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Chapter 308

Understanding Problem 19 of the Crafting Admissions Exam, Arabesque Crafting Formula.

“Originally, the Arabesque crafting formula simplifies the form with a Raide Meister transformation, and doesn’t it need to twist the circuit formula like a Möbius strip once? I’m not familiar with the curriculum.”

Contrary to what I thought, it was a problem asking how to understand the Fibonacci sequence and further substitute curves and surfaces as parameters.

That was the assessment committee’s claimed intent for the question.

One had to line up 10 runes corresponding to the Fibonacci sequence from 1 to 89 and then perform the curve substitution.

“Hmm… I guess it could be solved that way, but it’s a thought difficult to come up with easily.”

I had never imagined it until I heard the resolution from the viewers.

“So what I’m trying to say is, there’s the most complex part of the circuit formula, right? If you apply the Raide Meister transformation once, twice, thrice, and four times here, it turns into a spirit knot. This part is something you don’t have to consider at all when operating the crafting matrix.”

With just a few manipulations of mana, the fragments of the crafting matrix find their places.

– What the hell!!!!!

– It’s ridiculous how quickly it resolves, lol.

– We didn’t even learn this in school, how are we supposed to know it!

– Skills of darkness, darkness, lol.

– Those who thought simply must have all gotten it right.

– Knowing the method makes it a super easy problem, ㅇㅇ;;

[‘QBS Official’ donated 10,000 won!]

– Hello, NoName. This is journalist Jang Seong-mun from the QBS editorial department. Currently, we are investigating the question creation outside of the KGSAT curriculum. I’m unashamedly asking if we can use today’s broadcast video for our news material.

“Eh? Oh, that’s fine, feel free. But other instructors have been protesting a lot, though is it necessary to include my comments?”

-(QBS Official): My acquaintance’s child is a senior in high school, haha;;

-(QBS Official): I have to manage social life too.

– LOL, definitely one of the superior officers.

– The Wolf Award winner said, “It’s a thought hard to come to easily.”

└ Wow, how can I refrain from clicking this, lol.

└ Fact: NoName is actually an authority. Crafting admissions is close to mathematics.

– Why does the assessment committee come up with a question like this in crafting admissions, not even potion crafting, sigh.

– NoName is a legend… even taking the exam now, she’d get straight A’s except for Korean…

└ It’s not Korean, it’s comprehension, hey;;

And the next day, requests came pouring in from other broadcasting stations asking to share the video with them.


The QBS editorial chief was riding high on exclusive reports about NoName and Valpurgis, securing a big promotion for himself.

But when there’s sweet, bitter things come as well.

There were joyful happenings at work, but a sad event hit home.

His youngest daughter, whom he cherished like the apple of his eye, scored a level 4 in crafting admissions, putting her in danger of not meeting the minimum requirements for all the universities she applied to during regular admissions.

[How can I be all level 1 but only level 4 in crafting admissions! Do I have to take a retest all because of crafting admissions! Ugh… Waaaah! I’ve been locked in the academy, only listening to Dad’s words and studying for 12 years since elementary school… If that’s the case, why did I even go there!]

His daughter’s wailing pierced the father’s heart.

It stung deeper since she had never troubled her parents before.

[If I just get one more question right, I could be at level 3, right?]

[Right…! Waaaah!]

The editorial chief steeled his mind.

The part concerning questions created outside the curriculum is harder to overturn than an actual error.

He knew it would be a tough fight, but he had to restore peace in the family by any means.

After all, the world is a zero-sum game.

And the first sacrifice of that zero-sum game was the assessment agency head.

[Next news. The KGSAT problem 19, identified as an out-of-curriculum question, has been claimed by the assessment agency to have no problems. However, opposition has erupted not only from the private education sector but also among various scholars. Reporter Jang Seong-mun has the story.]

Korea’s success in rising to a developed nation after a century, including the Miracle on the Han River, could not be separated from its high educational enthusiasm.

During the rapid growth period, the citizens quickly learned technology and knowledge, laying down the industrial foundation.

The idea that even if they starved, their children must never starve has been passed down through generations.

In a nation where education serves as the livelihood, a blunder over a life-altering question is a sin equivalent to death.

[It could be solved that way, but it’s a thought hard to come up with easily.]

Na-me’s voice flowed from the news.

The examinee girl who had been crying since last night suddenly lifted her head to check.

[One streamer expressed the opinion that it’s generally a thought hard to arrive at. Even a Wolf Award nominee, who proved the twin prime conjecture, asserted that it could not be seen as a normal solution.]

“Ha ha… A mosaic is useless.”

While watching the 9 o’clock news, the editorial chief handed tissues to his daughter while bursting into laughter.

Not even a mosaic could hide the petite figure, and everyone could guess the identity from the reporter’s later comments.

“Why is Na-me on the news…?”

His daughter tilted her head in confusion.

The editorial chief carefully opened a can of beer, deep in thought.

If challenging authority is hard, then make use of fame. He was a smart person who understood how to utilize such points.

‘If she thinks so too, will she still not bend her opinion? Who do you think you are?’

Even if Na-me declined the Wolf Award, all the citizens of the Republic of Korea essentially accepted that she had won it.

Even Korea’s greatest genius said it would be difficult to solve it that way.

Just as the editorial chief predicted, public reaction was hot.

– The kid who solved a problem unsolved for hundreds of years is shaking their heads? Game over. Get rid of them.

– For real, the problem is totally absurd. What’s the difference between that and saying to construct a 300-sided figure to find the circumference of a circle?

– Ever since the moment NoName entered, public sentiment completely changed, lol!

– But it’s even more amazing that it was solved beforehand.

└ No problem is unsolvable for Na-me, right?

– Assessment head? Time to resign?

“Trust your dad. He won’t last more than a week.”

And a week later, Kim Soo-young, the head of the Korean Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, announced his resignation while stating that question 19 would be marked as correct for all.

No one could deny the significant contribution of Na-me.


“Why is the full marking my fault? It just got handled as a correct answer because it was that kind of question originally.”

Now, I was scared to utter any words.

This morning, I kept hearing embarrassing phrases like “Thanks for that, Na-me!” from the seniors on the bus.

“Sister, you have a tendency to be overly humble, you know? If it were me, I’d be like, ‘Hey everyone, look! I made this into a correct answer! Praise me! Worship me! Everyone clap! Throw money at me!’”

Adella adjusted her glasses and turned to look at me.

“That’s just a person who knows nothing of shame. Stop rambling and get back to solving problems. Your hands are idle.”

“But isn’t that right? Don’t you want such fame yourself? Or are you the type whose body and mind act separately?”


“Ah ha ha forget it… Anyway, what I mean is! Enjoy yourself while you can.”

“Your hands are idle. Plus, that’s the answer number 3. Are you going to keep making calculation mistakes like a kid?”

“Where! Why is this wrong?! Aaaaaah!”

Adella threw aside her fashion glasses, getting her hair all tousled in frustration.

While I had said I’d help until she could act like a person…

It felt less like helping a younger sibling and more like raising a reckless child.

“That’s right, Na-me unni.”

“Why? Is something else confusing?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just that you never seem to not know anything.”

“Who says I know everything? I have tons of things I don’t know.”

Adella hesitated for a moment, then turned her chair halfway to look at me.

“Since I’ve got the chance, let me say something. At first, I thought in the world, being smart like you was the norm. Because I really didn’t know anything about people. Well, that’s natural, isn’t it? I’ve been living in an artificial world with only fake memories all this time.”

“Yeah, but?”

“But that wasn’t the case. After meeting people often, I found that there are really many adults who are actually dumber than me, and I haven’t met anyone who is smarter than you among adults.”

The more she talked, the limp Adella’s tail and ears became.

“It turned out that the common sense I had known was correct all along. Eight-year-olds can’t act like you. They don’t have deep thoughts like you. And the way you possess so much knowledge, like you’ve wandered through the realms of time and spirit… Do you know what I thought?”

Adella stood up from her seat and lay down next to me.

When she gently held onto my shoulder and pulled me toward her, my body naturally leaned back along with her.

“Na-me unni told me to keep calling her unni. So I was wondering if…”

Adella’s breath was tickling my ear.

Did she somehow notice the reincarnation?

Other people held a firm belief that reincarnation does not exist, so they hadn’t thought about such questions.

But Adella had no such biases.

If she asked about reincarnation, should I answer positively or negatively?

If I denied it, how would I cover it? Do I tend to show signs if I lie?

As my mind was boggled with various chaotic thoughts, Adella finished her sentence.

“Aren’t you also a game character like me?”


And with that really out-of-the-blue comment, I was left dumbfounded.

“You are actually the smartest character in a virtual reality game created by terrorists, and by chance, you got a body! For some reason, you have to keep this fact hidden from me! Your mission is to bring all the game characters out into the real world—voila! What do you think? Pretty sharp deduction, right?”


I couldn’t help but sigh since it was so ridiculously wrong.

“Why? Is that wrong? Did I get it wrong?”

“Yeah. Not at all.”

“Ugh, then what is it…! Am I really just eight years old?”

Does she even have a brain?

Oh, she must not since she’s doing this in a virtual reality game.

The simple reason I hesitate to reveal my reincarnation is straightforward.

When I revealed this in my past life, the reactions of people were sharply divided into two groups.

They either treated me like a mental patient or said they believed me for some ulterior motive.

Especially that human trash, Second Prince Feiran, even attempted to rape me for claiming I’d know better about being a man if I was a man in my past life.

I don’t think this sweet little cat would do that, but I didn’t want to reset the relations I had carefully built.

“I just learned more and matured earlier than others in a virtual world.”

“Is that so… I secretly hoped you were someone like me…”

“Did you?”

“Yeah. Then at least it’d be based on a precedent. What if I enter the body you created and end up disappearing forever? I have that anxiety too.”

“It’s okay. All the magic is guaranteed safe.”

“No, wait… How do you know about such magic? Dragonia Nascentia couldn’t be found anywhere on the internet! And is it possible to create a person’s body with the Akashic Records?”

Suddenly, Adella sharpened in some strange spots.

Right, if I used Dragonia Nascentia, it would mean admitting to the previous life.

Moreover, the fact that I possess complete human data is information that must never be revealed in this world.

That was why I had planned to bring Adella out of the world without anyone knowing… but why couldn’t I realize that “anyone” could include Adella?

I hugged her close and patted her head.

“I’ll explain everything to you someday. Someday…”


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

“I’m going to accept advertising.”

“Advertising? All of a sudden?”

“You mentioned earlier. I do want such fame. But I can’t express it well because of my shame. So someone else can express it for me, right?”

“Is that really the only reason you’d want to take on adverts?”

“I need to make some money to create your body, too.”

“Let’s do it right away! Why haven’t we been doing this until now!”

Adella immediately switched gears.

While I’d been ignoring the hundreds of unanswered spam emails until now, it felt like there were thousands of accumulated advertising inquiries.

“I need to charge a lot since this is my first time! Make sure to remember that!”


[NoName · Followers 7.13 million]

[Accepting advertisements. Inquiries on the NoName Tigedder community.]

Within a day, the comment section became a mountain.


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