wasn’t sure if it was such an attractive option to leave my family.

“Still, I don’t want to stay as someone who couldn’t even graduate elementary school.”

Cecilia graduated college two years ago, having already been 11 years old back then; I thought to myself that she was living quite vigorously.

Before I knew it, we walked around the path back to the starting point.

“Minister Murphy, I have two final questions: one is light-hearted, and the other is serious.”

“Ask away. I’d love to hear the light-hearted question first.”

“How did you get the title of the world’s strongest battlefield mage?”


“Battlefield mages are important strategic resources tied to the state and thus don’t just jump into battles. That’s why the National Exchange Tournament is held for those under 16.”

“Right, that’s accurate. You know it very well.”

“Then how do people call you the strongest without even a match?”

“Hahahahahaha! Wow, I didn’t expect that question at all.”

Murphy burst into laughter.

His answer was surprisingly simple.

“While countries may not clash, battlefield mages do engage in training amongst themselves. They’re probably doing it secretly in Korea too.”

“Is it a type of duel?”

“It’s similar to a duel, but it varies each week and the rules change yearly, so it’s hard to give a clear explanation. Na-me, do you want the nickname of the strongest?”

“No, well… I’d not mind it.”

“Actually, it’s a hazy memory from nearly 40 years ago, but during my prime, no one in the U.S. could rival me. Being the strongest in America meant being the strongest in the world. How’s that? Does that answer your question?”

“It was a cool reply balancing between confidence and arrogance.”

Given that the U.S. is a superpower, it’s part of what can be said.

“What’s the other one?”

“Before I ask the other, I have another question.”

“Okay! It’s great that our conversation is flowing. What’s your curiosity?”

“How can I prove that I’m a superior mage to the Secretary of State right here?”

This time, Murphy took some time to think.

Defining a superior mage is tricky.

They may know magic theory better, be able to create useful unique magic, excel in reading mana streams, or show talent in combat magic.

It seems Murphy caught onto my intentions.

I was subtly suggesting a little game to him.

Yulisis Murphy, now over 70 years old, but how strong must he have been?

Looking at those grand muscles he still maintained, it was clear he had been a monster.

“There’s a third-circle spell called Ventus Papillon. It’s not often cast as a standard spell but is frequently used as a broad-area spell.”

“Ventus Papillon? Never heard of it.”

“It’s an 18th-century magic.”

Ventus deals with fluid, specifically air.

Papillon means butterfly in French.

Yulisis Murphy took out his Light Transmutation Circle Inscriber and demonstrated.

At a glance, it looked like a wand, which he thumped lightly against the ground a couple of times.

[3rd Circle Broad Area Casting: Ventus Papillon]

A massive magic circle, measuring 10 meters in diameter, appeared above our heads.

I stepped back a few paces to memorize the circuits, runes, and detailed spells of the magic circle.

“Do you know what the butterfly effect is?”


“Strangely enough, there was a Baron Papillon in 18th century France. This magic he invented oddly fits the definition of the butterfly effect. Just watch.”

He gathered an orange aura around his eyes.

With eyes burning like a nocturnal beast, he strolled beneath the magic circle.

He stopped and tapped a part of the magic circle with his wand.

From that point, the entire magic circle surged upwards, and mana spiraled skyward like smoke.

The mana flew up like a dragon, swirling in place before slowly ascending and eventually disappearing from view.

“Is this all?”

“Just wait a little longer. Patience. Patience is important. Okay, here we go!”

There was no sound.

Suddenly, a hazy smoke appeared in the sky, billowing and expanding.

Is it a cloud?

That cloud gradually began to take shape.

A three-dimensional heart-shaped cloud floated majestically in the sky.

“Hahaha. It looks like nothing special, but there’s a challenge to cast it since the caster must read the ambient mana flow very accurately. To create bigger and more magnificent shapes, the margin of error has to be very, very small.”

In essence, it was 18th-century cloud fireworks.

“Where did you find something like this? I feel like I’ve never seen it in an encyclopedia.”

“I found it amidst old materials at the library. Now it’s your turn, NoName.”


I cranked the output of the Light Transmutation Circle Inscriber to the max.

Designing the magic circle wasn’t difficult.

It was at a level sufficient for someone with middle school knowledge.

[Broad Area Casting: Ventus Papillon]

Once again, a massive magic circle spun above our heads.

However, due to my short height, it appeared that Yulisis Murphy’s head popped out of the magic circle.

He stepped aside, and from under the magic circle, I slowly found my position.

Pushing my aura to the limit and reading the mana flow.

The world is a continuum linked by flows, and the flow never ceases.

Even the magic that humans use to manipulate the flow artificially is part of the flow created by nature.

There were whirlpools incessantly circling, heading upwards, and horizontal movements, alongside spaces where mana barely felt like it existed as if they were empty.

I thought I began to understand the principle.

If I let the mana slip, it spreads along the flow.

If I release mana from this spot, I must be able to accurately predict where it would reach.

I hesitated to reach out and searched for another spot.

As I was contemplating this for about 5 minutes, the broad-area magic circle started to fade.

Even trying to find it perfectly, I couldn’t grasp it.

Is luck just a way for a mage to showcase their skill?

Though I disagreed with that notion, I couldn’t lose the bet.

With my smallest pinky finger, I poked the magic circle.


Mana glided like a boa constrictor riding the mana stream, rising far and away into the sky.

And just where I was looking, cloud seeds exploded forth.

“A cone? No, this, ooooh.”

At first, it was a cone.

But the cone had two thick legs sprouting beneath it.

The formation of a creature soaring freely through the sky.

“It’s a unicorn.”

Time was short, so I only managed to manifest its upper half.

Gently rubbing my sore neck from gazing upward, I faintly smiled.

This was the first time I felt lucky.


“Alright, since I won the bet, I’ll respond sincerely. What was your last question?”

“Am I in danger right now?”


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