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Chapter 329

[NoName Minor Gallery]

[Concept Post]

[Nietzsche, you’re wrong! God exists in this world! (Fan Meeting Review)][41]

(You are the best! Double thumbs up! Happy happy Na-me! gif)

I can’t believe I actually saw this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

After welcoming the Room Leader, I wrote a few reviews. She’s much smaller, much cuter, and much more mature than I expected ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I didn’t realize how small 114cm was; she’s just like a kindergartner…

I’ll keep uploading photos from here on out. I’ll skip the detailed explanations.


– Did you hug Na-me? How was it?

└(Author): Yup, she’s super light. At 20kg, you might think it’s heavy like a sack of rice, but her weight is really distributed so it feels like just a gentle touch. Think of her like an empty barbell at the gym.

└ But an empty barbell is 20kg, you idiot ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└(Author): Woah, you’re right?

– Please upload more pictures of her smiling!

└(Author): I’ll look for some.

Na-me’s fan meeting presented many rare scenes.

Although she wasn’t singing or dancing, moments were captured of her nibbling on a fist-sized cookie or twirling her hair in boredom.

I also shared some funny photos that would make Na-me furious if she saw them.

In the meantime, a somewhat unfamiliar outsider started to blend into the community.

[Phase 3 Completed! FDA Approved! 1000 Trillion Support for Rare Disease Treatment Development Stock Disclosure][1]

bit.ly/O3ueY74J3P ◀ Enter free reading room


– Na-me Gallery has grown a lot. Even spam posts like this are popping up.

[Is it true that a 500,000 won rescue team from Mars Pharmaceuticals is coming?][3]

ㅠㅠㅠ It’s freezing on the top floor and I’m starving, please rescue me quickly…


– I think you found the wrong gallery.

– Where are your coordinates?

middle finger

[Is it just me, or do stock traders seem to be flocking here because of this article?][17]

[Exclusive] “Mars Pharmaceuticals” Acquires “Bio-Akashic” for 140 Billion Won

400 billion in cash plus 1 trillion in treasury stock ㄷㄷ


– Argh, why are they acting up here?;

– There must be something going on ㅋㅋㅋ

– Why is Bio-Akashic unlisted? If I could sell, I’d invest all my assets!

[If you’re going to watch Cannon King’s live broadcast later, make sure to check it outㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

I even paid for TBS to see this live.


– Wow, no excuse to miss the Na-me fan meeting review with Cannon’s appearance.

– Cannon has become a celebrity too~ meeting Na-me as well~

– The person is just likable ㅋㅋㅋ


“Cannon, I heard you learned humility in Korea?”

“When I first arrived at Incheon Airport, thousands of people welcomed me. No joke, I really felt like a Hollywood star. It’s not common to receive such a warm reception from people on the other side of the Earth, right?”

“Of course.”

“The next day, after finishing my schedule, I entered Na-noName’s fan meeting. I found a seat in the corner and we all waited for Na-me. Suddenly, the guy next to me was poking my arm. I thought to myself, ‘Haha! This guy’s popularity, but asking for an autograph here is awkward.’”

“Haha, I think you have every right to feel that way!”

“I must have had too many expectations. He asked me when Na-me was coming. I replied, ‘How would I know?’ and he quickly turned away and focused back on his community.”

“That man might not know who you are.”

“No, no! He definitely knew! He called me Cannon from the start! But in front of Na-me, I was just a passing ant! Honestly, it actually allowed me to enjoy the fan meeting more comfortably.”

Cannon appeared on a radio show with other hosts to talk about his experiences in Korea.

As he introduced the stories from his week in Korea, he returned to talking about Na-me.

“How did you feel, Cannon? Is she really a genius as the rumors say?”

“She’s definitely a genius. No, you won’t find anyone like her in this world.”


“I can explain it very simply. She’s only 8 years old but she’s running a business!”

“A business? Can you explain a bit more?”

“The base is a pharmaceutical company. She’s researching treatments for the 3 million patients with Multiple Sclerosis globally. Plus, I hear she’s developing a telemedicine system using magic.”

“Wow… I can’t believe it!”

After that, Cannon continued to brag about Na-me.

She offered thoughtful advice to fans worrying about the future and showcased astonishing mental calculation skills that were hard to believe for someone her age.

One talk show panelist watching the fan meeting video was left wide-eyed in amazement.

“Oh, the NoName from Wagal! I know who she is! This is the first time I’ve learned they are the same person…!”

The episode of the NoName fan meeting that appeared in Cannon King’s live broadcast drew immense attention globally.

An 8-year-old founder, a genius brain, and a dramatic survivor of the Valpurgis terror combined to create a narrative that truly resonated with the public.

Just as it had happened a few months ago in Korea, the American media focused on Na-me’s recent moves.

The hardliners arguing for acquiring Bio-Akashic clashed with skeptics who thought it might be a scam leveraging fame.

“The Multiple Sclerosis market is worth a whopping 30 billion dollars! Investing 100 million dollars and capturing just 1% market share would still leave profit!”

However, there were valid points raised by the skeptics.

“Did we forget the cases where a business idea was revealed as a scam, leaving a hundred billion dollar stock worthless? Acquiring that is like gambling, not business!”

Historically, there have been plenty of bold scammers.

However, during a time when the phrase “self-made rich” became a vulgar joke, America’s largest pharmaceutical company willingly extended a hand to Na-me.


During the winter vacation, I visited Bio-Akashic Corporation multiple times, but today’s atmosphere felt completely different.

“Na-me, welcome! Isn’t it really cold outside?”

“Who’s speaking too casually to the Chairman! Thank you, NoName Chairman, for taking the time out of your busy schedule. Would you like some tea? Or maybe hot chocolate?”

I was instantly surrounded by Bio-Akashic employees.

These were the former employees who scattered like Dragon Balls in Silicon Valley but gathered again by CEO Baek Ho-chan’s desperate pleas.

Even after having failed a company, their gathering shows that he must have quite a reputation.

Usually, capable people tend to look like walking zombies since they’re buried in work…

But today was a bit different.

“Even though it’s Monday, everyone seems so full of energy?”

There was no response.

But I guess everyone probably guessed the reason.

I hung my long padding on the coat rack and entered the conference room, whose walls were blocked by black glass.

Baek Ho-chan welcomed me with a wave from the top seat.

“Na-me! Long time no see!”

“We saw each other last week. This is my spot, so move over quickly.”

Baek Ho-chan hurriedly scooted to the side.

I surveyed the faces of the other executives, who were all dressed impeccably and were radiating smiles.

“What’s making everyone so happy? If I suddenly change my mind, it could ruin the sale.”

Only then did everyone straighten up and suppress their smiles.

Baek Ho-chan opened his mouth.

“What’s going on? Johnson & Johnson approached us first with an acquisition proposal!”

Although it hasn’t been announced yet, the treatment ‘Persizumab’ showed quite, no, overwhelmingly great results in Phase 3 trials.

Positive opinions were received from 11 clinical trial institutions across the country.

Exact clinical results are expected to be reported in half a year, but thanks to technological advancements, it seems they can easily determine whether it will pass or fail.

Smelling an opportunity first, Mars Pharmaceuticals suggested an acquisition price of 1.4 trillion won.

Quickly calculating, the cash assets I would receive after taxes would only be about 10 billion won.

I corrected what Baek Ho-chan said.

“Actually, we were the ones who proposed it first.”

“Uh? Who? You?”

“Yeah. One of my father’s acquaintances is an executive at Johnson & Johnson.”

I contacted Robert Kim, who had provided me with solid potions.

I thought I’d need to get Adella out sooner and sped up my plans, but I unexpectedly received a positive response.

If a decision has been made, couldn’t they just tell me instead of letting it blow up like this?

“Ah, it makes sense… this dirty world of connections…!”

Baek Ho-chan clenched his fist and ground his teeth.

I shrugged my shoulders.

Was it any different in any era?

“Anyway, what’s most important to you all is the exchange ratio, right? Don’t you think?”

The biggest issue with startup stocks is that they are hard to sell.

Even if you receive stocks worth several tens of millions as a performance bonus, it’s often useless because you can’t find anyone to buy them.

However, if you receive cash or shares in a listed company as payment for an acquisition, it’s a different story.

Not only would you be sitting on a surprise pile of cash, but you’d also enjoy the double benefit of the parent company being Johnson & Johnson.

It was a piece of news that would have employees who’ve been working 52 hours a week and 20 hours of remote work cheering.

“I actually overheard you all in the hallway while passing. You guys were saying in English, ‘You get 300 million, I get 300 million,’ and having a good time.”

“Oh gosh, that’s so embarrassing… be careful!”

“But what I’m really concerned about is this: Even if the treatment is released, the one-year dosing cost should be below 3000 dollars. In Korea, it’s okay because health insurance covers 90%, but there are many countries that don’t.”


Though I had brought it up before, Baek Ho-chan always took a pessimistic stance.

“I know. We need to capture more than 15.8% market share to break even.”

The acquisition price they suggested for Bio-Akashic wasn’t a problem.

500 million dollars, or 900 billion won in cash.

After taking my 40% stake and deducting various taxes including transfer tax, local income tax, securities transaction tax, and gift tax, I’d be left with over 221.4 billion won, surpassing Adella’s human transmutation cost of 209.1 billion.

“Well, Johnson & Johnson wouldn’t easily accept those conditions. How do we convince them to sell it at a lower price?”

Baek Ho-chan started tapping his foot, pondering deeply.

“Why? Didn’t I already give the answer? We need to capture over 15.8% market share to break even.”

“Why’s that? Wait a moment, oh I see?”

Baek Ho-chan snapped his fingers.

The law of supply and demand is common sense even middle schoolers learn.

“Are you saying the best treatment can’t exceed that percentage if it’s sold at five times cheaper? Are you kidding? Make a persuasive presentation to convince them!”

“Ah… I get it!”

“Hurry up! Right now! Get moving!”


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