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Chapter 327

Chapter 327. From Today, an Isekai Munchkin Hunter

“Kim Gi-ryeo Hunter has amnesia!”

“It’s not just the lungs that are a problem!”

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘lungs’?”

“Enchanter-nim, that’s…”

“Oh my goodness!”

What a chaotic situation! I didn’t even know where to begin to clean this mess up. I raised my hoarse voice, but nobody was paying attention.

“No, seriously, it’s not something to freak out about!”

And then, as I pondered, I realized that the issue with the Earth disease was fundamentally something that couldn’t be easily explained.

‘I can’t just throw some untested advanced brainwashing magic on those living beings just to make them believe this.’

Clearly, someone who’s obviously sick saying they’re fine is hard to accept.

So how could I prove that I wouldn’t die from this abnormal cell division?

Should I show them a miracle like the Second Coming of Christ?

‘No way! I need to take care of this precious body and keep it in good shape. If I end up breaking it like this again, the usable time…’

Thinking back, I considered why I had been pretending to be sick all this time.

And why I occasionally hinted at wanting to quit the industry.

To explain this topic based entirely on truth…


Guys, the truth is I’ve reincarnated as a tentacled alien and the body I ended up in was originally F-class, getting entangled in all this because I didn’t know the local situation, and from some point onward I was an S-class fooling the world while looking to retire.

‘If I said that, the number of doctors visiting this hospital room would just change.’

I began to gauge how much information I needed to convey and immediately gave up on that.

I certainly couldn’t sit all these Earthlings down and go on about the good old days.

More than anything, I didn’t have the energy for that.

“Sigh. What a bother.”

So I quickly addressed them.

“Anyway, since I’ve regained my strength, there’s no reason for me to explain everything in detail!”

I irresponsibly gave up on explaining and brusquely shooed them away.

“Look, I’ve confirmed I’m alive, so now everyone, please leave. Let me rest.”

I was hungry.

It hadn’t been long since I recovered my major organs, and I was all over the place mentally.

I couldn’t even gauge my magic properly, and soon it seemed I was going to crush Gu Seo-hyeong purely by my presence.

I decided to kick all the Earthlings out and sort my thoughts alone.


But as other hunters left with their shoulders slumped,

there was one person.

The Earthling with the buzz cut couldn’t seem to find the right words to get up.

“Yoon Seung-ah, it’s okay. There’s really nothing to worry about.”

I encouraged the one sitting next to my hospital bed, gently patting his back, telling him I would organize my words so he could understand eventually.

But at that moment.

From a distance, a familiar magical presence caught both of our attention simultaneously.

Thud, thud, thud.

What followed was the noise of shoes hitting the hospital floor—someone was coming down the corridor with wide strides and light footsteps.

So we encountered the owner of that magical aura sooner than expected.



His sharp eyes, nearly popping out, and the unnatural blue hair that couldn’t belong to a mammal.

‘Kang Chang-ho?’

Yes, it’s Kang Chang-ho.

At first, I found it simply realistic to have this guy show up at the hospital, but then a strange… specifically temporal discomfort flashed through my neurons.

But that didn’t last long.

The giant of a hunter stomped straight into the hospital room, folding his arms behind his back and staring at the patient intently.

“Oh! By the way, brother! You specifically said to bring this person before you collapsed, right? Though I was in no state to lift a finger back then, I heard everything!”

Ahn Yoon-seung cheerfully reported as he spotted him.

“So I didn’t forget that! I went out of my way to dig up Kang Chang-ho’s contact info and called him here.”

As the sentence I had muttered out before losing consciousness suddenly flashed in my mind and faded away,

cold sweat poured down my back.

“Everything the A-Class Awakened here said is true.”

Clearly, back when I was celebrating regaining my strength, I had thought it would be good to casually mention Kang Chang-ho in the marketplace.

But now, after my lungs exploded, it was a little…

“Word is that Kim Gi-ryeo Hunter asked for someone right before closing his eyes. But you already had the situation well underway—so why was that?”

Shiver, shiver, shiver.

Contrary to my fears, Ahn Yoon-seung seemed to have perfectly filtered someone’s profanity to fulfill the request.

Judging by the flow of magic, that S-Class didn’t look angry at all.

So I quickly laid back in the hospital bed and began to explain.

“Uh, no, it’s just that… Kang Chang-ho Hunter was worried, so he told me to call you… You know, when a person suddenly loses contact, well, we obviously need to start searching as soon as we finish the raid.”


“Ugh, but why is it so hot in here? Is the air conditioning broken? Anyway, I’m feeling sleepy right now, so we can talk more later?”

I was sweating bullets while suggesting a break, and Kang Chang-ho shrugged his shoulders.

“Suit yourself.”

At the same time, he added that once he regained full stability, he better get in touch.

There was still plenty to do concerning follow-ups on this incident.

And the promise for the doctor to revisit after leaking patient information.

In any case, there was still much work to be done.

‘Oh man, my head.’

The wave of mental fatigue washed over me.

Just as Kang Chang-ho continued to rub his eyes and Ahn Yoon-seung was getting ready to leave with a sulky expression,

I asked one last question of my guest before the hospital room emptied.

“By the way, excuse me, but could you lend me [Justitia] later?”

That item for proving the truth seemed like it could neatly clear up the growing misunderstandings.

But at my question, Kang Chang-ho stopped rubbing his eyes and replied nonchalantly.

“I sold that.”

Oh my god, damn…


How long has it been since I heard the news that Kang Chang-ho had sold a rare item?


Hours passed after that.

On the hospital rooftop.


A full night had passed, and the sky had turned into a bright morning, with the locally grown Earth plants beginning to change their clothes for the upcoming fall.

The hospital had beautifully maintained a rooftop garden, open for staff or patients to use.

After a moment, a man with a dry expression walked in from the door and leaned against the nearby railing.


The reincarnated one had landed properly on Earth.

However, it hadn’t even been 24 hours since he had his lungs reattached, and he wasn’t in a state to carelessly use magic just yet.

So the man modestly wore a patient gown with blue writing, resting lazily in the long-awaited healing process.


A few minutes later…

As Kim Gi-ryeo was absentmindedly gazing at the world outside the building,

the hospital rooftop door opened again, and a familiar face stepped inside.

“Mr. Kim Hunter.”

It had never been difficult to recognize her distinctive magical presence before, but now that my senses were completely sharpened, the shape of the world felt entirely different.

“Yes. Good morning.”

“Sorry I’m late. I ran into a red gate on the way.”

The blond hunter shook off random thoughts and greeted the Earthling before her.

“By the way, I did come because I heard you were looking for me.”

Seonwoo-yeon mentioned as she faced the person on the rooftop.

“So what’s with that notebook?”


“What are you writing in it?”

“Just took a quick note. Don’t mind it.”


Kim Gi-ryeo tucked the convenience store notebook he had been holding behind his back as he spoke.

“Anyway, the reason I’m looking for you, Seonwoo-yeon, is regarding Enzo Chiano.”


To add, the incident that occurred yesterday had made waves due to the involvement of several overseas S-classes.

Yet in this noisy world, the rooftop garden that served as a recovery space remained calm.


The blond man took a moment to intake some air.

“Anyway, the corpses of the beasts are well-preserved in Korea, right?”

Through the ensuing conversation, his purpose was clearly revealed.

This alien soul planned to investigate the corpses of the beasts, reading the information from them once rested.

“Yes, that’s correct. Their bodies and all equipment are important evidence related to the incident and are currently managed by the forensic department.”

“Is it being properly guarded?”

“If you’re asking about the security level, they’ll do their best, of course.”

“Got it. Well, besides, it doesn’t matter who steals them now, as they can all be tracked anyway.”

An average B-Class Awakened responded.


When his head got smashed inside a cave, I seriously wondered what would happen.

Having faced a life-or-death crisis, resurrected like an immortal, and now squeezing ordinary people in the ward with pressure from his mana—that man was presumed to be a great mage.

Seonwoo-yeon felt a sense of bewilderment as she faced such a person.

“What’s so surprising? I’ve always been this strong.”


“Especially since Kim Gi-ryeo was a smoker, he had many issues in the past, but to make an analogy, just like a martial arts hero, my meridians have opened up from yesterday’s events, and I can finally live my life properly starting today.”

“Wait, what did you just say?”

“…There was a well-worn comic book in the inner library. I couldn’t help but be curious when I found it while out for that notebook…”

“Excuse me?”

“But it was after the Dungeon Shock, so really, I have no idea what was fiction or not. I might have to steer clear of the creative culture here for a while.”

But even with suddenly increased mana, he was still himself.


And making chilling decisions that are hard for people to accept, he did so without a care.

“A martial arts novel? Hunter, there’ll probably be noise about justifiable self-defense soon. Are you going to be okay…?”

Sometimes he would blurt out nonsense that was beyond comprehension.

Seonwoo-yeon furrowed her brows in worry for a moment as the alien being replied.

“I’ll think it over for a while and decide whether it will be okay or not.”


“Anyway, now that our business is finished, let’s go. I mean, after all, a report could just have been sent via text. Why’d you come here in person? Was the confidentiality of the corpses something I should worry about?”

The woman with long hair laughed awkwardly.

“I came in person to see for myself if you’re okay. I heard you awakened from the people who visited, but something about it still feels surreal.”

“…Ah. Well then.”

With that conversation closed, Seonwoo-yeon exited through the iron door again.

It wasn’t even 9 AM yet, so she was heading off to work.

‘Poor mammals.’

Given that, the local inhabitants could return; from now on, they were completely free individuals.

Kim Gi-ryeo turned his gaze back toward the hospital railing.

And while taking out the notebook and pen he had hidden behind his back during their conversation, he wondered.

‘The masterminds behind the dungeon takeover incident, various magic adaptations to the Earth version, conspiracies and the repercussions of many lies spread among Earth acquaintances…’

For now, he could not take action as he was still stabilizing his body, yet a mountain of tasks lay ahead of him.

However, Kim Gi-ryeo had already prioritized all those matters.

The top priority was to read memories from the beast’s group before their corpses suffered further harm.

And then…



Kim Gi-ryeo flipped the page of the notebook he was holding.

And what appeared was writing in this Korean language he had progressively become familiar with.


Goals |100|

[Detailed Records]

‘A being at the apex of the planetary food pyramid, showing no major issues for survival, seeks to massacre fellow countrymen for personal gain –3

‘Even considering the financial compensation received from the employer, the attending nurse is excessively kind to the patient +1

‘Observations during peak commuting hours revealed 40 petty crimes in a single day related to jaywalking, littering, etc. –1

‘Genetic pool reduction – Kang Chang-ho -10

A frog in the hunting industry.

Contempt from a giant guild’s F-class.

And beyond the disputes with human trafficking and the Nachalsawon, the awakening-hating groups.

He was now in a state of mind having come through several contests against the new beasts.

‘Perhaps the ruling class of this planet has already crossed an irreversible river.’

This was a thought he’d been having for a long time.

If the selfishness of these residents far exceeds dangerous levels, and it’s evident they’re bound to destroy their fellow countrymen, various life forms, and eventually this planet like a declining virus, could he truly just stand by and watch?

Now the alien mage had substantially regained his primary abilities.

And after the events he experienced while living this second life, he finally made a decision.

After taking the time to ponder it carefully,

once he feels he has crossed the line he set for himself, he would completely eradicate those mammals!

‘Based on observation, the rest of the trivial worries might be handled automatically.’

With that resolution made, he decided to take it easy and keep an eye on the world today while waiting for his body to recover.

Having awakened to a level beyond S-Class, the blond man leaned back against the railing once again.

The autumn breeze on Earth felt rather refreshing now.


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