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Chapter 346

[Student Counseling Basic Data]

[Name: Cheon Saetbyeol]

[Date of Birth: April 9, 2036]

[Career and Occupation: Entertainer (self-wish) / Same (parents’ wish)]

[Hobbies and Skills: Listening to Music / Virtual Reality Games]

“Hmm, no matter how I think about it, this seems like a bombshell…”

The head teacher of Gu Ryong High School’s 1st Grade let out a sigh.

“You shouldn’t evaluate a student without even meeting them! You don’t know their true nature.”

“I’m just saying this because I’m worried about Eunjeong. Data shows that such kids tend to disrupt the study environment. Now that I see, they all passed through preliminary exams in elementary and middle school.”

“Maybe they all had their reasons, like health issues.”

Gu Ryong High School falls within the Gangnam’s top academic district.

The head teacher, who refers to himself as an exam expert, wasn’t thrilled about the new student’s career choice.

“Sure enough, it’s those kids who love to play and have their heads in the clouds that put down ‘entertainer.’ Do they think becoming a celebrity is easy these days?”

In regular high schools, every single top-ranking student’s college entrance score is crucial.

But if one little miscreant appears, it could muddy the waters for those who were doing well.

“And besides, they seem to be mixed race.”

“Head teacher, are you now being racist?”

“No, what I mean is, they probably have a look that would truly make them popular with boys. I understand why they wrote ‘entertainer.’”

“Can’t I see the student in our class too?”

“I’ll show you once I’m done looking at all of them.”

As he turned the page, the academic head’s eyes bulged out.

He brought out the glasses he usually avoided because they were uncomfortable and started reading the text.

[Family Relationships]

⦁Father: Cheon Kyu-jin / 57 years old / University Professor

⦁Younger Sibling: NoName / 8 years old / Elementary Student

[What I Wish for School Life: I want to have a fun school life!]

“Eunjeong, is there another NoName in our country besides this kid?”

“NoName? With such a unique name, I doubt there is anyone else.”

“Right, if they’re 8 years old and named NoName, it’s definitely unique… Look here.”

“What are you saying… Hwaam!

For some time, the two teachers were unable to speak, confirming the new student’s background.

“Did NoName have an older sister?”


If you ask people to remind them of a youthful period they wish to return to, high school days are often at the top of that list.

Even if they were caught in the shackles of college entrance exams, the memories built with fellow inmates of the same situation get romanticized over a lifetime.

However, those directly involved looked exhausted from the repetitive study hell they were stuck in.

During Math class on Monday morning, the students were already drowning in despair.

Fortunately, due to their math teacher being on sick leave, they were assigned self-study instead.

The 1st graders, as if in a pact, enjoyed the gentle spring breeze coming through the window and fell into sweet slumber.

Only a few students still determined to study for the midterms diligently moved their pens.

Just before the bell rang, a boy who had gone to the bathroom hurriedly sat on a chair and spoke to his friends.

“Guys, big news! The information teacher says a new student is coming today!”

At this news, the students roused from their shallow slumber rubbed their sleepy eyes and raised their heads.

“Ah, is it you again? Hwaam! I thought it was real.”

“Not a lie, it’s true. The new student is in the teacher’s office right now.”

“Or else?”

“If not, I’ll buy snacks for 5 million won.”

Only then did a serious atmosphere form around them.

“Is she pretty?”

“What’s she like? Is she handsome?”

To translate into their own language, they were essentially asking if the new student was male or female.

“I only heard it by passing by, so I didn’t see her. I heard she’s a girl.”


“With 23 students in our class, isn’t one missing? She has to come to our class!”

“Isn’t it gonna be someone who looks like Kim Hee-jung joining? That’d be disappointing…”

“Do you want to die? What’s wrong with looking like me?”

Even during break time, the buzz didn’t die down.

If the school had a community, every post would be about the new student.

A lucky student who got in and out of the teacher’s office spread the new information.

“It’s a bit embarrassing to say…”

“Oh, stop bullshitting and hurry!”

“Confirmed, she’s ranked as the top beauty in the province. Her head is super small, her skin is extremely white, and I’m not sure, but I think she’s a foreigner.”


Boys and girls alike cheered.

Most girls also shouted “Hooray!” loudly, as it turns out girls tend to love pretty girls more than guys.

For boys, only one person can enjoy that beauty, while girls can use it like a public treasure.

Pinching cheeks, holding hands, or hugging waists were culturally acceptable among high school girls in Korea.

When the bell announcing the start of the second period rang, not everyone returned to their seats.

Students busily grouped in threes and fours, eager to expend the energy they had accumulated during the first period.

Just then, the front door of the classroom opened, and Lee Eun-jeong, the Korean language teacher and homeroom teacher of 1st Grade 3rd Class, entered to quiet the chaos.

A female student following her shadow came into view.

Her calm brown hair brushed against her shoulders with each step and

Her skin was as flawless as snow without a blemish.

Students sitting in the front row could even see her sharp nose and longer-than-average eyelashes.

Despite being close to average height, her hips were positioned much higher, making her legs look incredibly long.

‘Is she really a foreigner? Can she speak Korean?’

‘Is she really wearing the same uniform as us?’

‘Her proportions are insane…’

‘She looks pretty yet handsome! Handsome yet pretty! How can a person be like this?’

As the new student scrutinized the classroom with a serious expression, every pair of eyes met elsewhere to avoid hers.

At this stage, the air was filled with awkwardness rather than friendliness.

“There’s a new student in our class. Since it’s her first time attending school, please don’t tease or point it out if she acts awkwardly, and make sure to take good care of her. Since she’s one of us Koreans, let’s not discriminate based on looks.”

What do you mean don’t discriminate based on looks!

Rather, the students thought they should treat her even better if she was that pretty.

“Then would you like to go sit in that empty seat? Your partner, Da-hee, will share the textbook with you.”

Adella flinched for a moment but then, after grabbing her bag, moved to the back row.

“Teacher, what about self-introductions!”

“You skipped that part!”

The questions from the students were valid.

But Lee Eun-jeong simply turned on the power to the blackboard and retorted.

“You should be doing that during break time with each other, this is class time now.”

“Aaah, teacher!”

Questions remained unanswered for the next 50 minutes of class.


“Next line. What’s the background in terms of content, underline this. Respecting humans and valuing life, aiming for a nature-friendly lifestyle, underline and circle number three.”

Adella listened to the Korean class with her back straight.

‘What is she talking about…!’

What’s a hyangchal and what the heck is a hyangga?

Every time an incomprehensible word popped up, her consciousness sank deeper into a swamp.

Tap tap-

The female student sitting next to her scribbled something on a yellow post-it.

[What’s your name?]

Adella smiled brightly and wrote neatly next to it.

[Cheon Saetbyeol.]

[Wow, that’s pretty 🙂 ]

The female student’s mouth opened round in surprise at the beautiful pure Korean name.

She handed the note to the student in front of her.

The student in the front row hid their hand behind their back and gave a thumbs up.

‘Oh, this way of communicating… I like it!’

[Where are you from?]


This time, she didn’t pass the note forward.

Maybe that wasn’t the answer she wanted.

[Were you born in Korea?]

[I think so, ㅇㅇ.]

[So, what’s your mixed heritage?]

[I don’t know well. Poland? Ukraine? Korea? Japan?]


Bae Da-hee’s eyes widened in confusion.

What did she mean she doesn’t know?


Understanding the telepathy perfectly, Adella nodded and picked up her pencil again.

[I’m an orphan! Both of my biological parents have passed away, and I was adopted!]


[Sorry sorry sorry sorry really sorryㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ]

She had opened Pandora’s box that should have remained shut.

Da-hee lowered her head deeply, shoulders shaking as she sobbed in guilt.

After a while, Da-hee managed to calm down, sniffling her nose as she continued with her questions.

[What do you like, Saetbyeol?]

[I like listening to rock music and playing games.]

[What games?]

[Right now, I’m playing Animal Crossing and Wagal.]

Then the last note was returned from one of the boys.

[└ Ask what tier she is.]

A messy scrawl filled with eagerness.

[└└ Master.]

As soon as the note made its way forward, a commotion erupted among the boys.

“Hey, let’s turn off this local broadcast. Here, the 10th element of Hyangga employs a three-part development structure, with the last as a falling melody-”

The teacher’s warning momentarily interrupted the flow of post-its.

Da-hee and Saetbyeol leaned in closer, discreetly reading the situation.

[Minji wants to know what makeup products you use.]

The questions from all sides flew in like paper airplanes.

Other new students didn’t receive this level of attention, but Cheon Saetbyeol was definitely different.

Students urged everyone to give the next answer quickly with blazing eyes.


[No, BB cream or powder.]

[I didn’t apply any.]


Da-hee’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief.

A hint of betrayal also flickered on her face.

[Do you have a boyfriend?]

[Nope, I’m a virgin.]

[What’s your type?]

Adella bit down on her pencil, slowly contemplating.

‘If I think about it, Na-me Unni’s Wagal avatar is totally my type…’

She thought of her image as the most aesthetically perfect without regard to gender.

With her standards raised high, Adella casually dismissed this question too as “not really.”

The number of questions she answered barely totaled a few.

Since it was proceeding very slowly without the homeroom teacher catching on, they were nearing the end of the second period.

Da-hee finally asked her last question she really wanted to know.

[You said it’s your first time at school today, right?]

[Yeah, yeah.]

[Was there a reason you couldn’t attend school until now? It’s a sensitive question, so you don’t have to answer, Saetbyeol!]

[Ah, it’s nothing significant.]

Adella flashed a smile as if to say there was no problem.

‘Guess it really isn’t a big deal; that’s a relief!’

Believing that fully, Da-hee looked down at her answer.

[Actually, I haven’t been able to move my body freely for a while. I’ve recently undergone magical treatment and can finally enjoy daily life.]


“I’m back from school!”

“Oh, Adella, how was your first school life? Nothing out of the ordinary?”

“Oh, sis, you’re worrying too much. Everyone was really nice to me. They even helped me carry my lunch tray.”

“Did they make you carry your lunch tray? I clearly warned you that if I hear you’re bothering my other friends, I’ll deal with you myself!”


[Magic Item: Demon King’s Horn]

Na-me’s eyes gleamed ominously.

In her long memory, high school was akin to a wilderness.

She couldn’t even imagine what kind of force was needed to subdue those prideful kids, even for just a day.

There must have been significant clashes among them.

“It wasn’t me who said that! They just wanted to help each other!”

“Don’t make excuses, Adella. Did I teach you to use your aura for that? Huh?”

“I swear, I’m so unfairly accused! It’s so unfair!”

Adella pleaded with hands on her chest to express her indignation, but Na-me wouldn’t listen.

An ominous mana storm loomed over the entire living room, causing Adella to instinctively reveal her cat ears.

“Oh, are we not going to conceal the aura now? You’re even getting cheeky?”

“Daddy, help me! Daddy!”

“Dad will be late coming home since he has to review papers today. You’re in trouble.”

The crimson aura boiled on Na-me’s back and grotesquely grew into her hand.

It was the hand of the Demon King she had showcased during the Academy Competition.

A mere Mariposa could only be caught by another Mariposa.

The giant claws snagged Adella’s cat ears with a crunch!

“Ahhh! My ears! It hurts! Why is this hurting?!”

“It’s just phantom pain, so stop whining and follow me to my room.”

“Nyaaaaaah! This psycho little brat is the real deal!”


The soundproof door closed, and the home of Professor Cheon fell silent once again.


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