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Chapter 419

One of the greatest war heroes in American history, Yulisis Murphy, was serving as the 80th Secretary of State.

As the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the United States, he was ranked fourth in the presidential succession line.

Considering the role of the U.S. in global diplomacy, Murphy could be seen as the de facto second-in-command when it came to state affairs.

His nickname? The Terminator.

He was often featured in various media around the world as the man with the most expensive eyes, thanks to the bionic prosthetic eyes provided by the Australian government.

If the optic nerve is damaged, one cannot receive an eye transplant from another person.

However, it was possible to bypass the damage by using a small video camera that stimulated the brain directly with electrical pulses.

As time went on, the technology advanced, gradually improving resolution, frame rates, and reducing noise.

Nevertheless, it was fundamentally a mechanical device that couldn’t capture the aura.

And so, he bid farewell to the combat profession and lived for about 30 years with his prosthetic eyes.

Then one day, true “life technology,” not just bionic technology, emerged.

Suddenly, the era where human eyes could be created appeared, mocking the advancements in bionic eye technology.

And it was all thanks to a 9-year-old girl.

Patent? There wasn’t one.

Worldwide, movements to restore eyesight were already underway.

“The technology released for humanity’s sake deserves applause from around the world. And it is the duty of the United States, as the world’s police, to perform that role.”

Though Murphy had adapted to his prosthetic eyes, the desire to witness the flow of mana pulsating in the Magic Battle remained unchanged.

He specifically decided to undergo eye surgery in Korea.

After all, next month, a new administration would be coming in, ushering in the lame-duck season.

Foreseeing that this would be his last visit to Korea, Murphy reached out to the Korean government.


Yulisis Murphy’s trip to Korea was a surprise end-of-year event that caught everyone off guard.

He skipped all the state visit procedures, had a brief meeting with President Ijo-won, and headed straight to Asan Hospital in Seoul.

That night, a photo of Secretary Murphy donning patient attire at Asan Hospital hit major portal sites, sparking a heated response from netizens.

Murphy’s visit was an intricately planned show from start to finish.

With just one visit, he reaffirmed the strong U.S.-Korea alliance, solidified the U.S. position as a central nation in the world, and widely disseminated innovative new technology, thereby dispelling conspiracy theorists.

It was a bonus that it would be recorded as the first successful case of eye regeneration surgery in Korea.

He brought along America’s top wizards specialized in the design and decoding of the Akashic Records.

After undergoing thorough physical examinations and deep discussions with the Korean medical staff, the surgery was scheduled for two days later.

In the meantime, Murphy took the opportunity to meet with Korean comrades he fought alongside during his time as the commander of the 101st Airborne Division in the Middle East wars.

One among them was Kim Woong, the current head of the ADD (Defense Acquisition Program Administration).

“Are they completely replacing Korea’s National Defense Force? Has Korea developed new technology?”

“No, there’s no such thing. We found serious flaws in the barrier and are discussing it internally. It will soon be conveyed to the U.S. side.”

“Serious flaws? I’m no expert in Magic Studies, but hasn’t the theory of dimensional homogeneity been proven to be without flaws?”

Secretary Murphy asked, crossing his arms.

Every time his brawny arms flexed, Kim Woong unconsciously recoiled.

“The theory of dimensional homogeneity is still valid. If the barriers between each dimension protect one another, you’ll need to identify and break the connections of the magic circles one by one.”


“But if you look closely, this is defined only for integers and rational numbers. Thus, if there are overlapping dimensions under 80, theoretically, if there’s enough mana, a single 3-circle spell can breach the barrier.”

“Wait. I think we need a detailed explanation about that part.”

Kim Woong cleared his throat, adjusting his voice.

“Do you know about the Hausdorff-Klein dimension?”


“Think of it like a triangle inside another triangle from elementary school.”

“Oh, of course! The Sierpiński triangle! Wait, no way…?”

“Yes, if you turn the previously established magic circle’s Hausdorff dimension irrational, the concept of infinity is introduced, making the theory of dimensional homogeneity invalid. Furthermore, as the dimensions shrink logarithmically, it means that for the 50th National Defense Force, you’ll only need about a 3.56-circle spell to breach the barrier.”

Secretary Murphy, in his younger days, was quite the thinker as well.

Rubbing his chin and pondering, he eventually wore a serious expression.

“To think that a barrier I trusted completely could be made vulnerable by something found in an elementary school textbook… Who on earth came up with such a brilliant idea?”

“And that’s how an elementary student breached it.”

“An elementary student?”


Kim Woong again mentioned that girl’s name.

Hearing this, Murphy had no choice but to applaud.

“Still, the solution is simple: we just need to have more than 81 overlapping dimensions. It’s hard to create dimensions defined as irrational above the 4-circle level, though. Yet the fact that it’s still theoretically imperfect remains a hurdle, so research on the barriers must continue.”

“They say a true genius is one who turns difficult problems into easy ones. That sounds exactly like NoName.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

Once she lays her hands on something, all problems seem to effortlessly melt away.

She was undoubtedly a talent that would spark envy by accomplishing feats that most only dream of once in a lifetime.

Yulisis Murphy firmly decided to meet NoName before wrapping up his visit to Korea.

Though he worried since he heard she was in a period of reflection, there was no way he could just let it go after hearing such things.

“If a person gets to reflect on themselves just for hitting someone, then I’ve got at least a hundred years to spare.”

“Who knows, she might help with the issues the U.S. is currently facing.”

Two days later, Murphy found himself on the operating table.

The three-hour surgery was a success.

For the first time in 28 years, he could see his wife and children who accompanied him all the way to Korea with healthy eyes.

No more noise, no more pixelation.

“Oooh, the aura…! I can see mana. So vividly! Jamie, try casting any spell!”

Around the light magic his granddaughter cast, a blue aura swirled and gathered.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Yulisis Murphy shed a few tears.

The attending physician entered to deliver the surgery results.

“Congratulations on being able to see again.”

“Haha, to think the day would come when I’d create eyes with the Akashic Records. I suppose I’m the first in Korea.”

“Actually, you’re the second.”


The news anchor was just announcing that the first success had been achieved.

[Runner-up of the National Martial Arts Tournament, Ban So-wool, achieves Korea’s first ‘Eye Regeneration’… “Is there no issue with illegal medical practices?”]

[NoName clarifies she only used the Three-Circle Regeneration Technique, dispelling controversy.]

“Let’s hurry up and pack. We’ve got to go quickly.”

“Father, you still need to stabilize…”

“NoName, where is that girl right now?”


Getting some fresh air feels incredibly refreshing.

Today’s outing with Ban So-wool had a special concept.

They were going to visit Shin Yeon-ho in the military.

Since I had no memory of the military at all, I figured I must have been exempt in my first life.

But having experienced over ten years of war in my previous life, I inwardly thought it was about time I was recognized as an honorary veteran.

When it comes to Korea’s military, I typically think of a gloomy and old atmosphere, but the visiting room was surprisingly well-decorated.


While munching on chicken, Shin Yeon-ho choked a bit, pounding his chest.

“Oppa, eat slowly, eat slowly. Why the rush?”

Shin Yeon-ho quickly gulped down some cola and turned towards me.

His expression had taken a somehow fierce look.

He leaned slightly towards me and whispered in a very small voice.

“I feel so pressured being here. I want to eat quickly and get out.”


“Do you really not know?!”

Shin Yeon-ho scratched his short hair, showing a look of disbelief.

“Look around, Na-me.”

I glanced left and right.

To my left sat several colonels and a general.

To my right was Yulisis Murphy, the U.S. Secretary of State, along with a two-star and a one-star general.

“Yeah, I looked around.”

“Do you see? We’re the only team in this visiting room, and everyone’s here because of you? Plus, it’s the weekend!”


“Ugh, hurry up and eat the chicken!”

“I know what you mean. But it’s not my fault. I came specifically with So-wool unnie. They just tagged along.”

The beefy, no longer merely muscular Yulisis Murphy had persistently expressed his desire to meet me.

I made an excuse that I was busy since I had to visit again tomorrow.

But I certainly didn’t expect them to chase me all the way here.

Or did they misinterpret my suggestion to meet at the visiting site?

Besides, it seemed Murphy had arrived by helicopter with the officers.

“Yeah, I misspoke. It’s not your fault, Na-me. I apologize.”

“Fine, let’s say it’s my fault.”

“It’s really not your fault. Ah, Na-me, please don’t sulk.”

“Here, eat this chicken leg and calm down. I stole it from that mean Yeon-ho.”

Ban So-wool tried to offer me a chicken leg, but I shook my head.

I contemplated the couple sitting across from me, Shin Yeon-ho and Ban So-wool.

Perhaps I had been lacking in military sensitivity.

Now that he could see the eyes of his beloved, Shin Yeon-ho must be really happy.

But due to the unexpected guests, he had no chance to express his emotions.

Whenever Ban So-wool gazed at him lovingly, Shin Yeon-ho would shyly avert his eyes, and that was about it.

If this continues, Ban So-wool might feel hurt in the future.

I couldn’t let the couple break up.

“Actually, thinking again, it seems to be my fault, so I’ll go resolve this quickly.”

“Wait, NoName, what are you doing…!”

I quickly stood up and marched boldly over to the left table… or so I intended, but then I made a full circle to walk over to the right table instead.

After all, these people would just need to ask their superior for permission again, so it’d be better if I discussed this directly.

“Secretary Murphy and uh… General, I’m sorry I don’t know your name.”

“Haha, no problem. What brings you here?”

The general raised his voice, almost treating me like a child.

“It seems uncomfortable for everyone to be here while Private Shin Yeon-ho is visiting, so we were wondering if we should just step out.”

Shin Yeon-ho quickly jumped up and was mouthing something from afar.

I gave him a thumbs up, signaling that it was being resolved easily.


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