Switch Mode

Chapter 313

Chapter 313. Dinner (2)


Well then, let’s start this conversation politely according to Earth customs.

“Are you available to talk now?”

– Well, if they answered the phone, they must be.

A man’s voice flowed out from the speaker.

‘What a mammal, acting all high and mighty.’

Gi-ryeo reluctantly pulled the mobile phone away from his ear, giving the screen a sour look.

But that momentary expression of dissatisfaction didn’t linger.

“Excuse me for contacting you suddenly. But I have a question to ask.”

Just so you know, this isn’t just a simple greeting.

At first, he thought about rudely demanding, ‘Get out to the place I’ve pinned right now,’ but after some thought, this incident seemed particularly extraordinary, no matter how he summarized it.

A public servant attacked in the lobby.

The mysterious guild [QuantumPulse].

And criminals disguised as beasts after Brooklyn Morgan’s death?

‘This is odd. It’d be best to gather as much information as possible before jumping in.’

Thinking about it.

Kang Chang-ho was particularly useful in this regard, even without physical assistance.

That Earthling strangely had significantly more information than other mammals.

‘Among the hunters I know, this guy is the one who’s most knowledgeable about illegal activities.’

Therefore, Gi-ryeo promptly asked the hunter with the surname Kang.

Hiding the special nature of the gate for now.

Actually, there’s been some trouble in the capital. I wanted to start by asking if you had heard about the armed group that appeared inside a suspicious gate.

“And the identity of that armed group has been confirmed to be the ‘Beast,’ which has been causing quite a stir lately.”


“Since you’re the S-Class Hunter Kang Chang-ho, I thought you might have heard something about them. So, if you don’t mind me asking, do you know the identity of the Beast?”

Gi-ryeo finished speaking and leaned in closer to the speaker.

As soon as he asked, the third S-Class of Korea seemed to take quite a long pause before answering.


He spoke in a rare tone of questioning.

– Just the other day, the Beast was causing a ruckus in the middle of America, and now, suddenly, they’re in Seoul.

“Yes, yes. It seems you’ve been keeping up with the news this morning, Hunter.”

-But why would they come looking for information from me?


A rustling sound, like clothes brushing against each other, came over the speaker.

Guessing, it seemed the person on the other end had crossed their arms.

-This area doesn’t have anyone here to check on things, and I’ve been honestly ignoring visible magic powers…

“Yes. Thank you.”

-I didn’t say that to hear a soulless thank you. I explicitly warned you to stay out of trouble, and if this keeps up, it’s going to be troublesome. Or is it just that knowing the identity of the Beast is your wish, Gi-ryeo Hunter? Or maybe you’re protesting because the reward processing has been delayed?

Just as the third S-Class of Korea inhaled as if feeling something unsatisfactory.

Gi-ryeo hurriedly offered additional clarification before the other party could get more upset.

“That’s not the case. It’s just that there’s another request at hand. Since it’s a matter involving a strange entity like the Beast, I want to prepare as much as I can in advance…”

The other party acknowledged with a sound of understanding.

“Since this will be the last bit of help, teacher, please consider it. If there’s any information you have related to it, do share.”

Trying his best to address the Earth culture politely with honorifics, the spirit from the other side quickly responded affirmatively.

-Oh, with a subordinate asking so much, it’s tough for me, as an elder, to pretend not to know.

Wait a minute.


But, compared to usual, the call quality seemed unusually poor right now.

As Gi-ryeo tilted his head, following the husky sound, a new voice emerged.

-First of all… let’s make sure about that part. Unfortunately, the request to tell you the identity of the Beast is, at least for now, ‘impossible to fulfill.’

What did you just say?

-The Beast has rare supernatural abilities, so naturally, I’ve kept an eye on it. But I’m not so invested that I want to know its identity at all costs.


-And until earlier this year, I even mistakenly thought an industry type, Kim, was involved for no reason.


-Anyway, to conclude, I don’t know the identity of the Beast either.

This useless…

As soon as he heard Chang-ho’s response, the dead black eyes filled with frustration turned into a more severe cross-eyed glare.

Gi-ryeo, suppressing his annoyance with a displeased expression while staring at the air, suddenly let out a line to shift the atmosphere.

-…However, it’s certain that there are no Koreans in that bizarre group wearing bone masks.

This is strange.

Since he had seen the true face of the Beast personally, it was obvious it was a foreigner.

But how did Kang Chang-ho have that certainty?

That moment of doubt passed.

Kang Chang-ho continued talking in his usual tone.

In fact, he had taken a look at the domestic situation just around the time the Beast started causing chaos again.

-To share some of the information I gathered back then, when the Beast seized the gate in France, all of our S-Class hunters were in Korea. Oh, just so you know, this isn’t from eyesight but was discovered quite plainly through exit records, so rest easy.

“I’m sorry, but I’m just genuinely asking out of ignorance, but it seems like you’ve illegally checked someone else’s entry and exit records. Is it really alright to rest easy about that?”

Anyway, that’s roughly how it is.

A new report came saying the second-generation Beasts aren’t Koreans.

-But it’s truly unexpected that the Beast group suddenly focused on dungeons on the Korean Peninsula.

Kang Chang-ho ignored the previous contractee’s ramblings and continued.

-Since I’ve provided some fresh information, perhaps I’ll do a light investigation on this side as well.

“How long do you think it will take?”

-Things don’t work out as I wish, so it may take quite a while. But since I unexpectedly wish to share information without reducing any favors, don’t be too picky about the quality of this service.

I had high hopes, but it surprisingly yielded zero results in terms of information.

‘If I can’t immediately figure out the identity of the fake Beasts, then any political maneuvers are doomed to fail. That being said.’

No matter how this situation played out, the final job wouldn’t change.

He had to reclaim that dungeon occupied by the Beasts, no matter what.

Gi-ryeo tightened his grip on the mobile phone and finally got to the main point.

“Then, I understand the investigation part. I’ll send you the address now, so please come.”

-Where to? Seoul?

“Yes. Actually, my real request is for Mr. Kang Chang-ho to come here to reclaim the stolen dungeon with me.”

Unless it’s a completely disadvantageous situation like in Kagoshima.

But right now, it was a situation where Jeong Ha-seong, Esther, and even other guilds could be gathered to enlist the help of A-Class Awakened.

Thus, he calculated that Kang Chang-ho wouldn’t easily give in like last time and spouted his words.

-That’s going to be difficult.

But who would have thought it would all go awry right from the start?


The rough tone burst out without being refined.

‘No, I’m not asking for you to catch all three Beasts; why are you saying such absurd things…’

However, the other party maintained a calm tone despite the extraterrestrial’s anger.

-It’s not some petty reason you think it is. I’m literally in India right now, and I can’t get to Seoul immediately.

“What did you say?”

-I’m currently in India.

Kang Chang-ho too had his own circumstances.

-Wait a minute; by the way, why are you so eager to reclaim a dungeon that someone else entered in the first place? Was there any explanation for that?

Gi-ryeo clung to the mobile phone and replied.

“It’s because it’s a dungeon that’s on the verge of breaking. From what I see, it seems like they’re increasing the monster population in there to the limit.”

I thought this was enough for someone from the same industry to understand.

But the tone that came back was unexpectedly just as unchanged as before.

-Hmm, you seem to know a lot, but sometimes you make conversations frustrating…

Just before the extraterrestrial could ask just what he just said.

Kang Chang-ho spoke first.


But Gi-ryeo couldn’t catch the end of the next phrase Kang Chang-ho was about to say.


With just this sudden exclamation, the call was abruptly disconnected.

The fourth S-Class of Korea was surprised and tried to dial back again.

But on the mobile phone, the sound of daruru-daruru continued for several seconds before switching to the voice of the operator.

[Couldn’t connect. Beep sound followed by voice prompt….]

An abrupt end to the call.

Since reincarnating on Earth.

After about 1 year and 3 months of building a bond and trust with the other party, the result that immediately came to the mind of the great mage was this.

‘That cunning mammal bastard!’

He momentarily suspected Kang Chang-ho had intentionally turned off the device to avoid keeping his promise.

But thinking more about it calmly.

Considering the character that mammal usually displayed, Kang Chang-ho would have outright rejected him rather than escape in such a petty manner…

Then why did the contact with that S-Class suddenly get cut off?


At the same time.

Right after the international call was forcibly disconnected.


In southeastern India, Meenakshi.

Originally, it wasn’t a densely populated area, but after experiencing a major dungeon break several years ago, the landscape had now entered a population extinction phase.

In a flash, the scene felt as if it was changing.

More precisely, the reflection that settled in the observer’s eyes changed.


Just a moment ago, a beautiful sunrise hung over the glossy green iris.

This must be the atmosphere that one predominantly imagines when thinking of a dragon’s hoard from the West.

Kang Chang-ho found himself face to face with a dark and damp cave in an instant.

An otherworldly landscape accompanied by a high level of magic power.

Along with signals that were cut off from the outside world.

Soon, evident characteristics of a separate world appeared.

“A gate?”

Currently, Kang Chang-ho was inside a dungeon.

Yet, even dragged into this dark cave, the burly figure seemed undaunted, as if feeling no burden.

The Korean man scanned his surroundings.

Moreover, when he caught sight of another Earthling at the far end, he even laughed in disbelief.

“I’m caught in the same trick that I used?”

The Dragon’s Eye rolled in a specific direction.

“And just now, I was suddenly backstabbed by a trader who had been patiently waiting for our call?”

Across the cave stood another Earthling, looking slightly different from him.

Typically, individuals like Kang Chang-ho, who rarely venture out of their territory, tend to set a goal beforehand when leaving.

Moreover, now that he was not in Korea but had deliberately come to this distant land of India, he must have had grand plans.

“Oh, no wonder they were quoting such high prices for items.”

In the back market of dangerous dealings, when you stab someone in the back, the outcome is usually predictable, so he couldn’t understand what they were hoping for.

Kang Chang-ho mumbled that he was in trouble and once again reflected on his current situation.

‘Is this the scandal of a pseudo-researcher’s notebook that had spread this far? Or has the same verification already been completed abroad?’

His sudden shift into this space was similar to how Su Ye-hwi’s research findings had been utilized in a particular kidnapping incident.

“Kang Chang-ho.”

Soon, the one who was supposed to be the trader in front spoke.

“First, calm down. I have no intention of causing you harm…”

But the S-Class Hunter from Korea ignored the words coming out of the translator and spoke his own piece.

“Let’s see, the best method for escaping from a manipulated gate is… to use some thread-like item.”

For reference, Kang Chang-ho wasn’t wearing a Pixy Co. translator.

“Unfortunately, there’s nobody in this world who has my coordinates.”

The muscular man tilted his head slightly while casually folding his arms.

“There’s definitely no one worth it.”

The owner of the Dragon’s Eye momentarily looked cross-eyed.

Furthermore, while he had just been speaking directly in English with the other party, Kang Chang-ho no longer put in any effort to use a foreign language and started mumbling in his native tongue.


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not work with dark mode